divine talisman

Chapter 1584 Going Insane [Part 2]

Hearing the other party's yelling and cursing, Chen Xi's expression turned cold all of a sudden.

"Fellow Daoist Kan Zhen, didn't you promise me that I would not be disturbed during my practice? Now a bastard is barking outside my cave, why is that?"

"Uh, fellow daoist, calm down. I brought Mr. Zhu here just to discuss with you. After all, you have less than three months left to rent the cave..."

Before Kan Zhen could finish speaking, Chen Xi interrupted: "So the time has not come yet? What's more, maybe I have to rent it for a while longer."

"You bastard, you..." The sharp voice sounded again.

Chen Xi didn't even bother to listen to the other party's yelling, so he immediately closed the restrictions surrounding the cave.

"It took nearly a year to restore nearly [-]% of my cultivation base. I am afraid that just three months is not enough for me to completely recover to the peak state."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, sensing the energy in his body, he couldn't help frowning, "Forget it, if it really doesn't work, then stay here for a little longer."


outside the cave.

The smile on Kan Zhen's face faded, and he said, "Young master Zhu, you are a slave of the gods. The rules of my Biluo Palace are not something anyone can break if they want to!"

Opposite him stood a young man in a green robe, and an old man with unusually long arms, a surly face, and a tuft of red hair on his head.

Hearing this, a trace of displeasure flashed across the face of the green-robed young man, but he quickly regained his composure and said with a smile, "I understand, Ah Chou, restrain yourself."

The surly old man cast a cold glance at Kan Zhen, then lowered his head and said, "Yes, young master."

Seeing this, Kan Zhen showed a smile on his face: "Young Master Zhu, why don't I help you arrange another cave?"

This Mr. Zhu is named Zhu Dongting, and he only has Dongwei's real body cultivation, but he is quite powerful. He is a direct descendant of Zhu Gangshan, the great elder of Ziming Shenzong. domineering.

The old man next to Zhu Dongting is also unusual. He is from the "Red Demon Vulture" clan, named Moli Chou, with a bloodthirsty temperament and fierceness. servant.

"No need, isn't it just three months? I can afford to wait. At that time, I want to see who this Chen Xun is."

Zhu Dongting put down these words lightly, then turned around and left with that magic gift.

Kan Zhen frowned, and stood still for a long time without saying a word. He could hear that Zhu Dongting was going to deal with Chen Xun when he left.

"Sigh, I, Biluo Palace, cannot interfere with these matters." After a while, Kan Zhen shook his head, sighing softly in his heart.

During this period of time, many Ziming Shenzong disciples came to the city of Fuluo, and there seemed to be nothing unusual, but it made Kan Zhen smell a whiff of storms coming.

"Could it be that all of this has something to do with that Chen Xi? I don't know how divine that guy is, to make the Ziming Shenzong so inspiring..."

Kan Zhen thought about it and was about to leave. At this time, the portal of the cave where Chen Xi was located suddenly opened, and a voice came from it: "Fellow Taoist Kan Zhen, can you come in and have a talk?"

Kan Zhen was startled, hesitated for a moment, then smiled and said: "There is nothing you can do." Then he raised his foot and beat him in.


The Biluo Palace occupies an extremely large area, and a part of the space has been opened up as a series of independent secret caves, while the rest of the space has been set up as different areas.

In these areas, there are those who sell sacred materials and treasures, and those who sell pills and fetishes. There are even Colosseums, arenas, auctions, etc. for guests to entertain, which can be said to be all-encompassing.

At this moment, Zhu Dongting was sitting in an elegant room, drinking wine and tea, and there were two other fox girls from Tianxiang serving beside him.

"My lord, are you really planning to spend the rest of your life with that kid?" Mo Lichouli asked in a low voice beside him.

"Of course!"

Zhu Dongting drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, gritted his teeth and said, "I originally planned to book a cave and give it to Miss Ye Yan as a resting place. Who would have thought that this kid didn't know what to do, so don't blame me for being rude!"

Hearing the word Ye Yan, Mo Lichou shrank his eyes imperceptibly, and immediately lowered his voice and said: "Young Master, Ye Yan is from the Supreme Master, and he is an ancestor god of the cave. Don't dare to neglect her, in my opinion, you should not put your mind on her, such a woman is beautiful, but it is too dangerous."

Who would have thought that Zhu Dongting laughed loudly when he heard the words: "My fair lady, a gentleman is so good, can't you see that Miss Ye Yan's attitude towards me is very different from how she treats other people?"

At the end, he couldn't help but think of a woman in red who looked like a peerless stunner. He couldn't help feeling hot in his heart, and couldn't help showing a blazing desire in his eyes.

Seeing this, Moli Chou hesitated for a long time, but in the end he didn't persuade him any more. He knew very well that a person like Ye Yan was not something that someone like Zhu Dongting could subdue.

"Forget it, I'm just a servant, I just need to make this young master happy."


The portal of Dongtian No. 36 Jiazi opened again.

"Haha, fellow daoist, stay here and don't need to send it off." Kan Zhen walked out with a smile on his face, until he saw the door of the cave was closed again, the smile on his face was suddenly replaced by a trance, and even a little lost.

"He took out so many treasures and materials all at once... What is the origin of this kid!" Kan Zhen took several deep breaths, trying to keep himself calm.

Just now, after he walked into the cave where Chen Xi was, he was told that the other party wanted to sell some divine treasures and materials, and asked them if Biluo Palace would accept them. Naturally, he agreed to such requests without hesitation. If the transaction can be made , but his commission is indispensable.

But what Kan Zhen never expected was that the other party suddenly took out a bunch of dazzling treasures of various colors and a mountain of sacred materials. When he saw this scene, he was almost shocked. jaw.

When he estimated the value of all these treasures, he was even more shocked, and almost couldn't control his emotions and yelled.

A total of [-] divine crystals!

What kind of number is this?At least he has worked hard in Bi Luo Palace for ten years, and he may not be able to earn such a huge sum!

"It really is a real person who doesn't show his face. Who would have thought that a young man with a mediocre appearance and a mediocre bearing would have such a rich family background? If this deal is completed, I will be rewarded with at least [-] divine crystals!"

Thinking of this, Kan Zhen's heart was full of fire, his whole body was full of motivation, and he walked away with light and joyful steps.


the next day.

Chen Xi received [-] divine crystals, which immediately filled up his incomparably emaciated net worth.

"That's right, those useless divine treasures and divine materials can be sold at this price..." A look of satisfaction appeared on the corners of Chen Xi's lips.

Yesterday, he sold all kinds of treasures, treasures, and materials he obtained from the Realm of Doom to Biluo Palace, as long as he didn't need them.

Although he knew very well that if he shopped around, he would definitely be able to obtain more god crystals with these treasures, but now he still needs to use the cave cultivation in Biluo Palace, so he doesn't care about the price difference.

Moreover, Chen Xi also gained unexpected gains by doing so. For example, he successfully learned from Kan Zhen all the news that happened in the city of Fuluo God recently.

Including the origins of Zhu Dongting, Mo Lichou, and even the power of the Ziming Shenzong, Chen Xi also inquired about it clearly.

It's just that what Chen Xi didn't expect was that he originally planned to go to the Ziming Shenzong to find Tie Kun's granddaughter Tie Yunping, but he never thought that before he was found, the disciples of the Ziming Shenzong started to search for Tie Yunping. Launched an action to hunt down and kill himself...

The world is wonderful, and sometimes it is indeed unbelievable.

Of course, Chen Xi also knew that the reason why the Ziming Shenzong came to search for him with great fanfare was all thanks to the red-clothed woman Ye Yan of the Supreme Master Sect!

And Ye Yan was able to mobilize the power of the Ziming Shenzong to deal with him, and it also made Chen Xi realize how terrifying the influence of the Supreme Master Sect in the Xuemo Region is.

"Last time I was pretending to be Yin Huaikong, and my identity was discovered by that vicious woman. This time I pretended to be a completely unfamiliar identity. Let's see if you can still figure it out!"

Chen Xi knew that the reason why he was spotted last time was entirely because Ye Yan knew Yin Huaikong too well, not because the other party saw through his disguise on the surface.

After all, he used the phaseless skin that only the kings of the Huapimu tribe possessed. Even the ancestor god of Dongyu couldn't tell the authenticity from the fake, so he didn't believe that Ye Yan could do this.

"After returning to the peak state, I will leave here immediately and go to the Ziming Shenzong. I will find that Tie Yunping early to settle the cause and effect, and then I will leave this Biyan Zhouyu immediately. With my current strength, unless I advance to the Dongguang Spiritual God environment, otherwise once you meet Ye Yan, the consequences are destined to be bad..."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and fell into enlightenment and cultivation again.

Three months later.

There was a sudden fluctuation in the portal of the cave sky, which immediately woke up Chen Xi who was cultivating. He got up abruptly, and his heart was filled with vigilance.

"Friend Daoist, the time limit for your lease of the cave has come, please leave." A strange middle-aged man walked in with a blank expression.

"Fellow Daoist Kan Zhen, I have already told him to continue the lease. Didn't he tell you?" Chen Xi frowned and said coldly.

"I'm sorry, Kan Zhen is no longer in charge of this place, please leave for the time being, this cave has been booked." The middle-aged man said with a blank expression.

Chen Xi glanced at it, and sure enough, he saw Zhu Dongting and Mo Lichou standing outside the cave, and they were also looking at him with a sneer with their arms folded.

All of a sudden, Chen Xi completely understood what was going on, and even with his incomparably tenacious Dao Heart, he couldn't help but burst into anger at this moment.


ps: Today's physical examination found that there may be stones in the body, and there was a thunderbolt. I need to go to the follow-up visit early tomorrow morning. If it is confirmed... I dare not think about it. Let's temporarily update it tonight, and the one that needs to be supplemented will be released Once released, Goldfish feels a little heavy, please understand~


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