divine talisman

Chapter 1563 Kunpeng Stone Wall [Part 1]



Seeing Chen Xi's astonished appearance, the white-haired mother-in-law sighed again, as if lamenting the passing years that changed everything.

"That's right, the realm of the end of the Dharma you mentioned was transformed by the remains of Taoist Kunpeng." The white-haired mother-in-law said softly, "In other words, the world we are in now is in the remains of Taoist Kunpeng." among the remains."

After receiving the other party's confirmation, Chen Xi still couldn't help but feel amazed.

As early as in the Three Realms, he had been guessing how the Realm of Doom existed, why it was able to confine so many powerful people in the divine realm, and why the power of catastrophe that swept across the Three Realms would erupt from the Domain of Doom.

It wasn't until he personally entered the Domain of Doomed Law that Chen Xi discovered that the Domain of Doomed Law was divided into medicine field area and hunting area, and the laws of heaven here could continuously deprive the power of the divine realm of the laws of the divine way and various methods. .

Here, it is also a playground for the powerful in the ancient gods to gallop!

But Chen Xi still never expected that this mysterious, vast, and grotesque realm, this piece of heaven and earth straddling the lower realm and the ancient god realm, would turn out to be just a corpse in its original appearance!

Lord Kunpeng!

Who is he?

Only one remains left behind can evolve a vast world and produce an unimaginable law of heaven. If he is still alive, how powerful will he be?

The more Chen Xi thought about it, the more shocked he felt.

Kunpeng, entering the sea as a Kun, its body does not know how wide it is, soaring upwards, it turns into a Peng, with its wings hanging down from the clouds, it travels through the universe with the blue sky, and the distance is tens of thousands of miles.

In the primordial period after the dawn of chaos, Kunpeng was recognized as the "No. [-] Fierce Beast in Ancient Times". He was born to master the method of devouring and shocked the three realms.

This is Chen Xi's cognition of Kunpeng. The most important thing is that he himself has mastered the kunpeng's divine art, comprehended the method of engulfing the highest dao will, and has an extremely deep understanding of the power of the kunpeng. Know.

But obviously, the Taoist Kunpeng that the white-haired mother-in-law mentioned was even more terrifying than what Chen Xi knew. Can it be done?

This is what shocked Chen Xi the most.

"Could it be that the law of heaven here is derived from the devouring divine way mastered by Taoist Kunpeng when he fell?" Suddenly, Chen Xi realized a question and asked in surprise.

As we all know, the laws of heaven in the realm of the end of the law can silently deprive the gods from the lower world of the laws of the gods and all kinds of methods.

And this unique characteristic happens to have an astonishing similarity to the way of devouring mastered by Kunpeng!

"you can say it this way."

The white-haired mother-in-law nodded, "However, it is different from the real devouring divine way. When Taoist Kunpeng entered the realm of doomed law, he was unfortunately killed and fell here. There is still a kind of light called 'light of doom' in his remains." The mysterious power, now, has also been integrated into the power of heaven here."

After a pause, she continued: "To put it simply, the laws in this world are a strange force formed after the fusion of the power of devouring the divine way and the light of the doomed law. What devours the divine way devours the law of the divine way, and the doomed dharma The light is plundering the method mastered by the gods."

"I see."

Chen Xi understood it completely, and immediately realized a question, "Then how does the Mo Fa Dao Domain exist?"

The domain of the Doomed Law, the Doctrine of the Doomed Law, there is only one letter difference between these two names, but Chen Xi can hear that these are definitely two completely different places.

"There is a place of great evil that can make Taoist Master Kunpeng fall."

The white-haired mother-in-law showed a look of resentment, and even a trace of deep fear, "If the ancestors of my archaic tribe hadn't followed Taoist Kunpeng to break into the realm of Namofa, how could my descendants have been trapped here forever? "

"Mother-in-law, but I heard that if Taoist Master Kunpeng hadn't given up his life to save all the beings of our clan and placed them here before his fall, I'm afraid we would have been wiped out at that time." A Liang said in a low voice.

"Girl, you are right. It is Xiao He who succeeds and Xiao He who loses. Although our family has survived, we have been trapped here for millions of years. Due to the restrictions of the laws of heaven, until now, only us are left. People, tell me, should we hate Taoist Kunpeng, or should we be grateful to him?"

The white-haired mother-in-law glanced at Ah Liang, and spoke lightly.

"I...I don't know." Ah Liang thought for a long time, but couldn't come up with a definite answer, feeling a little ashamed for a while, and lowered his head.

"Those are things in the past, so don't worry about it. Life, since you are still alive, you should stand on your feet and look ahead, instead of living in the past. If so, what's the point of living?"

Chen Xi was quite touched by this, and couldn't help but speak out with emotion.

The white-haired mother-in-law was startled, shook her head and said, "Young man, it's easy to say."

Chen Xi smiled, and did not argue. Everyone has their own understanding of their own life and path. He understands, but he will not change his attitude.

Ah Liang raised her head and looked at Chen Xi. Her eyes were sparkling, and she seemed to agree with Chen Xi's words, but immediately, she lowered her head shyly.

This girl is simply too shy.

Like a deer that can be frightened at any time, people can't help but feel pity.


"Young man, now that you know what Kunpeng's remains are, do you agree to my condition just now?" The white-haired mother-in-law calmed down and changed the topic back to just now.

"I was also planning to leave the realm of the end of law. It's okay to take this girl Aliang with me, but if something happens to me, I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of Miss Aliang."

Chen Xi pondered for a moment, then opened his mouth to speak.

"Young master, you don't have to worry about this. With our help, you at least [-]% hope to leave the remains of Kunpeng, and the rest depends on your own luck."

The mushroom-headed guard, Yan Da, said humanely, "But no matter what, I ask you to agree, fellow daoist, don't hurt Princess Aliang, otherwise..."

Chen Xi's eyes narrowed slightly, are you going to threaten him?

"Well, I trust the young man's character."

The white-haired mother-in-law glanced at Chen Xi, and immediately interrupted that Lord Yan, "I have lived for so many years, and I have seen countless people with my old eyes. At least I won't misjudge people."

Chen Xi couldn't help feeling helpless, he was helping others, if he didn't believe in himself, why did he find himself again?

"Grandmother..." Ah Liang said in a low voice, seeming a little bit reluctant.

"Ah Liang, all the hopes of our archaic tribe are pinned on you. Don't let your mother-in-law and everyone down." The white-haired mother-in-law said seriously.

Ah Liang trembled all over, water mist gushed out of his eyes, and he was about to drip. After a while, he took a deep breath, pursed his lips and said, "Grandma, Ah Liang understands, and will definitely live up to everyone's expectations."

In the end, there was a touch of firmness in his voice.

The white-haired mother-in-law smiled, patted Ah Liang's little head lovingly, and murmured: "The hometown of our archaic tribe is in the realm of the gods. If you return to the ancestral land one day, you must pass on the incense of our family." .”

"Yeah." Ah Liang nodded fiercely, "Ah Liang remembered."

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help wondering, "Aren't you going to leave together?"

"Young man, come with me. Since you have agreed to my conditions, I shall give you a big gift in return." The white-haired mother-in-law did not answer, but turned around and walked towards the bottom along the light blue water grass branches and leaves. go.

"Grandmother, I'll go with you too." A Liang quickly caught up.

But she was stopped by Lord Yan and said: "Princess A Liang, please stay still, wait for this young master to come out later, and then you can leave."

Ah Liang was a little lost at the moment, looking at the back of the white-haired mother-in-law leaving, her small face was full of reluctance and sadness, she couldn't help squatting down, hugging her knees with her hands and sobbing, heartbroken.

Chen Xi saw all this in his eyes, but he couldn't help but wonder in his heart, it wasn't a parting of life and death, why was this little girl so sad?

"Young man, put your finger here."

The white-haired mother-in-law had already arrived at the bottom of that aquatic plant, she swiped lightly with her finger, and a mysterious golden light suddenly appeared on the ground.

Chen Xi looked at A'Liang, then at the white-haired granny, and after a moment of thought, he stretched out his index finger and gently pressed it towards the golden light at the bottom of the water plant.

This picture is very peculiar. Compared to the incomparably small bodies of these Primordial Fungi, the index finger that Chen Xi poked out is as majestic as a sky-high mountain. The comparison of the two gives people an extremely strong visual impact.

It even made people suspect that Chen Xi could crush these germ people to death with a single finger.

But Chen Xi didn't dare to do that. The white-haired mother-in-law's aura was extremely powerful, and her body seemed to be incomparably small, but her cultivation level must be above Dongguang Spiritual God!


As soon as Chen Xi's finger touched the golden light at the bottom of the water plant, an invisible and obscure wave suddenly spread out.

What surprised Chen Xi was that this wave of fluctuations suddenly enveloped his whole body, without even waiting for him to resist, his whole body was engulfed and disappeared at the bottom of this pool in an instant!

A moment later, Chen Xi's eyes blurred, and he came to a dark space. This made his heart tremble, and he became extremely vigilant.

"Young man, don't be nervous."

The voice of the white-haired mother-in-law came out, and she stood out of nowhere. Because her body was too small, it was even difficult to find her existence without careful observation in this dark environment.

Chen Xi nodded, and only then did he notice that this space was quite vast, but it was completely empty. Only a hundred feet away stood an incomparably majestic stone wall.

The stone walls are densely covered with incomparably dense and obscure patterns, just like the stars and the Milky Way, giving people a sense of boundless grandeur.

The moment Chen Xi swept his eyes over it, he immediately saw that the intricate patterns carved on the surface of the stone wall seemed to wake up from the silence, and began to roar and walk away. In an instant, it turned into a huge and friendless Kunpeng. Idol!


ps: Chapter 2 is around 10 o'clock.


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