divine talisman

Chapter 1579 Dangerous situation [Part 1]

Thank you Brother Tiger for your support~



The void was pierced by the sharp sword-like finger wind, and there was a sharp whistling sound that almost tore the eardrums.

The distance between Shangguan Jinheng and Chen Xi was only three feet, and at this moment, they suddenly used their hands, the power and power were simply terrifying to the extreme.

This is a cave light spirit god!

Another sudden and violent attack, not to mention the true god Dongwei, I am afraid that even the spiritual god Dongguang is here, and it is absolutely difficult to block this blow.

At this moment, time seems to stand still.

Chu Teng and Qiu Lianzhuang looked slightly startled, as if they hadn't thought about why Shangguan Jin Heng wanted to attack Yin Huaikong, so they didn't have time to stop it.

Chen Xi's pupils shrank, and a chill appeared on his face covered under the bamboo hat. Every inch of his pores stood on end, and he felt an extremely strong and deadly threat.

But in the end, he didn't do anything, just stood there quietly, his slightly shrunken eyes returned to calm, and looked at Shangguan Jin Heng with a slightly cold look.


Shangguan Jin Hong frowned, and the moment his fingertips were about to touch Chen Xi's throat, suddenly his figure flashed and he retreated to his original position.

At the same time, the surging murderous intent released from his body also dissipated and subsided like a tide.

All of this happened in a blink of an eye, and it was incredibly fast. Until then, everything ended, the void no longer whined, the murderous aura no longer overflowed, and everything seemed to return to its original state.

If ordinary people were here, they would even think they were dazzled.

But Chen Xi was not dazzled, he looked at Shangguan Jinhong coldly, and said, "Senior Brother Shangguan, what do you mean?" The words seemed to be squeezed out between his teeth, revealing a hint of murderous intent.

And in his heart, his extremely tense mind was also completely relaxed at this moment, and only then did he feel that a layer of cold sweat had soaked his back.

To Chen Xi, what happened in this instant was no less than a journey between life and death, and it was extremely dangerous.

With his current strength, he can avoid this blow, but in this way, his identity is completely exposed. After all, he is now Yin Huaikong, but he has not practiced the way of disaster. Don't call yourself out.

So, at that most critical moment, he finally made a bet that Shangguan Jinhong was testing himself!

The final result showed that he won.

Therefore, at this moment, he unceremoniously let out the anger in his heart, because he is Yin Huaikong, a major disciple of the Supreme Master Sect, and even though his cultivation level is not as good as others, his status is more noble than the three Dongguang Spiritual Gods present.

Therefore, he is entitled to be angry, and he must express his anger at this moment.

Sure enough, upon hearing Chen Xi's questioning, Chu Teng and Qiu Lianzhuang also frowned, and looked at Shangguan Jin Heng, with a hint of displeasure in their expressions.

Yin Huaikong's identity made them quite afraid, but Shangguan Jinheng used this method to test the other party at this moment. If the leader knew about this, he would have to be punished. In this way, they would also be implicated. But they can't accept it.

Of course, although they were angry in their hearts, they didn't open their mouths to question, because they were also wondering why Shangguan Jin Heng did this, and could there be something wrong with Yin Huaikong in front of him?

"Junior Brother Yin, don't blame me. I also heard that many Huapimu tribe died in the hunting area a few days ago. I'm worried that someone will pretend to be our senior brother and come here to get away with it."

Shangguan Jin Heng cupped his hands to apologize, but his eyes were still sizing up Chen Xi intentionally or unintentionally, as if there was still a trace of suspicion in his heart.

This made Chen Xi shudder inwardly, knowing that although the young man with the sword on his back was a head lower than Chu Teng and the other two in seniority, when it came to strength and vigilance, he was even worse than him.

Painted skin wood tribe?

Hearing this word, Chu Teng and Qiu Lianzhuang suddenly understood why Shangguan Jin Heng did this.

"Jin Heng, I think you are too suspicious." Chu Teng shook his head, "If the person in front of you hadn't been pregnant, how could he sit and wait for death?"

"The methods of the Huapimu tribe are indeed extraordinary. I think there is nothing wrong with Jin Heng's approach, but it is a bit too Menglang. At least you can ask a little before doing it." Qiu Lianzhuang also said.

"What, the two uncles are also doubting my identity?" Chen Xi's expression darkened, he flipped his palm, and with a buzzing sound, three golden copper coins emerged, spinning endlessly, releasing a terrifying coercion.

Falling copper coins!

At this moment, the faces of Chu Teng, Qiu Lianzhuang, and even Shangguan Jin Heng changed slightly, and there was an unstoppable awe in their eyes, and even a trace of burning greed that was hidden deep inside.

This is the treasure in the hands of the leader, how could they not recognize it, and because of this, they no longer have any grievances about Chen Xi's identity.

This is a precious copper coin, even if someone can pretend to be Yin Huaikong, but this kind of Xiantian Lingbao cannot be faked!

"Don't be angry, let's be careful. After all, the fellowship is about to close, and the situation in the realm of the end of the law is not optimistic. In order to prevent those powerful people from the lower realm from entering the fellowship, we can only be more vigilant." Chu Teng quickly He opened his mouth with a smile.

"Hmph! It's good to be careful, but it's a bit too much to point the finger at me. Could it be that you all think that my true disciple is just a display?" Chen Xi became more calm when he saw this, and put away the precious copper coins. , glanced at the three of them coldly.

"Don't dare, dare not." The three hurriedly cupped their hands.

"Huaikong, don't you have an urgent matter? I don't dare to keep you anymore, so I will open the portal and send you away. I hope that after you see the leader and his old man, you will read it for the sake of my heart." Please don’t mention this matter again.”

Qiu Lianzhuang spoke, she knew Yin Huaikong's surly temperament best, and knew that if she continued like this, she would only completely offend him.

"That's right, Junior Sister Qiu is right." Chu Teng quickly agreed.

Only Shangguan Jin Hengli stood silently, frowning, thinking about something.

While speaking, Chu Teng and Qiu Lianzhuang had already set off together and came to the back of the main hall, where stood a bronze portal, covered with dense runes, extremely obscure.The two stood in front of the bronze door, pinched the formula, and after a while, the door burst open.

"Uncle Chu, Uncle Qiu, I will take my leave now." Seeing this, Chen Xi stepped forward and cupped his hands, but he ignored the Shangguan Jin Heng, as if he had already hated this person.

Seeing that Chu Teng and Teng felt a burst of emotion in their hearts, this Yin Huaikong is indeed a vengeful master, I really don't know what the leader's intention is to accept him as a true disciple.

While speaking, Chen Xi lifted his foot and stepped into the bronze portal. This portal directly leads to the space-time tunnel that stretches across the sky.

"I didn't expect that this operation would go smoothly..." Chen Xi heaved a sigh of relief. Thinking of the three fortified lines of defense he encountered along the way, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Divine objects, such methods of using fakes to confuse the real ones are simply against the sky.

"Wait a minute!"

However, before Chen Xi could completely rest assured, a soft and pleasant voice suddenly came from behind.

This voice was completely different from Chu Teng and the three of them, but someone else. It seemed extremely pleasant, but when it entered Chen Xi's ears, it sounded like a grand bell. It made Chen Xi's soul tremble and his head buzzed. The sound was endless, and the figure also appeared a little sluggish.

"not good!"

Chen Xi's heart skipped a beat. Just the power contained in this voice alone made him feel an unspeakable horror. One can only imagine how frightening someone's cultivation base must be.

At this moment, he didn't dare to have any hesitation at all, and suddenly activated all his cultivation bases, and with a flash of his figure, he rushed towards the space-time tunnel.

"Nephew Huaikong, I watched you from childhood to adulthood. Although your seniority is higher than yours, but you are like a brother and sister. My sister calls you, why don't you see me, but leave in a hurry?"

That soft, waxy and pleasant voice sounded in his ears again, every word was like thunder, shaking Chen Xi's eardrums to the point of bursting, his soul was throbbing and trembling, and his whole body was churning with qi and blood.

This made him startled, what kind of cultivation is this woman?Could it be Ye Yan, the ancestor god of the cave?

According to the news that Chen Xi had received before, there will be an ancestor god of Dongyu patrolling here recently. The name of the other party is Ye Yan. It is said that he is extremely beautiful, but his temperament is moody, and he kills people without blinking an eye. The disciples of the Supreme Master who are stationed in the realm of the end of the Dharma are all afraid to the bottom of their bones.

If it is the other party, then it will be very bad!

These thoughts flashed through Chen Xi's mind, but his actions did not hesitate. At this moment, he didn't care about concealing his identity any longer, and his whole body was like a flowing rainbow moving forward at full speed in the space-time tunnel.


The interior of this colorful space-time tunnel is like a long and incomparably long corridor, surrounded by colorful time-space barriers, deep and bright.

Here, it is impossible to use time and space to teleport, because he himself is in time and space, and the only thing Chen Xi can do is to sprint with all his strength!

As long as you sprint to the end of the corridor, you will be able to successfully reach the Snow Ink Domain!

"It seems that you are no longer my nephew Huaikong. Those idiots are so blind that they can't even recognize your identity. Fortunately, I came a step earlier, otherwise this time I would really be fooled by you little guy... "

The faint sigh sounded like maggots on tarsal bones, exploding in Chen Xi's ears, stirring in his heart, making his face turn pale, and he felt an urge to cough up blood.

How could this damn woman have such a terrifying voice?

Chen Xi gritted his teeth violently, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes. His whole body was burning like a furnace, and his whole body shone brightly, and his speed increased again.

"Huh? Don't you think you can really escape from my grasp?" The woman seemed rather surprised, and also seemed to be mocking Chen Xi's overreaching.

Boom~~ When he was speaking, suddenly an incomparably terrifying divine power caught up with Chen Xi at an inconceivable speed, and killed him!


ps: The second update is at 10 o'clock, and the third update is around 12 am.


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