divine talisman

Chapter 1591 Advancement in Battle [Part 2]

The stars exploded, and the powder was emptied. Chen Xi instantly moved into the starry sky. He broke out in a cold sweat, and immediately his face sank.

Because in his eyes, a touch of red clothes is like a streak of red horses, arriving in an instant.

Ye Yan!

Different from the past, Ye Yan at this moment has a black hair tied into a ponytail and hangs down behind his head, revealing an incomparably charming face. There is no charm in the brows, but a strong and murderous smell.

"You can actually hide the energy in your body. This method is rare. Chen Xi, I haven't seen you for a year. I really miss you!"

The voice floated out from the white teeth, it was not as soft as before, but there was a trace of cold hatred.

"Hmph, if it wasn't for a wisp of my own energy that turned into a weed, how could you have discovered me?" Chen Xi sneered.

"You are smart, but this time, do you think you can escape again?" Ye Yan flipped his palm, and a pitch-black copper ring twirled endlessly in his palm, releasing a terrifying power.

Chen Xi smiled, and said three words lightly from his lips: "I guess it can."

As soon as he said that, a blood-colored long sword suddenly appeared in his hand, the sword was four feet long, as if it had been soaked in a pool of blood, it released a terrifying aura of evil.


In this starry sky, words of swords, golden inscriptions twisted like earthworms, inscriptions of ordinary and strange, obscure inscriptions of gods and demons, and chaotic secret inscriptions with endless dao rhyme...

These ancient and different characters all represent a kind of "sword" with different meanings, imprinted with the power of history, and contain the power of time. As soon as they appeared, they all lingered around the blood sword, surging endlessly.

In just a split second, as if the blood sword had been assisted by a god, a number of pure and pure glass-like divine lotuses appeared on the surface, bursting into immeasurable divine brilliance, soaring into the sky, disturbing the stars in all directions!

Dao's sword!

Confucianism and Taoism sword purpose!

Ye Yan's star pupils shrank suddenly. The former is the supreme treasure of Taoism that is specially designed to restrain the calamities of the Supreme Master, and the latter is the Confucianism and Taoism sword truth enlightened by Mr. Shenyanshan, killing Wushuang.

At this moment, the sword and the way of the sword were used together, and the power released had reached an unimaginable level, which made Ye Yan, the ancestor god of the cave, secretly startled.

Of course, what shocked her was that Chen Xi, who was in the realm of Dongwei True God, was able to display such a tyrannical power, which was even more powerful than most Dongguang Spiritual Gods.

"Go home!"


The blood sword pierced through the air, but it was invisible and substanceless. It was completely absorbed and silent, and there was no longer the magnificent and vast vision before.

This made Ye Yan startled slightly.

Immediately, a wisp of sword energy suddenly appeared at his throat, smashing away.

This sword was different from what Chen Xi used in the past. It combined the power of the Confucian and Taoist sword purpose, assisted the power of the Dao's sword, and was finally cast by the third move of the sword emperor's realm, "Return to Come Come" , It is definitely the strongest blow that Chen Xi has unleashed right now!

If it were him a year ago, he would never be able to display it.


The sword intent was like a shuttle, passing through the shackles of time and space, smashing away at an incredible speed, so abrupt, so mysterious.

With Ye Yan's cultivation, he couldn't help but feel a little palpitation at this moment. He never thought that a real god of Dongwei could unleash such a terrifying blow.


However, with the methods she has fought for many years and the cultivation base of Dongyu Ancestor God Realm, she subconsciously made a counterattack at this moment. Together, let out a terrifying roar.

In an instant, the sword energy shot out, the copper ring vibrated, and the infinite divine brilliance flew like light and rain. The terrifying air waves spread like a raging space-time hurricane, shattering all the planets within a hundred thousand miles, and blowing all directions. All the voids in the sky are crushed!


Ye Yan's figure was like a streamer, like lightning, retreating thousands of feet in the void, before stopping.

At this moment, a strand of black hair from her temples broke off and fluttered down, and a drop of blood soaked out from her snow-white throat, which disappeared in an instant.

In other words, Chen Xi's strongest blow was able to chop off a strand of her black hair and take off a blood bead!

At this time, Chen Xi's figure had already disappeared from the field.

"This damn little thing!" Ye Yan gritted his teeth with hatred, and his clear eyes were full of murderous intent.


She stepped on the void, the red dress rolled, and in an instant, she turned into a flash of lightning and chased after her.


"The gap is still too large."

Chen Xi secretly sighed in his heart. In the boundless starry sky, his figure flickered frequently and moved at full speed. At the same time, he crushed handfuls of divine crystals one after another, and swallowed all the divine power contained in them into his body, burning and revolving continuously, for his steady stream. Constantly replenish strength.

The blow just now, although powerful, consumed an astonishing amount of divine power. It consumed nearly [-]% of his strength at once, but the result was unsatisfactory, and did not cause any real damage to the opponent at all.

However, Chen Xi was not discouraged. Compared to the first time he had to be beaten passively in the tunnel of the Domain of Doom, compared to the last time he escaped with the help of the turbulent flow of time and space, this time he was already able to fight Ye Yan head-on. , this is progress!

And this kind of progress only happened in one year. If other ascetics know this, I'm afraid they will be stunned. It is very difficult not to be killed.

Chen Xi was different. After being hunted down, his potential was actually stimulated. The greater the danger, the faster he transformed. This astonishing speed of progress could be described as shocking.


Half a sound later, Chen Xi cast the Forbidden Path Secret Rune and hid on a barren planet. Then he tightened his nerves and prepared for the situation.

In just a few breaths, Ye Yan came after him.

"The breath is gone again..." This time Ye Yan looked extremely calm, almost without thinking, her white and white hands fluttered, and she slapped out thousands of palm prints.

Boom boom boom...

The nearby stars were blown to pieces by the palm prints and turned into powder.

If this happened on a planet inhabited by living beings like the city of Fuluo Xiancheng, how many living beings would have been wiped out with just this palm!

"This woman has learned to be smart." Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and he could only flash his figure, and before one of the palms approached, he moved into time and space.

But in this way, the traces were exposed again.

"Little thing, you are running away!"

Seeing this, Ye Yan couldn't help showing a hint of sarcasm between her brows. When she spoke, her figure swayed, and she suddenly sacrificed that piece of copper ring, and ruthlessly suppressed it.

This time, Chen Xi didn't run away, but took a deep breath, his eyes suddenly burst into fierce brilliance, and the aura in his whole body suddenly changed at this moment, like a burning flame, like a scorching sun melting, like the energy in his body All boiled up at this moment.


Chen Xi sacrificed the falling treasure copper coins, and made a forcible blow with the copper ring, but was easily defeated, but all this seemed to have been expected by him, and he slashed again with the Dao's sword.


An incomparably terrifying impact crushed down, shaking Chen Xi like a meteorite that was thrown into the air. It ruthlessly slashed through time and space, smashed into the surface of a planet, and cracked a bottomless hole. .


There was another loud bang, and the planet was shattered by Ye Yan's slap.

It could be clearly seen that Chen Xi's figure jumped out of it in embarrassment, and fled in the opposite direction. At this moment, his clothes were torn, his body was full of scars, his mouth and nose were bleeding, and he seemed to be in a rather miserable situation.

However, the breath in his body is getting stronger and stronger, as if the furnace of heaven and earth is steaming violently, which makes his momentum rise steadily.

It seems that... a shocking transformation is taking place on him.

"Huh? This kid actually advanced in the battle?"

Ye Yan narrowed his eyes, showing a look of surprise for the first time, seemingly unbelievable, but soon, it was replaced by an extremely strong murderous intent.

Chen Xi's strength has improved too fast, like a peerless evildoer, from the moment he first chased and killed him, until now it has only been a little over a year, but his combat power has undergone too many changes.

It felt like every time he was allowed to escape successfully, his strength would improve a bit. The more he fought, the more courageous he became, and the more frustrated he became, the stronger he became, it was extremely incredible.

If Ye Yan guessed correctly, when Chen Xi entered the Realm of Doomsday, he had just set foot in the Realm of Dongwei Realm, and it has only been less than two years since he entered the Realm of Snow and Ink, yet he is about to advance to the Realm of Dongguang Spirituality again up!

If this spreads, the entire Xuemoyu will be caught in a huge commotion!

Even, no one dared to believe it. After all, it has almost never happened in history to jump into a big realm in just two years. Who would dare to believe that this would be true?

You know, this is the realm of the divine way!

Every step taken is extremely difficult and obscure. In the almost infinite lifespan of gods, although time is no longer the criterion for measuring strength, some people can't step into the next realm even if they spend their whole life, and Chen Xi can use In less than two years, he will advance to the next level of Shinto. One can imagine how outstanding and extraordinary his talent, foundation, and roots are.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a peerless monster.

Ye Yan has been chasing and killing Chen Xi for more than a year, so he is very clear about the changes in Chen Xi's strength during this period of time.

But he still didn't expect that he would be promoted so soon, and he was still promoted in battle. How could Ye Yan not be shocked?

It was also because of this that the murderous intent in her heart reached an unprecedented height at this moment, and she could not tolerate Chen Xi's promotion and transformation in her own hands.



These thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant, but Ye Yan's actions never stopped at all from the beginning to the end, and his whole body went to kill Chen Xi again.


The pitch-black copper ring glowed like a black wind passing across the sky in the universe. Wherever it passed, time and space collapsed, and the stars exploded. It caught up with Chen Xi at an unimaginable speed, and smashed down.

This blow fully demonstrated the ability of a cave ancestor god, and it was also extremely terrifying and frightening.


ps: Next Monday, Jinyu will go to Beijing to study at Lu Xun Academy. The time will be half a month. If there is no accident, Jinyu will try to keep the 2 updates~~ When he comes back, he will write with all his strength and keep breaking out.


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