divine talisman

Chapter 1561

"Damn it, after searching for a long time, I didn't even see a single ant. Did that kid just disappear out of thin air?"

"Brother Lu Ting, if you use the 'Looking for Spiritual Art' to perceive it again, it will be a waste of time to search like this."

"Not bad."

"Well, I'll use the secret method again. If it doesn't work, I can't help it."

"Don't worry, it won't be long before the manpower of the third son will come from all directions, and then we won't have to work so hard."


A burst of conversation sounded clearly into Chen Xi's sea of ​​consciousness. This was originally an exchange of ideas, but it was clearly captured by Chen Xi's "Forbidden Path Secret Pattern", which seemed extremely miraculous.

Three sons?

Chen Xi's heart shuddered, and he immediately understood that these people probably came here to hunt and kill him.

"The ghost doesn't go away!"

Chen Xi took a deep breath, his eyes filled with murderous intent, and he was completely enraged.

From the moment he entered the Realm of Doom, he was inexplicably besieged and killed by the third son Yitian from the Dayi clan.

Until now, the other party still does not intend to let him go, which makes it impossible for Chen Xi to swallow this breath.

"It's not rude to come and go, I want to see who is the hunter and who is the prey in this hunting area!" Chen Xi suddenly made a decision in his heart.

"Within a radius of ten thousand miles, there is no suspicious aura." The voice of the purple-shirted youth Lu Ting sounded again.

"Go, go to the next area."


In mid-air, Qin Tong, a young man with golden pupils, and his group searched to no avail, so they immediately fled into the air.


Just as they left, Chen Xi's figure appeared in midair. He looked at the direction in which those people left, and a cold arc appeared on the corner of his lips.

The next moment, he also disappeared on the spot.


A quarter of an hour later.

Qin Tong, a young man with golden pupils, and his party came to an endless mountain range.

The mountain range straddles the sky and the earth, and its whole body is as red as blood. Among them, there are many peaks, strange rocks, and red deep forests and rivers, which are extremely vast.

"The mountains here are continuous and there are many hidden places. Let's go in groups of two and act separately."

Qin Tong, who was the leader, frowned and pondered for a long time before waving his hands and said, "Remember, it's just a search. If you find the trace of the other party, don't challenge the other party head-on. That kid's strength makes Uncle Jiu feel quite troublesome."

"Regardless of success or failure, remember to meet here after a stick of incense."


At the moment, Qin Tong and the seven people around him divided into four teams and searched for the distant mountains from four directions.

They didn't notice it at all, but shortly after they left, a figure suddenly appeared, immediately identified a direction, and then disappeared again.



In the deep mountains, there was a loud roar of beasts.

"Blood tooth beast? This is a good prey. Its blood contains a strong divine essence. If you take it back to the Snow Ink Domain and sell it, it can be exchanged for fifty god crystals."

With two swishing sounds, two men appeared in this deep mountain. One of the silver-robed men looked at the direction from which the beast's roar came from, and said with a little regret.

"Let's go, there will be another chance in the future."

The other gray-clothed man shook his head, not seeming interested in the blood-toothed beast.

"and many more."

The silver-robed man suddenly opened his mouth, stared carefully into the distance for a while, and said with a smile, "I didn't plan to do anything, but who knew that beast would come here on its own initiative, and it won't be too late for us to kill it before leaving."

The man in gray was startled, and sure enough, he also found that in the remote mountain, there was a huge blood-colored figure coming up the mountain and knocking down the tree.


It was a hundred feet tall and shaped like a bull. From its bloody mouth protruded two blood-colored fangs that were as sharp as the crescent moon. Every step it took, it crushed a mountain and shattered a piece of land. It was extremely powerful and powerful.

Obviously, this is the Bloodfang Beast!

"Good beast, you came in time." The silver-robed man laughed loudly, sacrificed a golden copper hammer, and jumped up.

But at this moment, the expression of the man in gray changed, and he shouted sharply: "Be careful!"

Be careful?

The silver-robed man was stunned, he was just a blood-toothed beast, and his strength was slightly inferior to Dongwei's True God Realm, so what should we be careful about?


But the moment this thought came to his mind, a strange sword aura suddenly appeared in his field of vision out of thin air and expanded rapidly.

"not good!"

Yinpao's mind shook violently, and the ghosts of the dead froze. He never expected that a sword aura would appear suddenly, without even a trace of warning. It was too weird and frightening.

With a roar, he swung the copper hammer violently, trying to smash this wisp of sword energy.

But in the end, it was still a little slower, just a little bit, but it killed him. The sword energy was too fast, unbelievably fast, and it appeared too abruptly, as if it was originally hidden in the nothingness. It pierced his throat directly.


A muffled voice sounded, a spray of blood splashed up, and the whole soul of the silver-robed man was directly shattered by the sword energy and turned into nothingness.

When he was about to die, his pupils dilated, and a look of disbelief hung on his cheeks. In the end, his figure suddenly fell, like a sandbag, to the ground.

"Fellow Daoist Xuanlong!"

The gray-clothed man witnessed this scene, his eyes were tearing apart, his face was contorted, and he yelled in shock and anger.

However, he was also extremely vigilant, subconsciously sacrificed himself a dark round light wheel, dripping and shining, and defended around his body.

"Bastard! Still not getting out?"

The gray-clothed man screamed loudly, and his voice shook all directions. What made him horrified was that until now, he hadn't been able to find any traces of the enemy!


In the distance, the blood-toothed beast with a height of hundreds of feet obviously also saw this strange and bloody scene, and immediately realized that something was wrong, it roared, turned and fled.

It was precisely because of this beast roar that the voice made by the man in gray was suppressed all of a sudden.

"Damn it!"

The man in gray gritted his teeth. He originally wanted to use this voice to send a distress signal to his companions scattered in other places, but he was interrupted by the blood tooth beast.


He opened his mouth and screamed again, but in the middle of speaking, his heart suddenly became vigilant, and he suddenly sacrificed that black disc, sweeping across the void on one side.


That piece of void was shattered, but it was empty, and there was nothing.

"How could this be?" The man in gray was taken aback.


At this moment, a strange and incomparable sword energy suddenly appeared on top of the gray-clothed man's head out of nowhere, and he slashed down.

At this moment, the gray-clothed man was terrified. Relying on the experience honed over the years of fighting and killing, he subconsciously sacrificed that black disc and blocked it above his head.


An earth-shattering collision resounded, and divine brilliance splashed everywhere.

Although the gray-clothed man blocked the blow, his whole body was shaken like a sandbag and hit the ground hard. His bones almost broke and he coughed up blood.

Rocks shattered and smoke dispersed.

"Damn it!" The gray-clothed man struggled to get up, but he felt a chill on his neck, and with a bang, his head was cut off. The next moment, his eyes went dark, and he died completely on the spot.

All this happened so fast, almost in a blink of an eye, the silver-robed man and the gray-clothed man were both killed, and it was only a blink of an eye from the beginning to the end.


The bloody vortex transformed by the power of the order of heaven appeared again, but this time there were two at once, one covering the corpse of the man in silver robe, and the other covering the corpse of the man in gray.

For this, Chen Xi had long been familiar with it, and without hesitation he sacrificed the Great Luotian, enveloped it away, and immediately harvested four balls of light.

Two contain the power of Shinto order, and two contain various methods.

After doing all of this, Chen Xi almost didn't hesitate, and left the spot without hesitation, disappearing again.


Just after Chen Xi had left for less than a moment, figures appeared from afar through the air.

"Damn it, Xuanlong and Xuanwu fellow daoists were killed!"

The man with golden pupils, Qin Tong, arrived first. He understood what had happened after looking around the scene, and his face suddenly became gloomy.

"How is this possible? As soon as I heard Xuanwu's voice, I rushed over immediately. It took only a few breaths to back and forth. How could they be killed like this?"

"Could it be that the murderer killed both of them with one blow?"

The others were startled and uncertain, and their faces became extremely ugly.

"That's right. They were killed together within three breaths. The opponent was the young man from the lower realm we were hunting down this time. When we arrived here, he had just left for less than a moment."

Lu Ting, the man in purple shirt, said quickly.

"Then why hesitate, chase, chase quickly, you must not let this damn bastard go!" Someone yelled hysterically.

"Wait a minute!"

Suddenly, Qin Tong waved his hand to stop, took a deep breath, and regained his composure, "The opponent is too strong. If we disperse again, I'm afraid we will be defeated by him one by one, and the consequences will be disastrous."

When the others heard this, it was as if a basin of cold water had been poured over their heads, extinguishing the anger in their hearts and regaining a little sanity. They also realized the urgency of the problem.

"Brother Qin Tong, in your opinion, what should we do?" Lu Ting asked.

"Let's act together, and at the same time tell the third son and the others to come here quickly. Although the opponent is rampant, for us, it is also an opportunity to siege him. We must not miss this opportunity."

Qin Tong's eyes flickered, and he ordered quickly.

"This plan works!"

"That's right, just do what Brother Qin Tong said."

The others nodded in agreement.


"You didn't catch up?"

Far away from the mountains, in a narrow and deep canyon, Chen Xi stood on a rock in front of a waterfall, frowned, "These guys are pretty alert."

After thinking about it, Chen Xi finally decided to stay in this mountain range for the time being and wait for the opportunity.


The next moment, he jumped into the pool in front of the waterfall, lurked at the bottom of the pool, restrained his breath, and hibernated quietly, like a hunter waiting for the best time to kill his prey.


ps: Chapter 3 has been updated, please encourage me with a monthly ticket~~


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