divine talisman

Chapter 1562 Archaea

The water pool is ten thousand zhang deep, and the further you go down, the greater the pressure will be.

But to Chen Xi, this little pressure was nothing. What really made him feel a little strange was that the pool was a bit too deep...

Not only that, there are light blue aquatic plants growing at the bottom of the pool, soft as ribbons, swaying quietly in the water, with light blue light spots like stars, dreamlike and truly beautiful.

"There is a sparkling divine brilliance surging in this water plant, and it is obviously of extraordinary quality. It is probably an unknown divine material. Unfortunately, at this time, I don't care to investigate these carefully." Chen Xi only looked at it for a while, then withdrew his gaze.

In an instant, his whole aura disappeared, like a lifeless clay sculpture.

Chen Xi was waiting, waiting for an excellent opportunity to hunt and kill those who were chasing him.

The two god-level powerhouses he killed before allowed him to obtain four light clusters again, two of which contained the power of the divine way law, and the other two contained various methods.

This made Chen Xi suddenly realize that perhaps after he hunted down more opponents, the power of the divine way law he obtained from them would be enough to allow him to control the "Divine Way of Talismans" to a small degree!

Of course, it’s easy to say, but Chen Xi also knows that in order to reach this step, the number of opponents to be hunted down must be extremely astonishing, at least a hundred or more.

This also means that Chen Xi's control over the laws of the divine way can reach the level of a small success only by beheading more than a hundred god-level powerhouses!

This is only the result of Chen Xi's preliminary estimation. From this, one can know how hard and difficult it is to take a step forward in controlling the laws of the divine way.

The method of hunting the enemy and depriving the enemy of the divine way is even a trick. If you rely on yourself to comprehend it, you don't know how much time it will take.

"Mother-in-law, forget it, it's too risky, if I hurt you, Ah Liang will feel guilty for the rest of his life."

"Hush, keep your voice down, girl, you are the most talented in our clan, it would be a pity if you stay here for the rest of your life."

Suddenly, a wave of thought as thin as a gnat was captured by the secret pattern of the forbidden path, and it was clearly transmitted to Chen Xi's ears.


Chen Xi was surprised for a while. Are there still living beings here?

He separated a wisp of thought, and immediately saw a scene that surprised him.

On the bottom of the pool, there are strands of light blue water plants that are as soft as silk, elegant and colorful, and filled with luster like stars, and at this moment, on one of the strands of water plants, there is a group of little people on it Forward.

The leader is a silver-haired, dignified and majestic old woman. Beside her, there is a young girl in a light blue dress with soft blue hair and bowed head. She follows the old woman step by step.

Behind them, there was a group of guards in armor with stern expressions, but the funny thing was that these guards all had mushroom heads.

What surprised Chen Xi the most was that the size of this group of villains was even smaller than a little finger, like ants in the world, so incredibly small.

Chen Xi still remembered that when he first saw Ling Bai, he was quite amazed at Ling Bai's four-inch height, but compared to these villains in front of him, Ling Bai could definitely be regarded as a "giant".

"Weird, what kind of race is this?" Chen Xi was quite curious. It was the first time he had encountered this kind of creature, and he keenly noticed that each of them looked small, but each of them was filled with divine aura, which was very extraordinary. .

Especially the white-haired old woman in the lead, every move, there is a kind of supreme majesty faintly, it is obvious that she has been in a high position for a long time, and she has a coercive aura.

Even Chen Xi didn't dare to detect the other party with his thoughts, lest he be noticed by the other party.

Soon, this group of villains came to the end of the aquatic plants, stood there and looked towards Chen Xi from afar.

"Heh, this young man looks handsome, but I don't know how strong he is." The white-haired old woman spoke in a low and pleasant voice.

"My lord, why is this so difficult, why don't you let me take the shot and try his ability." A mushroom-headed guard behind him said in a low voice.

"Don't do it." The girl in the light blue dress blushed anxiously when she heard the words, and said, "Master Yan, this is very dangerous. If you hurt yourself, it will be bad."

"Princess A Liang, are you afraid that I will hurt this young man?" The mushroom-headed guard laughed.

"I... No... I don't know him... How is it possible, how is it possible..." A Liang blushed suddenly, shy and anxious, Qiqi Ai opened her mouth, but she couldn't speak clearly in such a hurry.

"Okay, Ah Liang, you can stay at your mother's side with peace of mind, and let Master Yan and the others try the young man's ability. If it is possible, mother-in-law will make a deal with him, and promise to take you away from the Kunpeng remains safely."

The white-haired mother-in-law smiled kindly, and patted Ah Liang's head with a look of pampering.

"Mother-in-law, but I... I just don't want to leave you." A Liang whispered, her voice was weak, and there was a trace of choking in her voice, which was pitiful.

"Silly girl, the hometown of our archaic tribe is in the domain of the gods. Now that we finally see a chance, how can we just give up like this."

The white-haired mother-in-law said, her expression became serious, "Back then, our ancestors led the clansmen and Taoist Kunpeng to explore the realm of the end of the law, but in the end they ended up dying."

As she said that, she couldn't help showing a touch of sadness on her old face, "And the descendants of my family are even more unfortunate. They were trapped together in the remains of the Kunpeng. Until now, they can't break free from this shackle. If this continues, we will I am afraid that the incense of the archaic fungus will be cut off in this Kunpeng remains..."

Hearing this, all the mushroom-headed guards showed sadness and gritted their teeth.

"Mother-in-law, don't talk about it, Ah Liang will definitely leave." Ah Liang's eyes were red with tears, but there was a hint of determination on her delicate and beautiful face.

She knew that the only remaining clansmen were her, her mother-in-law and those guards. If they couldn't leave here, it wouldn't be long before they, the only remaining clansmen, would disappear.


"Master Kunpeng?"

"Doomsday Dao?"

Chen Xi heard all of this, and couldn't help being amazed in his heart, and finally understood that the other party was the rumored Primordial Fungus Clan!

It is rumored that this group is the smallest group in the world, born at the beginning of the chaos. Although their bodies are extremely weak, they are born gods. Each of them is as wise as the sea, with a pure heart. There have been many shocking events in the world. World power.

But as early as the ancient times, this family disappeared and became a long and legendary legend in the Three Realms.

Chen Xi did not expect to see this rumored ethnic group in this Dharma-destroyed realm, and he was quite surprised for a while.

However, he couldn't figure out who the Taoist Kunpeng was, and what happened to the Kunpeng remains they were talking about.

"Master Yan, go, try this young man's ability, remember, don't use the ultimate move." Suddenly, the white-haired mother-in-law ordered.


Lord Yan accepted the order solemnly, and led a group of mushroom-headed guards to jump up suddenly, and was about to attack Chen Xi.

"Wait a minute!"

Chen Xi didn't care about other things at this time, opened his eyes, and spoke.


Everyone was taken aback immediately, showing vigilance on their faces.

"Ah, mother-in-law, he...he saw us." Ah Liang opened her eyes wide, a little in disbelief, but when she met Chen Xi's bright gaze, her little face couldn't help but blush, and she quickly lowered her head, She seemed like a very shy little girl.

"Ah Liang, don't worry, this fellow daoist has no malicious intentions." The white-haired mother-in-law comforted Ah Liang, but when she spoke, she looked at Chen Xi with a magnanimous expression and a sense of calm in her majesty.

"That's right, Chen didn't have any malicious intent." Chen Xi said, "I just don't know why you want to test Chen's strength? What does this have to do with you leaving the Kunpeng remains?"

The white-haired mother-in-law seemed startled, and was startled: "Did you hear that?"

Chen Xi smiled and didn't explain much.

"Ah, mother-in-law, we communicate with thoughts, how could he hear you?" Ah Liang raised his head curiously, a little surprised, but when he met Chen Xi's gaze, he immediately lowered his head, shyly Incredible.

"Silly girl, capable people come forth in large numbers in this world, and there are countless magic methods, but there is no absolute thing."

The white-haired mother-in-law also smiled, looked at Chen Xi, and said, "Young man, since you already know our origin, then I won't hide it anymore. The reason why I tested your strength is just to ask you to do me a favor. Take the girl A Liang to leave the remains of Kunpeng."

Before Chen Xi could speak, she continued: "Young man, can you tell me about your cultivation level?"

"True God Dongwei." Chen Xi didn't hide anything.

Dongwei True God?

The white-haired mother-in-law was obviously a little disappointed, she shook her head and said, "Oh, it's a pity, if it's Dongguang Spiritual God, maybe with my help, I can break the Kunpeng Seal..."

Ah Liang seemed a little happy: "Mother-in-law, so I don't have to leave?"

The white-haired mother-in-law thought for a while, and finally took a deep breath, as if she had made a certain decision, looked at Chen Xi, and said, "Young man, I see that you are also trapped in this Kunpeng remains and cannot get out. If you promise to bring Ah Liang into the God Realm, I can give you a big gift, at least [-]% sure that you can escape."

Chen Xi was startled, and then said helplessly, "Senior, have you misunderstood, I don't even know what the Kunpeng remains are, so why am I trapped?"

"You do not know?"

Not only the white-haired mother-in-law, but also the other archaic tribes were stunned.

"Young man, don't you know where you are now?" The white-haired mother-in-law couldn't help asking again.

"I know, the domain of the end of law." Chen Xi replied casually.

"The Realm of the Ending Law... Hey, I understand, and I'm also to blame for my ignorance. Millions of years have passed, and things in this world have already changed, and the sea has changed. I'm afraid very few people know about Kunpeng's remains."

The white-haired mother-in-law frowned and pondered for a moment, then suddenly seemed to understand, and sighed with emotion.

"Senior, could it be that this realm of degenerated law is... the remains of the Kunpeng you mentioned?" Chen Xi also vaguely understood something, and suddenly opened his mouth in surprise.


ps: I owe another update today, Jinyu doesn’t know how everyone’s Chinese New Year is going, but Jinyu is in pain. He has been drinking from year to year, and he suspects that he has not been sober for a few days.Tonight is no exception. Goldfish's close buddies are going to take the train back to work tonight, and Goldfish must accompany him to see him off with a drink.

It will be added tomorrow, which is the 3rd update, sorry, everyone, don't be unhappy~~


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