divine talisman

Chapter 1571 Recklessly Fighting God's Forbidden [Part 2]

Thank you Brother Taohua for your support~


Under the bloody sky.

Chen Xi traveled across time and space alone, and approached the Scarlet Canyon in the distance.

His thick and jet-black long hair flew up, revealing his calm and stern face, and in his black eyes as deep as stars, there were countless dense symbols constantly surging.

In his eyes, the "Sunset God Formation" is very different from what ordinary people see. The strict and mysterious rune trajectory, and the base pattern of the formation itself come from the source of power surging in the eyes of the formation...

In Chen Xi's eyes, this ancient divine formation inherited from the Dayi clan was like countless dense runes flowing and intertwining. The astonishing number of formations covered every inch of space like a spider.

It seems that it is impeccable.

But when Chen Xi started to deduce, these countless formations reflected in his field of vision suddenly changed, turning into strands of rune structures.

These rune structures are intertwined, echoed, fused, and circulated. They are as dense as hundreds of millions of meteors moving along different trajectories. If you are an ordinary rune master, you may not have time to deduce the mystery, and your mind will fall into it Inextricable.

But Chen Xi was different, his talisman attainments had already reached unprecedented heights, and the universe within his body contained the inheritance of the Wuji Divine Talisman. When he started to deduce it, the Wuji Divine Talisman had already captured all the formations of the "Sunset God Formation" Captured it, and then began to assist Chen Xi in deducing its most core mystery.

In just a few breaths, Chen Xi understood all the mysteries of the "Sunset God Formation" well, and it was no longer as obscure and mysterious as before.

That feeling is like a black-clothed assassin hiding in the dark, suddenly illuminated by the light, and then stripped naked, with nothing to hide, no longer that dangerous and palpitating deterrence.


"This kid is really here."

"If you seek your own death, you can't blame anyone."

"I'm just curious, where did he get the confidence to dare to come forward?"

"It's nothing more than to kill the fish, but unfortunately, he still overestimates himself, thinking that he can be arrogant by beating the drum. This is a common problem of prey in the lower realms. They have narrow vision and high self-esteem. They don't understand what is beyond the sky. There are people outside."

When they saw Chen Xi's figure appearing from a distance, there was a burst of discussion in the Scarlet Canyon, some were surprised, some sneered and disdainful.

Only Uncle Jiu narrowed his eyes, and his face was slightly solemn. He had confronted Chen Xi before, and he knew very well that this young man was definitely not that kind of reckless and brainless person.

Now, knowing that their side has spread all over the world, he still dares to commit the crime alone. This only shows two things, either he intends to smash the pot, or he has a certain amount of confidence!

So, what is the possibility?

Inexplicably, the three words Shenyan Mountain appeared in Uncle Jiu's mind, and he couldn't help jumping in his heart, and immediately said loudly: "Everyone must not underestimate the enemy, this son is extremely difficult, any slight mistake may be caught by the opponent use!"

The voice was dignified, and there was an undisguised warning.

This made all the experts in the divine realm tremble in their hearts. Although many people still felt that Uncle Jiu was making a fuss out of a molehill, they did not dare to underestimate Chen Xi as he did just now.

"I'll listen to my orders later, if anyone is negligent, even if they return to Xuemoyu, my Dayi clan will never forgive such behavior!"

Uncle Jiu's expression was cold and his tone was pressing.

This made everyone present feel more awe-inspiring and dare not neglect.

"Uncle Jiu, he's here!"

Yitian had been standing quietly by one side, but when he saw Chen Xi's figure becoming clearer and clearer, he couldn't hold back immediately, and softly reminded Uncle Jiu.

"My lord, you stay behind, everything here is handed over to the old slave!"

Uncle Jiu said solemnly.

"Okay, I'll help you sweep the array!"

Yitian nodded.


"64 true gods of Dongwei, one spirit god of Dongguang, and one...Yitian!"

When he was three thousand feet away from the blood-colored canyon, Chen Xi seemed to have sensed something, and his footsteps stopped suddenly, and he didn't go forward anymore.

"Sacrifice array, kill!"

Almost as soon as Chen Xi paused, Uncle Jiu's cold and stern shout resounded through the heavens and the earth.



The "Sunset Divine Formation" covering the entire Scarlet Canyon suddenly started to operate, shining brightly, releasing billions of divine brilliance, illuminating the universe.


Almost at the same time, axes, axes, hooks, forks, bells, chimes, knives, swords, towers... and other terrifying divine weapons suddenly condensed in the large formation, and they rose into the sky, and all of them rushed towards Chen Xi who was in the distance. go.

These magical soldiers are all condensed by the power of the great formation, containing the power of the great formation, controlled by 64 gods, that kind of power seems to obliterate everything in the world, and destroy everything in the world. Nothingness, terrible to the extreme.

If it were an ordinary Dongwei True God, when encountering this scene, his fighting spirit would have collapsed and his shit would have been frightened. After all, with an attack of this scale, even Dongguang Spiritual God would not dare to shake it head-on.

But Chen Xi dare!

He only squinted his eyes for a moment, then he sacrificed the drum, suspended in the air, flicked his fingers lightly, and an invisible force hit the drum hard.


A deafening deep drum sound seemed to emanate from the primordial chaos, imprinted with an invisible mighty force, and centered on Chen Xi, it suddenly spread far away.

bang bang bang...

Under the attack of such terrifying drum sounds, the divine soldiers burst into pieces in the air, turning into blazing rain of light, which was extremely dazzling.

In the end, the sound of the drums easily crushed these attacks and slammed into the formation of "Sunset God Chasing Everywhere", oscillating endlessly, and the sound was like thunder and thunder, extremely ear-piercing.

"Is this the power of the drum beating the gods?"

"Sure enough, it's terrifying. It seems that this kid came prepared."

"However, that's all. Don't even think about breaking our big formation with this kind of ability!"

The curtain fell with one blow, making the god-level powerhouses in the formation realize Chen Xi's extraordinaryness, and at the same time being cautious in their hearts, they also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, because their own formation was like the most impenetrable fortress, giving them added confidence. A lot of confidence.

"Keep attacking!"

Seeing this, Uncle Jiu didn't dare to be negligent, and issued orders repeatedly.

At the same time, he bent his bow and set an arrow, wanting to seize the opportunity and kill Chen Xi in one fell swoop, but what made him helpless was that, just like the first time he fought Chen Xi, he still couldn't lock the opponent's aura.

This made him, the "sharp archer", suddenly lose his most powerful fighting method.


It was too late to say it, but it was soon, and the Sunset God Formation kept fluctuating day by day, releasing terrifying attacks one after another. These attacks either evolved into magic soldiers, or condensed into wind, cloud, thunder and lightning.

Until later, even the Canglong, the Fire Phoenix, the Jingong Zhen Jinlian, the Mountains and Rivers Na Qiankun, the Golden Crow into the Nine Suns, the Divine Light Shooting the Bullfight... and other terrifying vision attacks emerged from the formation!

This is the power of the "Chasing the Sun God" formation, which was created by Dayi, the ancestor of the Dayi clan. onto Chen Xi.


Under such terrifying continuous attacks, Chen Xi also accelerated the rhythm of the battle, kept beating the big drum, released the supreme sound, and kept fighting with it.

All of a sudden, all kinds of dazzling divine splendors collided between the heaven and the earth, turning the land of millions of miles into a chaotic battlefield, in which there were many visions, as if the catastrophe of the doomsday was coming, and the world was about to be destroyed.

Generally speaking, under such an attack, even Dongguang Lingshen could not survive the disaster, but what made Uncle Jiu and others horrified was that Chen Xi was alone, and he blocked all these attacks, and from the beginning to the end. , is still advancing, and is approaching this bloody canyon!

This made the only trace of contempt in everyone's hearts disappear, and everyone's face was full of dignity, unbelievable.

It was also at this time that they finally understood what Uncle Jiu said, and realized the terrifying nature of Chen Xi, a young man from the lower realms.

"Beating the God Drum, this is a supreme treasure that can only be carried by the king of the Archaic fungus tribe. Where did this kid get these treasures?"

Behind the big formation, Yi Tian also noticed this scene, staring at the God-beating Drum in Chen Xi's hands in the distance, and thinking of the Da Luo Tian and Luo Bao copper coins still in Chen Xi's hands, he couldn't help but feel a surge of jealousy in his heart emotions come.

"This time, I must kill this son. These are the three prestigious innate treasures! With them, why should I not be able to take over the heir of the Dayi family and achieve the glory of eternal life?"

Yi Tian slowly clenched his fists, and there was an uncontrollable desire for greed and possessiveness in his eyes.


The pressure was increasing, and Chen Xi was still thousands of feet away from the Scarlet Canyon.

He kept beating the divine drum, while resisting the continuous rushing attacks, while moving his figure, he stepped forward step by step in the flames of battle.

The only thing he can do is to wait until he gets close to the "Sunset Formation", which is the moment for him to turn the situation around, instead of using brute force to fight the opponent recklessly as he is doing now.


"Hurry up!"

"A group of idiots, what are you keeping at this moment? Hurry up!!"

Seeing Chen Xi's figure constantly approaching, Uncle Jiu's face darkened a little bit, and an inexplicable restlessness and anxiety grew in his heart, almost hysterically ordering the crowd to continuously attack.



The power of the Divine Formation became more and more terrifying. The universe, space-time, latitude and longitude all exploded at this moment, presenting a chaotic state of disorder.

And the pressure that Chen Xi endured also doubled sharply, and the speed at which his divine power was being consumed also continued to accelerate.

This made his face become serious, he gritted his teeth suddenly, desperate for the possibility of injury, his figure flashed, and rushed forward abruptly.


A radiant shrine condensed by the god formation arrived and slammed into Chen Xi's body fiercely. Immediately, his figure staggered and coughed up a mouthful of blood, his face suddenly turned slightly pale.

Obviously, this blow was exactly as he expected, causing him to suffer certain injuries.

But before the enemy cheered, he saw Chen Xi's figure rushing forward with the help of this impact force, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the Scarlet Canyon!


ps: I have a stomach problem tonight, this chapter is a bit late to update, so everyone has been waiting for a long time, in addition, I wish Xiaoxiao children's shoes a happy birthday, happy and happy~~


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