divine talisman

Chapter 1595 Colorful Starworm [Part 2]

The visitors were old and young, men and women, about a dozen of them, and they floated here under the leadership of an old man in a yellow robe with a fairy-like demeanor.

When they saw the battle ruins within a radius of [-] miles, they all had a look of surprise and solemnity in their expressions.

"To be able to cause such a great destructive power, it must be the powerhouse of the Dongyu Ancestor God Realm!" The leader of the yellow-robed old man said in a deep voice.

"Uncle, didn't you say that a supreme god was born today, why is it related to the ancestor god of Dongyu again?" A group of men and women were puzzled.

The old man in yellow robe was stunned, shook his head and smiled wryly: "How can I deduce this, but according to the analysis of the traces left by this battlefield, there must be a cave god who was born. As for whether this matter is related to who was born It is related to the Supreme God, but I can't judge it."

A group of men and women frowned, feeling rather strange.

"Let's go, just report everything here to the sect. Whether it's the battle of the Dongyu Ancestor God Realm, or the supreme god, it's very involved, and it's far from us being able to intervene." The yellow-robed old man took a deep breath, make a decision.


Time and space fluctuated, and the yellow-robed old man immediately led the crowd and turned away.

They didn't even notice that a figure had already quietly followed them.


at the same time.

Emperor domain.

In front of an ancient altar filled with the atmosphere of chaos, there are tall and ancient figures sitting cross-legged. They are obscure, mysterious, and motionless, like sculptures standing forever, after the baptism of endless years, giving people An indescribably dignified and sacred aura.

And above the altar, there was chaos, as if the way of heaven had just opened, filled with the atmosphere of the primordial prehistoric, and on that day in the chaos, there was a magnificent and magnificent list floating impressively.

List of Conferred Gods!

If Chen Xi was here, he would definitely be able to recognize this thing at a glance. It is faintly visible in the chaotic sky, and a line of ancient characters with a natural rhythm is quietly imprinted on its surface.

Suddenly, a gleam of light suddenly appeared on the surface of the originally silent Conferred Gods List, which finally turned into a name and appeared on the No. 90 ninth place of the "Dongguang Gods List".

But in just an instant, the name suddenly disappeared, as if it had been ruthlessly removed from the list by someone's knife.


After this scene happened, the List of Conferred Gods, which was floating quietly, suddenly trembled violently, releasing an incomparably terrifying aura.


"This is?"

"After so many years, how could there be any changes in the list of Conferred Gods?"

At this moment, the statue-like figures sitting cross-legged in front of the ancient altar were startled and opened their eyes.

As soon as those pairs of eyes opened, the world was illuminated, and everything fell into a kind of trembling, just like a master of heaven and earth waking up from a deep sleep!

However, when their gazes looked at the sky and the list of Conferred Gods looming in the chaos, everything returned to normal, as if nothing had happened before.

But what kind of figures are these figures who are like masters of heaven and earth, who are used to wind and rain, and who have been tempered by endless years, will not think that the scene just now is just an illusion.

"Once there is a change, it must mean that something big has happened." A voice as deep as a bell resounded through the air.

"Could it be that in the imperial domain, a secret treasure of the era came out, which made the list of gods aware of the change?"

"Impossible. If the secret treasure of the era appears, the changes in the list of gods will not be so simple. Based on this seat's deduction, there should be a power beyond the order of the gods and heaven."

"It's hard to say, it's hard to say."

"Since this is the case, I will issue a decree and send people to investigate, not only the emperor's domain, but also other domains to check to see if any shocking changes have occurred."

"That's fine, let the Taishangjiao disciples handle this matter."


"what happened?"

"Forget it, let them do it."

These figures communicated with their thoughts, quickly made a decision, and immediately closed their eyes, returning to that silent sculpture-like appearance.

This little change was not enough to cause waves in their mood.


At the same time, Emperor Domain, a star in Longxi Universe.

The ground suddenly shattered, and a tall and strong man jumped out. He had thick long hair draped over his shoulders, his eyes were like lightning, and his breath was wild and free and easy.

"Weird, why did my name disappear from the list of Dongguang gods for a while, and then reappear? This is a bit abnormal..."

The man scratched his head, feeling a little puzzled. In his sea of ​​consciousness, there was a beautiful list suspended, on which was written: Chen Xuan, No. 90, No. [-].

"Could it be possible that someone can still cover up the judgment of the Conferred Gods List?" This man with the same surname as Chen Xi stood still and fell into deep thought.

After a long time, he shook his head, and with a plop, he sank into the ground again.


All of this, Chen Xi didn't know, he was following the yellow-robed old man and his group right now, constantly traveling through time and space.

Along the way, with the help of the Forbidden Path Secret Rune, Chen Xi also listened to the other party's conversation without any words, and finally figured out the origin of this group of people.

The yellow-robed old man's name is Yan Chixing, and he comes from a faction called "Tiance Sect". The men and women next to him are all disciples of Tiance Sect.

Tiance Sect, located on the planet Fuxia in Biyan Universe, can be considered a first-class cultivating force in Biyan Universe, with a great reputation, second only to the number one sect of Ziming Shenzong.

Knowing this, it moved Chen Xi's heart. Now that the wood and the cub are still placed in the divine treasure that he carries with him, and he also promised to help these two teenagers find an opportunity to learn from a teacher, now he can try to let them They worshiped in this day's strategy sect to practice.

As for the Purple Underworld Divine Sect, Chen Xi no longer considered it. The other party assisted Ye Yan in chasing and killing him for a long time.

Coupled with the fact that Chen Xi had killed Zhu Dongting, the descendant of Zhu Gangshan, the great elder of the Purple Underworld Sect, and Mo Lichou, the master of the Dongguang Spiritual God, Chen Xi would really feel worried if he sent Mu Mu and his son into the Purple Underworld Sect. , These two teenagers have something to do with him, the consequences are not something two teenagers can bear.

"It seems that it is a good choice to place Mu Mu and the cub in the Tiance Sect to practice. Let's do it this way. If this matter is successful, it can be regarded as making up for a little bit of guilt in my heart."

After pondering for a while, Chen Xi made up his mind to follow the yellow-robed old man Yan Chixing and his group to the Sky Strategy Sect, and then look for opportunities to place Mu Mu and the cub there.

"No, it's the colorful star swarm, everyone be careful!"

Just at this moment, Yan Chixing's incomparably dignified shouting sound suddenly came from a distance, which immediately woke up Chen Xi who was in deep thought.

He raised his eyes and looked into the distance, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows, the colorful starworm?



There was a sharp and ear-piercing buzzing sound in the starry sky, and along with the buzzing, a stream of colorful shadows swarmed out from the void far away like a tide.

Looking from a distance, it looks like a raging colorful evil mist is coming, but if you look carefully, it is not evil mist, but a swarm of insects!

The worm was only the size of a thumb, with a colorful body, a pair of wings that looked like sharp blades, its pupils were as red as blood, and its fangs flared out, making it look extremely ferocious.

Kacha Kacha~

Where they passed, one after another planet was like a fruit that was eaten away, and it was riddled with holes and shattered suddenly.

This is frightening. The size of a planet is so large that the ordinary True God Dongwei can't destroy it in one blow with all his strength. One can imagine how terrifying the power of this swarm is.

This is the colorful starworm, cruising in the universe starry sky, devouring planets for a living, although they are small in size, their destructive power is extremely amazing, what is especially difficult is that the colorful starworm is invulnerable to water and fire, and its vitality is extremely tenacious, unless it can Kill its soul, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve significant results by just killing its body.

Of course, the scariest thing about this insect is that there are so many of them. Once it is dispatched, it will be overwhelming, like an army of locusts, which is chilling.

At this moment, when they saw the swarm of colorful stars and insects roaring towards them, the yellow-robed old man Yan Chixing and his party had already stopped, their expressions all extremely solemn.

The appearance of such a large-scale swarm of colorful stars made even Dongguang Spiritual God feel extremely troublesome, and among them, only Yanchi Xing was the Dongguang Spiritual God, and the other men and women were all Dongwei True Gods. Once you meet those swarms, you can imagine how serious the consequences will be.

"These damned things are already staring at us, we can't go any further!" Yan Chixing gritted his teeth and waved, "Back!"

A group of men and women had already been frightened and terrified, and they agreed without hesitation after hearing the words.


But just when they turned around and wanted to escape, in the starry sky behind them, there was a sudden fluctuation of time and space, and a mighty swarm of colorful star bugs gushed out of it again!

Strike back and forth!

Seeing this scene, Yan Chixing's expression changed suddenly, and he finally realized that they had already fallen into the encirclement carefully prepared by these insect swarms!

All of a sudden, everyone's expression changed, and they were extremely frightened and angry. There were even one or two men and women whose faces turned ashen-colored from fright, and panicked.

Under such siege, how could they get out of the predicament with only the strength of their group?Is it really going to fall here today?

But at this time, there is no time for them to think too much, because those swarms of colorful stars have already come from all directions!

"All the disciples listen to the order and follow me. Even if I risk my life, I will fight a bloody way for you!" Yan Chixing sacrificed a black spear, shouted loudly, his expression changed. All decisive.

"Uncle Master!"

The group of disciples were inexplicably moved, their blood was surging, their fear was swept away, and they all shouted to go in and out with Yan Chixing.

"Kill!" Seeing this, Yan Chixing was also full of pride, roared, and rushed to the distance.


But at the moment when he took action, a clear star-like light bloomed between the sky and the earth, turning into a huge mist, and before he did, it shrouded the swarm of colorful stars...


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