divine talisman

Chapter 1575 Gathering Momentum [Part 2]

The altar exploded, and the sky and the earth were covered by smoke and dust.

Standing there, Chen Xi was completely stunned. At this most critical moment, he originally planned to use the Qi Explosive Killing God Art to fight head-on with Uncle Jiu, but he never expected that such an accident would happen!

In an instant, the altar transformed by Uncle Jiu, the Hollow Spirit God, was divided into two halves and shattered on the spot.

This also means that Uncle Jiu's life will also end at this moment, and there is no possibility of rebirth!

Where did that cyan glow come from?

And who rescued himself at this critical moment?

Chen Xi drew his sword and looked around, but he didn't find any abnormality at all. This made him even more suspicious. The existence that can achieve this step is definitely above the ancestor god of Dongyu!

So, who will the other party be?

Chen Xi recalled the roar of Uncle Jiu when he was about to die, Qing Liu?What do these few words represent?

Is it someone's name?Or is it the name of that bluish radiance?Or is it the name of a certain area in the ancient gods?

"My lord, are you alright?" At this time, Ah Liang traveled through time and space, seeing that Chen Xi was intact, his little face was filled with joy.

Chen Xi shook his head, took a deep breath, collected his thoughts, and stopped thinking about it.

"Unexpectedly, Young Master actually killed a Hollow Spiritual God. If Granny finds out about this, her jaw will definitely drop." A Liang's eyes sparkled, and he looked at Chen Xi with a little admiration.

Chen Xi was dumbfounded, but he sighed in his heart. He was not the one who killed this old thing in the end, but he really had nothing to be proud of.

"Evil barrier! Just wait, I, the Dayi clan, will never let you go!" Suddenly, a loud shout of incomparable hatred came from far away.

Chen Xi raised his eyes to look, and immediately frowned. The man was dressed in a white robe and had a handsome face. He wasn't the third son of the Dayi clan, Yitian.

It's just that obviously, this guy didn't notice the blue light that suddenly appeared just now, so he regarded himself as the chief culprit who killed Uncle Jiu.

However, Chen Xi didn't know how to explain it to the other party. Before that, his mind was slightly shaken, and he almost ignored the existence of Yitian.

Seeing that the other party actually dared to threaten him with words at this moment, murderous intent surged in Chen Xi's heart again.


Almost without any hesitation, Chen Xi's figure flashed, and he moved time and space, killing Yitian in the distance.


But before he got close, Yitian sneered suddenly, and offered a piece of rusty and mottled bronze ring, which spun around his body, and immediately issued an incomparably obscure wave, and with a bang, a blazing radiance erupted , engulfed Yitian's whole body, and disappeared in an instant.


Chen Xi raised his hand and struck with a sword, but in the end, there was no effect. It was as if Yi Tian disappeared from this world in an instant, without causing any space-time fluctuations at all.

This made Chen Xi's face darken, he knew that all of this was thanks to that piece of mottled bronze ring, it must be a great treasure in the Dayi Clan.

"If I don't get rid of this disaster, I'm afraid it will cause me a lot of trouble after entering the Snow Ink Realm..." Chen Xi murmured, but he had no choice but to let it go.

Next, he started to clean up the battlefield with Aliang.


"More than 450 pieces of divine crystals, 54 light clusters of Divine Dao laws, 23 light clusters containing various methods, and 36 pieces of Houtian Shenbao..."

After counting everything, the richness of the harvest was far beyond Chen Xi's expectations. The only thing that made him feel regretful was that most of the divine treasures he harvested were ordinary in quality, and more or less suffered certain traumas. Even if it is to exchange for Shenjing, it will be greatly discounted.

"Ah Liang, let's go, find a place to have a good rest, and then go to the passage leading to the snow-ink region."

Accepting all the spoils of war, Chen Xi made a decision after a little thought.

During this battle, Chen Xi's divine power was also consumed a lot, and the detonation of the "Sunset God Formation" did not consume much of his divine power. The key was in the battle with Uncle Jiu, which made him have to use it too. With all his strength, the divine power he possesses now is less than [-]%, almost on the verge of exhaustion.

"Oh." Ah Liang nodded, she always obeyed Chen Xi's words.



Not long after Chen Xi and A Liang left, there was a void fluctuation in the battlefield, and two figures appeared.

It was the mysterious empress and Huicong.

"Niang Niang, you said it cruelly, but now you still can't bear it, and saved that little brother's life." Huicong giggled.

The empress was silent for a while, and after a long time, she waved her sleeves, and with a bang, a ray of blue divine light swept across the entire battlefield like a gust of wind.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the corpses, blood, and sores all over the ground have disappeared without a trace, and even the collapsed ground and chaotic void cracks have been repaired and restored to stability.

After finishing all this, the empress turned around and said: "Since the karma has been planted, who can do anything about it? I just hope that what I did today can bring about a good fate in the future."

In the indifferent and calm voice, the figures of the master and the apprentice blurred for a while, like green smoke, faintly, disappearing.


Today is destined not to be peaceful. After the empress and Huicong left, only a moment later, a group of people came to this battlefield again.

"Senior Brother Shangguan, we came a step late. The aura of this battlefield has long been wiped away, and it's hard to find any traces." One of the youths in black sighed after searching around for a while.

The others fell silent for a while.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that our grand master knew nothing about the great war that took place in the realm of the end of the law. It's really a great irony." After a while, the leader dressed in a purple robe and carried a long sword, The handsome young man laughed at himself.

"Senior brother Shangguan, in fact, although the traces of the battlefield have been erased, this matter must be inseparable from the people of the Dayi clan. A few days ago, some of our juniors received news that Yitian, the third son of the Dayi clan, A large number of people have been summoned to hunt and kill a prey from the lower realm in this hunting area."

The young man in Xuanyi who spoke before pondered, "According to the fluctuations in combat power we observed just now, it is impossible for one or two strong men in the divine realm to create them, or in other words, at least 30 people are needed for such fluctuations in combat power. Only then can such battles take place, and the only one who can do this is Yitian."

The young man in purple robe who was called Senior Brother Shangguan nodded and said, "I'm just curious, what is the purpose of Yi Tian's effort, and who will win this battle in the end."

"It's very simple. Now that the passage is about to be closed, if Yitian and his subordinates are still alive, they will definitely appear outside the passage in these two days. Otherwise, it proves that Yitian and others are already in the middle of this battle All perish."

The young man in Xuanyi pondered, "It's just that I can't figure out who the young man from the lower realm is."

"Anyone who can make Yitian go to war like this must be an extraordinary person. Such a person is destined not to be willing to stay in this realm of degenerated law for the rest of his life."

Brother Shangguan stroked his chin, pondered for a moment, and said, "Let's go back and keep a close watch. No matter who enters the passageway, they must carefully check their identity, and we must not let the people from the lower realms get away with it!"


Everyone accepted the order with awe.

"Come on, Master Ye will be patrolling the passage in the past few days, and there must be no mistakes, so as not to make Master Ye angry." Senior Brother Shangguan said in a deep voice.

Master Ye!

When everyone heard the words, their expressions were all terrified, and there was an uncontrollable look of deep fear in their eyes. She was a ruthless woman who was moody and murderous!

Even the big shots in the sect couldn't do anything about her, so they placed her in Xue Moyu, out of sight and out of mind.


On the banks of a vast lake.

Chen Xi sat cross-legged, repairing the consumed divine power in his body.

On a blood-colored blade of grass next to him, Ah Liang sat cross-legged on it, also practicing quietly.

after one day.

Chen Xi was the first to wake up, glanced at Ah Liang who was beside him, and heaved a sigh of relief. This hunting area is too dangerous, and being able to spend a day in peace is considered a kind of luck.

After this day of restoration, Chen Xi's cultivation base has recovered, and he has faintly improved again, and is about to advance to the perfection of the Dongwei True God Realm.

This kind of training speed made him quite satisfied. Fighting is always the best teacher on the way of training. It can sharpen strength, stimulate and tap potential, and feed back one's own training.

It wasn't until Ah Liang woke up from his cultivation that Chen Xi ordered, "Ah Liang, please protect the law for me. I want to refine some laws of the divine way, and strive to be able to step into the Xiaocheng realm."

Hearing this, Ah Liang nodded earnestly like a soldier receiving an order from a general, "Don't worry, my lord, Ah Liang will definitely not let you be disturbed."

When she was speaking, she jumped up, holding the beating drum in one hand, and the burning scepter in the other, and began to patrol around the surrounding area, as if she was scrupulously fulfilling her duties.

Chen Xi couldn't help but smile, this little girl is simply too lovable.


Taking a deep breath, Chen Xi didn't delay any longer, and took out the light spheres containing the laws of the divine way one by one, and plunged into deep-level tempering.

The condensing of the laws of the divine way is divided into four realms: first glimpse, small success, great success, and perfection. Every step is as difficult as reaching the sky.

With Chen Xi's current aptitude, it would be very difficult for him to make a breakthrough in the holy way of talismans in a short period of time. Fortunately, he has a large number of light spheres that contain the power of the laws of the divine way in his hands, so he doesn't have to worry about this problem at all.

Even speaking, he would still be grateful for the laws of heaven in this realm of the end of law. If it hadn't been able to strip away the laws of the divine way and all kinds of methods from the strong in the divine realm, it would definitely not be able to allow Chen Xi to take a shortcut in the enlightenment of the divine way.

And for all of this, Chen Xi wanted to use the dozens of spheres of light that contained the laws of the divine way that he had searched, to reach the level of his own divine way in one fell swoop.

This kind of breakthrough seems ordinary, but when it is really achieved, it is enough to make a world-shaking change in the strength of a strong man in the divine realm!


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