divine talisman

Chapter 1576 Sealing Mysterious News [Part 1]

huh~~ huh~~

Under the blood-colored sky, a figure galloped through the air, like a wisp of erratic wind, its traces were unpredictable.

This figure was as tall as a solitary peak, with a handsome face, a pair of black eyes as vast as the starry sky, and every gesture carried a determined, calm, indifferent demeanor.

This young man was none other than Chen Xi.

Two days ago, he refined all the light spheres that contained the laws of the divine way that he had found, and finally broke through the divine way of his talisman to the level of small success, and his cultivation base also undergone earth-shaking changes.

The reason why this step can be achieved is thanks to the ball of light left behind by Uncle Jiu after his death, which contains the laws of the divine way possessed by a hole light spirit god, which is extremely majestic and powerful. Those other light spheres in the hole micro-true god realm definitely couldn't make Chen Xi advance the power of the divine way to a small level so quickly.

"With my current fighting strength, if I face that Jiubo again, I can kill him, and there is no need to resort to other means..."

While speeding, Chen Xi felt the change in his own strength, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Since he entered the realm of doom, he has always regarded Uncle Jiu as the number one enemy in his heart, and all the efforts he made were to finally defeat him. .

But who would have thought that it was precisely because of the other party's death that his own Talisman of the Talisman was promoted to the stage of Xiaocheng?

This is called a drink and a peck, all cause and effect, there is a trace of mystery in the dark.

"I don't know what level my current strength can be in that snow and ink region..." Chen Xi fell into deep thought.

After all, the realm of the ancient gods is not comparable to the realm of the end of the law. There are thousands of realms and thousands of universes in it. It is an eternal plane where gods gallop freely.

What's more, from Chen Xi's point of view, even if the current self could be able to top all the others in the Realm of Dongwei, but on top of that, there is also the God of Dongguang Spirit, the Ancestral God of Dongyu...

In fact, after Chen Xi had seen that blue divine light that obliterated Uncle Jiu, he had faintly sensed that there might be a more tyrannical existence above that Dongyu Patriarch God!

Under such circumstances, Chen Xi naturally did not dare to be complacent about what he had now. He knew very well that among the gods, he was still in the most ordinary position after all.

"My son, I heard from my mother-in-law that in the ancient gods, there is a list of gods, which lists the top gods of all realms in the entire ancient gods. With your current combat power, it should be enough to be ranked among the gods. Dongwei True God among the top ranks.”

Ah Liang, who was standing pretty in Chen Xi's ear, suddenly spoke, his eyes were full of admiration.

Conferred God List!

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes. He was no stranger to this name. As early as in the Three Realms Conferred Gods Domain, he had seen that list stretching across the chaos more than once.

There are a series of brilliant and supreme names listed on it, possessing an indescribable majesty. For any god, it is a supreme honor to be able to rank their names on it!

But Chen Xi has always been conflicted with this list. The reason lies in the fragments of the river map. At that time, in the Conferred God Realm, he, Shi Yu, Xiang Liuli and his group wanted to obtain the spirit of the Dao Fruit, but they did not. Suffering from the suppression of the Conferred Gods List, if it were not for Hetu's help at the critical moment, the group of them would have failed.

It was also from that moment that Chen Xi felt vigilance and vigilance against this mysterious list of the Gods List.

So at this moment, when Chen Xi heard the name of the Conferred God List from Ah Liang, his heart was a little bit complicated, he was vigilant, but he was more confused. To the gods in the ancient gods, what does this list represent? ?

Where does it come from?

Why do river map fragments have a hostility towards it?

"Young Master?" Ah Liang couldn't help being a little puzzled when he saw that Chen Xi was silent.

"Oh, I was thinking about the Conferred Gods List. By the way, Ah Liang, what is the name of this Conferred Gods List?" Chen Xi took a deep breath and stopped thinking about it.

"I don't know much. I just heard from my mother-in-law that if you want to know how powerful a god is, just look at his ranking on the list of gods."

A Liang explained softly. According to her, the list of gods is extremely miraculous, and the ranking on it is the most fair and fair, which can perfectly explain how powerful a god is.

Moreover, according to the different cultivation levels of the strong in the divine realm, the Conferred God List is also divided into "Dongwei List", "Dongguang List", "Dongyu List"... and other lists.

And those who can be ranked above are the top figures in a certain realm.

After hearing all of this, Chen Xi couldn't help but think of the lists such as the "Qingyun List", "Da Luo Jin List" and so on that he had seen in the fairy world.

The only difference is that this list of gods is even more mysterious, so that every time Chen Xi mentions this name, he can't help but feel a sense of deep vigilance and vigilance in his heart.

That kind of feeling, as if once my name appears on it, even my fate will be faintly manipulated by it.

"I don't want my name to appear on it." Chen Xi sighed.

"Why?" Ah Liang was taken aback, and couldn't help asking curiously, among the ancestors of the archaic tribe, many names had appeared in the list of gods, and they all took it as glory, which made them, the younger generations, also feel the same. He regards the list of gods as a goal to pursue, and has a desire that is almost pilgrimage.

But at this moment, Chen Xi actually said that he didn't want his name to appear on the list, which naturally made Ah Liang quite surprised.

"People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. I don't want to be burdened by these false names." Chen Xi smiled, but didn't tell Ah Liang his true thoughts.

After all, this kind of thing is too obscure and mysterious, the less people know about it, the better.

After a stick of incense.

The seemingly boundless blood-colored sky suddenly changed, or in other words, some other colors appeared, green mountains and green waters, white clouds and blue sky, like a shaded wilderness...

Chen Xi stopped immediately, he knew that he was about to leave the blood-red hunting area, and somewhere in front of him, there was a passage leading to the snow-ink region.

"Ah Liang, the passage is not far away. This is the last hurdle. As long as we pass through, we can enter the Ancient God Realm smoothly. Before that, no matter what danger I encounter, you must remember not to reappear." Chen Xi's expression became serious, and his eyes were filled with calmness.

"My lord, are you going to fight those Supreme Cultists alone?" Ah Liang couldn't help but asked worriedly.

Chen Xi smiled slightly, and said: "That is the worst situation. Before that, I still have a magic method, which may allow us to pass the test safely."

As he said that, a verdant tree heart filled with misty divine brilliance emerged in his palm, showing 36 petals, layered on top of each other, quite eye-catching.

"Wuxiangpi?" A Liang was stunned for a moment, and then said in surprise, "This is a treasure that can only be condensed by the king of the Huapimu clan. It has been lost for countless years. I didn't expect that you could find such a treasure."

Chen Xi then told Ah Liang about the things he had met with those Huapimu tribes.

"Ha, they are really timid and stupid." Knowing all this, Ah Liang covered his mouth and chuckled.

Chen Xi also laughed. It was also the first time he had encountered such a timid opponent. Up to now, thinking about it, he still felt a little unbelievable.

"Who is the young master going to disguise as with this phaseless skin?" A Liang asked curiously.

"Of course he is a disciple of the Supreme Master." Chen Xi said casually, and suddenly divine power filled his hand, covering the heart of the tree. In an instant, the clear and shining divine light flowed and enveloped his entire body.

When those divine lights disappeared, Chen Xi had already turned into another person, dressed in black, wearing a bamboo hat, with a feminine and stern demeanor, and a terrifying aura of disaster pervading his whole body, he was the True Inheritance of the Supreme Sect Big disciple Yin Huaikong!

"My lord, you..." Ah Liang was obviously taken aback by this scene. She had no idea that not only did Chen Xi's appearance change, but even his temperament became completely different, which made her almost unbelievable.

"How is it?" Chen Xi inspected himself, feeling extremely emotional, even he himself felt as if he was possessed by Yin Huaikong.

Especially the voice, hoarse and deep, that unique taste, inadvertently revealing coldness, cannot be imitated by ordinary disguise techniques.

"It's too similar, no, it's exactly the same!" Ah Liang exclaimed, for some reason, she became a little cautious and cautious. Obviously, she couldn't accept Chen Xi's change.

But with this, we can also know how miraculous and unbelievable this Wuxiangpi from the Huapimu tribe is.

"This is how we can deceive those people. Let's go." Chen Xi took a deep breath, and looked far into the distance.



On a piece of blue wilderness, there is a colorful space-time tunnel in the sky. It is not fixed, but is like half a stream of water, gurgling and swaying in the air.

From a distance, it looks more like a colorful train dancing in the sky, which is spectacular.

Before the space-time tunnel, there stands a majestic temple, which completely blocks the entrance to the space-time tunnel.

And in front of the temple, there was a group of strong men in the god realm patrolling, looking serious and serious.

This is the passage guarded by the Supreme Master, the only path from the Land of Doom to the Snow and Ink Land!

"Be more active! Master Ye is coming to make an inspection soon. If you find any mistakes, you will know how serious the consequences will be!"

An old man in black appeared in front of the temple, glanced around, and then sternly reprimanded the patrolling disciples.

Those patrolling disciples didn't dare to be negligent, and cheered up one after another, patrolling around murderously. At this time, even if a fly invaded, they would be picked out and killed on the spot.

At the same time, there is another stronghold a hundred miles away from here, which is guarded by sixteen Supreme Sect disciples.

Before the stronghold, there is a group of figures queuing up at this moment, waiting to be identified and hand over the crystal, so that they can safely pass through the defense lines here and enter the tunnel of time and space.


ps: The second update is around 10 o'clock, everyone, if you have a monthly pass, please vote for some~~


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