divine talisman

Chapter 1569 Causal Bond [Part 2]

Thank you Brother Tiger for your support~


Yitian was furious, scaring everyone into silence.

In fact, when they heard the news from the front line, they were also extremely unbelievable. More than 40 god-level powerhouses were dispatched, but they were killed by a young man from the lower realm. Eight people escaped by chance!

If this happened to a Dongguang Spiritual God, it would be easy to understand, but the other party is also a Dongwei True God, and even just arrived in the realm of the end of the law, but it is too abnormal to be able to do this step up!

Uncle Jiu on the side sighed secretly in his heart, this result had been expected by him, but...but no one listened to his advice, what to do?

"Young master, for the current plan, we still need to quickly gather all the scattered forces and gather them here, so that we may be able to stop that evil obstacle."

Even though he was extremely disapproving of this action in his heart, Uncle Jiu couldn't help but remind him that Yitian was the third son of the Dayi family, and if there were any mistakes, he would be in trouble.

"Uncle Jiu, do as you say."

Unexpectedly, Yitian did not refute this time. He took a deep breath, his expression regained his composure, and said, "I admit that I did underestimate this kid before, but the current situation is hard to get off. The honor of the family is still for the sake of fighting for breath, and I will not be allowed to stop at all."

After a pause, his expression completely returned to calm, his eyes stared into the distance, and he said word by word, "If I can't even kill this son, then what face do I have to participate in the 'Star Hunting Conference' held by Empress Yu Che?" '?"

Hearing this, Uncle Jiu was silent for a moment, nodded his head and said, "Master can think so, the old ancestor must be very pleased to know, son, please rest assured, even if this old slave risked his life this time, he would help him achieve his wish."

Come on, he turned around and started planning everything.

"Uncle Jiu..." Yi Tian was stunned, and a surge of passion surged in his heart.

"My lord, what else can I order?" Uncle Jiu stopped and turned his head to ask.

"Thank you very much." Yi Tian cupped his hands.

Uncle Jiu smiled casually, and a sense of disdain permeated his nine-foot-tall body: "You don't need to be like this, son, we will talk about everything after capturing and killing that young man."


Outside the devastated battlefield, there are two figures standing upright, one of them is holy and majestic, with a faint white radiance all over his body, making it impossible to see his appearance clearly.

On the other side, there is a girl in Tsing Yi with a flower basket on her shoulders and a bun on her head. She looked into the distance thoughtfully, and said with a smile: "Madam, that little brother is more capable than I imagined." Even more powerful."

These two people are the mysterious empress and Huicong.

"The foundation of the divine way is indeed tempered well."

The empress was silent for a moment, then suddenly said, "Huicong, this son's fate is unpredictable, and his background is a bit strange. In the future, you will go down the mountain and travel in the various god realms. If you meet him, remember not to have any bonds with him."

Huicong was startled, and couldn't help asking curiously: "My lady, why is this?"

"The unknown is the most dangerous thing. That young man's path is full of turmoil, and even I can't deduce it. Once I get tied up with such a person, it will definitely affect my path. Whether it is good or bad, that's terrible." Just can't tell."

The empress's voice was calm and indifferent, but there was a majesty that reached people's hearts.

"But... didn't we rescue him once when we were picking the Shenluo King Vine?"

Huicong frowned, feeling a little distressed, she couldn't hear the mystery in what the empress said, but her intuition told her that what the empress said was entirely for her own good.

"It's...it's true."

This time, the empress was stunned, fell into silence, and sighed softly after a long time, "No wonder, when I came to the remains of Kunpeng this time, a hint of omen suddenly appeared in my heart, but it was hard to explain. All the causes and effects were already doomed. .”

Huicong became more and more baffled when he heard it, he was a little bit lost, he thought that the little brother is really amazing, he made the empress so embarrassed...

"Let's go, go back to the mountain." The empress's voice became a little cold, she turned and left.

"Okay, ma'am, this time we have collected the Shenluo King Vine, and we can finally refine the 'Shen Ting Bao Ling Pill'!" Huicong did not hear the change in Madam's tone, and smiled happily.

"Alchemy? Let's talk about it later." A trace of irritability rose in the empress's heart, spreading like ripples in her calm state of mind.


Such a thing has not happened to an existence like the empress for many years.

"Oh." Huicong was also a little disappointed. Originally, according to the plan, this batch of "Shen Ting Bao Ling Pill" was specially prepared for her, but now that the divine materials were gathered, the empress said that she would not practice. This made her hopes come to nothing. It is inevitable that the mood will be depressed.

"Huicong." The empress suddenly spoke again.

"Ma'am, what's the matter?" Huicong raised his head.

"Today's matter, you must not mention it to others after you go back, do you hear me clearly?"

"The disciple understands."

"Let's go, the Ancient God Realm will not be peaceful in the future..."



In a deep mountain, Chen Xi sat cross-legged in a secluded cave, holding a few divine crystals in his hands, and constantly cultivated to replenish the depleted divine power in his body. The bubbling divine power was like a surging river, constantly filling his vast and boundless inner universe.

Seeing Ah Liang nervously guarding his side with his drum in his arms, Chen Xi couldn't help but smile: "Ah Liang, you don't have to be nervous, even if someone comes here at this time, we can't help it."

Hearing this, Ah Liang blushed, lowered her head in embarrassment, and muttered: "I'm just worried that others will disturb Young Master Qingxiu."

Chen Xi secretly sighed, what a kind little girl, but... a little too shy.

To be honest, Chen Xi was quite vigilant in his heart, and he didn't relax completely. After all, this was a hunting area, and now that he had killed so many of Yitian's subordinates, the other party was bound to be furious, and he would never let it go.

However, to Chen Xi's surprise, until several hours later, when he restored his cultivation to the peak state, he didn't notice any disturbance, and the atmosphere seemed too calm.

Could it be that the other party has given up chasing and killing him?

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows, and immediately shook his head. This is definitely impossible. With the temperament of that third young master Yitian, he will definitely not give up at this moment.

Then there is only one possibility left, that is, they are accumulating more powerful power, and the only purpose of doing so is to accomplish all their merits and kill themselves in one fell swoop!

"If this is the case, they will definitely lie in ambush in front of the passage leading to the Snow Ink Region. Only in this way can they surround themselves..."

Chen Xi quickly deduced in his mind, he knew very well that if everything went as he had guessed, then what awaited him at that time would definitely be a fierce battle!

"No matter what, even without Yitian's obstruction, if you want to enter that same path, you will inevitably encounter a group of disciples from the Supreme Master. The most urgent thing is to make preparations in advance."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

Without any further hesitation, Chen Xi waved his sleeve robe, and clusters of light resembling blazing suns emerged one after another, containing the incomparably pure power of the laws of the divine way.

There are a total of 32, all of which were taken from the powerful men in the divine realm who were killed by him.

"let's start."

Chen Xi sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes, plucked various mystical formulas with his hands, and began to refine these balls of light.


Two days later.

Ah Liang, who was subconsciously cultivating in Chen Xi's ear, was suddenly awakened by a huge wave of Dao sound. Her heart trembled, she quickly got up, and lay down next to Chen Xi's ear to look.

I saw strands of mysterious Divine Dao laws evolve into rows of obscure rune patterns, constantly dancing around Chen Xi's body. Those runes were obscure, dense, and fluttering endlessly, just like galaxies flowing one after another.

Looking at it from Aliang's incomparably tiny perspective, it was like witnessing a vast and magnificent starry sky scene, which made her eyes wide open, showing a look of surprise.

"Young master, his mastery of the divine way is really strong, much better than Ah Liang. My mother-in-law said that my talent surpasses the entire ethnic group, but I can't compare with you at all."

Ah Liang murmured, her beautiful eyes filled with amazement.

But immediately, her eyes blurred, and all the power of the divine way in front of her eyes disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, Chen Xi's voice rang in his ears: "Ah Liang, sit down, we are about to set off."


As if waking up from a dream, Ah Liang quickly backed away from Chen Xi's ears and lowered her eyelashes in embarrassment.

"After absorbing the power of the Divine Dao law from the 32 light groups this time, although I haven't tempered the Divine Dao of Talisman to a small degree, it is not far behind. In battle, it is enough to make my fighting power much stronger again... "

Sensing the changes in the power around him, Chen Xi also felt a surge of satisfaction in his heart. Not long after he entered the realm of the end of the law, both his cultivation and the laws of the divine way had improved significantly. If this was placed in the Three Realms, it would be impossible at all. Something like this happens.

Next, Chen Xi's figure flashed and appeared in midair.

He opened the map given by Tie Kun, examined it carefully for a moment, and then recognized a direction. After taking a deep breath, his expression became as calm as water, without waves.

"Ah Liang, can you lend me the Leishen Drum?" Suddenly, Chen Xi asked.

"Ah." Ah Liang was stunned, then quickly nodded fiercely, took out the bronze drum, and said, "Young master, just take it and use it."

Seeing that Ah Liang was so forthright, lending him such supreme innate spiritual treasures as the Leishengu almost without any hesitation, Chen Xi was startled instead, and immediately said earnestly, "Ah Liang, thank you very much."

The words were plain, without any embellishments, but there was an incomparable sincerity.

Ah Liang smiled lightly, as if he was very happy that his treasure could help Chen Xi, and said crisply: "Young master, you are welcome, my mother-in-law said, let Ah Liang obey your master's orders in everything."

Chen Xi couldn't help laughing, and said, "With Ah Liang's treasure helping me, I have a little more confidence."

He was telling the truth.

Because, this is the beating drum!An innate spirit treasure that ranks even higher than Da Luotian!


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