divine talisman

Chapter 1567 Beating the God Drum [Part 2]

With Chen Xi's current cultivation base and the help of the "Forbidden Path Secret Pattern", almost no one among the strong ones of his generation can stop him.

In this way, it is natural that there is no talk of being besieged.

But this time in this bloody desert, he was indeed trapped, and the reason was because of one person, a young man with a pair of golden pupils!

This person has a fair complexion, a tall figure, and a handsome appearance. It is the same Qin Tong who is with Lu Ting who has mastered the "Looking for Spirit Art".

His pair of golden pupils can confine time and space, freeze everything, and are extremely terrifying. As soon as Chen Xi's figure reached this blood-colored desert, he was aware of it and cast the technique of golden pupils to confine time and space within a million miles in one fell swoop. !

With Chen Xi's current power, as soon as he fell into it, he was like an ordinary person caught in a swamp, with difficulty, and his actions were much slower.

Fortunately, this technique of confining time and space is only aimed at the speed of time and space movement, and does not affect Chen Xi's battle. Otherwise, this move alone would be enough to deal a fatal blow to Chen Xi in an instant.

After a brief confrontation, Qin Tong saw that Chen Xi could not be dealt with by his own group, so he immediately stopped and hid in the distance to stand ready.

At the same time, another order was issued to recruit other helpers.

So this scene appeared.


A total of more than 40 are strong in the divine realm, standing in all directions like a cloud of lead, each of them is full of murderous aura, blocking all escape routes.

If such a huge battle was placed in the Three Realms, it would be enough to sweep the world and easily control the heavens and worlds.

But this is the realm of the end of law, the law of heaven is different, and the existence of gods has become commonplace. However, more than 40 menacing gods rush out at once, and the deterrent power is still extremely terrifying.

The most important thing is that Chen Xi has been trapped in this imprisoned time and space until now.

"The divine way of space controlled by this guy must be higher than mine, maybe it has reached a small level..." Chen Xi frowned, feeling a little tricky.

But it was just tricky, if he had not to consider the consumption of his own divine power, he could have broken the imprisonment in one fell swoop by relying on brute force.

"Little guy, you are pretty good at being able to struggle under my subordinates to this day, but unfortunately, you have to die today."

In the distance, Qin Tong smiled and said, "Oh, by the way, this is the technique of 'Golden Eyes' that I have just successfully cultivated. It doesn't have the power of the divine way of space, but it can't be used at all. Don't get me wrong. , I'm not showing off, but I want you to understand, that's all."

Golden eyes?

Chen Xi had never heard of this kind of divine technique.

But he confirmed one thing through this sentence, the guy in front of him has indeed reached a small level of space divine way, and he can be regarded as a tyrannical existence.

At least in the Dongwei True God Realm, he can be called a top figure.

Of course, aside from the method of "golden pupils and divine eyes", this Qin Tong cannot be compared with Chen Xi. After all, Chen Xi can force a Hollow Spiritual God to desperately, but Qin Tong is obviously not able to do this step. .

Chen Xi didn't make a move, Qin Tong and the others were also not in a hurry to make a move, they were all waiting.

Qin Tong and the others are waiting for the helpers to arrive, the more the better, the more confident they will be in dealing with Chen Xi.

Similarly, Chen Xi was also waiting for an opportunity to break the game.

But this time, Chen Xi couldn't wait any longer, not because he lost patience, but if this situation continued, the situation would only become more and more unfavorable to him, and at that time, even if there was a slight opportunity, it was already too late Night.


However, at the critical moment when Chen Xi was about to act, Aliang's soft voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

This made him frown immediately, did the little girl feel scared?

"My lord, I... I..." Ah Liang's voice was a little flustered, obviously aware that Chen Xi was a little displeased, and he suddenly spoke at this moment.

"Ah Liang, what's the matter, let's talk about it after I get out of the siege?" Chen Xi sent a voice transmission to the other party.

"But, I...I have a way to break the time-space confinement here." A Liang took a deep breath and said courageously.

Chen Xi immediately raised his eyebrows, he was so surprised that he suspected that there was something wrong with his ears...

"Young master, you are watching."

With a whoosh, Ah Liang turned into a ray of light, flashed out from Chen Xi's ear, and stood pretty in the void beside him, with a bronze drum appearing in his hands at some point.

The bronze strands were extremely small, even smaller than a grain of rice, but when he picked up the drum, Ah Liang's expression suddenly became holy and serious.

"Hey, the aura of this drum is so unique, it seems to be an innate spiritual treasure..."

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Huh? That is?"

"It seems to be a creature smaller than an ant..."

"No, it seems to be Archaea!"

"Aprime Archaea? Didn't this family disappear in the Ancient God Realm millions of years ago? How could it appear beside that kid?"

At this time, Qin Tong and others in the distance also noticed A Liang's appearance, but they didn't have any fear, it was more of a strange thing.

Some people even laughed out loud, thinking that Chen Xiqian was so poor that he had to rely on a villain to help, which seemed especially ridiculous.

After all, Ah Liang's body is too small, and it is easy to give people the illusion that they are vulnerable to a single blow and will be smashed to pieces when they are crushed with a finger.


Just when everyone was surprised or disdainful, Ah Liang stretched out his arm, and lightly patted the bronze drum with his tender little hand.

Immediately, a desolate, thick drum sounded.

The sound was very small at the beginning, no one would care about it, but just in an instant, the sound of the drum suddenly rose to a higher level, rumbling and spreading like a thunder from the gods of heaven that came silently.

For a moment, the sky and the earth seemed to be trembling, followed by the roar of the drum, like the cry of ancient gods and demons, shaking the nine heavens and ten earths, deafening.


Then, the time and space that was originally imprisoned for a million miles suddenly trembled, as if being crushed by an invisible force, it made an overwhelming sound, and finally shattered.

If you look down from the sky, you will find that the void centered on Chen Xi is like a piece of complete colored glaze suddenly shattered, turning into fine waves, and continuously spreading outward.

In just an instant, the imprisoned time and space within a million miles was shattered by this drumbeat!


The confinement of time and space was broken, and the sound of the drum was even more terrifying, like the roar of the gods, as if the way of heaven was showing its power, the rumbling drum sound filled the sky and the earth.

The shock caused the world to shake, the shock caused time and space to shatter, and the shock caused the eardrums of everyone present except Chen Xi to burst, and their hearts and minds suffered a terrifying shock, and their entire bodies were churning with qi and blood.

"What drum is this?"

"Damn! How can this power be so terrifying?"

"Beating the God Drum! This is the township of the Primordial Fungus Clan, an innate spiritual treasure that has had a supreme reputation in ancient times! When the Taoist Kunpeng of the Northern Underworld went to the Doom Dao Realm, he had to rely on this treasure Come to resist the danger!"

"She...is she the king of the Archaean?"

Everyone was shocked and lost their voices, and they all used their divine power to resist this terrifying drum sound.

"Beating the god drum?"

At this moment, Chen Xi also glanced at Ah Liang who was slightly shocked, but saw that the other party's face was pale, bloodless, and his slender figure was precariously standing in midair, with an appearance of exhausted strength.

He didn't dare to think about it any more, and quickly told Ah Liang to hide it in his ear.

"Young Master, Ah Liang is not so useless, is he?" Ah Liang was a little weak, but raised his head proudly, and said softly.

"That's right! Ah Liang has already done me a great favor! If you can enter the Ancient God Realm, Ah Liang will definitely contribute a lot." Chen Xi laughed.

A Liang was a little embarrassed by the praise, and immediately lowered her head shyly, but she was extremely happy in her heart. She had never experienced this feeling of being recognized by outsiders.


In the next moment, Chen Xi didn't hesitate anymore, and he sacrificed his sword talisman, and in a flash, he was already charging away.

Ah Liang had already helped him remove a shackle, if he didn't seize this opportunity to make a move, then he, Chen Xi, would simply have wasted everything the little girl had paid for.

"Damn! Everyone, hurry up, you shouldn't wait any longer!"

"The third son said that whoever kills this son will be rewarded with a thousand god crystals and one acquired spirit treasure!"

"Go together!"


Qin Tong and the others were startled and angry, and did not dare to procrastinate any longer. Immediately, they all sacrificed their own magic soldiers and started to fight one after another.

All of a sudden, the battle broke out.

A total of more than 40 gods from the ancient gods surrounded Chen Xi from all directions at this moment, displaying supreme power, and their momentum hurt people to the extreme.

And this bloody desert fell into chaos in an instant, filled with endless divine brilliance and various blazing divine treasures, making the world eclipsed.


At this moment, Chen Xi regained his composure, but in his eyes there was a ferocious murderous intent boiling, like burning molten lava that was about to incinerate the entire sky.


The sword talisman was in the sky, and he walked alone in the air. Although he was facing many enemies, he had an attitude of swallowing mountains and rivers, looking down on anyone else.

How many people?

In the face of absolute combat power, the number of people can never be used to measure the outcome.

In Chen Xi's fighting career in these years, there were many times when he encountered a situation where he was outnumbered by one enemy, and he had even honed extremely rich experience. In such a situation, how could he be afraid?


Chen Xi's long hair fluttered around. Facing the divine treasures that were flying all over the sky, he sacrificed the copper coins without any hesitation, and with a buzzing sound, they turned into streaks of dazzling golden light, sweeping away.


One after another, the divine treasures were slammed into each other, as if struck by lightning, they trembled suddenly, and then lost control, falling into the sky like a kite with a broken string.

This was a real "treasure falling" scene, like a rain of divine treasures, which shocked many people present and exclaimed in shock.

Many Shenbao were shot down, suffered backlash, and coughed up blood.

The battle had only started for a split second, and most of the divine treasures that attacked Chen Xi were all hit by falling treasure coins, and more than a dozen divine realm powerhouses suffered backlash and suffered considerable damage.

Such a terrifying scene immediately changed the expressions of Qin Tong and the others, and they almost couldn't believe their eyes.


ps: On the first day of the month, there is a strong call for guaranteed monthly tickets~~


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