divine talisman

Chapter 1589 Disruption of Time and Space [Part 3]

Thank you Brother Tiger, Sister Doudian, Comrade Dao Yao for your support~




The extreme speed of time and space distorts and fluctuates in front of the eyes, like a colorful light belt, with a strange beauty.

Chen Xi had no time to appreciate the beauty of this distortion of time and space. He was running away with all his strength, silently calculating all the countermeasures he had.

How terrifying is the Ancestral God of Dongyu?

At least a True God Dongwei, no matter how powerful and heaven-defying, once he confronts the opponent head-on, he will surely die.

In this state, the cultivation base has reached the point of returning to the ancestors, the avenue returns to the original, one thought expands all phenomena, one force shapes the universe, and one anger breaks the latitude and longitude. It is more than terrifying.

Therefore, Chen Xi could only run away. Even though he wished to kill the other party in his heart, he had to accept this difference in strength.

This is reality!

Even if he is able to fight across borders and kill the existence of Dongguang Lingshen, after all, he is two big realms behind Dongyu Zushen. This gap cannot be made up by any foreign objects.

Even if Chen Xi was given the Pangu Axe, the number one treasure in the Chaos of the Three Realms, it would still be powerless.

The reason is even more simple. With his current cultivation level, it is not enough to display the monstrous power of the Pangu axe. It feels like an immature boy holding a peerless sword. It is limited, and it can't resist the blow of a strong man.


The strong wind of time and space whizzed by his ears, and Chen Xi soared up, escaped from this planet, and fled into the boundless starry universe.

At this moment, he was like a streak of light traveling through the boundless starry sky, tossing and turning, crossing stars, galaxies, aimlessly.

Hiding in a planet is an extremely dangerous thing, the area is too small, and it is very easy to be locked, but this universe is different, densely covered with countless stars, nebulae, galaxies, galaxies... There are also space-time fault zones , the crazily whistling black hole of time and space, all kinds of cosmic evil spirits and mysterious lights that are terrifying enough to take away souls, are dangerous, boundless, and extremely complicated.

For any ascetic, it takes a lot of courage to travel recklessly in the universe, because apart from those dangerous natural environments, it is very easy to get lost in it and find the way back.

For Chen Xi at this moment, this boundless universe has become an excellent place to escape. It is like a complicated and dangerous maze. While it brings many dangers to him, it also means that it can provide him with More hiding places.


However, what shocked Chen Xi was that he still underestimated Ye Yan's horror.

Not long after he entered this blue rock universe, he suddenly noticed a terrifying murderous intent rushing towards him, permeating his whole body like a cold current.

"Chen Xi, if you want to continue playing, I will definitely accompany you to the end, but your death is completely in my hands, do you think there is still a need to run away?"

The soft and pleasant familiar voice sounded in the ear again, and with it, there was a pitch-black copper ring dripping through the air.

The copper ring tore through time and space, like a bright comet, piercing through the darkness of the universe, burning with a monstrous divine brilliance that could make all living beings terrified, and it came smashing and killing!


It's so fast!

Before Ye Yan's voice fell, the pitch-black copper ring rushed towards him.

At this moment, Chen Xi's pupils shrank sharply, and the divine power that had been stored for a long time surged all over his body. With a loud shout, he sacrificed the falling precious copper coin, and gave the opponent a hard blow.


The starry sky resounded with monstrous collision sounds, and the terrifying fluctuations spread in all directions, causing more than a dozen nearby barren planets to crumble and burst!

This is Zhouyu in the ancient God Realm, shrouded in the laws of the divine way, every planet is extremely strong, far from being comparable to the Three Realms, but now, because of this blow, there is a vision that the stars are shaking!


Chen Xi's body trembled, a light green halo glowed all over his body, and immediately shattered.

This is the treasure armor he bought in Biluo Palace. According to what the waiter said, it is enough to withstand the full blow of Dongguang Lingshen, but now, it shatters under the hand of a Dongyu ancestor god, just like paper. , extremely unbearable.

However, it was also this defense that greatly dissipated the impact Chen Xi suffered, and instead made him use this force to charge his figure towards the distant universe again.

"Huh? It seems that you have prepared a lot of means to counter me this year. Unfortunately, if you have the sixth-ranked 'Hong Ling Shen Yi' in the Three Realms, you may be able to struggle longer. But just relying on these rubbish treasures will not improve your situation at all."

Ye Yan, who was far away, was startled, and made a delicate voice like a silver bell, and continued to chase after him.

"It's useless to talk too much, kill me if you have the ability, and stop talking nonsense if you don't!"


Amidst the quiet voice, Chen Xi's figure stretched out, and the divine rainbow shot up all over his body, and his whole body suddenly transformed into an incomparably huge phantom of a kunpeng. With a bang, he vibrated the divine wings, and his speed unexpectedly doubled. Roar away.

Kunpeng Divine Art!

The innate Taoism controlled by Kunpeng, the number one fierce beast in ancient times, whether it is attacking or escaping, can be regarded as the most terrifying in the world.

You must know that the ancestor Kunpeng at the time was known as "going into the sea as a kun, swallowing the water of the eight wastes, taking in ten thousand rivers in one breath, going out to the sea as a peng, soaring up to Qingming, and traveling in the universe like walking on flat ground"!

However, there is a disadvantage in using this method, that is, it consumes too much mental energy, and if it is not forced, Chen Xi will not use it lightly at all.

"Kunpeng divine art... Hmph, when your third senior brother Tie Yunhai killed a kunpeng descendant and offended the Kunpeng Taoist Master of God Realm, if your master Fuxi hadn't stepped forward, your third senior brother would have paid the price with his life for this, but now you use this way Fa Yaowu shows his might, aren't you afraid that the fellows of the Kunpeng God Clan will chase you down?"

If Ye Yan’s voice could be heard, it was obviously more blurred than before. Obviously, because Chen Xi used the Kunpeng Dao Technique, she could no longer maintain her advantage in speed, and could only barely keep up with Chen Xi’s speed.

"Master Kunpeng?"

This reminded Chen Xi of the primordial fungus race he had seen in the Dharma-ending Domain, and what he had learned about the fall of Taoist Master Kunpeng from the white-haired mother-in-law.

Now being mentioned by Ye Yan, the third senior brother Tie Yunhai actually killed the descendant of the Kunpeng Taoist master, so that the master Fuxi had to come forward to vouch for it. Chen Xi was also shocked, and felt more and more that this big man in the ancient god domain Those who are capable are indeed more terrifying than the other, they are like hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

However, Chen Xi already knew that Taoist Master Kunpeng had already fallen due to mistakenly entering the Realm of Doomed Law, and his body had turned into the Realm of Doomed Law, so he would not feel any fear about it.

Even at the beginning, he obtained a source of power from the "Kunpeng Seal" in the realm of the end of law, which improved his own strength. Speaking of it, it can be regarded as a cause and effect.


Another terrifying wave came from behind.

Even though Ye Yan was unable to catch up with Chen Xi, he sacrificed the pitch-black copper ring in his hand and smashed it to him from a distance. This treasure is obviously an innate object, and its lethality is astonishing. It is definitely not an ordinary innate spirit. Treasure.


In desperation, Chen Xi shook it head-on again, and the entire huge Kunpeng phantom trembled violently, and was almost crushed to pieces.

At the same time, Chen Xi violently crushed hundreds of divine crystals, and put them all into his body. Regardless of whether the power of the divine crystals was too violent, he frantically began to refine them.

This kind of practice can easily damage the meridians, make the foundation of the Dao unstable, and even go into a state of madness in severe cases, but at this moment, Chen Xi can't care about these things.

With the help of these divine crystals, his figure was startled, and he rushed forward again, leaving Ye Yan behind in an instant.

"This damned little thing is actually so scheming." Behind, Ye Yan raised her eyebrows, and a trace of impatience flashed in her clear eyes.

Not angry, but troubled.

But immediately, she was slightly taken aback, and she could no longer lock onto Chen Xi's aura in her perception.

"Huh?" Ye Yan's face changed slightly, and he suddenly cast a secret method, and the red figure seemed to be burning, and rushed straight away with a bang.

After half a sound.

She stood in an area of ​​starry sky densely covered with turbulence in time and space, frowning and scanning all directions with her thoughts, but in the end she found nothing.

"It's weird, the aura has completely disappeared. Could it be that he has fallen into the turbulent flow of time and space?" Ye Yan looked at the turbulent flow of time and space.

It was a shattered area of ​​void, spanning a star field of millions of miles, in which countless shattered meteorites flowed, tumbling with the cracking and whistling time and space, forming a series of terrifying vortexes, extremely terrifying.

"Hmph, I don't believe you died just like that!"

A look of ruthlessness flashed across Ye Yan's eyes, and he pinched the magic formula with both hands, and the black copper ring buzzed and released phantoms of the gods, spewing out hundreds of millions of black divine lights, and all of them headed towards the time and space. Blast away in the turbulent flow.


All of a sudden, the time-space turbulent belt covering the million-mile star field suddenly exploded violently, as if disturbing a pool of muddy water, bursting out terrifying waves of time and space, sweeping all directions.

And the countless meteorites among them were either smashed into pieces, or they were shaken and fell violently in all directions.

That feeling is like a gigantic firework blooming in the starry sky, magnificent and magnificent, but extremely dangerous.

In the end, the smoke and dust dispersed, but Ye Yan still couldn't discover Chen Xi's aura.

This cast a layer of gloom on her charming and incomparable face, "I clearly left a ray of will on him, why did I suddenly stop the induction, and even the other party's aura can no longer be locked?"

Ye Yan stood on the spot and pondered for a long time, and finally stomped her feet in the void, very annoyed.

She didn't notice at all that after the bombardment of the space-time turbulent zone before, an extremely imperceptible shadow crawled on a meteorite that flew away...

"Little thing, I can't forgive you this time! No matter where you hide, I will spend with you forever!" Ye Yan spread out a voice, as if he was demonstrating, more like venting his heart anger.

But in the end, there was no response at all.


ps: Some children's shoes said that the protagonist was abused, he was happy, ahem, goldfish wants to say, the protagonist's counterattack road is built in this way, please wait and see.In addition, what is owed has been completed, please encourage the monthly ticket~~


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