divine talisman

Chapter 1572 Twisting Formation

No one expected that Chen Xi would risk his injuries and forcefully rush to the front of the Scarlet Canyon.

What is he going to do?

Doesn't he know that once he is deeply involved in the big formation, the suppression he will suffer will be even more terrifying?

Everyone was in shock, and they all suspected that Chen Xi was simply looking for death.

Only Uncle Jiu's eyelids twitched and his face suddenly changed. He immediately judged that Chen Xi was not looking for his own death, but was trying to break into battle!

"Stop him now!"

Almost subconsciously, Jiubo rose into the air and shouted loudly.

At this moment, he was even [-]% sure that this young man from the lower realm must be related to Shenyan Mountain, otherwise he would not have dared to break into the formation so recklessly.

The others were startled, stop?The other party is clearly about to jump into a predicament, why stop it?

It was precisely because of this thought that their movements obviously showed a slight imperceptible stagnation.

And Chen Xi immediately seized this fleeting opportunity, and with a flash of his figure, he entered the formation of "Chasing Sunset God" with a swish.

Seeing Chen Xi's swift and swift actions, those experts in the divine realm immediately realized that something was wrong with the situation, so they dared not be negligent, and they shot one after another, using the power of the royal formation to ruthlessly kill Chen Xi.


All of a sudden, the formation was filled with violent thunder, shocking lightning, hurricane, evil mist, divine light... and other incomparably terrifying attacks, dazzling and colorful, but under the ultimate beauty, there was a surge of Extremely dangerous.

But to everyone's surprise, after round after round of slaughter, there was no trace of Chen Xi in the formation!

"What about the kid?"

"Could it be completely obliterated?"

"Probably not. If so, the Leishen Drum in his hand will always be left behind, but now let alone the Leishen Drum, there is not even a trace of his breath left, which is a bit abnormal."

Everyone discussed and searched carefully every corner of the formation, but found nothing. This abnormal situation made them feel a little uneasy.

"What are you still doing, keep attacking!"

Uncle Jiu also realized that something was wrong, so he yelled to remind everyone.


But before his voice fell, in a certain corner of the formation, a strong man in the divine realm suddenly widened his eyes, and a bloodstain appeared on his throat.

"Help...help me..." He covered his throat and hooted, but in the middle of the speech, his eyes went dark, he lost consciousness immediately, his whole head was thrown into the air, and the blood shot out.

"Brother Luo!"

"The third one!"


Many people noticed this scene, they all turned pale with shock, and shouted out.

All this happened so suddenly that there was no trace of a battle, and the head of the strong man in the divine realm was beheaded and died, which made everyone present feel chilly and terrified.

"Then... where is that kid hiding?"

"Why, why can't the Chasing Sun God Formation trap this beast?"

Everyone was surprised, and they were all very angry. From the beginning to the end, they didn't even lock the trace of the enemy. How could they accept this?


In this horrifying and uneasy atmosphere, there was another muffled sound.

Someone died again?

Everyone looked at it, and immediately their expressions were dull. This time, a bloated middle-aged man in gray clothes was killed. There was a blood hole in the center of his forehead, his expression was frozen on his face, and blood flowed down his face.

With a bang, he fell to the ground with a bang, completely dead.

Everyone twitched suddenly in their hearts, what the hell is going on?

"Damn it, that evil barrier was not intended to break the formation, but to use the cover of the formation to assassinate!" At this moment, Uncle Jiu finally understood completely, and his face became extremely ashen.

At the same time, he still had some doubts in his heart, this is their Dayi Clan's inheritance divine formation, how could that evil obstacle behave so easily in the great formation?

Could it be that he understands the "Sunset Formation" better than himself?

Thinking of this, Uncle Jiu couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. He has experienced countless battles in his life, but when it comes to weirdness, none of the battles can compare with what he is seeing.

So weird!

"If this guy has nothing to do with Shenyan Mountain, I wouldn't believe it if he was killed..." Uncle Jiu took a deep breath, and quickly deduced the strategy of killing the enemy in his mind.


But at this moment, there was another muffled sound in the formation, and this time three people were killed in a row!

These three people were located in three completely different positions of "Kanli", "Xunze" and "Duikun" in the formation, but now, at the same moment, a blood hole appeared in the throat, and they struggled and screamed He didn't even have a chance, so he was wiped out in one fell swoop!


"Damn, damn! What's going on here?"

Everyone was frightened and roared.

This is really terrifying, the lives of gods and gods were wiped out without a sound, without even a chance to react, really like a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

The most important thing is that from beginning to end, they didn't even see any trace of the enemy!

This is the place that makes these gods fear the most.

"Everyone, don't panic, quickly gather in the 'Qian' position, and deal with this beast together!"

Seeing this, Uncle Jiu could only reluctantly change his strategy. The operation of the God-by-Sunset Formation was originally constructed from 64 directions, each of which was guarded by a strong man in the God Realm.

But now, there is a huge disadvantage in this method of formation, that is, it is very easy for Chen Xi to use it, and then snipe and kill them silently.

Therefore, Uncle Jiu could only gather all the people in the formation to gather at the "dry" position in the center of the formation, so as to avoid Chen Xi taking advantage of him again.

However, there is a disadvantage in doing so, that is, the power of the large formation will be cut by half at once!

If he hadn't been forced to, Uncle Jiu wouldn't have chosen this method at all.


Uncle Jiu's voice seemed to bring a ray of light to the people who were in fear, causing them to abandon their original position in town without hesitation, and move closer to the "dry" position.

Fortunately for them, no one was assassinated and died in the process.

Soon, the remaining 59 god-level powerhouses all gathered in the center of the big formation, which made them completely relieved, not only because of the large number of people, but also the most important thing is that when they gather together, there will be no more Leave any opportunity for the other party to take advantage of!

"If this damned bastard is caught by me, I will have to skin his muscles and refine him into fat!"

"Be prepared, once you find this beast, you must use all your strength to capture and kill it in one fell swoop!"

"Yes, just do it."

Everyone was in the same hatred, and they all hated Chen Xi to the core, and each one was full of murderous intent.

Seeing this, Uncle Jiu also heaved a sigh of relief. Although they are now on the defensive, they still have an absolute advantage. If that evil obstacle dares to show up, he is destined to be suppressed and killed with infinite anger!


Suddenly, an obscure and strange fluctuation surged in the formation.

"This is?"

"It seems that the formation is changing..."

"Huh? No! We haven't started running the formation yet!"

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but feel a little terrified. They had no choice but to be frightened by Chen Xi's elusive killing technique just now.

At this moment, as soon as I noticed this strange movement, although I couldn't guess what happened, I still couldn't help but feel hairy.

"Everyone, be careful, don't act without authorization, as long as you stay in this position, even if that evil barrier uses all kinds of tricks, it will be difficult to shake us!"

Seeing this, Uncle Jiu spoke in a deep voice, making everyone feel a little more at ease.

It's a pity that they didn't notice that the "Sunset God Formation" they were in was quietly undergoing an astonishing change...

There were originally 64 positions in the formation, except for the "dry" position in the center, the other 63 positions have long been empty.

But now, the formations imprinted on those directions quietly glowed with a gleam of luster, and the rune patterns started to move silently.

And at this time, Chen Xi's figure kept flickering in each of these vacant positions, and every time he passed by, he reached out and typed out a series of rune patterns, pouring into the formation pattern imprinted on that position like a tide, quietly changing. Follow the rune trajectory in it.

He is like a ghost, silent and silent, erratic in every corner of the formation, coupled with the cover of the forbidden path secret pattern, the aura of his whole body is completely restrained, and there is no possibility that he will be noticed.

"These idiots, if they have a little knowledge of talisman, they wouldn't just stand there waiting to die..." At the same time, Chen Xi also noticed that those enemies had gathered in the "dry" position, unable to shrink back. There was an undisguised sarcasm on the corner of his lips.

Like now, he is using the method of talisman to reverse the rune trajectory of this large formation, although the "dry" position of the formation's eyes is still controlled by the opponent, and he cannot use this large formation for him.

But Chen Xi can use his own means to gather all the power of this place, and finally form a "self-destruct" method, completely detonating the formation!

How terrifying will the power of the destruction of the Great Formation be?

Chen Xi was also secretly looking forward to it.


In fact, it's not that Uncle Jiu and the others don't know anything about talismans, but that they never thought that someone in this world could completely change the running pattern of an ancient divine formation inherited from the Dayi clan by their own power!

This is the gap in cognition. For those who have never deeply comprehended the Dao of Talismans, it is impossible to understand what incredible means a Talisman Master who has reached the level of "King of Talismans" possesses.

Such talisman masters may not be so outstanding in frontal combat, but when they appear in the formation, they will become the king who controls everything if they come to their own territory!

Not understanding means ignorance.

Ignorance sometimes means death.

For example now.

When Chen Xi was preparing all means, those people were waiting for the formation, huddled in the "do" position, thinking that mastering the eyes of the formation was equivalent to mastering everything in the formation.

In Chen Xi's eyes, he looked extremely stupid and idiot.


ps: There are some Kawen, the second update will be a bit late, I can’t wait to watch it tomorrow~~


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