divine talisman

Chapter 1594 God Ranking Descends [Part 1]


This time, Ye Yan held a three-foot-long blue pointed cone, tore a gap in time and space, and came violently.

Although she was seriously injured, as an ancestor god of the cave, she fought hard, and the coercion she released was still extremely terrifying.

As the saying goes, a lean camel is bigger than a horse, so it is.


In response to this, Chen Xi raised his hand and made a move, and Da Luotian spread out, like a smear of clear starlight blooming in the void, and in an instant, it forcibly enveloped Ye Yan in it.

"Da Luotian!"

Ye Yan screamed, extremely frightened and furious. She has been chasing and killing Chen Xi so far, but she never thought that besides the falling copper coin and the sword of Dao'er, Chen Xi actually possesses this innate talent that ranks No. 16 in the Three Realms. Lingbao.

As soon as she was trapped at this moment, she realized that something was wrong, and she didn't rush to get out, but she was trapped in it, but ignored this restraint force, and forcibly killed Chen Xi again, trying to force him to take the initiative to stop.

But before he could make a move, Chen Xi violently grabbed Big Luo Tian, ​​like swinging a sledgehammer, and ruthlessly smashed it on a nearby star.


The stars shattered, and Ye Yan, who was in the middle, was like the hammer head of a sledgehammer. Her body collided with the stars abruptly. Amidst the smoke and dust, she suddenly coughed up blood again, and her incomparably charming face was distorted .

"Little thing! I'm going to kill you!"

Ye Yan screamed like a madman, her eyes were red, and she was struggling in the big Luotian, wanting to kill Chen Xi again.


How could Chen Xi make her wish come true, the movements in his hands never stopped at all, he continued to wave the big Luo Tian, ​​his figure wandered in the void, and kept hitting Ye Yan on the stars one after another.

All the anger and aggrieved accumulated in his heart from being chased and killed this year have all been vented at this moment.

For a moment, the starry sky was filled with the rumbling sounds of stars exploding, as well as Ye Yan's hissing and screaming, resounding through the universe, looking extremely shrill, revealing endless anger and unwillingness.

At this moment, Ye Yan has disheveled hair, a gray face, blood-stained body, and delicate skin full of scars. Compared with her previous peerless and charming appearance, she looks like a miserable beggar at this moment.

Regarding this, Chen Xi showed no mercy, and even the movements of his hands paused a little.

More than a year ago, in the space-time tunnel in the Realm of Doom, if A Liang had not sacrificed his life to save him, he would have been almost killed by this woman. Although he survived in the end, A Liang fell into a coma. Wake up.

Until he entered the Biyan universe, Ye Yan used the power of the Ziming Shenzong to search and hunt him with all his strength, which made him have to dodge everywhere, in a panic.

And then, it was a full year of uninterrupted pursuit. During this process, he was constantly injured, bullied and tortured by this Ye Yan. If it wasn't for the coincidence now, he finally broke through and advanced and reached the hole light spirit In the realm of the gods, Chen Xi couldn't even imagine what would happen to him.

Under such circumstances, could Chen Xi hold back?




The stars exploded one after another, and Ye Yan's body was also constantly being hit in the process, his flesh and blood were mutilated and blurred, like a blood man.

"Chen Xi! You forced me!!" Suddenly, Ye Yan's incomparably venomous voice resounded again, as if it was squeezed out from between his teeth, and there was a smell of madness.

Chen Xi narrowed his pupils, and suddenly noticed that there was a terrifying power surging around Ye Yan, like an active volcano was about to erupt.

not good!

Is this vicious woman going to blow herself up?

Chen Xi stretched out his hand, put away Da Luotian suddenly, and moved away abruptly.


At this moment, a terrifying wave spread from Ye Yan's body, and suddenly spread to the universe with a radius of [-] miles. The stars, meteorites, dust, and even air currents within this range... all fell apart at once. The child is wiped out!

It was too terrifying. If Ye Yan had used such an attack that would destroy everything from the very beginning, it would be absolutely impossible for Chen Xi to survive until now.

But it's a pity that she has a high level of self-confidence, far surpassing Chen Xi, and she has always treated Chen Xi as a trampled ant along the way, so how could she risk her own life to die with Chen Xi?

With the development of the situation to this stage, Ye Yan should be unlucky to have met such an unreasonable monster like Chen Xi.

"do you died?"

In the starry sky far away, Chen Xi stood and stared at it from a distance. It had already turned into a space-time turbulent zone, full of chaos.


Just when Chen Xi thought that Ye Yan had died in an accident, suddenly a shadow sprang out from it, and then fled towards an extremely far distance.

"Little thing, you wait, today's revenge, I will make you pay back a hundred times in the future!" Ye Yan's scream of anger and resentment suddenly resounded.

"He didn't die!" Chen Xi shrank his pupils, which was really unexpected, but after thinking about it, he could only accept this result in the end.

There were many reasons why he didn't continue to chase, but the most important thing was that even if he pursued at this time, if the other party blew himself up again, the consequences would also be unbearable for Chen Xi.

After all, Ye Yan is an ancestor god of Dongyu, and he has just advanced to the realm of Dongguang Spiritual God. If Ye Yan hadn't been seriously injured this time, it would be impossible for him to abuse him to shame with a big Luotian, and life would be worse than death .

This is a gap in realm that cannot be crossed.

However, Chen Xi is very confident now. Even if the opponent returns to his heyday, it will not be so easy to defeat him like before.

As for Ye Yan's serious injury, it was indeed not because of the spiritual light that shot up into the sky, but because of the power from Hetu!

As early as the critical moment of Chen Xi's advancement, Hetu produced strange fluctuations, like a barrier, maintaining the change and operation of the Qi mechanism in his body, and when Ye Yan's attack arrived, he was blocked by Hetu's without exception. The strength receded.

Fortunately, He Tu's power was only a defense against Chen Xi's advancement, rather than an active attack, otherwise the damage caused would be so powerful that even ten Ye Yan would surely die.

Of course, all of this was deduced by Chen Xi himself. As for why He Tu woke up from the silence at that time, Chen Xi himself could not come up with the answer.

However, he could vaguely feel that the movement of Hetu might have something to do with the nine auras he condensed.


Ye Yan fled away, and Chen Xi stood in the same place and pondered for a long time, and was about to leave, when suddenly he felt a sign in his heart, and raised his head to look up.


At this moment, a golden light suddenly squeezed through time and space, and was about to fall suddenly. Before Chen Xi had time to react, it poured into the heavenly spirit above his head, like lightning, and entered his sea of ​​consciousness in an instant.


As soon as the golden light paused in the sea of ​​consciousness, it spread out and turned into a beautiful and splendid list, on which a line of ancient characters with a natural charm emerged: Dongguang God list, No. 90, ninth place!

"This is actually the ranking of the Conferred God Ranking?" Chen Xi was startled. He never thought about how a golden ranking would come to his sea of ​​consciousness at this moment, and he would be powerless to resist it!

Before, Ah Liang also told him that the names that can be ranked on the list of gods are all the top group of peak powerhouses among their peers.

This list is divided into "Dongwei God List", "Dongguang God List" and "Dongyu God List" according to the different realms of the divine way...

Every name on the god list represents a kind of supreme honor. Similarly, the characters represented by these names are all coquettish existences in the same realm.

Now, a golden light descended from the sky, turned into a god list, and a handwriting was reflected. The No.90 ranking is undoubtedly a judgment of Chen Xi's strength!

In other words, among the more than 1000 known realms in the entire Ancient God Realm, among all the cultivators of the Hollow Spiritual God, Chen Xi, who had just advanced to the Hollow Spiritual God Realm, suddenly ranked among No. 90 nine!

This is definitely a miracle that is enough to amaze hundreds of millions of living beings. If it is introduced into the ancient gods, it will definitely cause an uproar.

After all, the most indispensable thing in the Ancient God Realm is the gods. The number is huge, like a vast galaxy, and Chen Xi has just advanced, and he can jump into No. 90 of the "Dongguang God Ranking". It is conceivable that this ranking How dazzling.

However, as soon as this list appeared, not only did Chen Xi not feel any joy or feeling of being recognized, but an incomparable resistance and loathing arose in his heart.

In just a split second, the fragments of the river map that had fallen into silence released a wave with a buzz, and with a click, it tore up that beautiful and splendid list, obliterating it in one fell swoop, without leaving even a trace!

This made Chen Xi startled again, and thought to himself, sure enough, it was the fragments of the river map that made the move...

This result didn't surprise him much, because as early as in the Three Realms Conferred Gods Domain, the fragments of the river map had launched an attack to fight against a list of Conferred Gods that appeared at that time.

In other words, the conflict and loathing in Chen Xi's heart were all caused by the fragments of the river map.

But no matter what, through this experience, Chen Xi realized exactly what position he was in in the Dongguang Spiritual God Realm.

"That vicious woman Ye Yan will definitely not let it go, but if I wait for her to come to the door every day, it will make my heart feel fettered. I will take this opportunity to go to the Ziming Shenzong and do what Tie Kun entrusted. It's done..."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, determined his target, and stopped thinking about it.

But just when he was about to leave, he couldn't help but frowned. There was no way, this place was deep in the universe, and without a star map, he couldn't tell the direction at all.

"Oh, I knew that this battle caused such a big commotion, how could no one pay attention to the ascetics in Biyan Universe."

But very soon, Chen Xi seemed to have sensed something, his frowning brows calmed down, and his figure flashed, like a shadow of nothingness, quietly disappeared in place.


Just as Chen Xi hid, a wave of space-time fluctuations appeared, and figures emerged from it.


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