divine talisman

Chapter 1590 One Year Enlightenment [Part 1]

The meteorite roared and fell, like a flame falling into the boundless dark starry sky.

Chen Xi's figure was crawling on the surface of the meteorite, surrounded by the blazing light, and in addition, he used the forbidden path secret pattern to cover up the aura of his whole body, making it difficult for people to detect his existence at all.

It was also because of this that he escaped Ye Yan's thought detection just now.


A trace of blood dripped from the corner of Chen Xi's lips, and his face was slightly pale. He had been hiding in the turbulent flow of time and space before, and when Ye Yan attacked him with the pitch-black copper ring, he was also affected and suffered a lot of damage.

"This damned woman, I must let her taste this kind of taste one day!" Chen Xi gritted his teeth. From his practice till now, this is the first time he has been hunted down so hard, almost like dancing on the tip of a knife. , life is in danger at any moment.


Not long after, the meteorite slammed into a barren planet, creating a large crater with a range of [-] miles.

The terrifying impact force caused this barren planet to vibrate violently for a while, breaking away from its original orbit.


Chen Xi's figure flashed, and he had already dodged far away before this kind of impact occurred.

"I don't know which area in Biyan Universe this is..."

He stood in the void and scanned all directions, only to find that on the hundreds of nearby planets, they were all icy and lifeless. Living beings live in it.

Coupled with the fact that he didn't have a star map in his hand, it made it even more difficult for Chen Xi to judge his own position.


At this moment, a terrifying wave of thoughts spread like ripples from the depths of the starry sky, and was keenly captured by the secret lines of the forbidden path.

Ye Yan!

Chen Xi's pupils shrank suddenly, and his figure, like a shadow of nothingness, silently landed on a barren planet on one side. His body squirmed a few times before disappearing under the ground.


Just as Chen Xi had just avoided, a bright red shadow flew through the starry sky without stopping. Obviously, because of the help of the forbidden path secret pattern, she also failed to detect Chen Xi's aura.

Call ~

It took a long time until Chen Xi, who was hiding deep in the ground, heaved a sigh of relief, but his face was a little cloudy. He could also hear Ye Yan's harsh words before, and now he was looking at the other party's failure to achieve his goal , vowing not to give up, he already understood in his heart that this vicious and ruthless stinky bitch was already planning to consume himself completely.

This situation is extremely fatal!

Although Chen Xi was confident that he could not be discovered by the other party by relying on the forbidden path secret pattern, but after a long time, once the other party went crazy and destroyed all the nearby planets one by one, he was destined to be unable to hide any longer.

"The most urgent thing is to hurry up and repair the injury. Once the opponent finds out, you can fight again..."

Feeling his own injuries, Chen Xi couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Ever since he entered the Snow Ink Realm, his whole body has never been fully recovered, and he has been caught in a situation of being passively chased and killed all the time. This feeling makes him feel the same. Extremely aggrieved.


He took out a magic pill, opened his mouth and swallowed it, and a cool and mellow heat flow instantly filled his whole body, nourishing the wounds all over the body of the restorer.

This pill is called "Five Qi Linglong Divine Pill", purchased from Biluo Palace, there are ten pills in total, worth [-] divine crystals, fully worth seven or eight ordinary Houtian divine treasures.

However, although this pill is expensive, its medicinal effect is quite astonishing. It can raise the bones of the dead, nourish the Dao foundation, and fill the Dao essence. It has an incredible magical effect on repairing injuries.

Soon, Chen Xi felt that his injuries were being quickly repaired, and this feeling made him feel a lot more relaxed. According to this speed of recovery, it would take less than two days for the injuries to be completely healed.

During this process, Chen Xi kept covering his whole body's aura with the secret pattern of the forbidden path, lest Ye Yan would notice if it leaked a little bit.

However, there is another disadvantage in doing so, that is, he can no longer practice, because cultivation will inevitably cause the movement of the whole body's energy, and communicate with the world. The avenue link was severed.

"If you can't cultivate, then you will understand Taoism." Chen Xi would not tolerate wasting any time on his body. He also carried many classics from Shenyan Mountain, all of which were left by his senior brothers and sisters, like Confucianism, Taoism and sword edicts. , Kunpeng divine art, like various perceptions and experiences in cultivating Taoism.

Ever since the day he was hunted down by Ye Yan, Chen Xi had fully realized that with his little cultivation, he might be able to dominate the Three Realms, but in the Ancient God Realm, he was suddenly reduced to a god at the bottom.

Even if he is already extremely good in the eyes of others, and can fight across borders to kill such spiritual gods as Uncle Jiu and Mo Lichou, how could it be possible for Chen Xi's eyes to remain stuck in his past achievements.

Especially the experience of being chased and killed by Ye Yan, the ancestor god of the cave, made him yearn for power and become stronger!


Two days later.

Chen Xi's injuries were completely healed.

But he didn't leave just like that, his entire aura disappeared, and his mind was immersed in the volumes of ancient classics that he carried with him.

The classics are all-encompassing, and they are all left by the brothers and sisters of Shenyan Mountain. The cultivation experience and experience left on it are all precious and thought-provoking.

Especially now that Chen Xi has stepped into the divine realm, and when he comprehends these classics with his current eyes, the insights he gets are also different from before.

Because most of them are the control of the power of the divine way, the condensing of the laws of the divine way, and the unique insights into various combat methods.

All these classics, all the mysteries, seem to be ever-changing and different, but in the end they lead to the same goal by different routes, and they all originate from the Dao of Talismans. This made Chen Xi understand it without any effort. The power of deduction of the Tao can often be confirmed and extended with its mysteries, so as to realize your own insights and experiences.

When he was in the Immortal King Realm, Chen Xi would definitely not be able to comprehend the mysteries within it, it was like looking at the water from a distance, looking for flowers in the mist.

After comprehending it, Chen Xi even forgot the passage of time. His whole body seemed to have turned into a rock on this barren planet. He was silent, but his heart was undergoing all kinds of mysterious baptism and sublimation.


The avenue of the gods is supreme, vast, and insignificant. Throughout the ages, almost no one has been able to give a specific explanation and division of this path.

In other words, among the gods born from ancient times to the present, no matter how powerful they are, no one dares to say that they have truly reached the end of the divine way.

This seems to be an inexhaustible road, but it attracts all the gods to explore diligently.

What is the ultimate of the Dao of God?

Is there a farther way beyond Shinto?

This is the desire in the hearts of all gods.

The current Chen Xi has already set foot on the divine way, and has seen a wider sky, a more distant path, and a stronger power.

Similarly, he also saw his own shortcomings.

Insufficiency means that there is a possibility of progress. Therefore, Chen Xi will not, dare not, let alone stop, not for the great way, but only for the responsibilities and responsibilities on his shoulders.


Time flies, and a year has passed in a hurry.

For the gods, lifespan is boundless, almost eternal, and a year is but a blink of a finger for them, and it will not cause any waves.

On this day, a light rain suddenly fell in the sky.

In the next few months, on the barren ground, a seed broke through the ground, giving birth to green shoots, extremely delicate, swaying and growing in the wind, gradually becoming stronger, and sprinkled grass seeds all over the ground.

Then, a piece of green rose from the ground, becoming a bright color on this barren planet.

At this moment, Chen Xi, who had comprehended Taoism under the surface, woke up and opened his eyes, which were bright and deep.

Suddenly, he frowned, and with a thought, the layer of green on the ground suddenly withered, turned into fly ash, disappeared without a trace, and became desolate again.

"The air mechanism almost leaked and caused a catastrophe. Fortunately, Ye Yan didn't find out..." Chen Xi let out a soft breath.

During this year's comprehension, his understanding of the divine way has become more and more refined, and the laws of the divine way in his body have also been further condensed. Just a few months ago, he suddenly had a whim and caught a chance to advance, but in the end he still resisted. Not put into practice.

It was also because of the movement of energy in the whole body at that time that a trace of life was born on the ground, and that piece of green was condensed.

"That's right. Although I haven't practiced this time, thanks to the improvement of the laws of the divine way, my own realm has benefited greatly."

Sensing the changes in the conditions around him, Chen Xi also felt a tinge of relief in his heart, knowing that as long as he moves his energy, it won't take long for him to reach the level of a cave light spirit!

This was a blessing in disguise. Under Ye Yan's ubiquitous pressure, Chen Xi's potential was continuously tapped, and his realm of cultivation also made significant progress.

But that's not enough!

Chen Xi knew that although his progress was fast, the other party was the Ancestral God of the Cave, and the gap was still too large, and it was impossible to make up and equalize for the time being.

This reality also made Chen Xi quite aggrieved. It had to be said that it was an extremely unfortunate thing to provoke a terrifying existence far surpassing his own, and to be bitten by the other party.

Even if it was any other True God Dongwei, he might have given up resistance long ago, and Chen Xi being able to live tenaciously till now can be called a blessing.


At this moment, an extremely dangerous aura suddenly arose in Chen Xi's heart, making the hairs on his body start counting down, extremely terrified.

"not good!"

He stood up suddenly, broke through the ground with a swish, and came out of the sky.


The moment he escaped, the barren planet where he was originally shattered into powder with a bang, and the entire space-time where he was was shattered with a huge crack, wriggling crazily.

Chen Xi gasped. If he had escaped a little slower just now, wouldn't he have been crushed along with this planet?


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