divine talisman

Chapter 1581 Heavy Snow Like a Seat [Part 3]

It was snowing heavily and everything was white.

Everything is silent, the distant mountains are lonely, on a vast lake, a lone boat floats, and an old man wears a cape, fishing alone in the cold river and snow, like an expert in the world.

Suddenly, the void above the great lake exploded, and a figure fell from it, falling into the depths of the lake with a plop.

This scene immediately destroyed the beauty of the picture, and the old man on the lone boat trembled in fright, and the fishing rod almost fell into the lake.


The lonely boat broke through the waves, but the old man did not save anyone, but ran away in a hurry, and disappeared in a flash.

From this point of view, someone who looks like an expert outside the world may not necessarily be a real expert.

However, it was not without reason that the old man escaped, because there was a ferocious beast entrenched in the lake all year round. In the past, as long as it was not disturbed, everything would be fine. The consequences are dire.


Sure enough, within a short while, a beast's roar came from the bottom of the lake, shaking in all directions, sending snowflakes flying all over the sky.

Immediately, a gigantic one-horned beast, like a cow but not a cow, covered with scales, with blue eyes like lanterns, lifted the water waves, stood up from the big lake, and released a monstrous wave. ominous.

At this moment, all the living beings in a radius of ten thousand miles were terrified and trembling, terrified and uneasy, being captured by the might of the one-horned beast.

"Which bastard, dare to disturb Grandpa's cleaning?" The unicorn beast roared, shaking the void to shatter every inch, sweeping in all directions, and setting off thousands of shocking waves.


At this moment, a red shadow appeared out of thin air. She had long pale golden hair, skin that was as snowy as snow, charming and charming, like a peerless beauty.

"Huh? How did that kid disappear?" She glanced around, her black eyebrows furrowed, and finally she looked at the unicorn beast in the lake.

"What a charming little lady!" The unicorn beast was stunned, and there was a hint of greed and fiery color in its pupils.


But before the sound fell, the woman in red reached out her hand suddenly, grabbed it from a distance, and lifted the huge body of the unicorn beast abruptly, no matter how hard she struggled, it was useless.

This horrified the unicorn beast, the greed in its pupils disappeared in an instant, leaving only deep panic and fear, "God, spare me, God spare me!"

"Let me ask you, did you see a man appearing here just now?" the woman in red asked softly.

The unicorn beast shook its head blankly, expressing its ignorance.


In the next moment, its throat was crushed, and its incomparably huge body crashed into the lake like a collapsing mountain, splashing water waves thousands of feet high.

Regarding this, the woman in red turned a deaf ear to it, like crushing an ant to death, she didn't take it to heart, she frowned, and a powerful will swept out of her body, covering a range of a million miles in an instant.

I searched the mountains, rivers, wilderness and hills, the sky and the earth carefully, but found nothing in the end.

This made her frown even more tightly, and she murmured: "That kid is seriously injured and dying, and he absolutely can't escape so quickly. Could it be that some expert can't do it?"

It was snowing heavily, and the universe was completely white. Wearing a red dress, she stood alone in this snow-white world, which was particularly eye-catching.

"In this Biyan universe, the most powerful one is the Ziming Shenzong, maybe we can use their power to help me search for this son..."

After a while, the woman in red took a deep breath and made a decision.

This time, she wanted to capture and kill Chen Xi no matter what, not only because the other party had successfully passed the checkpoint and came to this Snowy Ink Realm, but the most important thing was that the other party's name was Chen Xi!

He is the descendant of Shenyan Mountain, and he also carries the secret treasure of Hetu on his body, which is the most important thing for the woman in red. If not, in her capacity, she would not bother to personally go out to kill a true god of Dongwei.


The next moment, her figure flashed and disappeared into the vast snow.


Deep in the Great Lakes.

"Finally escaped this catastrophe..." Chen Xi's face was pale and transparent, his whole body was covered with scars, and the energy mechanism in his body was even more chaotic. His injuries were extremely serious.

When he was in the space-time tunnel before, he secretly used the power of ending Taoism to force open a crack in the space-time tunnel, and then used falling copper coins to defend around his body, so as to escape the fate of being pulverized by the space-time storm.

But to Chen Xi's surprise, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the red-clothed woman came chasing her down. He couldn't care less about other things, so he quickly sacrificed the forbidden path secret pattern to cover up all the aura in his body, This saved the day.

This series of actions had reached the limit of his body, and the injuries all over his body at this moment almost made him faint.

Being able to maintain a clear mind at this moment can even be called a fluke.

huh~~ huh~~~

Chen Xi hastily took a few deep breaths, took out the divine crystal and began to practice a little bit to repair the injury, but the effect was extremely unbearable.

According to this speed, I am afraid that there will be no three to five years, and it will definitely not be able to fully recover.

The reason is that Chen Xi was not only seriously injured, but also used the Qi Explosive Killing God Art, which caused his body to suddenly reach an unprecedented weak state.

The only thing that made Chen Xi feel at ease was that the great lake was quite secretive, and that one-horned beast had already been hunted down by the woman in red. As long as no strong man arrived, it would be extremely difficult to find his trace.

However, Chen Xi still planned to leave here immediately when he recovered a little bit of physical strength.

After all, this was the first area he entered after falling from the space-time tunnel. If the woman in red couldn't find him for a long time, she might kill her, and the consequences would be disastrous.

"I just wronged Ah Liang..." Chen Xi sighed in his heart while cultivating.

At this moment, Ah Liang was quietly curling up in his ear, her pretty face was pale, her eyes were closed tightly, and her energy was as weak as a gossamer. She had fallen into a severe coma, and she didn't know when she would be able to do it.

This made Chen Xi feel distressed and resentful at the same time, he hated the woman in red to the core, and he had already decided that one day he would return everything tenfold to her!

Next, Chen Xi stopped thinking about it, restrained his mind, kept his sea of ​​consciousness a little ethereal, and fell into a deep level of comprehension.


Snowflakes are like a mat, covering everything in the world.

Dangling, unknowingly, a month has passed.

Ever since the one-horned beast in the lake was killed, the lake has become lively. From time to time, groups of figures came to the lake, trying to salvage the corpse of the one-horned beast, but unfortunately they all failed. There is no way, the size of the beast is too huge, like a mountain, making those people helpless.

It is worth mentioning that these people are all mountain people living in the nearby mountains. They are powerful in martial arts, but they have not practiced Taoism.

In other words, apart from being extremely physically fit, they are no different from ordinary people in the Three Realms.

In the evening of this day, two figures, one tall and one lower, came to the lake again.

They were two teenagers, the older one was about fifteen or sixteen years old, and the younger one was about eleven or twelve years old. Although their faces were immature, their exposed skin was as wide as a rock.

"Brother Wood, can we really do this?"

"Boy, don't ask if it's okay, I'll just ask if you want to practice Shinto."

"miss you!"

"Then dig out the unicorn of that ferocious beast with me! With it, we will leave the mountain village together and go to the city to exchange for some divine crystals. I have already planned it. As long as we have divine crystals, we can learn from our teachers." Yi, one day, we too will be able to call the wind and call the rain, turning the rivers and seas, so that our villagers can live a good life!"

"Well, I listen to Brother Wood!"

The two teenagers encouraged each other and came to the lake.

"Boy, jump together. Remember, you must stay close to me. In case of any accident, I can also help you out." Mu Mu took a deep breath and said seriously.

"Brother Mumu, I've grown up, don't underestimate me!" The cub gritted his teeth, and was the first to dive into the lake with a plop.

Mu Mu was stunned, shook his head and smiled wryly: "This guy is really strong."

But what made him dumbfounded was that the next moment, the cub seemed to be lifted by an invisible force and returned from the water.

Before he could react, a tall figure came out of the water with a splash, his face was pale, his eyes were deep, and his long hair was messily scattered on his shoulders.

"Monster~~~" The cub yelled in fright, but he didn't realize that his body was already standing safely on the lakeside.

Mu Mu was still calm, took a deep breath, and said, "Who are you?"

That figure was naturally Chen Xi. Looking at the young man in front of him who was trying to maintain his composure, he couldn't help smiling slightly, and said, "I'm definitely not a monster."

As he spoke, he patted Mu Mu on the shoulder and said, "I heard that you are going to enter the city? Do you want to take me with you? As a reward, I can give you the unicorn of that ferocious beast, plus ten divine crystals."

"Really?" Mu Mu was stunned, he never expected such a good thing to happen in this world, the boy was startled when he heard it, and stopped yelling.

Chen Xi smiled, and handed the five divine crystals to Mu Mu: "This is half of the reward, don't worry, it's just entering the city, and you can leave as you please."

Mu Mu was stunned again, looking at Shen Jing in front of him, he couldn't help taking a deep breath, suppressing the excitement in his heart, and said: "Okay! I agree!"

"Brother Mumu, aren't you worried that he is a bad guy?" The cub frowned aside.

"We have no money and no use value. If this senior is a bad person, how could he use Shenjing to harm us." Mu Mu said calmly.

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help smiling, secretly praising this young man for his thoughtfulness.

"Let's go, I don't know anything about this place, and I still have some questions to ask the two little brothers along the way." With a wave of his sleeve robe, Chen Xi led the two teenagers, and left here in an instant by using the method of time and space teleportation.


Not long after Chen Xi left, thousands of blazing rays of light broke through the sky, like thousands of divine rainbows, densely packed and magnificent, appearing on this large lake.

"According to the order of the head teacher, the thief has appeared in this lake, and now start searching! It is better to dig three feet into the ground than miss any corner!"

An old man in gray yelled in a deep voice, "If anyone can find valuable clues, our Ziming Shenzong will definitely not treat him badly!"

"Here!" Everyone agreed in a loud voice.


ps: Give me a monthly pass, everyone, the goldfish codewords are almost powerless~


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