divine talisman

Chapter 1583 Cave Paradise [Part 1]


A powerful thought swept across Chen Xi's body.

His expression remained unchanged, he just glanced at a strong man in the divine realm stationed in front of the city gate in the distance, and then continued to walk towards the city calmly.

Even the Patriarch God of Dongyu couldn't tell the authenticity of the appearance created by the phaseless skin. Chen Xi was not worried that he would be recognized by those disciples of the Ziming Divine Sect who only had the Realm of Dongwei.

The only thing that bothered Chen Xi a little was that Wuxiangpi could only be used three times, and now he wasted one opportunity just to enter the city, which made him feel a bit overqualified.

But the only good thing is that Chen Xi finally successfully entered the city of Floating God.

And this is also the first time he stepped into a divine city after arriving in the ancient gods!


Compared with the chilling atmosphere outside the city, the city is bustling with noise and noise.

The buildings, ground, and even the air in the city are all filled with an ancient, eternal, and vicissitudes of life, as if they have stood here for endless years, with a heavy sense of history.

Walking along the street all the way, Chen Xi had his hands behind his back, his demeanor was calm and indifferent, like a passer-by who was just gazing around, admiring everything he encountered with great interest.

There is a lot of traffic in the city, and there are various ethnic groups, such as clam girls with shells on their backs, tiger-headed clans with blue faces and fangs, swaying ice flower clans... There are even ancient barbarian clans that keep their original forms shuttling through the streets and alleys. superior.

Most of these ethnic groups have long since disappeared in the Three Realms, but they are not uncommon in this city of Floating Luo. Chen Xi is also amazed. Whenever he encounters a strange creature, he will think of one after another in his mind. A long legend.

For example, the legend of the ancestors of the Lei Ze tribe and the lineage of the Huaxu saint girl, the legend of Muzheng Jumang, the legend of the golden-eyed Wuzhiqi, Qigou Panhu, Xuanniao Shengqi, Kuafu Chasing the Sun... and so on.

Seeing those creatures, one will naturally think of their ancestors, and the myths and legends that have been sealed before the endless years, some are evocative, some are brilliant, some are angry with humans and gods, or some are full of blood.

It was only then that Chen Xi discovered that those legends were not all fictional, and the descendants of the gods in those legends were not extinct long ago.

It's just because I have been in the Three Realms in the past, and they are all in the ancient gods!

This is the domain of the ancient gods, all the mysteries that have disappeared in the long river of history, all the ancient and long-standing legends can be witnessed here.


After walking around the city for a long time, Chen Xi finally stopped in front of a divine palace.

"Fellow Taoist, do you need to cultivate the cave?" An old man, Shi Shiran, came up to him.

"Need." Chen Xi nodded. The so-called Dongtian is also the blessed land of Dongtian, a practice place specially prepared for ascetics.

The old man's eyes lit up, and his smile became warmer: "What kind of caves does fellow Taoist need? Our Biluo Palace has 36 first-class caves, and we only need 72 god crystals a year, and [-] second-class caves, only [-] god crystals. There are one hundred and eight places in the third-class cave, and three hundred divine crystals are needed."

"Let's wait for the cave." Chen Xi raised his hand and threw a storage bag to the old man, which contained [-] divine crystals.

"The Daoist friendliness is extraordinary and comparable at first glance."

The old man's eyes became brighter, and he enthusiastically led Chen Xi into the shrine, "Don't worry, fellow daoist, it's extremely safe to practice in my shrine, and no one dares to disturb fellow daoist's cultivation."

Chen Xi looked around for a moment, and said casually, "No one really dares to disturb you?"

The old man smiled proudly: "Fellow Daoist seems to be ignorant. The power of our Biluo Palace is not only distributed in Biyan Cosmos, but also can be seen everywhere in the entire three thousand universes of the Xuemo Realm."

Speaking of this, the old man smiled mysteriously, and lowered his voice: "Fellow Daoist, you haven't heard of Biluo Palace, but you must have heard of Biluo Sword Sect?"

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and suddenly remembered that in Tie Kun's introduction to himself, among the three thousand universes in the entire Snow and Ink Region, the total number of top forces could not exceed five fingers, and this Biluojian Zong is one of them.

It is worth mentioning that the Dayi clan is also among the top forces.

Seeing Chen Xi's expression, the old man knew it in his heart, laughed and said, "You should feel relieved now, fellow daoist, with this background, who would dare to make trouble in my Biluo Palace?"

Chen Xi nodded. Obviously, this Biluo Palace was established by the Biluo Sword Sect. Based on this calculation, at least in this Biyan Universe, even the Ziming Divine Sect, who is known as the number one sect, would not dare to make trouble here.

Realizing this, Chen Xi felt much relieved.

Soon, the old man brought Chen Xi to a cave.

The mountains and rivers here are picturesque, the spiritual mist is transpiring, the divine light is dense, and the air is filled with a thick divine breath, pure and thick as if it is real.

"Fellow Daoist, this is the token of Dongtian No. 36, Jia Zi. From today on, you are the owner of this place. If you need anything, you can come to me."

The old man handed a black token to Chen Xi, and registered his own number, Kan Zhen.


The cave was closed, and Chen Xi breathed a sigh of relief, put the token away, and began to look around.

Rather than saying that this is a blessed place for cultivation, it is better to say that it is a small world-like space, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the picturesque scenery is quite pleasing to the eye.

Among them are not only dojos used for cultivation, but also alchemy rooms, weapon refining rooms, spiritual fields for planting magical medicines, etc., all of which reflect the mysterious aura of the divine way.

Chen Xi browsed briefly, then sat cross-legged in the dojo, sensed Ah Liang's state, and seeing that the other party was still unconscious, he couldn't help sighing again in his heart, this little girl risked her life to save herself once, if any accident happened to her, Chen Xi would definitely not be able to forgive himself.

He had secretly made up his mind that if Ah Liang's injury still did not improve after his strength recovered, he would do everything possible to heal him.


Next, Chen Xi stopped thinking about it, sat cross-legged, and began to meditate on his cultivation. The whole body's energy was circulating, and the spirit of the gods in all directions seemed to be drawn, rolling in like a tidal wave, constantly replenishing and nourishing the wounds around Chen Xi's body.


And when Chen Xi started his closed-door training at No. 36, Jiazi, Biluo Palace, outside the city of Fuluo, a middle-aged man in gray waved his sleeve robe, making two thud-thump-thump-thud, two teenagers, one big and one small, fell to the ground.

They are just wood and cubs.

"Junior Brother Liao, what's going on?" A group of Ziming Shenzong disciples gathered around, the leader of which was a young man in white robe, frowning.

The gray-clothed middle-aged man named Junior Brother Liao was overjoyed, and said: "I received news earlier that these two little fellows sold the horn of a icy-eyed Kui Niu in the city. How could it be possible for ants to kill an ice-eyed kui ox, and in addition to the fact that an ice-eyed kui ox also died in the lake that the target we were searching for appeared a few days ago. Find!"

As he spoke, he made a tactic in his hand, and there was a buzzing sound, and the divine radiance flowed, creating vivid scenes in the air.

That was astonishingly the scene where Mu Mu and Zaizi met Chen Xi for the first time, and they went all the way to the city of Fuluo.

"It sure is him!"

"It turns out that he has already arrived at the City of Floating God..."

When everyone saw the figure of Chen Xi in the light curtain, their eyes lit up, revealing a touch of excitement.

"It's just a pity, there is no way to judge whether he has detoured around the city of Floating Luo, or has already entered the city." Junior Brother Liao said with a little regret.

"That's enough. Our task is to search for the target's traces, not to hunt the target." The white-robed man in the lead waved his hand, "Now send a message immediately to notify the Zongmen, saying that the target has appeared near the city of Fuluo , I leave everything to the great figures of the sect to decide."

"Here!" A disciple bowed his hands and led away.

"Senior Brother Yuncheng, what should we do next?" Junior Brother Liao asked.

"Stay where you are, continue to block the city of Fuluo, and don't reveal any flaws when you go, so as not to alarm the target and make him vigilant." The white-robed man pondered.

"What about the two boys?"

"Erase the memory of their arrest and send them back to the city. If there is a connection between them and our target, it might be of great use."

"This is a great plan!"


Chen Xi was completely unaware of everything that happened in the outside world. Even if he knew all of this now, he would not choose to leave this Biluo Palace.

Time flies, the flowers bloom and fall, half a year has passed in a hurry, and in less than three months, Chen Xi has been in seclusion for a whole year.

On this day, Chen Xi, who was cultivating, was suddenly awakened by a wave of shock, and opened his eyes abruptly, a cold divine radiance emerged from his black pupils.

"Who?" Chen Xi took out the token, activated a cave restriction, and transmitted his voice.

"Fellow Daoist Chen Xun, excuse me for bothering you. This old man has no intention of disturbing your cultivation, just to confirm one thing." Kan Zhen's voice came from outside the cave.

Chen Xun is the alias Chen Xi gave himself. After all, his appearance has changed a lot now, and he needs a new identity to cover his eyes.

"Oh, so it's Fellow Daoist Kan Zhen. Dare to ask to confirm what?" Chen Xi said calmly.

At this time, a sharp voice suddenly came: "Don't talk nonsense, my son needs a cave to clean up, you should give it up quickly, and return ten times the lost god crystal to you." There is a taste of being superior and domineering.

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows, and a coldness flashed between his brows. He finally understood what was going on. It was nothing more than that the deadline for him to occupy the cave was about to come, and someone also fell in love with this cave, and planned to pay a high price to let him move it.

Although the other party's voice was unpleasant, it was not enough to make Chen Xi angry. What really displeased him was that there were 36 first-class caves in Biluo Palace, and the guy outside didn't choose other caves, but chose his own cave. Could it be that Think you are a soft persimmon, you can make whatever you want?

"Sorry, I don't intend to give up this cave." Chen Xi took a deep breath, and he still didn't intend to argue with the other party. His current situation can only be considered temporarily safe, and it is not appropriate to cause any trouble.

"Bastard! My son has shown enough sincerity, but you don't know what to do. Could it be that you really regard yourself as the number one person?" The sharp voice seemed to be furious, and shouted loudly.


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