divine talisman

Chapter 1582

Chen Xi didn't know it at all, but not long after he left, a group of strong men from the Purple Underworld Sect came to the great lake where he was before, and launched an extremely rigorous search for his traces.

At this moment, he is taking two mountain boys, Mu Mu and Zai Zi, to use the escape method to gallop under the sky, above thousands of rivers and mountains.

This is Xue Moyu!It is the legendary ancient god domain!

Flying through it, Chen Xi could clearly feel that this world was filled with an extremely thick spirit of gods and spirits. Compared with it, the Domain of Mo Fa was like a barren and dead place.

Here, every time he takes a breath, he can clearly feel that a steady stream of divine power is pouring into his body, nourishing his limbs and bones, and filling his body. The refreshing feeling is simply overwhelming. Feeling immortal, like eating ginseng fruit, every inch of the pores of the body are transparent and calm.

"This is the domain of the ancient gods. No wonder it claims to be an eternal kingdom where the gods live. The spirit of the gods pervading the world alone cannot be possessed by any other plane..."

Chen Xi secretly sighed in his heart, and at the same time, he also noticed that the laws of heaven shrouded in the sky are almost perfect, perfect, insignificant, immeasurable because they are boundless, not comparable to the Three Realms, and even less comparable to the Land of Dharma-End.

Being in it, Chen Xi even had a faint feeling in his heart that only in this ancient god domain can one find the true path of the divine way!

The differences in the ancient god realms were not just differences in the laws of heaven and the aura of the gods. Along the way, Chen Xi also noticed that the mountains, rivers, lakes, and everything on the land were all orderly and full of charm.

Even the time and space here, the longitude of the sky, and the latitude of the earth... all appear incomparably solid, miraculous, and grand, exuding an aura of invincibility, eternity, and eternity.

Even the creatures living in this world, whether in terms of longevity or wisdom and spirituality, have reached unimaginable heights.

It's like the two teenagers, Mu Mu and Zai Zi, who followed him. Although they are young and haven't practiced Taoism, they are full of energy and energy, and they are strong and strong. If they are placed in the Three Realms, they are absolutely A first-class Taoist wizard.

But in this ancient god's domain, young people like them are caught in a large number, and they have become the most ordinary type of people.

This made Chen Xi couldn't help feeling that different worlds created different creatures, and the more noble the plane, the more outstanding and outstanding the vital signs of the creatures would be.

This is a kind of natural gap, which is predestined by nature, and it cannot be changed by manpower.

In layman's terms, some people just live in a barren and remote village when they are born, while some people have already reached the pinnacle of the world pyramid just after they are born!

How should this change?

This is fate!

It was also because of the appearance of the wood and the cubs that Chen Xi realized the fact that not all of the ancient gods were gods, and there were also various creatures in it.

The only difference between them is whether they practice Taoism or not!


"You said, this is Biyan Zhouyu?"

On the way, when Chen Xi learned from Mu Mu that the world he was in now was located in Biyan Zhouyu, he couldn't help being slightly surprised.

Biyan Zhouyu is one of the known three thousand universes in the Snow Ink Region, and the most powerful force controlling this universe is the famous Ziming Shenzong.

"What a coincidence."

Chen Xi felt emotional in his heart. Back then when he was in the Land of Doom, Tie Kun asked him to give a storage bag to Tie Kun's granddaughter Tie Yunping. Purple Underworld Sect.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that after he entered the Snow Ink Realm, he would be the first one to come to this Biyan Universe by mistake.

"That's not bad, I can just take this opportunity to entrust Tie Kun to do it, and settle the cause and effect in my heart."

Next, Chen Xi began to ask about Biyan Zhouyu.

Unfortunately, what made Chen Xi somewhat regretful was that Mu Mu and Zaizi were just mountain boys, and this was the first time they had left the village and walked out of the deep mountains, so they didn't know much about Biyan Zhouyu.

However, from what they said, Chen Xi still learned that the place where he is now is on a planet named "East Jupiter".

There are no less than [-] planets like this in the entire Biyan universe that can be used for living creatures!

This is indeed a huge number that surprised Chen Xi.

According to his previous understanding, in the ancient god domain, there are about a thousand known domains, and each domain has hundreds of universes at least, and thousands of universes at most.

Like Xuemoyu, there are three thousand universes, and this Biyan universe is just one of them.

But now, there are no less than one hundred thousand planets in this Biyan universe that can be used for living beings. The accumulation of such numbers one after another made Chen Xi feel unspeakable emotion. The vastness... is simply beyond imagination!

That kind of feeling is like comparing the ancient gods to a vast ocean, and the thousands of universes are the waves in the ocean, and those planets distributed in the universe are the sprays in the waves...

"The ancient gods' domain is so big, it's not where father and mother are now. What about the brothers and sisters of Shenyan Mountain? After coming to the ancient gods' domain, where did they go?"

After contemplating alone for a long time, Chen Xi couldn't help but take a deep breath, suppress all kinds of distracting thoughts in his heart, and stop thinking about it.

Today, he has only recovered less than [-]% of his injuries, and his cultivation level can barely allow him to have the power to fight, and if the opponent surpasses the True God Dongwei, there is absolutely no chance of winning.

Under such circumstances, for Chen Xi, the only choice is to lie dormant, repair his injuries, and wait until his strength returns to the peak state. Then he may choose to go to the Purple Dark Sect and take the items Tie Kun gave him. Give it to his granddaughter Tie Yunping.


After a stick of incense.

On the horizon in the distance, the outline of a majestic city gradually emerged. From a distance, it looked like an ancient beast entrenched between the heaven and the earth, releasing an ancient and solemn aura.

"Fuluo God City!"

"That must be the City of Floating God!"

Mu Mu and Zai Zi cried out excitedly, and the expressions of the two teenagers revealed endless longing.

Chen Xi was also clear that the purpose of these two youths going out for the first time was to enter the city of Floating Luo, exchange some divine crystals, and then go to learn from a teacher and practice the divine way.

Suddenly, Chen Xi raised his eyebrows, stopped abruptly, handed a storage bag to Mu Mu, and said, "There are five divine crystals and the horn of the fierce beast in the lake, let's bid farewell here."

The two teenagers were obviously stunned. They haven't entered the city yet, so it seems a bit early to separate, right?

"Get it quickly, before it's too late."

Chen Xi kept looking far into the distance, but at this moment, as if he had encountered something difficult, he hurriedly stuffed the storage bag into the wood, and then with a wave of his sleeve, he placed the two teenagers on the ground.

"Be more careful."

Let’s talk, Chen Xi’s figure flashed, and he left through the air.

"Brother Mumu, what's going on? Why did that senior leave in such a hurry?" the boy asked in confusion.

"Something must have been discovered."

Mu Mu took a deep breath, regained his composure, carefully stuffed the storage bag into his arms, then looked around vigilantly, and said, "Let's leave quickly too."

As he said that, he grabbed the cub's hand, and rushed into the forest.

After a cup of tea.

The two teenagers came to the outside of the city of Fuluo God without any risk, but they were surprised to find that the atmosphere around the city was chilling. His brows are full of evil spirits, which are extremely frightening.

And in the center of the city gate, a light curtain was suspended out of thin air, and a tall figure appeared above it.

"You fellows who have entered the city are my favorite. If anyone recognizes this person and provides clues, he will be rewarded with a hundred god crystals!" A thick and fierce man shouted in front of the city gate.

"Who is this person? How did he get into trouble with the Ziming Shenzong?"

"It turns out that so many forces were deployed to arrest this young man, tsk tsk, I don't know who he is, and what kind of crimes he committed, so that the Ziming Shenzong was dispatched."

Many pedestrians in front of the city gate were queuing up to enter the city. Seeing all this, they couldn't help talking.

Mu Mu and Zaizi were also in the team entering the city. When they saw the figure of Jun Ba on the light curtain, they were stunned for a while. Wasn't that... the senior just now?

The cub opened his mouth and was about to make a sound, but was carried by the side of the wood without a trace, then shook his head slightly, and signaled him not to say more with his eyes.

The cub was startled for a moment, but immediately understood, he pursed his lips and remained silent.

Soon, the figures of the two teenagers followed the pedestrians and disappeared inside the city gate.

"These two little fellows are not bad, so I'll give them some more god crystals." In a forest far away from the city gate, Chen Xi stood on a lush and verdant branch, looking into the distance.

Before, he noticed everything at the city gate, so he stopped immediately, otherwise, if he passed by rashly, the consequences would be absolutely unimaginable.

"How could the Ziming Shenzong get involved? Could it be that the woman in red was instigated? In this case, things will be a little tricky..."

Chen Xi frowned, and a thoughtful expression appeared in his eyes.

"No, you have to enter the city as soon as possible. Only when you enter the city, where there are mixed fish and dragons and dense crowds, can you hide your eyes and ears, and you can find out more information you need. Otherwise, if you stay in this wilderness, your breath during cultivation will definitely attract other people's attention. That would be too dangerous."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, turned his palm over, and that tree heart with 36 petals emerged.


Divine light flashed.

In the next moment, Chen Xi had turned into an ordinary-looking young man with an ordinary and ordinary aura, belonging to the kind of existence that people can't remember at a glance.

Then, with a flash of his figure, Shi Shiran walked towards the heavily guarded city gate.


ps: There is an urgent matter at the moment, if there is no second update at 10:3 pm, then there will be [-]rd update tomorrow~


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