divine talisman

Chapter 1574 Qingliu [Part 1]


Uncle Jiu was hit by a blow, but his body, which was as tall as a mountain, was like a sandbag at this moment, crashing to the ground, making a big hole.

He coughed up blood from his lips, and when he stood up again, the skin on his chest was ripped apart, and there was a scar with deep bone visible, around which wisps of shattered and terrifying sword energy lingered, constantly strangling his flesh and blood.

Come home!

This time the battle lasted until now, and Uncle Jiu was defeated by Chen Xi's blow again, which was exactly the same as the scene where he was not defeated last time.

At the same time, Yitian saw this scene, and his whole body trembled in shock. The hostility and anger in his heart faded away like a tide, and were replaced by a touch of unspeakable fear.

This young man from the lower world is too scary!

Not only did he single-handedly destroy the "Sunset God Formation", but he also killed 64 Dongwei True God Realm powerhouses, and now he is fighting Jiu Bo, the Dongguang Spiritual God, gaining an advantage in one fell swoop. I can't believe it every day.

He knew very well that even in the three thousand universes of the Xuemo Region, he might not be able to find a few True God Dongwei with the same fighting power as this guy!



The battle in the distance is still going on.

This time, Chen Xi was decisive in killing and attacking, his brows were full of indifference, as if he was going to fight across borders, to kill spirits with all his might.

On the other hand, Uncle Jiu was killed so much that he could only ask for advice. Even though he used all kinds of supreme methods, they were all defeated by Chen Xi in one fell swoop, and he couldn't hurt Chen Xi at all.

This is a Dongguang Spiritual God, and even a first-class powerhouse who has reached a small level of divine way, but now he has nothing to do with a Dongwei True God, and is even suppressed by him. Such a performance itself seems extremely incredible .

After careful analysis, there are actually many reasons, but the most important thing is that in this battle, Uncle Jiu's best archery skills were completely unable to be brought into play.

As for Chen Xi, although his cultivation level was a level behind the opponent's, his divine way foundation was extremely solid and solid, far superior to those of his peers, and he also controlled the "Sword Emperor" level of swordsmanship cultivation base. The combined combat power had faintly suppressed nine uncle.

Under such circumstances, Jiu Bo's retreat is inevitable.


A moment later, a surge of sword energy swept across the sky, as if the Yangtze River rolled back, Uncle Jiu was defeated again, he staggered and coughed up blood, bleeding from every inch of his body.

This made Uncle Jiu's face even more ashen and ferocious, and his whole body was full of rage, almost crazy.

Not only was he defeated by Chen Xi for the first time, but when he actually fought against him, it was still difficult to accept this situation. He was a luminous spirit god!

In the endless years of practice, why was he repeatedly forced to such a miserable situation by a true god of Dongwei?

"Little thing, this old man will fight with you!"

Amidst the roar, Uncle Jiu was still helpless after all, and sacrificed the "Sacred Altar" again.


The divine altar soared into the air, shining brightly, and bred a thick and terrifying power of the divine way. This is the original power possessed by a cave light spirit god, and it is the strongest point of Uncle Jiu's cultivation.

In an instant, the heaven and the earth were filled with rumbling sounds, and billions of divine radiances spread out from the altar, disrupting time and space, and causing the heaven and earth within a million miles to fall into great terror.


Seeing this, Chen Xi almost didn't hesitate, he sacrificed the God-beating Drum, and let out a loud and immeasurable drum sound. The invisible sound wave, like raging chaotic waves, swept out with a bang.

At the same time, he stretched out his hand, "Zheng!"Zheng!Zheng!Three golden rays of light pierced through the air, making clearer and sharper sounds.

Falling copper coins!

The three falling treasure copper coins, which were imprinted with the three chaotic secret patterns of "Heaven", "Earth" and "Human" respectively, now appear in the shape of a character, like a perfect and formidable shackle, ruthlessly slamming towards Uncle Jiu's "Shentai" go.

All of this was not over, almost at the same time, Ah Liang rose from Chen Xi's ears, her hair fluttered, her light blue skirt swayed, and her delicate and delicate cheeks were full of determination and seriousness.


At some point, there was an extra pale gold, extremely exquisite and gorgeous walking stick in her hand, which was imprinted with strands of mysterious symbols. It waved lightly in mid-air, and immediately steamed out streaks of pale golden divine flames, floating in the sky.

These divine flames are extremely miraculous, in the shape of thunder and lightning, sharp and fierce, and possess a power like burning the sky, which is extremely frightening.

This cane is another divine treasure of the Archaean tribe, called the Burning Scepter. Although it is not an innate spiritual treasure, it is a soldier of luck forged by the ancestors of the Archaean tribe. They will bless it with a wisp of their own will, and then refine it through secret methods, so that it has the terrifying power of "Fen Qingming is nothingness, and Liu Yan is irresistible".

Beat the drum!

Falling copper coins!

Burning Scepter!

In just a split second, the three divine treasures soared into the air, releasing monstrous powers each, and they all attacked the "divine altar" sacrificed by Uncle Jiu.

And this was also a means that Chen Xi had prepared for a long time. Everything was prepared desperately for Uncle Jiu to sacrifice the "Sacred Altar".

After all, it was because of this trick last time that Chen Xi suffered a lot, and this time he will not repeat the same mistakes.

"not good!"

Seeing all this, Uncle Jiu shrank his eyes and lost his voice in astonishment, and finally realized that the damned little thing opposite had already been preparing for a long time just to wait for him to perform this trick.

But the current situation has made it too late for him to regret, let alone react, so he can only put all his eggs in one basket.

In other words, this blow is inevitable, and the winner must be determined, and no dodge or retreat is allowed.


First of all, the sonic attack of the beating drum charged on the altar, just like a stormy wave smashing hard on a rock, shaking the sky and the earth, and the sound shook the nine heavens.

During this blow, the altar trembled violently, but it was a pity that it was not shot down.

But before all this was over, three falling treasure copper coins came through the air, and three blazing golden lights descended, and with a bang, they forcibly suppressed the altar in mid-air and imprisoned it tightly.


At this moment, Uncle Jiu suffered a severe backlash, his face turned pale, and he couldn't help but spurt out a mouthful of blood, his whole body couldn't help shaking.


He roared furiously, his eyes were about to split open, blood was dripping from the corners of his eyes, he almost exhausted all the energy in his body, and poured all his strength into the altar.


The altar struggled violently, shining brightly, and was about to rush out of the confinement of falling precious copper coins. This also caused Chen Xi to suffer a shock, his throat sweetened, and a trace of blood spilled from the corners of his lips.

This made him secretly marvel in his heart, this is the power of a cave light spirit god, it is really not easy to kill him completely.


Fortunately, seeing that the altar was about to escape, the golden divine flames sacrificed by Aliang's flaming staff, like billions of golden thunderbolts, ruthlessly tore through the void, suppressing the altar on the altar, bursting out again and again. There was a deafening explosion sound, and golden light splashed everywhere.

With each impact, the altar couldn't help trembling, and the divine power permeating the surface was defeated again and again, gradually becoming dim.

But Uncle Jiu was constantly suffering backlash in this kind of battle, he coughed up blood, his face became paler and paler, his whole body trembled unceasingly, as if he had gone mad with epilepsy, his appearance was hideous and terrifying.

"Thinking to kill this old man with a few magical treasures? Delusion!" Uncle Jiu roared wildly, like a demon god, and had already made plans to burn everything.

With a bang, his figure seemed to be burning, and his feet stepped into the void, and in an instant, he completely merged with his altar!

In other words, he has completely entrusted his fate to the altar at this moment. Even if he can win in the end, he is also doomed to fall on the spot, and there is no possibility of resurrection!

"This old fellow is actually so ruthless..."

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Ah Liang, do your best, but remember not to get close to this old thing, leave the rest to me!"

When he was speaking, his figure also flashed, his whole body was burning with vigor and energy, and hundreds of millions of divine talisman patterns were transpiring around him, and with a clang, he held the sword talisman and slashed away.

Originally, relying on the beating drum, the Luobao copper coin and Ah Liang's burning staff, it was enough to drive Jiu Bo to death, but now that the other party is risking his life, wanting to burn everything, Chen Xi immediately did not dare to neglect, That's why they charged forward just now.


Seeing this scene in the distance, Ah Liang couldn't help feeling a little worried, worried about Chen Xi, but when she thought of Chen Xi's explanation just now, she bit her cherry lips, finally took a deep breath, and used all her power to burn On the Yan Divine Scepter, this method should be used to share the pressure for Chen Xi.


Between the heaven and the earth, there are terrifying turbulent currents everywhere, and the battle has entered the most intense stage, and the victory or defeat is destined to come to an end at this moment.

"Little guy, you came at the right time. If you can kill the old man with you, you will have no regrets in your life!" Uncle Jiu's crazy roar suddenly came from the altar.

The next moment, the altar swelled violently, as if a volcano was about to erupt, releasing a violent force that almost destroyed the world.

"not good!"

Chen Xi's pupils shrank, and he never thought that this old thing would no longer struggle, and wanted to die with him at this very moment.

"My lord, be careful—!" A Liang's anxious cry came from far away.

At this moment, every pore in Chen Xi's body felt a deadly danger, but it was already too late to dodge it.

"It seems that this damn thing can only be sacrificed..." Chen Xi gritted his teeth violently, and a ruthless and decisive look flashed in his black eyes.


However, before Chen Xi could take any action, there was a sudden change, a blue divine light appeared out of thin air, and it arrived first, before Chen Xi. pass by.


Under this cyan divine light, the altar, which contained the original power of Uncle Jiu, was divided into two halves like paper paste!

"This... this is... Qingliu..."

From the divided altar, Uncle Jiu's shrill and unwilling roar came out, and there was an incomparable panic in it, as if he had never expected that such an accident would happen.

Before the sound fell, there was an earth-shattering bang, and the shattered altar exploded, submerging the whole world.


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