divine talisman

Chapter 1570 Chasing Sunset God [Part 1]

Beat the drum!

It is also an innate spiritual treasure born in the chaos of the Three Realms. Its power is so powerful that it can shatter the universe, the sun and the moon, and destroy the latitude and longitude of heaven and earth. Luo Tian moved up four places!

The most important thing is that the God-beating Drum is an invisible sonic attack, and when used to kill enemies in a large area, it can often play an incredible role.

It is rumored that as early as the ancient times, the ancestors of the archaic fungus family used this drum to destroy [-] foreign demons in one fell swoop, and the power shook the three realms.

And it was precisely because Chen Xi was aware of the characteristic of the Thundering God Drum that he took the initiative to ask A Liang to borrow it.

This time his opponents are numerous, all of them are powerful in the divine realm, and there is even a Dongguang Spiritual God who has reached the realm of "Arrow God". Under such circumstances, he wants to kill opponents quickly with one enemy , whether it is the sacrificial sword talisman, or the Daluotian, or the Luobao copper coin, it cannot match the large-scale lethality of the drum.


Chen Xi took over the drum, and the treasure instantly became larger. It was originally like a grain of rice, but now it has turned into the size of a cattail leaf fan. It is extremely psychic and mysterious.

If you look carefully, there are strands of chaotic lines imprinted on the surface of this drum, as if intertwined into a mysterious world, which actually gives people a deep and powerful feeling.

Next, A-Liang also taught Chen Xi a piece of formula for beating the god drum used by the emperor without any concealment.

This made Chen Xi feel the joy of being trusted, which was heavy.

"Ah Liang, if anyone dares to bully you when you enter the Ancient God Realm in the future, I will definitely not spare him!" Chen Xi expressed his feelings and spoke seriously.

"Ah." A Liang was a little surprised, and immediately blinked her eyelashes shyly, and said in a low voice, "Master, you say that, A Liang is very happy."

Chen Xi was dumbfounded, this little girl actually told him without any shyness about her thoughts, her heart was really pure in a mess.

"Let's go, it's time to go!"

Chen Xi Chen Xi breathed a sigh of relief, and looked far into the distance.


In the Bloody Canyon.

Compared with the empty and dead silence in the past, in the Scarlet Canyon today, there are extremely powerful auras everywhere, which are serious and killing, and appear extremely terrifying.

"My lord, everything is ready. The manpower we mobilized this time, excluding those who passed away, there are still 64 people, and now they are all sitting in the 'Sunset God Formation'."

Uncle Jiu came in a hurry and reported quickly.

Sunset Divine Formation, an ancient killing formation inherited from the Dayi clan, a complete divine formation, which can accommodate thousands of gods sitting in it, exerting a terrifying power enough to slaughter the heavens.

Although there are only 64 gods in charge of the god formation that Uncle Jiu personally set up, its power cannot be underestimated. According to his speculation, any spirit god of the hole light will surely die if he falls into it!

Now, the power of this formation is more than enough to deal with a young man in the Dongwei True God Realm.

"Very good, now I have been waiting for the fish to take the bait."

When Yi Tian heard the words, the corners of his lips couldn't help showing a look of confidence and contempt.

"However, young master, don't be careless. This son is very likely to have something to do with Shenyan Mountain. As we all know, Shenyan Mountain Gate's attainments in talisman Taoism are recognized as top existences in the ancient gods. The only thing I am worried about now is Yes, this formation cannot completely bind this son."

Uncle Jiu pondered for a moment, and said, "In this way, although our magic formation is strong, it is only useless."

"This really has to be guarded against."

Yi Tian frowned and thought for a while, then said, "Does Uncle Jiu have a perfect method?"

Uncle Jiu was silent for a long time, and then said softly: "If that time really comes, this old slave will do everything he can to kill this son."

The voice was calm, but there was a look of determination and ruthlessness.

Yitian was stunned, and said solemnly: "Uncle Jiu, I only have one request, and it's not a last resort, don't risk your life."

Jiubo said comfortingly: "Don't worry, my lord, this old slave won't have to worry about it. What's more, it's just the worst plan. In the old slave's opinion, if nothing happens, the Sunset God Formation alone is enough to trap and kill this person." child."

Yi Tian smiled and said: "This is the best."

Uncle Jiu frowned suddenly, and said hesitantly: "Young master, there is only one day left before the return date set by the ancestor, the old slave suggested that you should go back to the Xuemo Region first, and leave everything here to the old slave. ?”

Yitian's eyes flickered for a moment, then he shook his head and smiled and said, "No need, if the ancestors knew what I did, even if they couldn't return on time, they would definitely not blame me. What's more, how can I just sit there at this time? Watching you all go all out while I leave alone?"

Uncle Jiu sighed in his heart, and stopped persuading him any more. He watched Yitian grow up from a young age, how could he not understand what Yitian was thinking in his heart, and the reason why he didn't want to leave was not because he wanted to advance and retreat with them, but After Dan himself killed that kid, he took the two innate spirit treasures as his own.

This is what Yitian is most worried about!

And this means that Yitian also has a little doubt about his servant, and it is impossible to trust him completely.

Uncle Jiu couldn't help but feel a little bit disappointed by this, and immediately laughed at himself in his heart, for the Dayi family, he was a slave, so what's the use of thinking so much?

"By the way, the Supreme Master didn't notice our actions, did he?" Yi Tian asked suddenly.

Uncle Jiu nodded and said: "They just think that our Dayi clan is encircling and suppressing a prey in the lower realm, and they don't have any suspicions."

Yi Tian secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "That's good. This son is carrying a treasure, and may have connections with Shenyan Mountain and the Supreme Sect. Naturally, the fewer people who know about it, the better."

At this point in the topic, Uncle Jiu suddenly sent a voice transmission: "Young master, if you succeed in killing this son this time, other people will surely know the treasures carried by this son, then they..."

"Not a single one!"

Before Yitian could finish speaking, he interrupted murderously.

Uncle Jiu nodded. To be honest, he actually admired the third young master in his heart. He was ruthless and good at scheming. Although he was a little suspicious, he could still be regarded as a qualified heir.

Of course, regarding the issue of Dayi's successor, Uncle Jiu didn't count.


At this moment, a desolate and heavy drum sound came from a distance.

"Huh? This is..."

Yitian was slightly taken aback.

At this moment, not only him, but also all the powerhouses in the God Realm ambushing in the Scarlet Canyon were stunned, and the sound of the drum was too abrupt.

"not good!"

"This is the drum beating!"

"It's the drum again, it's that damned evil barrier coming!"

A roar sounded, shaking the sky.

Everyone at the scene immediately realized that their expressions changed slightly. They had already heard about Chen Xi using the drum to break the time-space restriction two days ago.

Hearing the sound of the drum now, how could he not understand that it was Chen Xi who came?


"Create a big formation!"

"Don't be confused!"

Suddenly, Uncle Jiu soared into the sky, screaming loudly.

But before his voice fell, the sound of the drum suddenly increased, it was as exciting as thunder, and the rumbling was like a tsunami, rumbling, sweeping from all directions.

At this moment, time and space were shattered by an invisible sound wave, turning into a rolling wave of time and space, rolling towards this bloody canyon from all directions.

This scene was too frightening. Where the drums passed, the mountains crumbled and the sky collapsed. The terrifying power generated made every god present look pale.

No one expected that Chen Xi would do whatever he said, let alone that he would appear in this way!


That drum sound became louder and louder, just like the roar of a chaotic god and demon, and the fluctuations generated disturbed the world and changed the color of the universe.

Some gods with weaker cultivation bases in the field have already suffered shocks at this moment, their Dao Hearts are shaken, their whole bodies are writhing with qi and blood, and they almost vomit blood.

All of this caused restlessness to appear in the field, and the situation was faintly showing signs of panic. If this continues, the consequences will be absolutely unimaginable.



Uncle Jiu shouted, he is the spirit god of hole light, and the impact he suffered was much weaker. When he saw this scene, his face turned livid with anger, and he jumped into a rage.

Hearing the words, everyone who was in a panic immediately woke up, endured all kinds of discomfort, and sat in their respective positions one after another, displaying the formation that had been arranged before.


Soon, dazzling beams of light shot up from all directions in the Scarlet Canyon. These beams of light were so thick that they looked like scorching suns rising into the sky from a distance, shining brightly and shining brightly.

At the same time, a majestic, chilling, violent wave of God's Forbidden spread suddenly, completely covering the blood-colored canyon.

The Sunset God Formation formed by 64 god-level powerhouses took shape at this moment!

bang bang bang~~

Almost at the same time, the sound of a drum came crushing from all directions, and it slammed into this god-forbidden path, making a terrifying explosion sound.

But in the end, the God Forbidden just trembled a bit, and then recovered.

Seeing this, Uncle Jiu breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately there was a strong murderous intent between his brows. The moment this damned little thing appeared, it almost disrupted his position. Even this blow is enough to cause a big disaster.

"Everyone, stand ready, if that evil obstacle dares to show up, he will be killed without mercy!" Uncle Jiu ordered sharply.


In the far distance of the Scarlet Canyon, Chen Xi put away the divine drum, and couldn't help frowning, Divine Formation?

This did make him slightly surprised, but in just a split second, a cold arc appeared on the corner of his lips. In the battles he has experienced, many people have encountered situations like the one before him, but no one has ever been able to stop him. pace of.

Because, he is the descendant of Shenyan Mountain!

His control over the talisman has long been integrated into his divine way, which has become the most powerful foundation of his cultivation, so he will not be afraid of any restrictions.

again and again!again and again!again and again!

Without any hesitation, Chen Xi started to step forward. His steps were not fast or slow, his clothes fluttered, like a stroll in a garden. Every step that fell, the void would vibrate, turning into ripples and spreading away.

Looking from a distance, although his expression is calm, he has a look of disdain for everyone.


ps: The monthly ticket list has dropped to 21st place, so heartbroken~~~~


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