divine talisman

Chapter 1568 God Falls Like Rain [Part 1]

"Falling copper coins!"

"It's actually this innate treasure! Could it be that he is the successor of the Supreme Master?"

"This...how is this possible?"

There were exclamations all over the field, and everyone's faces changed suddenly.

In just a few blows, more than a dozen divine treasures were shot down, and many powerful people in the divine realm were injured. Such changes caught them off guard.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Xi's figure flashed, and he charged into the crowd of enemies in one fell swoop. The pitch-black and simple blade of the sword in his hand hummed and groaned.

In an instant, Chen Xi's temperament changed abruptly. He was cold and indifferent, and an overwhelming murderous aura gushed out from his body, filling every inch of space in the world.

No nonsense, from the moment you set foot in this hunting area, it is already doomed that there will be a bloody battle!

Feeling the unique cold texture of the sword talisman in the palm of his hand, Chen Xi swept away like an unsheathed sharp edge.

puff puff~~

A string of blood spattered, like ignited firecrackers, exploding one by one, shooting out the poignant and shocking divine blood, dyeing the world.

Among those enemies caught off guard, under this sword, a total of nine people had the same bloodstain on their throats. Their expressions froze on their faces, as if they still didn't understand what happened.

But immediately—

Puff puff!

Puff puff!

Heads were thrown into the air one after another, and bodies crashed down one after another.

Because the voices were too dense, it sounded like there was only one voice, and then, among the enemy group, the nine god-level powerhouses fell on the spot!

There was no shrill scream before dying, only blood was pouring down.

That kind of weird and terrifying picture made everyone present tremble.


All this is just the beginning.

As Chen Xi said before, what follows is a gluttonous feast of slaughter!


"Kill! Go up together!"

"This son is too terrifying, we must not hold back any more."

"Quick, quick! If you hesitate any longer, you will be defeated by this damn thing one by one. At that time, none of us will be able to live!"

Everyone finally realized how terrifying Chen Xi was, their minds were shaken violently, and their faces turned livid and ferocious.

The battle had just begun, and Chen Xi, who was originally considered by them to be a beast waiting to be slaughtered, shot down more than ten divine soldiers with falling copper coins in one blow, and obliterated nine existences in the divine realm with one blow , in the face of such a terrifying guy who defies the sky, who would dare to despise him again?

Not only did they not despise, but at this moment in their hearts, they had raised Chen Xi to the height of the most dangerous opponent, and they didn't dare to have any hesitation or luck, and they all used the most powerful trump card.




These powerful men from the ancient gods gathered together like crazy, shouting and roaring to charge and kill Chen Xi.

All kinds of divine light soared into the sky, and all kinds of powerful divine methods poured out, drowning the world.

This scene was extremely spectacular, as if recreating the grand scene of the battle of the gods in the ancient times, the sound of Dao was booming everywhere, the sky collapsed, and everything collapsed.


Similarly, Chen Xi continued to kill.

These years of combat career made Chen Xi more aware that when facing the siege of many enemies, he should not have any hesitation, hesitation, or reservations.

He didn't hesitate, he didn't hesitate, and he didn't hold back, his pupils were so indifferent that there was no emotion at all. Chen Xi, who had survived countless battles and killings, not only possessed an incomparable fighting power against the sky, but also possessed an extraordinary fighting will.


Chen Xi's figure flickered, but he didn't see any movement at all, and streams of blazing and thick sword energy slashed out.

As early as when he entered the realm of doomsday, his combat power was strong enough to overwhelm a hole-light spirit god like Uncle Jiu, forcing the latter to sacrifice his "sacred altar" to fight for his life.

But now, after absorbing a source of power from the Kunpeng seal, Chen Xi's strength has been significantly improved compared to that time.

With the help of Luobao Tongqin, Da Luotian and other powerful innate spirit treasures, it was impossible for Chen Xi to feel any fear when facing this group of enemies whose cultivation was only at the Realm of the Small Hole.

And all of these strengths and combat effectiveness were finally presented on the sword in Chen Xi's hands, in this bloody and tragic battle.

"Kill the five elements."

"Watch the sea and listen to the waves."

"Go back and come back."

The swordsmanship cultivation level that has advanced to the realm of the sword emperor, at this moment, fully displays all the fighting power possessed by Chen Xi, and the lethality caused by it can be imagined how terrifying it is.

These sword qi, either fierce and cutting, or mighty, or strange and changeable, brought afterimages among the enemy group, and wherever they passed, clusters of bloody flowers bloomed in the air, either dead or hurt.

In just a moment, the enemy was stunned.

When they met each other, they lost nine people. The sword energy cut their throats, like a scythe from hell harvesting the souls of the dead. Even if they were as proud as they were, they still received a lot of impact.

In the ensuing battle, although the Luobao Copper Coin's attribute of dropping all the Houtian Lingbao did not cause much damage, it caused many enemies to lose the fighting methods they relied on, making people feel like falling into an ice cave.There is also that big Luotian, clear and dreamy like a star, but it can seal their retreat and bind their figures. In front of it, all attacks seem so powerless.

But the one with the most lethal power is Chen Xi's swordsmanship. Every time he makes a move, blood will be set off, cutting off a few wisps of dead souls!

The destructive attack, the destructive killing, seems to be invincible, unstoppable, and suffocating!

All of this is unimaginable, such a horrific killing was initiated by only a handful of people!

At this moment, only the remaining enemies were almost shattered, and their hearts were extremely regretful. This time, how could they be obsessed with ghosts and agreed to come together with the third son to deal with this killing god from the lower realm.

The point is that none of them have ever seen how there could be such a terrifying combat power in this world, and they never thought that the prey they despised in the lower realms would be so difficult and powerful.

This is a kind of inertial thinking. They come from the ancient gods, and their eyes are higher than the top. Subconsciously, they regard the gods from the lower realm as prey that can be slaughtered at will.

Now such a "prey" suddenly stretched out its fangs, bursting out a threat that was deadly, which made them feel uncomfortable and unbelievable.

But the situation was critical, and it was too late to regret it.

"Hold on, everyone! Although this beast is terrifying, it won't be long before the third son and the others will come. At that time, this beast will surely be executed!"

That Qin Tong roared sharply.


But before his voice fell, his throat was pierced by a swipe of sword energy, and a bloody hole appeared. The eyes of the whole person suddenly protruded, as if he couldn't believe it, and finally fell to the ground and died.

Chen Xi didn't even look at Qin Tong's fallen body, and killed the next target indifferently.


Once Qin Tong died, the remaining enemies completely collapsed, turned around and fled desperately.

Chen Xi didn't chase after him either, but the sword talisman in his hand seemed to smell a bloody shark, and he slashed out streams of sword energy, beheading those enemies who were running for their lives in a panic.

Puff puff……

After the fighting spirit collapsed, it was like a tiger whose teeth had been pulled out. In the distance in all directions, there was a series of blood splashes from time to time, like messy fireworks blooming, endless.

Although their escape speed was fast, how could it compare with Chen Xi's sword energy?

However, fortunately, in order to preserve his divine power, Chen Xi had no intention of completely annihilating his opponents, and in the end he let seven or eight experts in the divine realm escape by luck.

In the blink of an eye, only Chen Xi was left in the field.

The ground was in a mess, corpses, blood, broken magic soldiers, collapsing land, chaotic time and space...weaved into a purgatory-like picture scroll.

Ah Liang, who had been standing in Chen Xi's ear, had been dumbfounded for a long time. It was the first time she went out, the first time she saw a killing of this scale, looked at the corpses all over the floor, smelled the pungent bloody smell in the air, Her delicate little face suddenly turned pale, and she felt a strong feeling of vomiting.

But in the end, Ah Liang gritted her teeth and held back. She clenched her hands, tried to open her eyes wide, and murmured in her heart: "In the future, Ah Liang can only take care of one person and take care of herself. If you can't even bear the blood, it's too much." It's embarrassing, if the mother-in-law knows, she must be disappointed in Ah Liang..."

Chen Xi was unaware of Ah Liang's reaction, his expression was still calm, like a battle partner with no emotion fluctuations, his figure flickered quickly in the battlefield, and he was cleaning up the spoils.

This time, he killed 37 people on the other side, it took half a quarter of an hour, but the harvest was quite rich.

A total of 32 light clusters were harvested from the laws of the divine way, and [-] light clusters were transformed from various methods. All of these were stripped from the enemies by the power of heaven after they died.

However, because the rhythm of the battle was too fierce and every second counted, relying on Chen Xi's ability, he only managed to capture these light clusters in the end, and a small part was absorbed and taken away by the power of heaven.

In addition, there are more than [-] divine crystals, [-] acquired spiritual treasures, [-] broken divine treasures, and a bunch of various divine materials.

Chen Xi was unable to count the exact number, because the types of divine materials were quite diverse, including magical medicines, magical pills, ore treasures, and even cultivation techniques, scrolls, maps, and jade slips. There are some treasures of this kind, some of which Chen Xi still doesn't recognize, so they have to go through careful identification and groping before they can determine their use.

"Next, I have to find a place to restore my physical strength..."

Chen Xi put away all the trophies, took a deep breath, and felt that the divine power in his body was only a small half, and he immediately understood that it was no longer suitable for fighting at this time.


With a flash of his figure, Chen Xi disappeared in place.

At the same time, in the Scarlet Canyon that day, Yi Tian, ​​who was dressed in a white robe and had a handsome face, was like a ferocious beast caught in a rage. Ants kill the crap, why don't they wipe their necks and kill themselves?"


ps: Before 10:[-] in the second update, continue to ask for a guaranteed monthly pass. The monthly pass list for the new month after the Chinese New Year is so fierce~


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