divine talisman

Chapter 1586 Coincidence [Part 2]

After retreating for a year, Chen Xi's own injuries were finally greatly healed, and he was only a hair away from being able to return to his peak state.

Not only that, he even had a feeling that after going through this life-and-death trial, when he fully recovered, his strength would definitely improve again!

This is called what can't be broken but can't be built. The insights honed between life and death will always promote the transformation of strength more than building a car behind closed doors.

Until now, the only thing that made Chen Xi feel regretful was that the little girl A Liang still failed to wake up from the coma.

Ah Liang's vital signs are extremely special, curled up into a ball, surrounded by strands of emerald green divine light, like a butterfly protected by a silkworm chrysalis, as if she has lost all perception of the outside world.

Fortunately, Chen Xi was able to notice that as time went by, Ah Liang's aura gradually changed from weakening to stabilizing.

"It's time to leave..."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, feeling Zhu Dongting and Mo Lichou approaching from far behind, a cold arc appeared on the corner of his lips, and immediately, he walked out of the gate of Biluo Palace Shi Shiran.

The streets of Floating God City were still bustling and bustling, and Chen Xi walked along the streets as if aimlessly.

Along the way, he sometimes stopped, sometimes browsed the bustling stalls, sometimes quickened his pace, and sometimes bought one or two exquisite small objects on some stalls, just like a tourist, as if he didn’t have any A sense of being hunted down.

"This bastard, is he still planning to take us around the city?" Behind him, Zhu Dongting gritted his teeth, feeling like a cow being held by the nose by Chen Xi. The more comfortable and relaxed the other party was, the more he felt depressed. resigned and angry.

"Don't be impatient, my lord. There are too many people around now, so it's not appropriate to act immediately. When this kid is completely alone, it will be the moment of his death." Mo Lichou seemed extremely patient, like a seasoned hunter, and his voice was unhurried. Not Xu.

"According to my plan, let's just do it, why bother?" Zhu Dongting frowned, he really didn't want to waste any more.

"In that case, I'm afraid it will cause great panic, but it will be easy for this kid to fish in troubled waters and take the opportunity to escape from our lock..." Mo Lichou said, his eyes lit up suddenly, "Look, son, this kid is walking outside the city gate." went!"

"Oh?" Zhu Dongting suddenly lifted his spirits, "It seems that this kid also knows that he can't get rid of our pursuit like this, and he plans to kill a fish. This is the best way, let's catch up quickly!"


When he was still a hundred miles away from the city gate, Chen Xi suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly, then turned around without a trace, and walked towards the other side of the street.


Just as his figure disappeared, above the city gate in the distance, a flaming figure seemed to have sensed something, and suddenly turned his head, a pair of clear eyes like lake water surged with terrifying divine brilliance, scanning the nine heavens and ten earths .

In an instant, the entire scene of Fuluoshen City was vividly reflected in her mind. Streets, pedestrians, buildings, sounds, breaths, movements... everything could not escape her perception.

But in the end, she got nothing.

"Could it be that the little guy is not in Floating City? Or that he escaped silently as early as this year?"

This red-clothed woman is naturally Ye Yan, a disciple of the Supreme Master, a powerful existence who looks like a peerless girl in appearance, but in fact has reached the realm of the gods of the ancestors of Dongyu.

At this moment, she was frowning her black eyebrows, nibbling her bright and full red lips, as if she was meditating on something, and the various amorous feelings she inadvertently revealed made the hearts of all the disciples of the Ziming Shenzong nearby thump, Dry mouth.

"Hey, isn't that Senior Brother Zhu?" Suddenly, a disciple opened his mouth and saw Zhu Dongting and Mo Lichou on the street in the distance.

"It looks like Senior Brother Zhu is following someone." Others also spoke.

Ye Yan frowned, and didn't even bother to look up. Ever since the day she started searching for Chen Xi with the help of the Ziming Sect, this Zhu Dongting had been pestering her all the time. A big shot in Shenzong, she had long ago wiped out this second generation ancestor who had delusions on her.

If she looked back this time, maybe she would find something from the target Zhu Dongting was tracking, but unfortunately, out of a kind of disgust, she didn't look back, so she missed this chance.


"This woman is really difficult to deal with!" Chen Xi's face was a little gloomy, because he used Wuxiangpi's relationship, and he was not worried about being found out by the other party.

But Chen Xi was not sure whether he would be recognized when he appeared in the other party's field of vision, so he turned his head resolutely and chose another direction.


Suddenly, Chen Xi stopped again, and suddenly saw, not far from the corner of the street, there were two ragged teenagers standing there, at a loss for what to do.

They were Mu Mu and Zai Zi, but they hadn't seen each other for a year. These two immature teenagers who walked out of the mountains for the first time, no longer had the vigor of the past. Their cheeks were haggard, their eyes were dim and bewildered, and they lost their longing for the future. And longing, without that firm ambition, but like a beggar wandering in the joint.

"How...how did they end up here?"

Chen Xi was stunned. He clearly remembered that before he bid farewell to them a year ago, he had given them some extra divine crystals in his storage bag, plus the reward for selling that ferocious horn, it should be enough for them Survived in the city of Fuluo.

But obviously, during this year, some kind of accident happened to them.

No matter what the accident was, Chen Xi couldn't help feeling a little ashamed in his heart. If it wasn't for himself, they would probably still be living in that simple and primitive remote mountain village, still have the ambition and passion that young people should have, and still Looking forward to the future...

"Wu Mu, bastard, don't make a sound, walk forward along the street, and when you walk out of the city gate, I will take you away together, and I will give you a chance to learn from a teacher and practice the divine way in the future!"

A gentle voice that contained comforting power in its plainness suddenly sounded in the ears of Mu Mu and Zaizi, making the two teenagers stiffen.

Immediately, the bewildered look in their eyes disappeared little by little, and gradually became brighter from the original dimness.

It's that senior!

The two teenagers looked at each other, tacitly did not say a word, the hardships encountered in the year had already worn away the youthfulness and immaturity between their brows, and made them begin to understand that the world is dangerous and people's hearts are unpredictable.

But they still trusted Chen Xi firmly, because... it was Chen Xi who led the two of them out of the deep mountains for the first time, came to the ancient and prosperous city of God for the first time, and saw the strangeness and eccentricity of this world for the first time.

So they believed in Chen Xi, even though they hadn't seen each other for a year.

This is a young man, after suffering a lot, he has his own perseverance and kindness in his heart.

Without any hesitation, the two hurried out of the city side by side.

Like other cities, Fuluo God City also has four gates, which are located in the four directions of southeast, northwest, respectively.

Ye Yan sits at the east gate, and there are Zhu Dongting and Moli Chou in the due west, so Chen Xi can only choose one of the north and south gates.

Now, he was approaching the North City Gate, all the way north, no longer hesitating.

Just because Chen Xi had a little extra concern in his heart, that was Mu Mu and Zaizi, and he felt a little guilty in his heart, so he planned to return the other party a splendid path. This is his principle of doing things, and it has never changed.


"If that kid changes direction again this time, I won't be able to endure it like this any longer!" Zhu Dongting's face was as gloomy as water, and there was a ball of raging anger in his chest and abdomen.

Before Chen Xi suddenly changed direction, his originally excited mood suddenly seemed to be poured with cold water, and he became angry and aggrieved at the same time.

He is a direct descendant of Zhu Gangshan, the great elder of the Ziming Shenzong, and his status is so respectable, but now he is being teased around by others, and he can only bear it like a thief-like resentful woman. It is conceivable how resentful he is.

"Young Master, if you don't speak this time, I will kill him myself!" Mo Lichou also gritted his teeth, this bastard is simply too annoying, he often doesn't play cards according to common sense, he is despicable, shameless and bastard!

Just as they were talking, the two of them saw that Chen Xi's figure did not make a detour this time, but went straight to the outside of the city gate.

This made their eyes light up immediately, and the murderous intent that had been squeezed in their hearts for a long time surged all over their bodies like an erupting volcano.


"This time, my son must let him understand what life and death are not as good as!"


"Huh? Why did these two little ants leave the city today? This is a bit abnormal, I have to report to Senior Brother Yuncheng immediately!"

Almost at the same moment, a disciple of the Purple Nether Sect suddenly stood up from the street, staring at Mu Mu and the cub who had just disappeared outside the city gate.

This disciple was exactly the "Junior Brother Liao" who grabbed Zai Zi and Mu Mu and searched for Chen Xi's trace from their memories.

Later, under the arrangement of his senior brother Yun Sheng, he erased part of the cub and Mu Mu's memory, and put them back in the city, and at the same time closely monitored them secretly, in order to hope to get some benefits from the two teenagers. More clues about Chen Xi.

Now, the abnormal performance of Mu Mu and the cub immediately lifted Junior Brother Liao's spirits. He spent a year of hard work on the two young boys, which made him quite aggrieved and helpless. Fortunately, all this seemed to have passed. It's time to harvest!


However, before Junior Brother Liao took any action, two figures flashed past his eyes and disappeared outside the city gate in an instant.

Although all this happened very quickly, Junior Brother Liao recognized the identity of the other party, and he couldn't help being stunned for a while, "It's Senior Brother Zhu and Senior Moli Ugly? Have they already found out that something is wrong? Then do you want to continue?" Go and report to Senior Brother Yun Cheng?"

He knew very well that Zhu Dongting was very happy, and if he let the latter know that he had informed Yun Cheng of this matter, there would be no good fruit for him.

How to do?

Junior Brother Liao fell into hesitation, and finally sighed: "Forget it, I will wait a little longer, and report to Senior Brother Yuncheng after a while, and this period of time is enough for Senior Brother Zhu to grab all the achievements. Don't blame me any more."

It's a pity that Junior Brother Liao didn't know that too many things happened during the little time he wasted, and these things could have been changed in the first place, but in the end, everything was delayed because of the little time he wasted. up...


ps: After going to the hospital for a re-examination, the condition was not serious, but it was enough to cast a shadow on people’s hearts, so that Jinyu dared not go to QQ for the past two days, afraid that someone would ask, Jinyu wanted to be alone first~


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