divine talisman

Chapter 1577 Golden Divine Sculpture [Part 2]

If you observe carefully, you will find that the Supreme Master has arranged in this passage, which is divided into three lines of defense.

The first step is to garrison a stronghold hundreds of miles away, guarded by sixteen disciples of the Supreme Master, otherwise the identity of the passerby will be checked and the god crystal will be collected.

The second layer, located in front of that shrine, is a group of disciples who are cruising and patrolling. They are mainly responsible for deterring and responding to emergencies.

The third level is the shrine, in which there are more than three Dongguang Lingshen powerhouses and many elite and powerful disciples sitting in it all year round.

This is the triple defense line of the Supreme Master stationed in the realm of the end of the law. Sen seriously kills, and there are almost no dead ends.

If we only talk about the number of people, there are more than a hundred disciples of the Supreme Sect in the field. Perhaps in the face of a large-scale battle, this number is quite rare, but don't forget, there is a cave god sitting in it , a few of them are enough to be worth thousands of troops.

Coupled with the monstrous power of the Supreme Sect, none of those strong men from the ancient gods had the guts to dare to make trouble here.

And if adding that a cave ancestor god will patrol here all the year round, this deterrent effect will become even more terrifying.

At this moment, in front of the first line of defense, there is a group of figures queuing up, waiting for identity verification and handing over the divine crystal, before entering the space-time tunnel and returning to Xuemoyu.

Obviously, this group of figures must all come from the Snow Ink Realm. If it were those god-level beings who were imprisoned from the lower world and entered the Realm of Doom, they would not dare to approach this place at all.

The reason is very simple, the Supreme Sect has only one attitude towards these lower realm powerhouses—all of them are captured, served as slaves, and dispatched to a distant and unknown realm to serve the Supreme Sect.

And if such a thing happens, it means that death is not far away, because the reason why the unknown realm is unknown is because it is too dangerous, no one dares to risk their lives!

"Heh, have you heard that the situation of the third son of the Dayi family is not good. Now the passage will be closed, and he will not appear again. I'm afraid it's more or less ominous."

"You mean Yitian? I've heard it too. It seems that a lot of people have been gathered to hunt down a prey in the hunting area. With a young master like him and a group of guards guarding him, it seems that there is no danger at all, right?"

"How is it impossible? Didn't you see that guy hasn't shown up until now? Not only him, but none of his subordinates have shown up. I have inquired about it. These days, even the entire Domain of Doom has no more Yi." A sliver of news from the sky seems to have evaporated from the world, in my opinion, they may have... haha, you understand."

In front of the first defensive stronghold, a group of figures waiting in line to pass were communicating among themselves. There were men and women among them, and there was no shortage of young princes with followers.

Obviously, they are all from Xuemo Region, and they know the third son of the Dayi clan, Yitian.

"If that's the case, then it's a bit unbelievable. Who can do this? As far as I know, the Dayi clan sent a Dongguang Spiritual God to protect the third son." think.

"I am also very curious."

Everyone nodded their heads one after another, they were equally puzzled, they were able to wipe out Yitian and his party, this kind of means was extremely extraordinary.

And thousands of miles away from this stronghold, a figure was quietly dormant in the shadow of a canyon. He was dressed in black and wore a bamboo hat, his aura was completely covered, making it impossible to notice.

"It's strange, they don't even know that Yitian and the others have been killed..." Chen Xi's face was hidden in the shadow of the bamboo hat, and his eyes were full of thoughts.

Back then, there was so much commotion in that battle, but now, no one knew about it. This made Chen Xi vaguely realize that after he left back then, someone helped him to wipe out everything in that battlefield. All traces have been removed.

And who will secretly help yourself?

Inadvertently, Chen Xi thought of the cyan divine light that killed Uncle Jiu, and that mysterious empress.

Could all of this be from the handwriting of that empress alone?

It's no wonder that Chen Xi speculates like this. In this realm of degenerated law, besides Tie Kun and the mother-in-law of the Primordial Fungus tribe, Chen Xi only has that mysterious empress.

And obviously, the only one who can do all this is that mysterious lady from the South China Sea!

However, why did she want to help herself secretly?

Chen Xi couldn't figure it out, so he could only shake his head in the end. No matter what, he had to remember this kindness.


For the next time, Chen Xi remained dormant, calmly observing the three lines of defense set up by the Supreme Master in the distance, listening to their exchanges, and constantly absorbing the information he needed.

For example, the names of the Supreme Sect disciples guarding the stronghold, the methods they used to verify their identities, and the fees they received for the Divine Crystal, etc...

These pieces of information seem to be incomparably minute, but for Chen Xi who is dressed as Yin Huaikong, the true disciple of the Grand Supreme Sect, all of this is exactly what he needs.

After all, he is now Yin Huaikong, a disciple of the Supreme Master, so he can't reveal any flaws in any aspect.

Until night fell, Chen Xi, who was originally as silent as a rock, suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly, the opportunity had come!



A resounding eagle cry resounded through the sky, and immediately, a divine sculpture whose body was poured like gold spread out its wings with a range of more than ten feet, broke through the air, tore through the clouds, and hovered endlessly under the sky.

This is a sacred bird raised by a disciple of the Supreme Sect. Every three hours, it will be released to let it fly freely for a period of time.

Suddenly, this golden divine sculpture seemed to have discovered something, suddenly let out a clear cry, swooped down, stretched out its claws like sharp blades, and rushed fiercely into a canyon.

But from this moment on, everything fell into silence again. After the figure of the golden divine sculpture entered the canyon, there was no more sound, as if it had evaporated from the world.

"Huh? Brother Wei, why is your little Jin silent?" Before the first stronghold, a disciple asked suspiciously.

"Haha, that flat-haired beast likes to fly around all day long, and now I'm afraid someone will hunt him down and roast him." Someone joked with a smile.

"To shut up!"

Another gray-clothed and green-haired disciple glared at the man in displeasure, then frowned and looked into the distance, but finally he was still worried and said, "Everyone, I'll go and have a look."

"go Go."

The others also knew that this "Senior Brother Wei" cared the most about this golden divine sculpture.

Seeing this, Senior Brother Wei nodded and left in a hurry.

After half a sound.

When he came to a canyon, his eyes swept away, and he was both amused and angry at the same time, only to see his golden divine sculpture lying on the ground at the moment, sleeping soundly, with a glistening stream of saliva hanging from the corner of his lips.

"Little Jin! Come here!"

Senior Brother Wei yelled loudly, but found that Xiao Jin ignored him, which made his face darken, and he rushed down the canyon, gritted his teeth, "You lazy bastard, it seems that I have spoiled you too much in the past, and you have developed such a Looks like a bird!"

As he spoke, he slapped Xiao Jin's head with a slap.


But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared out of thin air, and he covered his mouth with one hand. At the same time, a icy sword edge also touched his throat, and the unparalleled sharpness of the sword stimulated his skin to tingle. A layer of goosebumps.

Brother Wei's pupils dilated suddenly, his whole body stiffened, his heart was extremely frightened and angry, and he knew that he had encountered a well-prepared ambush.

Immediately, he sneered endlessly in his heart, unexpectedly someone dared to ambush him on the site of their Supreme Sect, it was really reckless.

In this Wei senior brother's mind, the ones who ambushed him must be those prey from the lower realms, for nothing more than forcing him to take them into the space-time tunnel.

It's not that this kind of thing hasn't happened before, so Senior Brother Wei quickly calmed down and prepared his words in his mind. No matter what the other party asks, he will agree to them all. After entering his own territory, he will let the other party know, sneak attack What a heavy price I will pay!

But what happened next was far beyond Senior Brother Wei's expectations. He only heard a puff, and he felt a cold in his throat. Before he could feel the severe pain, his eyes went dark and he completely lost consciousness.

He didn't even react when he was about to die, how could the opponent play cards so unreasonably...

"My lord, why did you kill him?" Ah Liang couldn't help but speak.

"What he told me may not be true, and I happen to have mastered a soul search method, which is enough to find the answer I need from his soul."

In a calm voice, Chen Xi placed the corpse of "Senior Brother Wei" on the ground, took a deep breath, and started to act.


After a stick of incense.

"Huh? Brother Wei, he's been away for so long, why hasn't he come back?" Someone in front of the first stronghold realized something was wrong and asked with a frown.

"The four of you go and have a look together. Be careful. Everyone in the Land of Dharma Doom now knows that the passage is about to be closed. Under such circumstances, it is inevitable that some desperadoes will do stupid things desperately."

In the lead, a short and fat old man in gray clothes made a decisive decision and ordered in a deep voice.

Immediately, four Supreme Sect disciples filed out and searched for the distance hand in hand.

Under the pitch-black night, the four of them tensed up, their expressions were stern, their eyes were full of vigilance, and they kept moving the scope of their search.

Soon, they came to that canyon, but the golden divine sculpture and Senior Brother Wei had long since disappeared from the scene, and there was not even a trace of breath left, so they couldn't find anything.

"Weird, where did Brother Wei go?"

"I think it must be that flat-haired animal is greedy again, and ran to the hunting area to find prey, and Senior Brother Wei probably went with him."

"That's right. It seems that something like this happened last time. Should we go to the hunting area to search for it?"

"Forget it, let's go back. If Senior Brother Wei doesn't show up tomorrow, it won't be too late for us to search."

"Well, not bad."

At that moment, the four of them discussed for a while before turning around and returning.


But at this moment, in the night sky far behind them, there was a burst of space-time fluctuations.

The four of them became alert immediately, and turned around to scan the past in unison, waiting seriously.

But when they saw the identity of the visitor, they all couldn't help being slightly stunned, senior brother?How could he be here?


ps: The third change is before 12 o'clock in the morning, continue to ask for monthly tickets~


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