divine talisman

Chapter 1564 Strength Improvement [Part 2]

On the stone wall, the statue of Kunpeng emerged.

This stone wall is extremely majestic, at least a thousand feet high, but in comparison, the scale is limited, but when the Kunpeng statue emerges, it gives people a sense of vastness and boundlessness.

It seems that this stone wall has suddenly turned into a world. Only in this way can it hold the statue of Kunpeng.

"This is……"

Chen Xi suddenly withdrew his gaze, and didn't dare to look at the stone wall again, because just looking at it, he felt his soul throbbing, as if he was going to fly away from his body and be swallowed by the stone wall!

This feeling was too terrifying, and Chen Xi couldn't help being startled.

"The Kunpeng seal is formed by the ray of essence and blood left behind by the Taoist master Kunpeng when he fell. The reason why our family can live here without being harmed by the order of the heavens here is because of the Kunpeng seal. .”

The white-haired mother-in-law said calmly, "But because of this, every descendant of my archaic fungus can only be trapped here. If you want to leave, you must break the Kunpeng seal."

"Why is that?" Chen Xi asked in surprise.

"Because every descendant of our clan has a ray of spirit sealed in the Kunpeng seal, who can escape under such circumstances?" the white-haired mother-in-law sighed softly, her voice a little desolate.

"So that's how it is." Chen Xi was thoughtful.

"Young man, I will try my best to rescue A Liang's soul from the Kunpeng seal later. At that time, the Kunpeng seal will also be broken, and the original power inside will pour out from it. You You have to seize the opportunity on the sidelines, and how much you can get depends entirely on your luck."

The white-haired mother-in-law suddenly became serious, and said seriously.

"The original power of the Kunpeng seal?" Chen Xi raised his eyebrows.

"No, to be more precise, it is a ray of original power from the blood essence left by Taoist Kunpeng. If you seize this opportunity, it will not be difficult to advance to Dongguang Spiritual God in the future."

The white-haired mother-in-law explained casually, and her figure flashed, and she suddenly came to the stone wall.


Suddenly, a frightening light-gray divine power surged out of her body, dazzling and blazing, illuminating the entire space, reflecting her whole aura changed drastically, possessing the supreme divine power to move the sun and the moon, and control the universe.

Obviously, his body was as fine as dust and gravel, but at this moment, the power released by the white-haired mother-in-law gave Chen Xi the illusion of being majestic and majestic, swallowing everything with anger.

Hollow Spirit God?


It seems to be more powerful than Dongguang Lingshen, at least that Uncle Jiu can't compare with her!

Could it be that she is an ancestor god of the cave?

Chen Xi's heart trembled.

"Young man, hold your breath and get ready!"

In the calm but majestic voice, the white-haired mother-in-law suddenly turned into a white light and rushed into the stone wall.


The next moment, a terrifying wave spread out from the stone wall like a raging sea, with a grand momentum, as if a world-shattering battle took place within it.

Among them, there are even waves of distant and deep beast roars, which are very special, like Kunpeng roaring in it, and the sound shakes the universe.

With Chen Xi's far beyond ordinary huge thoughts, at this moment, he couldn't even perceive what was going on in it.

"It's amazing. I don't know what kind of shocking person this Kunpeng Daoist was back then. The wisp of blood left behind by his death can produce such power. It's really unbelievable..."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, let go of the distracting thoughts in his mind, didn't dare to think any more, and started to cultivate his whole body, staring at the stone wall, his whole body was like a big bow fully drawn, ready to wait.

After half a sound—

A violent bang vibrated in this space, and then a spider-like crack suddenly opened on the stone wall.

The moment the crack appeared, strands of terrifying divine power overflowed from it. This power was obscure and mysterious, full of surging divine aura, blazing like the rays of the sun, sacred, supreme, and vast!

Obviously, this is the "chance" that the white-haired mother-in-law said!


At this moment, Chen Xi was so blessed that he activated the Kunpeng Divine Art almost subconsciously. Hundreds of millions of runes poured out from his body, and each rune evolved into a devouring texture, condensed together, and immediately turned into a devouring one full of the aura of runes. The vortex suddenly roared and spun.


An astonishing scene appeared, strands of obscure power overflowing from the stone wall, like wild horses running wild, all rushed towards Chen Xi's body, poured into his limbs and bones, and the universe in his body, continuously circulating.

In an instant, Chen Xi felt as if he had turned into a furnace, his vigor and energy, and even every inch of his skin seemed to be burning and boiling, and the mysterious power "swallowed" by him was like the flames burning in a furnace, constantly surging In his own body, the rumble was running endlessly.

The whole person even felt as if he was about to explode!

"What a terrifying power!"

Chen Xi was startled, and he didn't care about anything else. He immediately sat cross-legged, concentrated all his thoughts to guide that terrifying force, and continuously tempered his foundation and cultivation of the divine way.

In just a moment, the gap on the stone wall was closed again, but the power pouring into Chen Xi's body was so majestic that he didn't notice this scene at all, and his mind was all focused on cultivation...

After a stick of incense.

The feeling of swelling all over his body that was about to explode disappeared, and within Chen Xi's body, the divine power roared surgingly, circulating around the sky, which was nearly doubled compared to before!

This is the result achieved in just one stick of incense, and this speed of progress can even be described as shocking.

And all of this is a gift from that mysterious and vast power!

Of course, if other gods were here, they would definitely not be able to achieve this step. The reason is that Chen Xi's divine way foundation is extremely solid and extremely solid, but the most important thing is the Kunpeng divine art.

This method was inherited from the Kunpeng, and it contains the wonderful essence of devouring. It just coincides with the power left by the "Kunpeng Daoist". To the unimaginable power of others!

"In just such a short period of time, not only has my strength returned to its peak state, but my cultivation has also been significantly improved again. I'm afraid it won't take long before I can reach the perfection of the Dongwei True God Realm..."

Chen Xi opened his eyes, feeling the majestic divine power filling his body, and he was amazed again and again, feeling more and more how extraordinary the Kunpeng Seal was.

It's just the original power contained in a ray of blood essence left by Taoist Kunpeng, but it has allowed me to reach such a level in a short period of time. If I say it, no one will believe it.

"I didn't expect that you possessed the Kunpeng magic... Oh, is this the reward of karma?" Suddenly, the voice of the white-haired mother-in-law came from this space.

It's just that her voice at this moment is extremely hoarse and tired, and there is an unspeakable trance.

Millions of years ago, the ancestors of the Primordial Fungus tribe led their people to break into the realm of doomsday with Taoist Kunpeng, but they ended up dying.

When the Taoist master Kunpeng fell, he used a ray of his own blood to form the Kunpeng seal, protecting the descendants of the Primordial Fungus and protecting them from extinction, but because of the tiredness of the Kunpeng seal, these descendants could no longer get out of trouble , Returning to the ancestral land of God's Domain.

But now, the white-haired mother-in-law finally found a ray of hope, and with the help of Chen Xi, she planned to send Princess Aliang out of this place to get rid of this trapped fate, but who would have thought that the young man she regarded as a savior would have the Kunpeng God in her body? There is still a trace of connection with Taoist Master Kunpeng...

Isn't all of this a cause and effect?

Witnessing all this, the white-haired mother-in-law was suddenly relieved, as if she had broken the deepest shackles in her heart, no longer clinging to the past.

Because she has found out, this is life!

Chen Xi got up, looked at the white-haired mother-in-law in the distance, and saw the relieved expression on her old face, but felt rather uncomfortable.


He, Chen Xi, has never believed in fate ever since he practiced!

"Young man, this is A Liang's soul. After you leave here, take A Liang with you." The white-haired mother-in-law took out a mutton fat jade bottle and handed it to Chen Xi.

After finishing all this, she sat cross-legged in the void, her expression was calm, and she recited an obscure passage from her lips, but she ignored everything and fell into meditation.

"Fate is like the sea, thousands of boats contend for the current, and before they reach the other shore, karma will be rewarded..."

With Chen Xi's knowledge, he could only discern a few words from the obscure scriptures. He carefully held the mutton fat jade bottle, and his heart was in a daze.

Fate is like an ocean, and all living beings cross it... Is it necessary to transcend this ocean and reach the indescribable shore to get rid of the shackles of fate?

But where is the other side?



At the bottom of the pool, a wave of fluctuation spread from the bottom of one of the light blue water plants.

Immediately, Chen Xi's tall figure appeared out of thin air.

"Hey, it's out!"

All the mushroom-headed guards standing on the leaves of the water plants were alarmed.

"Young master, where's my... my mother-in-law?" A Liang also got up, and asked anxiously with a small face, "Why didn't she come out with you?"

"Senior, she's in seclusion." Chen Xi thought for a while, and then he answered. After saying that, he handed the mutton fat jade bottle to Ah Liang, "She gave it to you, senior."

This mutton fat jade bottle is very small, only as thin as a strand of hair, Ah Liang picked it up and looked at it carefully, then suddenly hugged it in his arms and began to cry, tears streaming down his face, very sad.

"Princess Aliang, the king has already retrieved your soul from the Kunpeng seal, please leave quickly, and don't let her painstaking efforts be disappointed." Lord Yan, the guard, said softly, his face also a little sad.

"Yeah." Ah Liang sobbed for a while, wiped away tears with his hands, and bowed, "Master Yan, after Ah Liang leaves, please take good care of your mother-in-law. One day, Ah Liang will definitely come back and take you back to the ancestral land together." .”

"Hahaha, well said, Ah Liang, you have to take good care of yourself. You grew up here, and you are ignorant of the world. After you go out, everything will be arranged by this young master."

Master Yan laughed for a while, and then gave a careful instruction to Ah Liang.

"Well, Ah Liang will definitely." Ah Liang nodded fiercely.

Seeing this, Chen Xi also smiled. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly raised his eyebrows and said, "Everyone, be careful, someone is approaching this way!"


ps: I suddenly remembered that today is the last day of the month. If you haven’t voted for the monthly ticket, hurry up and vote. It will be automatically cleared after midnight. In addition, the third update will be later, probably after midnight.


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