divine talisman

Chapter 1588 Star Trail Treasure Order [Part 2]

Zhu Dongting's eyes were about to burst, and he stayed there.

Just started the war...

It's just that the other party is a little true god...

Who would have thought that such a shocking reversal would happen?

Who would have thought that an ordinary Dongwei True God would suddenly show the swordsmanship of the Sword Emperor Realm, the fighting power enough to cross the border and the Dongguang Spiritual God, and an innate spiritual treasure falling treasure coins?

It was unexpected that Zhu Dongting was so helpless and unbelievable when all this happened.

He knew that he had completely hit the iron plate this time!

He grew up under the protection of the elders of the sect, and his status is respected. Up to now, his practice has been smooth and smooth, and he has never faced any disadvantages. How has he ever suffered such a setback?

He was not reconciled, but the fear in his heart made him tremble all over, let alone fighting spirit, he didn't even have the courage to make a move.

This feeling made him feel ashamed, resentful, and uneasy, and it was only then that he realized for the first time that when he lost all protection and faced real terror, he would be so unbearable.


Before he could get out of this dazed thought, a terrifying wave spread out, shattering the sky and smashing everything into pieces.

Suffering the impact of this fluctuation, Zhu Dongting felt as if he had been hit by a huge hammer, and he flew out uncontrollably, falling thousands of miles away in embarrassment. Extremely terrifying and ferocious.

"Are you going to die? No, how can I die? I haven't lived enough~" Zhu Dongting cried out in his heart, completely terrified, terrified.

This pampered and domineering second ancestor of the Ziming Shenzong was even about to cry from fright!

"My lord, run away—!" Mo Lichou's shrill scream came from the billowing smoke.

"Yes, why did I forget to escape? I want to escape, I want to return to the Ziming Shenzong, and find my ancestors to avenge me! I want to chop this kid into pieces and turn his bones into ashes!" At this moment, Zhu Dongting seemed to have found his backbone. , the whole body trembled suddenly, all distracting thoughts disappeared in his mind, he got up suddenly, turned his head and fled.


Behind him, there was a muffled sound, and Mo Lichou's shrill scream stopped abruptly.

Regarding this, Zhu Dongting didn't care at all, at the moment he only had one thought in his mind, run away!As long as he can escape into the floating Luoshen City, then he will be safe.

Because there are still a group of disciples of the Ziming Shenzong stationed there, and there is also a master of the Dongyu Ancestor God Realm from the Supreme Sect!

But immediately, Zhu Dongting stopped abruptly, with a horrified look on his face, he wailed almost in despair, his whole body went limp, and he almost collapsed on the ground.

Because in front of him, a figure appeared, that figure was holding a sword in his right hand and a bloody human head in his left hand.

That head is exactly the ugly one of Moli!

And that figure was naturally Chen Xi.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Dongting's mind almost collapsed, his whole body was in disorder, and his face was distorted by fright.

The magic ritual ugly of the hole light spirit was killed so easily!And the only person who made the move was Dongwei's cultivation in the True God Realm...

How could he accept this?

In fact, Zhu Dongting didn't know that Chen Xi possessed the power to kill the ninth uncle of the Dayi clan as early as in the realm of the end of the law. That was a first-class existence in the realm of the cave light spirit, and it was much stronger than the magic ritual and ugly.

It would be a strange thing if Chen Xi still had no choice but to let this magic ceremony be ugly under such circumstances.

"Please... please don't kill me... as long as you don't kill me, I can give you everything you want. My grandfather is Zhu Gangshan, the great elder of Ziming Shenzong. If you kill me, it will be very troublesome. Please. You..." With a thud, Zhu Dongting fell to his knees, begging hissingly.

In these years of practice, Chen Xi had never seen someone who was afraid of death, but it was the first time he had encountered someone who was as afraid of death as Zhu Dongting.

However, this cannot change Chen Xi's will.Not even the slightest bit of nonsense from him.

Hands up.

Knife falls.

A human head was thrown into the air, and blood sprayed.

Then, Chen Xi calmly began to clean up the battlefield. From the beginning to the end, he did not show even the slightest bit of pity, and even his emotions did not fluctuate.

From the moment they chased and killed him, Chen Xi already had the desire to kill him.

They didn't have a deep hatred for each other, but the other party came to the door again and again, wanting to put him to death, this had violated Chen Xi's bottom line.

He is not a person who kills indiscriminately, but if the enemy bullies him, he doesn't mind sending him on his way early.


"These two guys carry a lot of wealth. There are [-] god crystals and five Houtian Lingbao..."

After cleaning up the battlefield, Chen Xi couldn't help showing a hint of satisfaction on his lips, and immediately set his eyes on a token in his hand.

This token is about the size of a palm, clear and clear, with an extremely complicated pattern of space runes imprinted inside it, called the Star Trail Treasure Token, and it is a treasure that travels through the interstellar teleportation array.

Like this Bixuemoyu, there are a total of three thousand universes, and this Biyan universe is densely covered with more than [-] planets. If there is no fixed interstellar teleportation array, it is very possible to move at will in the universe. So lost.

However, holding the star trail treasure order is different. As long as there is an interstellar teleportation array on the planet, you can shuttle through it at will.

As for the practitioners who do not have the star track treasure order, of course they can also take the teleportation array, but they need to pay a lot of money every time they move, which is not cost-effective.

It is worth mentioning that the refining of the Star Trail Treasure Token is controlled by the number one power in each Zhouyu, and the Star Trail Treasure Token they refine can only be produced in the universe where they are located. Interstellar teleportation.

It is rumored that there is also a treasure order in the ancient gods that can shuttle between domains, called the domain pattern treasure order, but it is extremely minimal, and it is impossible for ordinary existence to see it.

"With this Star Trail Treasure Token, you don't have to go through a lot of trouble when you go to the Purple Dark Sect..." Chen Xi carefully put away the Star Trail Treasure Token. This is a good thing, at least in Biyan Zhouyu Among them, you can use this object to freely shuttle through the teleportation arrays on various planets.

However, at this moment, Chen Xi suddenly became vigilant, and his whole body froze, and then his eyes were like lightning, and he suddenly looked into the distance.

"Since you're here, why don't you show up?"

In an indifferent and calm voice, Chen Xi quietly clenched the sword talisman in his hand, as if his whole body was drawn to the full and ready to strike.

"I didn't expect you to change another skin, and it's hard for me to tell the authenticity. It seems that you must have a pair of Wuxiang skin from the Huapimu clan in your hand?"

A red shadow appeared floatingly, and with a shake of her waist, she leaned lazily in the void. Her starry eyes were blurred, her skin was better than snow, her jade face was so delicate and beautiful, her black hair was dancing, her chest was white and full of waves, and the waves were magnificent. With a graceful and slender figure, she exudes an unrivaled charm, like a confidante who is a disaster for the country, a peerless beauty.

It was Ye Yan, a disciple of the Supreme Master!

"It's really you."

Chen Xi seemed very calm, but there was a icy murderous intent in the depths of his deep forehead and eyes. If he hadn't been rational, he would have wished to kill the other party right away.

"Of course it was me. If it wasn't for me, I'm afraid I'd let you escape again this time." Ye Yan smiled lightly, her sexy red lips parted slightly, soft and sweet.

"You're so sure you can keep me?" Chen Xi sneered.

"It's not staying, it's killing, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep in the future." Ye Yan blinked, as if she was coquettish with her lover, but the content of the words made people shudder,


Suddenly, a wave of terror transpired from all directions, evolved into hundreds of millions of runes, and in an instant, it turned into an incomparable divine prohibition, which could almost envelop Ye Yan.

All of this happened too quickly, and Chen Xi didn't do anything from the beginning to the end. The God of Restriction suddenly appeared, and Ye Yan didn't have time to react.

"From the moment I left the city gate, I already figured out that the fluctuations happening here must be too intrusive to your eyes and ears, so I set up this formation early, please accept it."

In the calm and calm voice, Chen Xi's figure flashed, and he left the place, tearing time and space and going at full speed.

The divine prohibition named "Baidi Xuanguang Formation" was born out of the Baidi Jinhuang divine talisman, and it was arranged by many divine materials that Chen Xi bought from Biluo Palace. The hole is bright and spiritual, but it is not deadly enough.

Now it is used to deal with Ye Yan, who is in the God Realm of the Ancestor of Dongyu, so it is impossible to tie him up for a long time.

This is also something that can’t be helped, the property on Chen Xi’s body is simply not enough for him to buy enough divine materials to set up a more powerful Divine Forbidden.

The most important thing is that even if he has enough property, there are no divine materials needed for formation at all in Bi Luo Palace. After all, the more powerful the gods are, the more precious and rare the divine materials needed are.

It was precisely for this reason that Chen Xi turned around and ran away without even thinking about it.

Because he knew very well that with his current abilities, facing Ye Yan, who was in the God Realm of the Ancestor of Dongyu, would definitely be looking for death, and he didn't want to experience the feeling of being suppressed and ravaged anymore.


Sure enough, just a moment after Chen Xi left, the "White Emperor Xuanguang Formation" shattered in a loud noise, and dissipated into light, rain and smoke, revealing Ye Yan's slender red shadow.

"This damned little thing is very treacherous, but I have left a ray of will on you, let's see if you can escape from my palm!"

Ye Yan smiled softly, her eyebrows and eyes were watery, her demeanor was calm, she stretched out her fair and slender hands and gently gathered the black hair around her ears, and pulled up a ponytail like a waterfall behind her head, which was clean and neat, making her whole temperament more charming There is a strong and compelling taste.

Then, with a flick of her red dress, she disappeared into time and space.

"Young Master! Senior Mo Li Ugly!"

"Dead, my son and the others were actually killed..."

"Damn it, who did it!"

And not long after Ye Yan left, the disciples of the Purple Underworld Sect came slowly. Suddenly, in the deep mountains and old forests that had already been turned into a devastated place, there were bursts of frightened and angry horns.

ps: The third one is later, if you guys can't wait, you can watch it tomorrow.


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