divine talisman

Chapter 1580 The Power of the Ancestral God [Part 2]


This sudden killing force is extremely terrifying, the space-time tunnel is so strong, but now it trembles violently because of the fluctuations generated by this blow, as if it is faintly about to shatter.

Chen Xi didn't have time to pay attention to these things. When this blow came suddenly, he realized that with his current speed, he couldn't get rid of this attack at all.

So almost subconsciously, he turned around suddenly, pulled out the sword talisman, and slashed out fiercely!


The sword intent is surging, blazing and sparkling, transpiring hundreds of millions of divine runes, which is the second form of the sword emperor's realm "watching the sea and listening to the waves"!

This blow was even more terrifying than before, it contained all the power of Chen Xi after he had advanced to the stage of Xiaocheng in the Divine Dao, and he used all his strength.

If it were Jiu Bo resurrected, it would be difficult to block this blow!


The sound of a terrifying force colliding resounded loudly, and the divine brilliance splashed in all directions, spreading around, causing the space-time tunnel to twist and fluctuate violently.

To Chen Xi's astonishment, his blow was easily drowned out like paper.

It was a pitch-black copper ring, as round as a full moon, simple and exquisite, filled with a primitive and simple sense of perfection.

It was under the attack of this black copper ring that Chen Xi's most powerful blow was completely destroyed like paper.


Before Chen Xi could react again, this black copper ring struck again, and with a bang, it hit Chen Xi's chest forcefully, gouging out a bloody hole, and flying him far away.


Chen Xi coughed up blood, and stood up staggeringly. His face was extremely pale. The blood hole in his chest was the size of a bowl, and it was only a hair away from touching his heart.

With just one blow, he was seriously injured!

This made Chen Xi himself unable to believe that he would be so vulnerable, and from this, it could be seen how terrifying the strength of the person who made the move before was.

And it is impossible for a person with such strength to be the Hollow Spirit God!

"Little guy, in the way of the sword you used just now, there is a faint aura of talisman. Could it be that you are a disciple of Shenyan Mountain? Well, I guess, you must be the Chen Xi in the Three Realms, right?"

Accompanied by that soft and melodious voice, an enchanting and charming figure came leisurely from the distant space-time tunnel.

She has long, thick and light golden hair, her skin is snow-like, her eyes are like water, she is wearing a wine-red dress, and the curves that outline her slim and concave-convex body are graceful, exuding a soul-stirring temptation, full There was a dazzling white on the chest, which made people feel hot all over and have dry mouth.

This woman is naturally charming, charming and charming, with an irresistible temptation exuding from every part of her body, she can be called a peerless beauty.

But when Chen Xi saw her, he didn't have the slightest desire in his heart. On the contrary, the feeling of danger in his heart became more and more intense, as if he was facing a female devil with deadly power.

What shocked Chen Xi in particular was that the other party had judged his origins all of a sudden with just one shot by himself. This kind of vision is not something that ordinary people can possess.

From Chen Xi's serious injury to the appearance of this peerless beauty, all of this was said to be slow, but it was actually completed in just a few blinks of an eye.

And Chen Xi also judged in one fell swoop that the other party must be Ye Yan who possessed the cultivation level of the ancestor god of Dongyu!


Even though he was seriously injured, Chen Xi didn't dare to stand still at all. The feeling of extreme danger stimulated him so that he subconsciously chose to run for his life again.

Run towards the end of the tunnel!

He is very clear that with his current ability, it is impossible to be the opponent's opponent, and he can't even shake the opponent even with all his efforts.

Therefore, running away was his only option.

"It seems that you are indeed that Chen Xi. You are indeed as great as the rumors say. Unfortunately, even if your cultivation level is compared to the other disciples of Shenyan Mountain, you seem to be too humble."

The woman in red took a step forward without haste, and caught up with Chen Xi in the blink of an eye. She stretched out a slender hand that looked like green and white jade, and gently pressed down on Chen Xi's back.

At this moment, time and space seemed to be static, and an invisible force field spread, like a cage on the great road, covering every space.

As for Chen Xi, he just felt his whole body go stiff. A huge force surged from all directions, squeezing his whole body hard, making his whole body stiff, as if he was being crushed by a mountain of thousands of gods. He felt like he was on the verge of suffocation, unable to struggle, almost The sense of powerlessness of falling.

This power is too terrifying, the way to the ancestors, returning to the original and returning to the basics, simple and simple, but it makes it impossible for any power under the ancestral realm to resist.

This is the power of the ancestor god of Dongyu, who has advanced to the level of returning to the ancestors, and is the ancestor of a certain kind of divine way, the "Yuan" where all things are unified!

Chen Xi's complexion changed suddenly, and he was unable to contend with this force with all his strength, even struggled. This made him startled and angry, and made him fully realize the gap between the True God Dongwei and the Ancestral God Dongyu , how big it is.

How to do?

Chen Xi gritted his teeth violently, and the energy and blood all over his body roared suddenly. In an instant, his black hair turned into snowy silver threads, and his aura suddenly doubled!

Explosive Qi Killing God Art!

At this crucial moment where life was at stake, Chen Xi finally unavoidably used this trump card that he never used so easily.


Almost at the same time, the jade hand of the woman in red lightly pressed on his back, and then his whole body seemed to be hit by a giant hammer, and he flew out uncontrollably.

During this process, his face was pale and transparent, he was coughing up blood, his muscles and bones were broken, and his body suddenly turned into a broken bag full of holes, which was extremely miserable.

This is still him displaying the explosive qi killing god skill!If it was before, this blow alone would have killed him!

"Huh? Didn't die? The Yazi clan's explosive energy and killing gods are really good, but it's a pity that your cultivation level is too low, even if your combat power is doubled, you are still extremely weak."

The woman in red smiled coquettishly, her eyebrows were enchanting and full of charm.

She lightly moved her lotus steps, her red dress rolled, and she came to kill gracefully again, with a charming demeanor, as if she was about to go on a date with her lover, without any murderous intent, but her fighting power became more and more terrifying.

This is definitely a femme fatale, with a sweet smile, she can kill people invisible, making people look at her from a distance, and she will feel a chill in her heart if she can't restrain it.


Chen Xi's whole body was in severe pain, his energy was disordered, his head was buzzing, and his whole body was seriously wounded to the point of death. This was definitely the most dangerous and cruel battle he had encountered since entering the Domain of Doom.

It was also the worst battle he had encountered after he advanced to the God Realm. He couldn't fight back, couldn't parry, and even the chance of escaping was almost slim.

However, his expression was still calm, and the strong will honed from years of fighting made him never give up, even if there was only a slight chance left, he would not just appoint him!


He stood up again and fled again.

In the distance of the tunnel, a faint light can be seen. It is the end of this space-time tunnel. As long as you escape, you can enter the snow and ink field.

As for what kind of situation he would encounter after entering the Snow Ink Realm, it was no longer something Chen Xi could think about at this moment.

At this moment, he has only one thought, no matter what, he must rush out!

"This damn bitch, if I can survive, I will pay back ten times the blow I suffered today!" Chen Xi roared in his heart, hating the woman in red to the bone.

"Stay here, even if you enter the Snow Ink Realm, how can you escape from my pursuit? Don't forget, if you can enter, so can I."

Next to the ear, that soft and sweet voice came again, like a lingering nightmare, severely hitting Chen Xi's fighting spirit.

At the same time, a terrifying force once again shrouded Chen Xi's entire body, and it seemed to be three points more terrifying than before!

At that moment, Chen Xi couldn't help but feel an uncontrollable anger welling up in his heart. It had been many years, and he thought that he had already mastered enough power, so that he would never suffer the predicament like today again. Who would have thought that when encountering a truly powerful existence, The power he possesses still seems so vulnerable!

"Stinky bitch, even if I die, I will drag you with me!" Chen Xi roared angrily, his whole body was on fire.


However, at the moment when Chen Xi was about to desperately try his best, a deep and desolate drum sound suddenly sounded, and the rumbling sound collided with the violent killing blow.

In an instant, the entire space-time tunnel rolled violently, as if it was about to shatter, and the incomparably blazing turbulent flow of divine power raged in all directions, drowning everything.

"Ah Liang!" Chen Xi was stunned. He suddenly saw that Ah Liang was holding the beating drum to help him block the blow, but her whole body was like a falling meteor, covered in blood, falling into the air with a bang. In the palm of his hand, his eyes were closed tightly, and he did not know whether he was alive or dead.

At that moment, Chen Xi's face became gloomy, ferocious, and livid, and an indescribable hatred gushed out of his heart, which burned all over his body like molten lava, making him almost go crazy.

"Oh, I didn't expect it to be a little girl from the archaic tribe." The woman in red seemed to have never heard of all this. .

But immediately, she seemed to notice something, her face changed suddenly, and she suddenly dodged and retreated.


The moment she had just dodged, the space-time tunnel barrier where she was located suddenly shattered, turning into a terrifying torrent, engulfing Chen Xi's figure in one fell swoop.

"Damn it! This space-time tunnel is strong, but even the ancestor gods can't shake it. How could it break a crack at this moment?"

The woman in red was frightened and angry, and for the first time, anger appeared on her charming and white cheeks.

"Smelly bitch, one day, I will definitely kill you!" Chen Xi's voice filled with endless hatred came out from the turbulent flow of time and space, and it disappeared immediately.

This caused the face of the woman in red to change suddenly, she immediately bit her red lips, and suddenly said with a coquettish smile: "There is no need to wait, I will kill you now!"

When she was speaking, her figure flashed, and she sacrificed that black copper ring, covering her whole body, and then her whole body rushed into the turbulent flow of time and space.


ps: For a whole day, I only received 2 monthly tickets. It was so miserable that I couldn’t look directly at it. Let me cry for a while~


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