divine talisman

Chapter 1592 Spiritual Light Rising to the Sky [Part 1]

The pitch-black copper ring is called "Taiyi Copper Carving". It is an innate spiritual treasure born in the chaos of the Three Realms. It ranks No. 30 and ranks five. It is known as the magic soldier who kills souls. , from just to fierce.

Although the ranking of this treasure is far inferior to Luobao Copper Coin and Da Luotian, but it is used by the Queen in the hands of a Dongyu ancestor god, but it is enough to fully display its power.

And even though Chen Xi possessed Luobao Copper Coin and Da Luotian, with his current cultivation level, he could only display the full power of these two divine treasures.

In short, all of this is not a matter of divine treasures, the key depends on the level of gods in which they are used.


At this moment, the Taiyi Tongzhuo came tearing apart time and space, with a monstrous aura, bursting out with terrifying power, pointing directly at Chen Xi.

The void is exploding, the stars are trembling and collapsing, and everything they pass along the way seems invincible.

Bang~~ With a flash of Chen Xi's figure, he held the Dao'er sword, sacrificed precious copper coins, and tried his best to shake it hard again.

Then, he bled from all seven orifices, his sternum was broken by a terrifying shock force, and Zhou Yu in his body was almost collapsed by the shock.


At this moment, Chen Xi was thrown up miserably again, his body ruthlessly cut through the void like a meteorite, smashing through the stars one after another.

When he managed to stand still, his whole body was broken, his skin was cracked, and his bones were visible. His appearance was so miserable. If it were any other existence in the divine realm, he might be seriously injured and dying, and he would never be able to stand up again.


The heart-piercing pain filled his whole body like an erupting lava, constantly impacting Chen Xi's Dao Heart will. This blow caused him too much damage.

But what was strange was that Chen Xi's expression still maintained an extreme calmness, his eyes were as deep as a bottomless abyss, without any waves.

In his sea of ​​consciousness, the fragments of the river map started to work at some point, buzzing and vibrating, releasing strange and obscure fluctuations, like psychics. The more vigorous, the higher the rise.


And in the universe inside his body, billions of stars are drawn by the Promise Divine Talisman located in the center, spinning crazily, releasing waves of divine power like surging tides, and they continuously circulate and expand as Chen Xi's aura improves. , undergoing rapid transformation all the time.

It can be vaguely seen that in the divine fire burning in his soul, a seed-like light ball is transpiring, and it is vibrating like a heart, as if something is about to break out of the shell.

All of this sounds slow, but in fact it all happened within Chen Xi's body, making it difficult for outsiders to detect it.

"Why didn't you run away?"

Ye Yan's slender and graceful figure floated towards her. This was the second time she said this sentence, but this time, there was an indifferent taste of controlling the overall situation and judging life and death.

Obviously, in her opinion, Chen Xi was no longer able to struggle.


What answered her was a surge of blazing sword energy reaching the sky.

The sword energy came from the Dao E sword in Chen Xi's hand, it was still powerful, sharp, and killing, and it was cut out in a mysterious way.

Ye Yan couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and there was a trace of surprise in his clear eyes, as if he didn't expect that this little thing that had been seriously injured in front of him would be reduced to such a state, not only refused to accept his fate, but also had the strength to struggle.


With one move of her plain hand, the Taiyi copper carving spun around, easily shattering this wisp of sword energy in one fell swoop, and the light and rain flew down.

"What, you still don't accept your fate? If you can persist in my pursuit for more than a year, you can die without any regrets. Why are you still struggling?"

There was a leisurely arc on Ye Yan's moist and sexy red lips, and there was a faint feeling of pleasure in her heart, it was a gesture of cat playing with a mouse.


Regarding this, Chen Xi seemed very calm, and only uttered two words lightly from his lips.

Now he looks miserable, with blood stains all over his body and bones looming, but he still looks so strong when he speaks, which makes Ye Yan frowned.

"Originally, if you had surrendered and begged for mercy, I might have allowed you to live a little longer, but now, I can only send you on your way..."

In the pleasant and soft voice, Ye Yan smiled lightly, and reached for a fair white hand, lingering wisps of terrifying radiance.

But at this moment, she seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly her pupils shrank, and she said in shock: "You...are still advancing!?"

The voice was full of shock and disbelief.

Because in her field of vision, a terrifying and boiling energy suddenly surged around Chen Xi, like billowing wolf smoke, straight into the sky, boundless and immeasurable!

Then, a ray of red spiritual light rose from Chen Xi's body. This ray of light was filled with pure Dao rhyme, full of spirituality, and seemed not to be stained with any impurities.

"The aura of the altar!"

Ye Yan's charming and incomparable cheeks were completely covered with frost, which was extremely cold. This was a sign of being promoted to the God of Hollow Light and opening up the altar!

All of this was beyond her expectation. She never imagined that Chen Xi, who was clearly seriously injured and dying, could still maintain this kind of boiling aura, and take this step to ascend to the spiritual state of the cave light.

"This damned ant is simply a little monster against the sky. If it can't be eradicated today, it will become a big problem in the future!"


While his mind was turning, Ye Yan had already dispatched brazenly, tearing apart time and space, and killed him violently.

At this moment, she burst out with murderous intent, and used the most powerful means, hoping to completely obliterate Chen Xi in one blow, and completely wipe out all future troubles.


But at the moment when her attack was about to touch Chen Xi, another streak of orange aura burst out from Chen Xi's body, like a ray of sunlight, brilliant and vast, not only shattering her blow , even her whole body was shaken so that she staggered backwards in the void.

"It's just the second divine light, how could it release such terrifying power that even I was shaken by it..."

Ye Yan's face changed slightly, she is the ancestor god of Dongyu!And the other party is at the critical moment of promotion, and has no power to fight back. Under such circumstances, killing the other party is as easy as killing a chicken and an ox for anyone, but unfortunately, she was shocked by this shot. Return!

How is this going?

Ye Yan was a little suspicious, feeling that there must be some cause and effect in it, which she hadn't discovered yet.

But at this moment, she couldn't care less about these things, she gritted her teeth suddenly, sacrificed the Taiyi copper carving, and violently killed again.

When advancing to the level of Dongguang Spiritual God, an altar will be born in the fire of the ascetic's soul, which is the core of the source, essence, energy, and spirit of the Dao.

Once the altar is condensed and formed, it means that Chen Xi has successfully advanced. At that time, if he wants to kill the other party again, he must spend a lot of energy, and there may even be some accidents.

Under such circumstances, how could it be possible for Ye Yan to watch Chen Xi succeed in advancing?


Ye Yan rushed over.

But this time, her whole body was shaken back again, her body was full of energy and blood, and her pretty face was slightly pale.

The reason is very simple. On Chen Xi's body, a yellow aura burst out again, simple and honest, with a majestic aura.

"The third way is the spirit of the altar!"

Seeing this, Ye Yan's face was a little cloudy, and his heart was full of surprise and disbelief. Why, why did these auras force him to back away?

Don't say she hasn't seen such things before, looking at the entire Ancient God Realm, I'm afraid few have seen them.

After all, as we all know, the ascetics are in the most dangerous situation when they are attacking the realm. Let alone attacking them at this time, even the slightest disturbance may cause them to go mad, and eventually fail to advance, or even die in serious cases. remove.

This is common sense in practice, but it seems that it cannot be applied to Chen Xi.

Obviously he was seriously injured and dying, but his aura became more and more vigorous, and the road to promotion was never interrupted at all.

Even though he attacked it twice in a row, and it was the full attack of the Dongyu Ancestor God Realm, instead of achieving results, he was shocked and staggered backwards!

Why is that?

Ye Yan couldn't figure it out, but it made her smell a dangerous breath, she didn't hesitate, and planned to go out again.


But at this moment, another change occurred on Chen Xi's body, one after another of blazing auras appeared successively, pine green, dark blue, indigo, crimson purple... Each aura was so pure, so vast, like a Dao Lijian shot straight into the sky.

In just a split second, four auras appeared again, plus the three auras that appeared before, a total of seven auras appeared!


Seeing this scene, Ye Yan's heart was also shaken, and her complexion was cloudy and uncertain. She knew very well what it meant when a god was promoted to the hole light spirit god, and seven auras appeared in the altar.


Ye Yan bit the tip of his tongue violently, spewed out a mouthful of blood, and did not know what kind of secret method he had used, his whole body was transpired with terrifying black divine brilliance, and the Taiyi copper carving in his hand hummed crazily, and his aura was much stronger than before The foot has improved a lot.

She did not hesitate to damage her original power to stop all this!


A terrifying wave engulfed that piece of Taiyi copper carving, rumbled and crushed time and space, and ruthlessly charged towards Chen Xi who was in the distance.

In an instant, the planets within a radius of a million miles all trembled violently, and the ones that were closer could no longer bear this terrifying power, and were smashed to pieces.


The Taiyi copper ring ruthlessly collided with the seven auras that shrouded Chen Xi's surroundings, and made a terrifying loud noise that shook the nine heavens and ten places. The divine radiance exploded, the light and rain flew, and the endless turbulent air swept across all directions. This piece of void instantly turned into a fragmented space-time fractured area.

This time, the attack finally achieved results. It shook the seven spiritual lights, and Chen Xi's already shattered body, the flesh and blood exploded, and the white bones shattered.

Seeing that, Chen Xi's whole body was about to be wiped out...

But before Ye Yan heaved a sigh of relief, at this extremely critical moment, two divine lights, one black and one white, abruptly appeared on Chen Xi's body again!


ps: Ask for a monthly pass~~


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