divine talisman

Chapter 1598

Donglai Shencheng, the name is taken from the meaning of Ziqi coming from the east.

This city is located next to the land where Ziming Shenzong, the most powerful force in the Biyan universe, is entrenched. It is prosperous and splendid.

Every year, ascetics from different planets in Biyan Zhouyu will come here with their juniors, hoping to join the Ziming Shenzong as an apprentice, and it has become a sacred place in the hearts of Biyan Zhouyu ascetics.

Walking alone in the city, Chen Xi clearly felt how powerful the Purple Underworld Sect was in Biyan Cosmos. No matter where he went, people talked about topics about the Purple Underworld Sect.

"Being able to become the overlord of Yigang Zhouyu, this Ziming Shenzong is worthy of its name." Chen Xi secretly sighed in his heart.

But soon, he calmed down and began to inquire about Tie Yunping.


After a stick of incense.

After many inquiries, Chen Xi finally "met" a disciple from the Purple Dark Sect in a restaurant. He said he had met, but in fact, Chen Xi had been perceiving and searching, and finally confirmed the other party through the content of the other party's conversation. identity of.

This is a dark-skinned young man with a solemn demeanor, sitting near the window in a restaurant, pouring himself a drink.

"Fellow Daoist, can I ask you something?" Chen Xi stepped forward, sat down opposite the young man unceremoniously, and said with a slight smile.

When he was speaking, he faintly released a trace of aura. Sure enough, the other party frowned, but when he sensed this aura, he immediately raised his eyebrows, and there was no longer any impatience in his expression.

"What's the matter, senior?" The young man said calmly, this is the territory of the Ziming Shenzong, although the opponent's cultivation base is high, but he will not be intimidated by it, this is the confidence of the Ziming Shenzong's disciples.

"I just want to inquire about someone with you." Chen Xi said Tie Yunping's name.

"Tie Yunping?"

The young man frowned in doubt, and thought for a long time. Just when Chen Xi was about to be disappointed, he suddenly said, "I remembered, she seems to be a disciple who just joined the outer sect. She has mediocre aptitude and has cultivated for hundreds of years Only after years and years can he be able to enter the Dongwei True God Realm."

Chen Xi was thoughtful, and through the other party's words, he immediately became sure that the other party was the person he was looking for, because Tie Kun once said that his granddaughter's aptitude is not good.

"Then dare to ask you, where is she now?" When Chen Xi spoke, he pushed a storage bag in front of the other party without a trace.

However, the young man showed a trace of vigilance and said, "Senior, what are you going to do?"

"Fellow daoist, don't misunderstand me. I am a good friend of Tie Yunping's grandfather. This time I came back from the outside world and passed by here, so I visited her instead of her grandfather." Chen Xi explained with a smile.

Only then did the young man relax his vigilance a little, glanced at the storage bag intentionally or unintentionally, and when he saw the number of divine crystals in it, a gleam of joy appeared on his brows, and then he coughed dryly and said with a smile: "It turns out that you are the elder of Junior Sister Tie, you Don't worry, I will find out the whereabouts of Junior Sister Tie for you."

As he spoke, he reached out and took out a purple token, and injected a thought into it. Not long after, the purple token shook, the young man glanced at him, and immediately smiled: "It's a coincidence that senior came here, Junior Sister Tie Now in the city, you come with me, I will take you to see her."

Chen Xi smiled and said, "Then I would be very grateful."


Ziting Pavilion.

This is a stronghold of Ziming Shenzong stationed in Donglai Shencheng.

Before Chen Xi stepped into the gate under the leadership of that young man, he heard a sound of arguing in the hall of the pavilion.

"Junior Sister Tie, needless to say, I have already given you enough affection. If you are willing to participate in the Star Hunting Conference, you can only play the role of Junior Sister Lu's 'slave'. Of course, it is just a role, not a real slave. If you don't want to, please leave."

In the lobby on the first floor, a silver-robed man spoke indifferently.

Opposite him stood two women, one was wearing a black gauze, with a slender and graceful waist, a charming face, slim and graceful, she was really beautiful, her chin was raised high, and there was a hint of arrogance between her brows, like Like a proud peacock.

The other woman wore a plain skirt, with a simple bun, a delicate face, and a gentle temperament with a hint of stubbornness.

"The one in the plain skirt is Junior Sister Tie Yunping." The young man stood outside the building and introduced to Chen Xi. When he was speaking, he was about to enter the pavilion, but was stopped by Chen Xi.

"Wait a minute, fellow daoist, who are the other two?" Chen Xi asked thoughtfully.

"Oh, that's Senior Brother Xiao Tianlong Xiao, a leader among the disciples of the inner sect, who possesses the spiritual realm of the cave light, has a great reputation and is highly regarded by the elders, and the other is Junior Sister Lu Yan, who is from the outer sect. This disciple, like Junior Sister Tie Yunping, has just joined the Outer Sect not long ago, but her talent and roots are extremely outstanding."

The young man talked eloquently, and looked at Lu Yan with a touch of admiration. Obviously, Lu Yan's purple color was quite outstanding among the disciples of Ziming Shenzong, and was loved by all male disciples.

At this time, Tie Yunping in the hall seemed to be struggling, with a hesitant look on her face, before she said for a long time: "Senior Brother Xiao, if... I agree to be Senior Sister Lu's God Slave, when the Star Hunting Conference is over, can I..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Lu Yan who was on the side: "Don't think about it, all the rewards have nothing to do with you." The words were cold and disdainful.

"Why?" Tie Yunping couldn't understand.

"You ask me why?" Lu Yan raised her chin high, squinted at Tie Yunping, and said, "Junior Sister Tie, the Star Hunting Conference gathered the best children of the younger generation in the three thousand universes of the Xuemo Region. I kindly took you to see it, but you are thinking about something you shouldn't have, don't you think it's too much?"

After a pause, she sighed faintly, and said, "Junior Sister Tie, to be a human being, you have to be content, it's not good to push your feet."

Tie Yunping's cheeks flushed red with anger, and said, "Senior Sister Lu, this opportunity was arranged by Uncle Wang Tang, but it has nothing to do with you!"

Lu Yan raised her eyebrows, and said coldly: "Okay, since you said so, then don't come with us, as long as I say so, there are many people who are willing to go with me, and you are not the only one A stupid girl with mediocre qualifications."

At the end, she had already sneered at Tie Yunping unceremoniously.

Tie Yunping stood there in a daze, trembling with anger without knowing it, Lu Yan's words pierced her heart like a poisonous sting, making her so wronged that she wanted to turn her head and run away.

"Okay, Junior Sister Lu is just outspoken and hates that iron can't be made into steel." The silver-robed man Xiao Tianlong smiled at Lu Yan, then restrained his smile, looked at Tie Yunping calmly, and said, "If you really feel wronged , then leave, but as the saying goes, Junior Sister Tie should not regret it in the future."

Inside and outside the words, there is a sense of superiority, as if he gave the other party a chance, he must be grateful to accept it, if he does not accept it, he will regret it for life.

"I..." Tie Yunping struggled for a long time, and finally gritted her teeth, "No!"

She came from an ordinary background, with mediocre qualifications, and her only family member has never been heard from. These years, she has been cultivating like a lonely ghost in the Ziming Shenzong. She has received many cold looks and ridicules, but she finally survived.

But this does not mean that she has lost her dignity and bottom line!

"You..." Lu Yan was stunned, and then said with a stern smile, "Okay, very good, Junior Sister Tie really has a backbone, but unfortunately, having a backbone can't replace that mediocre cultivation talent."

That Xiao Tianlong also frowned, snorted displeasedly, and said with a smirk: "It's better to leave, by the way, Junior Sister Tie, I have to remind you, don't expect other people in the sect to bring you You went to the Star Hunting Convention together."

All of a sudden, Tie Yunping felt as if struck by lightning, her pretty face turned pale, and her eyes dimmed. She knew very well that with Xiao Tianlong's words, even if others were willing to take her along, they would not dare to disobey Xiao Tianlong's wishes. will.

In other words, the opportunity she managed to win this time ended without a problem!

In the end, Tie Yunping pursed her lips tightly, turned around and left Ziting Pavilion with a dazed expression, her eyes were dazed, as if she had lost her soul.

When she passed by Chen Xi's side, the young man was about to stop her, but Chen Xi stopped him without a trace.

"Fellow Daoist, thank you so much this time, let's say goodbye." Chen Xi smiled at the young man, and when he spoke, he imprinted a wisp of thought on Tie Yunping's body in case he couldn't find it.

"Senior, Brother Xiao and the others..." The young man opened his mouth to say something.

"I understand. Tell them for me. Those who humiliate others will always humiliate them. When the time comes, don't regret it."

In the indifferent and calm voice, Chen Xi's figure floated away.

The young man couldn't help being stunned, and finally shrugged helplessly.

"Junior Brother Shi Yu, who was that person just now?" At this time, Xiao Tianlong's figure appeared in front of the hall door.

"Looks like Junior Sister Tie Yunping's grandfather's friend." Shi Yu replied casually.

"Doesn't this mean that he saw everything just now?" Then Lu Yan also walked over, and when she heard that the other party was Tie Yunping's elder, she couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

"Hmph, it's just a hole in the spiritual realm, Junior Sister Lu Yan doesn't have to worry." Xiao Tianlong sneered, his eyes full of contempt.

"Thank you Senior Brother Xiao for protecting you." Lu Yan cast a delicate glance at Xiao Tianlong.

"Hahaha, what did Junior Sister Lu say, your business...isn't it my business." Xiao Tianlong looked at the other party with burning eyes, without hiding his enthusiasm.

"Ah~ Senior Brother Xiao, why are you so glib." Lu Yan also lowered her head shyly, and snuggled up to Xiao Tianlong's shoulder with a moan in her lips.

At that time, Yu was quite embarrassed watching from the sidelines. After thinking about it, he still said: "Senior brother Xiao, just now the elder of Junior Sister Tie asked me to tell you a word, I don't know if I should say it or not."

"Say." Xiao Tianlong smiled and waved his hands, with the beauty at his side, he also looked very proud.

"He said, those who humiliate others, people will always humiliate them, let senior brother not regret it in the future." Shi Yu said cautiously.

Xiao Tianlong's face darkened immediately, and immediately sneered proudly: "Could this guy be an idiot like Tie Yunping? I want to see how he will make me regret it. If he can't, don't blame me for killing him." , Give this sentence to him as an epitaph!"


ps: This chapter is a scheduled manuscript, if there is no update at [-]:[-] p.m., you don’t have to wait~


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