divine talisman

Chapter 1585 Buy Buy Buy [Part 1]

Kan Zhen disappeared, but a strange middle-aged man appeared, bringing Zhu Dongting and Mo Lichou together, as if he was determined by himself.

Facing all of this, Chen Xi naturally knew that Kan Zhen's disappearance might have something to do with Zhu Dongting and the others.

At the thought that it was just for a cave, the second ancestor of the Purple Nether Sect bit him hard, and even Chen Xi's good temper couldn't help becoming furious at this moment.

"It seems that no matter what I say today, I won't be able to rent this cave?" Chen Xi looked at the strange middle-aged man with cold eyes.

"This is the rule, and I'm just following the rules. Fellow Daoist, don't think too much about it." The middle-aged man remained expressionless.

"You bastard, why are you talking so much nonsense, get the old man out!" Mo Lichou scolded coldly, with a cold and stern look on his face.

When dealing with Zhu Dongting, he could hold back his arrogance, but when facing the last kid in the Dongwei True God Realm, he was too lazy to hold back his temper.

In this Biyan universe, their Ziming Shenzong is the most powerful force. As the servants of Zhu Gangshan, the great elder of Ziming Shenzong, the person in this Biyan universe who can make magic ceremony ugly and dreadful is at least, but not Not including the young man in front of him.

Chen Xi glanced away, took a deep look at Mo Lichou, and said, "My friend, if you continue to be so arrogant, something will happen sooner or later."

As he spoke, he put his hands behind his back and floated towards the cave.

Since he can't stay, he will not continue to argue. If Chen Xi is not afraid of Biluo Palace because of this, it will be too much trouble after all.

As for Chen Xi, he had always had the style of trying not to cause trouble when he could.

Of course, all of this still depends on the situation. Now he is alone, he has just arrived, and he is being chased and killed by the supreme teacher Ye Yan, so it is really inappropriate to have any grudges with other people.

"What a child who doesn't know what to do! If you don't apologize to the old man on your knees today, you won't be able to leave!" Mo Lichou was furious, a little fellow of the true god Dongwei dared to speak rudely in front of him, he was courting death.

When he was speaking, he stepped forward abruptly, and stopped in front of Chen Xi, as if he would fight if he disagreed with a word.

"Haha, Ah Chou did a good job, this kid is really hateful, he must be punished to make him sober!" Zhu Dongting clapped his hands and laughed.

Chen Xi narrowed his deep black eyes slightly, then suddenly laughed lightly, and said to the strange middle-aged man, "This is Biluo Palace, I want to ask, are there any rules here? If not, then let this I have nothing to say about two bastards, one old and one young, but if there are rules, then you can figure it out!"

He looked calm, calm and calm, as if he didn't care about any threats, but in fact, he had seen that in this Biluo Palace, Zhu Dongting and the other guys would definitely not dare to do anything, no matter how old they were, they could The background of Bi Luo Palace is not blown out either.

Even if the people from Biluo Palace came forward at this moment to drive him away, but now...haven't he left Biluo Palace yet?

Although Chen Xi didn't want to have any grudges with Biluo Palace, if he could disgust the other party, he would definitely not mind and miss it.

Two bastards, one big and one small?

Hearing this, both Zhu Dongting's and Mo Lichou's faces darkened, their expressions were filled with anger, and their hearts were already filled with murderous intent.

"Both of you, please do me a favor next time. The rules of Biluo Palace cannot be broken." The middle-aged man's expression darkened as well, and he glanced at Chen Xi coldly, then said to Zhu Dongting and the two, "Perhaps wait for this fellow Taoist." After you leave, you can discuss it together."

"Okay! Then I will bear with it for a while." Zhu Dongting's face was sullen, and his voice seemed to be squeezed out of his teeth.

Mo Lichou, on the other hand, gave Chen Xi a cold look, with an undisguised playfulness on the corners of his lips, as if looking at another person waiting to die.

Regarding this, Chen Xi smiled again, looked at the middle-aged man and said, "I heard that besides the cave, Biluo Palace also has many other areas for guests to enjoy. If you have nothing to do, why not accompany you as a fellow Taoist?" Let me go shopping together? Don't worry, your benefits are indispensable."

As he said that, with a flick of his fingertips, a divine crystal was thrown away, like dismissing a beggar.

The middle-aged man's expression froze, and the corners of his lips twitched uncontrollably. Damn, this kid is humiliating people on purpose!

But in the end, he still caught the divine crystal stiffly, with a stiff smile on his lips, and said, "Thank you, fellow daoist, for your love."

In the final analysis, he was just a waiter after all, and he didn't dare to fight because of it.

Zhu Dongting and Mo Lichou on the side were even more stunned. They have seen shameless ones, but they have never seen such shameless ones. Is this bastard already shameless?

Immediately, an incomparable sullenness rose in their hearts, if this bastard did this, when would he be able to fix him?

You know, they have been waiting here for three months, just to wait for Chen Xi to come out and ruthlessly ravage him to vent their anger!

"Why, do you dislike that the consumption of one god crystal is not enough?" Chen Xi frowned as he looked at the strange middle-aged man.

"Don't dare, it's just that I'm only responsible for providing caves to the guests, and there are other places for recreation, and there are other people in charge." The middle-aged man was so angry that his lungs were about to explode, but he had to explain patiently.

"Oh? Forget it. I thought you could help me, but it turned out to be of no use at all, so give me back the tip." Chen Xi laughed.

"You..." The middle-aged man couldn't hold back his anger at all, and said sharply, so angry that he was about to explode.

Even Zhu Dongting and Mo Lichou were stunned when they heard this, they actually planned to ask for a tip of Shenjing back! ?God, where did this shameless weirdness come from?

"What? What does Fellow Daoist think of me?" Chen Xi still had a calm and indifferent appearance, but he was sneering in his heart. I just like your aggrieved appearance of not being used to me and not daring to do anything. It's disgusting. Who wouldn't?

In the end, the middle-aged man gritted his teeth, and suddenly took out ten more divine crystals, handed them to Chen Xi together, and said, "Take it well, fellow daoist, seeing that you don't regret it at the end of your life, just take one divine crystal for this matter." I paid for your funeral expenses."

Chen Xi's smile became brighter, and he took the Divine Crystal into his hand, and said, "Fellow Daoist is indeed very warm-hearted, thank you very much, if there is a chance, I really want to treat you to a drink, maybe you will give me more As for who will be buried in the end, that is debatable."

As he spoke, he put his hands behind his back, Shi Shi went away, completely ignoring the gloomy appearance of the middle-aged man.

"A Chou, follow him!" Seeing this, Zhu Dongting said solemnly.

"Don't worry, my lord, no matter who comes this time, they won't be able to save this bastard!" Mo Li Chou said something insidiously, and then left.


"My lord, this five-energy exquisite pill is already the best pill in my Biluo Palace. It has the function of reviving the bones of the dead and the dead, helping the soul and filling the soul... the price is three hundred divine crystals."

"Buy, ten."

"My lord, this Biguang Liuding armor is made of chaotic jade iron, cold spirit golden silk, divine gang quenching cloud sand... and other 78 kinds of precious divine materials. It is equipped with one hundred and eight layers of divine taboos, worn on the body, with strong defensive power, it can definitely add an indestructible guarantee for your safety, and the price is [-] divine crystals, if you think it is too expensive..."

"Don't talk nonsense, buy it!"

"My lord, Biluo Palace sells all the 99 kinds of divine materials you need, worth a total of [-] divine crystals."





The elixir area, Shenzhen area, and Shenbao area of ​​Biluo Palace... From time to time, the voice of Chen Xi talking and shopping with the envoy could be heard, and he had spent more than 5000 Shenjing in just less than a cup of tea.

The style of spending money like water made many nearby guests click their tongues in envy, and even some female guests saw their eyes shine, and they were almost drunk.

In their hearts, Chen Xi seemed to have become the kind of son with a rich family background who had mixed into the earth, making people want to hug their thighs and ask for support.

And during this process, Mo Lichou, who had a gloomy expression and a bald head with a bunch of red hair, followed him all the time, seeing everything in his eyes.

After seeing it, even he, a Hollow Spiritual God, couldn't help being a little jealous, there are more than 1 divine crystals!Even an existence like him doesn't dare to squander like this!

"I didn't expect that this bastard is really rich, but it's a pity that no matter how many magic medicines and treasures he buys, he can't escape death!"

Mo Lichou gritted his teeth, and the murderous intent in his heart became more and more boiling. On the one hand, it was out of hatred, and on the other hand, he was thinking about Chen Xi's wealth.

And in his opinion, everything Chen Xi bought at this moment was for saving his life, so why did he do this?Obviously, he was also worried about his life, and was killed by himself!

"Hmph, it's ridiculous, it's really ridiculous. Does he think that the gap in realm can be made up by these foreign objects? What an idiot!"

Mo Lichou sneered again and again, already secretly planning in his mind how to divide up the treasure on Chen Xi after he killed him.


At this moment, he suddenly noticed that Chen Xi looked at him, and there was a mocking smile on the corner of his lips.

This made Mo Lihou's face suddenly darken, and being silently ridiculed by a guy he thought was an idiot, the feeling was indescribably uncomfortable.

Fortunately, this kind of discomfort didn't last long, and he regained his spirits, because in his field of vision, he suddenly saw Chen Xi turn around and walk towards the gate of Biluo Palace.

"The opportunity finally came!" Mo Lichou's blood boiled all over his body, and there was never a moment when he wanted to kill someone so desperately.

He started voice transmission to Zhu Dongting.

Almost at the same time, Chen Xi was also muttering in his heart: "One year of retreat, my cultivation has almost returned to the peak stage, and now I have prepared so many methods, even if I face that Ye Yan again, at least I have the power to escape It's..."

If that Moli Chou found out that all the treasures that Chen Xi bought in Biluo Palace were for dealing with the threat of a Dongyu Ancestor God Realm, and not for preparing to deal with him, he would have no idea how he would feel in his heart.


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