divine talisman

Chapter 1599

The bustling streets are full of traffic, laughter and noise everywhere.

Tie Yunping stood alone on the street, but she was at a loss, feeling an unprecedented loneliness.

Over the years, she has been cultivating without sleep or food, in order to survive well for herself, and for her grandfather who is far away to no longer worry about herself.

However, she was just a girl after all, and there were times when she was so wronged that she was on the verge of collapse, like now.

She suddenly felt that after losing the opportunity to participate in the Star Hunting Conference, it seemed that her life would no longer see any light.

What should I do?

Grandfather... If he knew that he was so fragile, he would definitely be very disappointed, right?

But, I am really tired...

Tie Yunping seemed to have lost all her strength, and sat on the ground with her knees hugged, her delicate cheeks pale and dazed.

On the bustling street, the flow of people was like water, and when they saw Tie Yunping sitting on the street with her knees hugged, many people pointed, sympathized, doubted, or resigned, to name a few.

"Did you see that, if you don't cultivate well, you will be like her in this life, pitiful, and never have a bright future."

An old man in a Chinese robe pointed at Tie Yunping, and softly warned his grandson, who was about to join the Ziming Taoist sect, to be a warning.

Hearing these words, Tie Yunping's pretty face was pale and transparent, an indescribable pain gushed out of her heart, like a thousand swords in her heart, she could no longer hold back the tears in her eyes, and she choked up silently.

At this moment, a generous big hand patted her shoulder, and a warm current spread to her whole body like a trickle, making Tie Yunping feel at ease and comforted for no reason.

Immediately, she was taken aback. When she raised her head, she saw a young man standing beside her, looking at her calmly.

This person was naturally Chen Xi. Seeing that Tie Yunping was no longer crying, he calmly said, "Get up."

There were only two words, but there seemed to be a strange force, which made Tie Yunping's heart tense involuntarily, and she stood up.

"Everyone has pain, and everyone has moments when they can't bear it, but you can't expose your weakness to others, because sympathy and pity can't change your situation." Chen Xi said calmly.

Tie Yunping took a deep breath and said, "Who are you?"

"This is what your grandfather asked me to hand over to you." Chen Xi handed over the storage bag that Tie Kun gave him.


Tie Yunping's heart suddenly trembled, a look of excitement welled up in her eyes, and she couldn't help opening the storage bag to check carefully.

After a long time, she suddenly gritted her teeth and put away the storage bag. Her eyes were filled with determination, she looked up at Chen Xi and said, "Thank you, senior."

Chen Xi smiled: "Then what do you plan to do next?"

Tie Yunping was startled, and pursed her lips and said, "Practice harder, although I missed the Star Hunting Conference, I won't be discouraged just because of that."

Chen Xi thought deeply, "Why do you insist on participating in the Star Hunting Conference?"

Chen Xi had also heard a little about the Star Hunting Conference. When he was in the Land of Doom, the third son of the Dayi Clan, Yitian, clamored to capture him as a god slave at first, in order to participate in the event held by Empress Yuche. Star Hunting Conference.

However, Chen Xi only knew about these things, and he didn't know anything about the specific things about the Star Hunting Conference.

"Because... because my aptitude is too mediocre, and only by participating in the Star Hunting Conference can I hope to get a chance to advance to the Dongguang Spiritual God Realm."

Tie Yunping hesitated for a moment, and said in a low voice, "I have put in so much effort for this opportunity, but I never expected that in the end..."

In the end, there was still a trace of heaviness in her voice.

"What is that opportunity?" Chen Xi raised his eyebrows.

"It is a soul-intending soul-moving pill refined by Master Di Zunqing from the Diyu Dandao. The medicine is effective enough to allow me to condense the divine light of the Lingtai when I hit the cave light and spirit realm. Senior, you also know that, If there is no spiritual light to escape from the body and soar into the sky, it is impossible to condense the natal altar, and this elixir is prepared to condense the divine light of the spiritual altar."

Tie Yunping explained everything slowly, without any concealment.

"Master Alchemy Emperor Zunqing? Diyu?" Chen Xi's heart twitched, and he suddenly remembered that among the nine ancient characters he had obtained from the fragments of the river map, there were the two characters Di and Yu.

Among them, is there a relationship?

Thinking of this, Chen Xi immediately remembered the name Diyu in his heart, planning to pay more attention to news and materials about Diyu in the future.

As for who Master Alchemy Emperor Zunqing was, Chen Xi didn't bother to pay attention, it was nothing more than a guy who was extremely powerful in alchemy.

"Senior, you...you..." Suddenly, Tie Yunping spoke, a little hesitant, more effective and embarrassed.

"But it doesn't matter." Chen Xi smiled.

"Can you take me to the Star Hunting Conference?" Tie Yunping took a deep breath and looked at Chen Xi expectantly. Due to her nervousness, she couldn't help but clenched her hands tightly.

Chen Xi was startled, and said, "I'm an outsider, can I participate?"

Tie Yunping knew as soon as she heard it that Chen Xi didn't understand the rules of the Star Hunting Conference, so she immediately explained it.

It turns out that this Star Hunting Conference was held by the owner of the Snow Ink Region, Empress Yu Che. At that time, a star field will be selected in the three thousand universes of the Snow Ink Region as a hunting place. To participate in the hunt, one only needs to meet one condition , that is, the participating children must be the true god Dongwei, and then led by a Dongguang Spirit God as the protector of the participating children, and at the same time, a god slave will be the assistant and executor of the participating children.

To put it simply, if a person goes to the Star Hunting Conference alone, he must be led by an elder of Dongguang Spiritual God and assisted by a divine slave.

It is worth mentioning that the cultivation base of the God Slave can only maintain the Realm of the Real God.

When participating in the Star Hunting Conference, the existence of the Hollow Spiritual God Realm can only protect the participating children, but cannot take the initiative to attack others. Once it is overstepped, it is tantamount to breaking the rules, and the consequence will only be expulsion from the Star Hunting Conference.

And the rewards of the Star Hunting Conference are also very rich, as long as they can persist until the end, they can all receive a reward, and for those top three contestants with the best performance, there is even a big gift from Empress Yu Che.

Tie Yunping didn't expect to be ranked in the top three, she just wanted to participate and persevere to the end, because she already had the qualifications to obtain the Yunling Soul Shifting Pill.

Of course, the specific rules are not limited to this, and Tie Yunping's knowledge is limited. After all, with her status, she is not enough to understand such things.

However, Chen Xi roughly understood it, and couldn't help asking: "So, do you want me to be your team leader?"

Tie Yunping nodded quickly.

"However, even this is not enough, you still need a god slave by your side." Chen Xi pondered.

He also wanted to see and see. As the domain master of the Snow Ink Region, Empress Yu Che must be a powerful figure with tremendous power and terrifying strength. If he could take this opportunity to learn something about Shenyan Mountain, The news about Nuwa Taoist Palace would be even better.

Of course, even if he can't get in touch with the other party at the Star Hunting Conference this time, Chen Xi will definitely be able to meet many important people at this unprecedented event, and it will be easier to inquire about some news at that time.

"Although I don't have a God Slave, I have A Zhen." Tie Yunping frowned for a long time, then suddenly remembered something, and smiled immediately.


Chen Xi was startled.

"It's a blue-eyed red rabbit that I raised. It was promoted to the Dongwei True God Realm in the same year as me." Tie Yunping said excitedly. When she spoke, she made a simple move, and a snow-white rabbit that looked like a pompom appeared in front of her. her palm.

At this moment, Chen Xi couldn't help opening his eyes wide. He saw that the rabbit had pointed ears and clear green eyes. From the outside, it was no different from an ordinary little white rabbit.

"Senior, how are you doing?" Tie Yunping looked at Chen Xi full of hope.

"This... can it participate in the battle?" Chen Xi asked suspiciously.

"Nonsense." The rabbit glanced at Chen Xi, then lazily yawned, stretched its legs and lay on the palm of its hand, and whistled, looking like a fool.

Tie Yunping hurriedly said: "Senior, Ah Zhen has this temperament. In fact, she is very cute. If it hadn't been for her to accompany me and encourage me these years, I don't know if I would be able to persist until today."

Rabbit Ah Zhen smiled triumphantly: "Don't praise me, I am the kind of rabbit who does good deeds without leaving a name."

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows, this rabbit is really shameless, does he praise himself so much?

"That's fine, as long as it doesn't cause trouble." Chen Xi thought for a while, and finally agreed. In his heart, he already regarded the rabbit Azhen as a helper, and didn't expect it to be of any help in the Star Hunting Conference, as long as it didn't cause trouble. up.

"Hey, what do you mean by that? Are you looking down on me? I'm so angry. For the honor of the Blue-eyed Chitu clan, I want you to apologize to me right now!"

Rabbit Azhen stood up, pinched her waist and yelled loudly, with an appearance that her dignity should not be violated.

"Oh?" Chen Xi smiled, grabbed its rabbit ears, held it in his hand, and poked its soft belly with the other hand, and said, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

But immediately, he was stunned, because Rabbit Ah Zhen's snow-white fur turned red, as if burning, and her whole body was trembling.

"Is it angry?" Chen Xi hurriedly stopped.

Tie Yunping pursed her lips and smiled lightly: "Ah Zhen is a girl, so she is shy."

Chen Xi was stunned for a moment. Such a foolish and shameless guy, is actually a female rabbit?How could she be shy?

"You...you...you still don't let go, I'm going to fight with you!" Rabbit Azhen bared her teeth, and her eyes were full of anger.

Chen Xi hurriedly returned this strange female rabbit to Tie Yunping. Thinking about how he poked her belly with his finger just now, he couldn't help feeling ashamed.

"Okay, let's go." Chen Xi changed the subject, not looking at Rabbit Azhen's extremely annoyed eyes.

"Now?" Tie Yunping was startled.

"Do you have anything else?"


"Let's go then!"


ps: I officially report today, and I am going to meet a lot of great gods in the literary world, so excited~


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