divine talisman

Chapter 1573 1 pot end

Time passed little by little.

The atmosphere in the formation was silent, and all the powerhouses in the "dry" position looked at each other in blank dismay. Why was there no movement?

Uncle Jiu also frowned unceasingly, which was a bit abnormal. Could it be that the kid was going to hide in the big formation all the time, spending time with them?

"Ha, do you think that evil barrier is dismantling the formation?" Someone asked, trying to ease the heavy and dull atmosphere with a joke.

But these words fell into Uncle Jiu's ears, but it was no less than a thunderclap, dismantling the formation...dismantling the formation...how did I forget, this kid is proficient in talismans, and he is more likely to have a relationship with Shenyanshan A trace of connection!

Before, he entered the big formation without being trapped, instead, he took the opportunity to assassinate one after another god-level powerhouses. All this is enough to prove that he has already seen through all the mysteries of the "Chasing Sunset God" formation!

Under such circumstances, how could he choose the extremely conservative method of indifference and spend time with them?

Realizing this, Uncle Jiu felt more and more uneasy, his face became gloomy and unsightly, as if hesitating for something.

In the end, he suddenly raised his head, gritted his teeth, and said sharply, "Withdraw!"


A few words, but it made those god-level powerhouses confused and didn't understand why.

Seeing that these guys were not enlightened, Uncle Jiu was so angry that the seven orifices were filled with smoke, he gritted his teeth and said sharply: "Did you understand, I said withdraw from the formation, immediately! Immediately! Quickly!"

Everyone was stunned, but they still wondered why they had to withdraw under such a situation. If the defense of this large formation was lost, wouldn't it be equivalent to losing a natural defensive barrier?

"These idiots!"

Seeing their hesitation, Uncle Jiu was so angry that his chest and abdomen rolled again. He knew very well that if it was placed on his Dayi disciples, as long as he gave an order, this situation would never happen.

The key point is that most of the god-level powerhouses present are not from the Dayi clan. Although they are in awe of their power and power, they will not believe in them without reservation.

This makes the hearts of the people not in harmony, and it is difficult to achieve great things.

"Quick, since Uncle Jiu said so, he must have his reasons, let's withdraw together!" Many of the crowd also came from the Dayi clan, and upon seeing this, they immediately stood up with a clear banner.


"Cooperating with your Dayi clan, I have lost repeatedly, and I don't know what to say."

"If you withdraw, you will withdraw. If you lose the chance to kill this son later, you will have no one to blame."

The others felt a little dissatisfied. Everything they encountered today made them frustrated again and again. The anger accumulated in their hearts was a little ugly now that Uncle Jiu gave orders randomly.

"These fools! Doesn't one of them sense the danger?"

Witnessing the dissatisfaction on the faces of the crowd, Uncle Jiu was so angry that his lungs would explode. He thought of them out of safety, but they didn't appreciate it at all, instead he blamed himself!

But fortunately, in the end these guys all started to evacuate voluntarily, which made Uncle Jiu feel a little relieved.


But at this moment, an unspeakable fluctuation suddenly roared and spread in the formation like a tide, and in an instant, it permeated the entire formation, bursting out with an incomparably dazzling divine light.

That feeling, as if there was an invisible big hand, lit up every formation in the big formation in an instant, igniting all the power contained in the formation.




Huang Huang is not to be stared at!

"This is?"

Everyone who was preparing to evacuate was startled.

"Get out!"

However, Uncle Jiu's heart shook violently, his complexion changed suddenly, and his eyes were about to burst.

Unfortunately, when everyone reacted, their retreat was blocked.

The reason is very simple, they are standing on the "dry" position above the eye of the "Sunset God Formation", which happens to be the center of the formation, and at this moment, with the sudden change of the formation, it seems to have turned into a turbulent the sea, and the "dry" place they are standing on has become an isolated island surrounded by the middle of the sea!

There are seas in all directions, why cross?

Trapped in the center of the formation, how can they find a way out?

In an instant, everyone's countenance changed. The sudden change caught them all off guard, and they smelled a deadly aura.

They don't know what's going to happen next.

They don't know why such an accident happened to the large formation in their hands.

They don't even know how to deal with it.

Therefore, they can only rely on an instinct that has been honed over the years of fighting, subconsciously run all their cultivation bases, sacrifice the strongest treasures, and use the method of pressing the bottom of the box to break through the encirclement.

"Unfortunately, it's late..." Jiubo murmured in the distance, his expression dull.


A monstrous bang resounded through the sky.

Seen from a distance, the entire "Sunset God Formation" covering the Scarlet Canyon exploded at this moment, transpiring billions of divine brilliance, like a huge mushroom cloud, soaring into the sky, illuminating the mountains and rivers.

Immediately, one after another of miserable screams came from the explosion, revealing unwillingness, despair, anger, resentment... and finally being drowned out by the bang.

Looking at this scene far away from the Scarlet Canyon, Chen Xi immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and thought to himself, if nothing unexpected happened, this blow would be enough to put them all together, right?

"evil creature!!"

Suddenly, an extremely angry roar came from the other side of the canyon, and Uncle Jiu's towering mountain-like figure emerged, his rock-like muscles stretched one by one, and there were waves of violent and unparalleled divine power.

His expression was livid and distorted, his eyes were about to split open, like a mad beast, wanting to choose someone and devour him.

Uncle Jiu was indeed so angry that he was about to lose his mind, because he never expected that Chen Xi didn't dismantle the formation, but used a certain method to completely detonate the power of the entire formation!

This blow alone wiped out all the gods he had placed in the formation, which also meant that the entire 64 Dongwei True Gods were completely buried in the hands of Chen Xi alone.

This number may not seem huge, but it is a god!

In particular, there are also some descendants from the Dayi clan, and now they are all buried with them. If this is passed back to the clan, the ancestors must have skinned him!

Therefore, Uncle Jiu was completely enraged, completely insane, and he had made up his mind that even if he tried his best, he would kill Chen Xizhen, otherwise he would have no face to deal with the clan.



Chen Xi seemed to be completely unaware of Uncle Jiu's anger. As soon as the explosion in the canyon subsided, he sacrificed the Great Luotian, which turned into a beam of light as clear as a star, covering that area.

This is to capture those spheres of light that have been stripped of the laws of the divine way, as well as the spheres of light that contain all kinds of methods.

Seeing this scene, Uncle Jiu was so angry that blue veins burst out on his forehead. Not only did he want to kill this bastard, but he also wanted to search for the loot in front of his face!

It's just too deceiving!


He couldn't hold back any longer, soared into the air, and violently sacrificed a large animal bone bow, shooting out one after another red divine arrows, like a violent storm, pouring towards Chen Xi in the distance.

This kind of attack no longer needs to lock on any air mechanism, it is completely a large-scale suppression with full firepower.


Almost at the same time, Chen Xi also moved out, offering his sword talisman, and with a flash of his figure, he took the initiative to meet him.

When he first entered the realm of doom, he could force the opponent to sacrifice his "divine altar" to fight for his life, but now, his cultivation base and the power of the divine way have both been significantly improved, and he is no longer afraid of the opponent's desperate effort. lift.

bang bang bang~~~

One after another, the red divine arrows were chopped off by Chen Xi, and they exploded into light rain. It was impossible to stop his steps.

"Old thing, you were lucky enough to survive last time, but this time you won't be so lucky!" Chen Xi cast the kunpeng magical technique, turned into a kunpeng and soared into the sky, charging away with a kind of majesty and power.

"Evil! Hugh is rampant!"

Uncle Jiu roared angrily, abandoning his arrow path, and his burly figure stretched out, charging forward with a bronze spear in his hand.He also knew that if he couldn't lock the opponent's energy, he couldn't use the arrow at all.


The sword talisman collided with the bronze spear, and the divine brilliance splashed everywhere. They fought thousands of times in an instant, which was completely head-to-head.

If anyone sees this scene, they must be dumbfounded in shock, you must know that Uncle Jiu is a god of light!Now he was evenly killed by a real god Dongwei, which is too shocking.

But Uncle Jiu would no longer be shocked by this. He had fought against Chen Xi before, and he was well aware of the opponent's combat strength, which could not be measured by his displayed cultivation at all.

So as soon as he made a move, he used all means without reservation, and fully displayed the power and influence of a cave light spirit god.

Similarly, Chen Xi also used all his strength, otherwise, he would not be able to compete with the opponent. After all, in terms of cultivation, he was already a big gap behind the opponent, and he could only use other means to make up for this gap.

And for Chen Xi, the means to kill a Cave Light Spiritual God is the cultivation of swordsmanship in the "Sword Emperor" realm, and several innate spiritual treasures in his hands!


In the nine heavens and ten lands, Chen Xi and Jiu Bo continued to charge and kill, their sword qi shot out, and their spears shadowed the buildings.

"How could this be, how could this guy be so tyrannical..." Far away behind the Scarlet Canyon, Yi Tian, ​​the third son of the Dayi Clan, looked into the distance, his face was cloudy and his breath became violent with anger.

The Sunshine God Formation was destroyed, and all the subordinates were buried with him, except for Jiubo, the Dongguang Spiritual God, but now he can only be killed equally with that evil barrier.

All these heavy losses, sudden changes, and extremely heavy blows made Yitian unable to believe it, let alone accept it.

"Could it be that those few congenital treasures really shouldn't be owned by myself?" Yitian's face was gloomy and hideous, "No! We must not let this go, otherwise, what face do I have to meet my ancestors!?"


Suddenly a shocking sound exploded in his ears, causing Yitian to tremble all over. When he looked up, he was shocked to find that Uncle Jiu was injured at this moment!


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