divine talisman

Chapter 1578 Stealing the Sky and Changing the Sun [Part 3]

None of the four Supreme Sect disciples expected that this time they could not find senior brother Wei, but met senior senior brother Yin Huaikong instead.

"I've met senior brother." But soon, they all stood on the spot and saluted.

"What are you guys doing?" With a swish, the "Yin Huaikong" dressed in black, wearing a bamboo hat, and filled with a gloomy aura, that is, Chen Xi floated over, and spoke coldly.

"Brother Qi, we are trying to find Senior Brother Wei. The golden sculpture that Senior Brother Wei kept was lost, and Senior Brother Wei also went to look for it, but a full incense stick of time has passed, and Senior Brother Wei has not returned yet. I can't wait to worry, so..." One of them quickly explained.

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Chen Xi with a cold snort: "Hmph, there are no rules at all. It seems that you have lived in the Realm of Doom all these years a little too comfortably!"

The voice was hoarse and feminine, revealing a chill that penetrated to the bone marrow.

The four Supreme Sect disciples trembled all over, their expressions changed suddenly, and they secretly cried out in their hearts. They knew very well that their senior brother had always been surly, ruthless and ruthless.

"Forget it, this time I have something urgent to go to the Snow Ink Region, this time I will spare you!" Chen Xi waved his hand, turned around and fled towards the distance.

The four Taishangjiao disciples looked at each other in blank dismay, and immediately they all breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly chased after them.

"Eldest brother, when did you arrive in the Land of Doom? You didn't inform me earlier, and we will go to meet you."

"Eldest brother, are the other juniors and sisters in the Three Realms all right? Haha, in my opinion, the current Three Realms must have been under the control of the elder brother and in the hands of my Supreme Master."

"Yes, yes, with the power of the elder brother, how can there be things that cannot be done?"

Along the way, these four disciples of the Supreme Sect were like grandchildren, carefully and with a smile on their faces, they flattered Chen Xi for a while.

This made Chen Xi couldn't help feeling secretly in his heart, the arrogance of Yin Huaikong's teaching in the Supreme Master was really arrogant enough.

Before that, he used tricks to capture the golden divine eagle, and used it as a bait to capture and kill that Senior Brother Wei in one fell swoop, and then searched for what he wanted from his memory.

For example, Yin Huaikong's position in the Supreme Master, the way of words and deeds, the way of dealing with things...etc.

Therefore, along the way, Chen Xi didn't waste a single bit of explanation, and put on a cold face, which made these four people have no doubts. It never occurred to them that there would be someone in this world pretending to be Yin Huaikong.

Even if they had thought about it, they probably wouldn't be able to identify any flaws at all. After all, it was a skin made of the Wuxiang skin of the Huapimu clan. Even the ancestor gods here would definitely not be able to tell the truth from the fake.

Soon, Chen Xi and his group arrived in front of the first stronghold.

When they saw Chen Xi, the elder brother "Yin Huaikong", the disciples of the Supreme Master who were stationed at the stronghold were also agitated for a while, with expressions of astonishment and disbelief, but more or less, they all showed a touch of awe Come.

They were also puzzled, why did the elder brother suddenly come here at this time?

In their cognition, Yin Huaikong is a leader left in the Three Realms by the leader, who is responsible for summoning the believers in the Three Realms to sweep the world together, and taking advantage of the power of the catastrophe to control the Three Realms in one fell swoop. hands.

It was also because of this that when they saw Yin Huaikong appearing, they were quite surprised.

However, the doubts in their hearts turned into doubts, but they dared not open their mouths to ask. Yin Huaikong is a great disciple of the true biography. Although his realm is the same as them, he is highly regarded by the leader. When it comes to status, they are not comparable to disciples like them. .

In addition, Yin Huaikong's temperament is feminine and surly, and the city is extremely deep, so they dare not ask rashly, so as not to arouse Yin Huaikong's impatience.

They never expected that it was precisely this kind of behavior that made Chen Xi secretly heave a sigh of relief, at least he didn't have to make up some more reasons to explain all of this.

This is the power of authority. If Chen Xi were to act as an insignificant disciple of the Supreme Sect, it would be absolutely impossible to achieve such miraculous effects.

Almost without any obstacles, Chen Xi directly passed the first layer of defense stronghold, and headed to the temple a hundred miles away to plunder alone.

At this distance, he could already clearly see a colorful space-time tunnel stretching above the sky in the distance, like a soft silk ribbon floating in the air, extremely eye-catching.

"As long as you enter it, you will be safe and sound..." Chen Xi took a deep breath, but his heart became more and more vigilant.

According to what he learned from Senior Brother Wei's memory, the patrolling disciples in front of the temple were divided into eight teams, each team consisted of nine people, and each team formed a group of four. They patrolled around the temple alternately in turn. If something happens, they will respond immediately.

The strength of these patrolling disciples is roughly in the Dongwei True God Realm, but they can't pose much threat to Chen Xi. What really makes him afraid is the existence in the temple.

Today, there are at least three Dongguang Spiritual Gods sitting in it, and each of them is a first-class existence that dominates the party, and it is comparable to that uncle Jiu from the Dayi clan.

If he only met one of them, Chen Xi was confident that he could kill him, but if he met two of them, he would have to run for his life.

What made Chen Xi especially fearful was that according to the information he had received, there was also a Dongyu ancestor god who would be patrolling here in the near future, and it might appear suddenly at any time.

That was a more powerful existence than Dongguang Spiritual God, and his cultivation had reached the ancestral level. Once he met the other party, Chen Xi even suspected that he had very little hope of escaping.

So under such circumstances, Chen Xi would not wait for the worst scenario to happen, and the most urgent task right now is to take advantage of this time to quickly leave this dangerous place of right and wrong.

"Hey, it's Big Brother!"

"Eldest senior brother has come, is it possible that the events in the Three Realms have come to an end?"

"A group of idiots. Now the passage to the Ancient God Realm is about to be closed. With the ambition of the senior brother, he will never stay in that small pond in the Three Realms. The Ancient God Realm is the place where he can display his ambition and become famous."

"But, why is he the only one?"

"Uh, this is not something we can worry about."

When they saw Chen Xi's figure from afar, those disciples of the Supreme Sect who were patrolling around the temple were all shocked and called out one after another.

Regarding this, Chen Xi didn't even look at it, his whole body was as cold as before, like a stern wind, and he walked towards the temple without haste.

Those disciples seemed to have gotten used to this for a long time and didn't find it strange.

"Waiting empty?"

Before Chen Xi could approach the temple, a voice as thick as a mountain rumbled.

Chen Xi raised his brows immediately, raised his head, cupped his hands towards the main hall and said, "Disciple Yin Huaikong has met Master Chu."

This Uncle Chu, named Chu Teng, is a god of light and light. In terms of identity, he can be regarded as an elder of the Supreme Sect's religious priests in the Three Realms. Among the powers of the Supreme Sect in the Ancient God Realm, Chu Teng's status in the Supreme Sect can only be regarded as an ordinary elder.

"Hahaha, it really is Huaikong." Accompanied by laughter, a man with a fat body like a ball, red hair, and a fierce face strode out of the temple, and extended his hand affectionately, intending to pat Chen Xi on the shoulder.

Chen Xi took a step back without any trace, and calmly said, "Master Chu, I have something urgent to do this time, and I have to rush to the Ancient God Realm early to report the matter to the leader."

"Oh?" Chu Teng lost one hand, his expression froze for a moment, and then he returned to normal. He looked Chen Xi up and down, and said, "But something happened in the Three Realms?"

While speaking, the two walked into the temple side by side.

The temple is extremely spacious, with 36 thick and solemn stone pillars standing upright, and some futons are lined up on both sides of the main hall, other than that, there is nothing else, which looks extremely simple.

"It is true that something happened." Chen Xi nodded, but his eyes were looking at everything in the hall without any trace.

"Sure enough, this hall itself is a divine ban. Once activated, its power may be even worse than that of the Sunset God Formation... Fortunately, this time it was disguised as Yin Huaikong, otherwise this level alone would be enough Shut yourself out."

Chen Xi turned his head around in his mind. It wasn't that this large formation could trap him, but that once it was forcibly challenged head-on, this large formation was bound to become an obstacle, binding Chen Xi here. Even if he could break through the formation at that time, I'm afraid that he will also be besieged and killed by many disciples of the supreme sect here.

"An accident occurred in the Three Realms?"

"Oh? What happened to make you have to meet the leader in person?"

At this time, two voices sounded again in the hall, and with the voices, there was a wave of fluctuation in the void, and two figures of a man and a woman emerged.

The man was dressed in a purple robe, with a magnificent figure, carrying a long sword on his back, extremely chic, while the woman wore a wide-sleeved cloud dress, her face was indifferent and dignified, and she possessed a frightening power.

"Senior Brother Shangguan, Uncle Qiu."

When Chen Xi saw the two of them, he bowed his hands again. One of them was named Shangguan Jinheng, and the other was named Qiu Lianzhuang.

Together with Chu Teng before, the three of them are the strongest existences of the Supreme Master stationed in the realm of the end of law.

At this moment, Chen Xi's heart was also extremely vigilant, but on the surface he was calm, he still had a cold and surly appearance, and his face was shrouded in the shadow of the bamboo hat.

"This matter is very involved. Before I get an answer from the leader, I dare not disclose it to you, and I hope to bear it." Chen Xi said, his voice was soft and hoarse.

When the three of Chu Teng heard this, they all frowned.

Especially the purple-robed youth, Shangguan Jin Heng, squinted his eyes and scrutinized Chen Xi, and suddenly said sharply: "You bastard, you still want to use the method of painting the skin to deceive you, and you haven't shown up yet!"

As he said that, his figure flashed suddenly, and with his fingers turned into swords, he slammed fiercely at Chen Xi's face. The wind was fierce and chilling to the extreme.


ps: Make up for the day of the Lantern Festival, continue tomorrow~ Please ask for a monthly ticket~~


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