divine talisman

Chapter 1566 Murder every step [Part 1]

Thank you Lemon Boy for your support~~


The big river is surging, and the blood-colored water waves are turbulent and rolling.

A group of god-level powerhouses shuttled through it and observed carefully. There were four of them in total, and each of them looked vigilant and ready, like a big bow stretched tight, as if they would immediately violently kill if there was a turmoil.

"Slow down, don't move forward rashly."

The leading middle-aged man in black glanced around, although he didn't find any abnormality, but there was a faint throbbing in his heart.

This feeling made him look more vigilant, he pursed his lips, and said, "This time, I don't want merit, but I want no fault. Everyone must be careful. I heard that kid is extremely cunning and ruthless. comparable."


"What Brother Wang said is absolutely true."

The other three people all agreed that they had been hunting down the young man from the lower realm these days, but at first they didn't take it seriously, and even thought that the third son Yitian was making a fuss over a molehill.

But as they learned more about the young man's strength, they also began to face up to the prey this time, and no longer dared to have any contempt.

In order to deal with this son, even the third son Yitian mobilized all his strength, one can imagine how difficult this son is!

For the next time, they stopped talking and formed an excellent defensive formation. While searching carefully, they moved forward carefully.


Suddenly, a wave of water rose into the sky in the big river, and a red horse shot out of the wave, like a sharp arrow, fiercely killing the leader Wang Ta.

The sudden occurrence of this scene made the hearts of Wang Ta and the other four tense, and they, who had already prepared for it, almost subconsciously acted together.


The divine brilliance splashed, and the divine treasures criss-crossed.

In an instant, before that touch of red horse got close, it was crushed in mid-air.

"It turned out to be a red-scaled borer fish."

One of them recognized the origin of the sneak attack, heaved a sigh of relief, and laughed at himself.

The others looked at each other, and they were all stunned, feeling that their previous actions were a bit frightened.


But at the moment when their minds were slightly relaxed, a wisp of sword energy quietly appeared in the time and space around them, and then slashed down.

"not good!"


The four of Wang Ta's expressions changed suddenly, and their pupils dilated. They never expected that there would be another change at this moment, and this blow was extremely precise, and they firmly grasped a fleeting moment of opportunity. It's so spicy.


Wang it yelled violently, a silver trident in his hand slammed open the void, and with a bang, slashed fiercely on the wisp of sword energy.

Almost at the same time, the other three also joined hands, defending Wang It, and plundered towards the distance together, wanting to stay away from this place, so as not to be attacked again.

But they obviously underestimated the horror of this sword energy!

Wang It did block the sword, but his whole body was trembling violently due to the power contained in the sword energy, his whole body was crushed, blood spurted out from his whole body, and he screamed, Flying backwards suddenly, even the silver trident in his hand flew away.

"Brother Wang it!"


"What kind of kendo is this!?"

The other three exclaimed, wanting to help Wang it.

"Idiot! Kill the enemy first!"

Wang it roared, and when he spoke, he couldn't help coughing up blood, couldn't control his body at all, fell into that big river with a plop like a sandbag, and died tragically in the river due to exhaustion of vital energy!

The other three woke up like a dream, angry and vigilant at the same time, they sacrificed their divine treasures and defended their surroundings.


At this moment, a sword energy roared again, like nine heavens falling into the Milky Way, mighty and immeasurable, and the sword intent seemed boundless, sweeping towards it.

That level of strength seems to cover the world and submerge it in an ocean of swords.

bang bang bang~~~

The three god-level powerhouses roared and shook it hard, but as soon as they collided with the sword energy, they were shaken so that the gods trembled, and their figures staggered like three-leaf duckweed floating in the turbulent waves, about to be submerged .

This made them startled, and their faces turned pale and frightened. This power is too strong, how could it be possessed by the True God Dongwei?Even against the previous Hollow Spiritual God, it might not be as powerful as this blow.


The sword qi was surging, and waves were stronger than waves.

The first person who couldn't resist was a skinny man in blood. His whole body was plunged into the sea of ​​sword energy. In an instant, his body was cut with countless bloodstains, and the bones were deep. , the body and soul were completely shredded.



The other two were terrified, feeling an unspeakable terror, and almost tried their best to get out of this sword energy.

They were completely terrified, they didn't want to fight any more, they wanted to run away, as far as they could go, the opponent was too terrifying, before they showed up, they killed both of them with just two sword qi, what would it be like? No one is afraid that they will not be able to bear this fatal fear.


In the end, the two of them tried their best to break through the shackles of the sword energy and escaped.

But before they grasped this glimmer of hope, they were stunned to see that a sword energy came out of nowhere again, expanding in their field of vision...


This attack happened at the moment they rushed out of the encirclement, as if they had been waiting there, they were caught off guard, and before they had time to react, their throats were cut off by the sword energy.

The severed head flew into the air, and the blood shot out.

A great battle ended in just a few blinks of an eye, which was unbelievably fast, but only the four of them, who had died on the spot, could understand the danger of it.


A figure appeared on the scene, it was Chen Xi.

Without emotion or hesitation, he immediately searched for the loot, and captured eight light spheres with Da Luotian, which were four light spheres stripped by the power of heaven, and four light spheres containing various methods.

In addition, he was also allowed to search for 79 divine crystals, three broken Houtian Lingbao, one intact Houtian Lingbao, and a bunch of various divine materials of ordinary value.

After doing all of this, Chen Xi left the arena with a flash of his figure. From the beginning to the end, he didn't waste even an iota of time.


But only for a moment, Chen Xi had no choice but to stop, clenched the sword talisman in his hand little by little, and shot murderous intent between his brows.

Because he noticed that in all directions around him, there were a series of tyrannical auras rushing quickly.

It was like a big sheet, shrinking toward the center in a watertight manner, and Chen Xi became a fish in the center, no matter which direction he charged from, conflicts would inevitably erupt.

"My lord, I didn't expect you to be so powerful." A Liang opened her eyes wide and exclaimed in amazement. She hadn't noticed the change in the atmosphere yet, and she was still immersed in the scene where Chen Xi showed his supernatural power and beheaded the group of enemies just now.

"This is just an appetizer, and what follows is the real gluttonous feast." Chen Xi smiled, but the curve of his lips was as cold as a blade.

Ah Liang was startled, and then she opened her mouth wide, obviously aware that something was wrong, and said, "Another enemy has come?"

"Don't be surprised, it's still unknown who will win the game."


Chen Xi stroked the quaint and pitch-black blade of the sword talisman with his fingers, and the next moment, his whole body was like an arrow off the string, and he charged forward in a sudden.





Fierce battle broke out, but only for a moment, five god-level powerhouses were killed together again, blood stained the world, and died tragically on the spot.

Chen Xi, on the other hand, calmly cleaned the battlefield, counted the trophies, and then walked away.

At this moment, his expression is calm and indifferent, his state of mind is calm, his actions are relaxed, without any anxiety, nor any pessimism.

Some are just a kind of calmness that is extremely chilling!

Since he practiced until now, he has experienced countless fierce battles along the way, and he has already sharpened his extremely tenacious will to fight, so he will not be thrown into confusion by the murderous situation in front of him.

In other words, when a fight is inevitable, Chen Xi will never be afraid of a fight!


"How many people were killed or injured?"

"Since the appearance of the prey this time, we have lost nine helpers."

"Chasing! No matter what, we must intercept and kill this beast!"


"Notify the others that the prey has appeared, and start to take action. Whoever can kill this beast will be rewarded with a thousand god crystals and one acquired spirit treasure!"


In that blood-colored canyon, Yi Tian killed decisively and gave several orders quickly.

After finishing all this, he took a deep breath, and said with burning eyes, "What a powerful prey, if you can become my god slave, you will definitely be able to attend the 'Star Hunting Conference' held by Empress Yu Che someday." It won me a remarkable achievement, but unfortunately, for the sake of those two innate treasures, I can only kill you..."

"Young master, this kid is quite powerful, and he has two innate spiritual treasures, so don't be careless." Uncle Jiu said with frowned eyebrows.

"Haha, with Uncle Jiu here, what can this son do to me?"

Yitian laughed loudly, "What's more, this time we mobilized hundreds of god-level powerhouses to dispatch together. If we can't capture him again, it will be called a strange thing!"

"Young master, it's better to be careful. When you came to the realm of the end of the law, didn't the ancestors reward you with a life-saving thing..."

Before Uncle Jiu could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Yi Tian's displeasure, and said with a cold snort, "Save your life? Uncle Jiu, I think you are becoming more and more confused as you live. You are a bright spirit, and it is too much to say such a thing." Useless!"

Uncle Jiu was startled, and finally gave a bitter smile, but sighed secretly in his heart, that kid was able to force me to the point of sacrificing the "Sacred Altar" and desperately, how could he be someone who is easy to deal with?

But it is obvious that Yi Tian is full of ambition now and cannot listen to advice, so the only thing he can do is to do everything he can to protect this proud third son.

But at this time, in a blood-colored desert, Chen Xi's advancing figure was finally trapped, surrounded by enemies!

There are more than 40 opponents, and this number is still increasing...


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