divine talisman

Chapter 1597 Comes to the Divine City from the East [Part 2]


In the starry sky, a figure flickered continuously and moved across the sky.

"Purple Nether Star, the place where the Purple Nether Sect is entrenched..." Chen Xi silently thought about the information he had learned about the Purple Nether Sect in his mind.

After a while, he finally burst out laughing, this time he went to Ziming Shenzong, just to complete an entrustment, not to fight, what to do with so many thoughts.

But immediately, Chen Xi's brows were tightly frowned. After fulfilling Tie Kun's entrustment, where should he go next?

Before coming to the Ancient God Realm, Chen Xi actually had a very clear goal in his heart, which was to find his parents, and then get together with the senior brothers and sisters in the sect.

And when Chen Lingjun and Zuo Qiuxue left, they also left a message telling Chen Xi that as long as the fragments of the river map were preserved, after entering the Ancient God Realm, they could use the river map as a clue to meet them.

But to Chen Xi's helplessness, until now, except for a few obscure ancient handwritings, he has not been able to comprehend any clues from the river map.

Nine ancient characters?

Chen Xi's heart suddenly moved, could the clues be hidden in it?

During the seventh and eighth fusion of the river chart fragments, a mysterious pattern appeared on its surface, and mysterious characters flickered in the pattern. Chen Xi tried his best, but he only recognized nine ancient characters among them. It is Huang, Ruins, God, Ancient, Emperor, Territory, Ji, Lord, and Extreme.

Chen Xi also tried to deduce it, but no matter how he combined it, these nine ancient characters did not look like a fluent sentence. After so many years, he almost forgot about it.

Thinking about it at this moment, it made him keenly grasp a hint of mystery. Maybe these ancient characters represent the name of a certain area in the ancient gods?

But immediately, he shook his head, there were still too few clues to deliberate.

"There are thousands of domains in this ancient god's domain, and this Xuemo domain is just one of them. Maybe I should go to the most prosperous and prosperous domain in the ancient god's domain to explore, even if I can't find any clues, But in the process, it is possible to inquire about the whereabouts of the brothers and sisters..."

Chen Xi fell into deep thought. In his opinion, if he could find his senior brothers and sisters, he might be able to give him some guidance.

"Since the Taishang Sect is so famous in the ancient gods, it is not too far behind to come to Shenyan Mountain and Nuwa Dao Palace. In this way, as long as we search enough information, it may be possible to meet the brothers and sisters."

The more Chen Xi thought about it, the clearer his thoughts became, "Yes, the ancient god domain is so vast, and it is limited to search for it with one's own strength, but if you can get the help of Shenyan Mountain and Nuwa Taoist Palace, your chances will undoubtedly be much greater... ..."

At that moment, Chen Xi made a decision, after fulfilling Tie Kun's entrustment, he went to look for clues about Shenyan Mountain and Nuwa Dao Palace. By doing so, he could even avoid many threats from the Supreme Sect.

After all, Chen Xi hadn't forgotten the cruel words that the female disciple of the Supreme Master, Ye Yan, had left before he fled.

"There are countless gods in this ancient god's realm, like a vast galaxy. The more prosperous the realm, the more masters there must be. With my current cultivation, although I can rank No. 90 in the level of Dongguang Spiritual God Nine, comparable to the Ancestral God of the Cave, after all, they are one level behind..."

After confirming the goal, Chen Xi began to examine himself. If he has a goal, he must have the ability to carry it out, and his own strength is the prerequisite for everything.

"In terms of swordsmanship, I have stepped into the realm of the sword emperor. If I want to improve, I can only rely on accumulation and sharpening bit by bit. I'm afraid I won't be able to achieve results in a short time."

"In terms of cultivation, I have just set foot in the cave light spirit realm. This is a brand new realm. If I want to reach the perfect realm, I'm afraid it will take a long time."

"In the realm of the divine way, I have stepped into the realm of minor accomplishment, and there is still a distance from the realm of great accomplishment, and this kind of cultivation cannot be accumulated by time at all, but by perception and chance, which is too uncertain. In this way, temporarily You can’t waste too much effort on this.”


Chen Xi dissected himself one by one, appearing extremely calm. If it were another Hollow Spiritual God who was here and knew all the strengths Chen Xi possesses now, he would probably be maddened with jealousy.

For no other reason, it's brilliant!

Putting it at the level of the Dongguang Spiritual God, the strength that Chen Xi possesses now can definitely be called a peerless evildoer. What is especially rare is that he has just stepped into the Dongguang Spiritual God Realm, and he has entered the ranks of the Dongguang Spiritual God. Ranked No. 90 Jiu Ming, if word of this spread, the entire Ancient God Realm would be a sensation.

But it was obvious that Chen Xi was not satisfied with all of this.

Perhaps, it is precisely because he is too strict with himself that he has built everything he has today without any luck.

After much deliberation, Chen Xi finally locked his goal on improving the quality of the sword talisman and changing the way of fighting.

The current power of the sword talisman is generally stronger than the ordinary Houtian divine treasure. When placed in the Dongwei True God Realm, it is enough for Chen Xi to exert a transcendent advantage. But now that he has advanced to the Dongguang Spiritual God Realm, the sword talisman There are faint signs of stretching the power of his body.

Now Chen Xi already understands that the quality of Houtian Spirit Treasures is also very strictly divided. It is roughly divided into the lower three grades, the middle three grades, and the upper three grades. They are also called lower grades, middle grades, and monk grades. They are collectively called ninth grades and third grades. .

As the name suggests, the first, second and third ranks of Houtian Divine Treasures are collectively referred to as lower-ranked divine treasures, the fourth, fifth and sixth ranks are middle-ranked divine treasures, and the seventh, eighth and ninth ranks are upper-ranked divine treasures.

Among them, the ninth-rank upper-rank divine treasure is naturally the most powerful.

Like Chen Xi's current sword talisman, it is barely more powerful than a third-rank lower-rank divine treasure, but not as powerful as a fourth-rank middle-rank divine treasure.

It is worth mentioning that different grades of divine treasures have completely different powers when used in the hands of different divine realms.

For example, Dongwei's true magic foot can display the full power of the lower-level magic treasure, but once the middle-level magic treasure is used, although the power is great, it is difficult to unleash the full power.

Of course, this is only in comparison. Even if a true god Dongwei holds a mid-level divine treasure, even if he only exerts [-]% to [-]% of his power, it can still crush the opponent of the true god Dongwei who holds a low-level divine treasure.

However, all of this is for Shenbao. In a real battle, there are too many factors to consider. Personal cultivation, combat experience, divine realm...every aspect can also affect the display of combat effectiveness.

Chen Xi's current plan is to raise the quality of the sword talisman to a higher level. In this way, the power can catch up to the middle-level sixth-grade divine treasure. After all, the sword talisman is a treasure of talisman weapons, and it has its own uniqueness and uniqueness. strength.

As for the Xiantian Lingbao, there is no grade division, only the difference in power.

It was also fortunate that Chen Xi had two extremely powerful innate divine treasures in his hands, so that when he was fighting, he would not fall into a passive position because the divine treasures were too weak.

Apart from improving the quality of the sword talisman, what Chen Xi valued the most was changing the way of fighting.

The so-called changing the way of fighting does not mean abandoning the previous fighting methods such as swordsmanship and talisman way, but changing the divine power and divine power that one uses when controlling swordsmanship and talisman way!

All of this will depend on the use of the Wuji divine talisman.

This mysterious and vast divine talisman now sits in the center of the universe in Chen Xi's body, and it has become the core center for him to control the divine power and operate the laws of the divine way when he is cultivating.

But for a long time, his use of the Wuji divine talisman has been extremely superficial, and the power he can exert is very strong, but it is far from being fully exerted.

According to Chen Xi's deduction, if he uses the power of the four divine laws of wind, thunder, space, and time in the Promise Divine Talisman when he is carrying out time-space teleportation, he can maximize the power of time-space teleportation.

For example, when using the most powerful "Killing the Five Elements" kendo, you can use the Wuji Divine Talisman to evolve it into a golden divine way. In this case, the power it exerts is at least [-]% stronger than before!

Don't look at it as just [-]%, the duel with equal enemies can often determine each other's fate.

In short, according to different combat needs, and according to the different laws of the divine way that you have mastered, using the Wuji divine script as a link to match one by one, you can definitely exert more powerful power!

And the reason why Chen Xi wanted to make such an attempt was entirely because he had this condition, because he controlled more than ten kinds of divine ways, and he also possessed the Wuji divine talismans and talisman ways to control them, allowing him to use his own divine power as he wished.

On the other hand, most of the other god-level powerhouses only mastered one kind of divine way. Even if they mastered more godly ways, without the Wuji divine talisman to control them, it would be difficult for them to be like Chen Xi, who could change as he wished. The effect of fighting style.


Traveling all the way and flying in the starry sky, Chen Xi has been deducing the two issues of improving the quality of the sword talisman and changing the way of fighting, unaware of the passage of time.

Three hours later.

A star steaming with purple air appeared far away in the field of vision, which immediately woke Chen Xi up from his contemplation.

Purple Pluto!

Chen Xi compared the star maps, and finally confirmed that this is the planet where the Purple Nether Sect is entrenched.

Without hesitation, his figure flashed, and he had transformed into an ordinary young man, and then floated on the Purple Pluto.

Purple Pluto and its vastness are like a big world, at least much larger than Xuanhuan in the Three Realms. Among them, there are many sacred cities and densely covered sacred mountains, and there are strong figures of the divine way everywhere, which is extremely prosperous and prosperous.

After a stick of incense.

Come to the city of God from the east.

With his hands behind his back, Chen Xi leisurely walked into the bustling streets of the city. Looking far away, he could clearly see a divine mountain that shone with purple radiance and pierced into the sky standing far away.

The name of the mountain is Ziming.

It goes without saying that there is the place where the Ziming Shenzong is entrenched.

"After so many years, I don't know if that Tie Yunping is still in the Ziming Shenzong..." Chen Xi was thoughtful.


ps: Don’t worry, there will be an update tomorrow. Similarly, during the study in Beijing, Goldfish will do its best to keep it updated~


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