divine talisman

Chapter 1600 Wuwu Galaxy


A clear voice resounded, and the interstellar teleportation array built in Donglai Shencheng flashed, opening a passage.

The ascetics who had been waiting outside the teleportation array immediately swarmed in.

"Let's go too." Chen Xi took out a star trail treasure token, and handed it to the disciples guarding the formation.

"Oh." Tie Yunping on the side hurriedly followed.

This interstellar teleportation array spans multiple universes, and its destination is the most prosperous Huyue universe among the three thousand universes in the Snow and Ink Region.

It is the core of the entire Snow Ink Region, and it is also the place where the domain lord, Empress Yu Che, resides. Many top powers in the Snow Ink Region have branches in it.

It can be said that the ascetics in the Huoyue universe represent the highest level of cultivation in the entire Snow Ink Region.

And the "Star Hunting Conference" will kick off in Huoyue Universe in the near future.

"Wait a minute, wait a moment."

Just when the interstellar teleportation array was about to open, a voice came suddenly, and immediately a man and a woman drifted over.

The male is tall and handsome, and the female is beautiful and noble. They are Xiao Tianlong and Lu Yan from the Ziming Shenzong.

"So it's Senior Brother Xiao!"

"Senior Brother Xiao!"

"Brother Xiao, are you going to participate in the Star Hunting Conference?"

Seeing the two of them arrive, there was a burst of greetings from the ascetics waiting in the teleportation formation. Obviously, they are all disciples of the Ziming Shenzong. As for the faces of the other ascetics, they all showed more or less A look of awe, or envy.

It can be seen from this that Xiao Tianlong, as the leader among the inner disciples of the Ziming Shenzong, did not boast his reputation.

And when Tie Yunping saw Xiao Tianlong and Lu Yan, his expression changed immediately, his hands were quietly clenched, and his whole body tensed up.

"Relax, don't be nervous." Chen Xi transmitted his voice.

When he was talking, he smiled at Tie Yunping, that light and calm smile was full of comfort, which made Tie Yunping feel more at ease unconsciously, and her whole mind also regained her composure.

"Oh, isn't this Junior Sister Tie? Why, you still don't give up?" Lu Yan raised her eyebrows, raised her chin arrogantly, and looked at Tie Yunping disdainfully.

But what surprised her was that the other party's expression was calm, and she couldn't see any emotional changes, which made her feel a little annoyed. If it wasn't for the crowd, she would have wished to sarcasm the other party again.

And that Xiao Tianlong looked at Chen Xi with a little playfulness, and said leisurely: "Those who humiliate others will always humiliate them. You said this sentence?"

Seeing this, the people nearby immediately realized that this man and woman had obviously offended Xiao Tianlong, this is a good show to watch!

"That's right, I said it." Chen Xi smiled lightly, and didn't see any tension.

This surprised everyone, this is the territory of the Ziming Shenzong, and Xiao Tianlong is a well-known inner disciple of the Ziming Shenzong, how dare this young man talk to him like this?Could it be that there is something to rely on?

Xiao Tianlong was also slightly startled, and immediately his face darkened: "So, you admit that you have an opinion on me, Xiao Tianlong?"

When he spoke, there was an aggressive questioning in his voice.

Seeing this, Tie Yunping couldn't help but glanced nervously at Chen Xi, only to see the latter stretching his waist, and then said with a smile: "You didn't use the Ziming Shenzong to bully others, you are not hopeless. "

Everyone was in an uproar, who is this young man, his tone is too crazy, right?

"Presumptuous!" Lu Yan scolded coldly, "Hurry up and apologize to Senior Brother Xiao, otherwise you will not be able to leave today!"

"Junior Sister Lu, don't let outsiders see our jokes."

Xiao Tianlong narrowed his eyes slightly, and stopped Lu Yan from continuing to speak, then looked Chen Xi up and down, and said with a light smile, "Although you are the elder of Junior Sister Tie, your words are a bit too much."

After a pause, he straightened his expression, and said, "Of course I, a disciple of Ziming Shenzong, will not bully others, but if others dare to speak out to humiliate my Ziming disciple, for the sake of the sect's honor, how can I back down?"

What he said was beautiful, and immediately won a burst of admiration and admiration from the audience.

Chen Xi frowned imperceptibly, this kid was quite scheming, not like the kind of arrogant kid whose eyes grew to his forehead.

Immediately he laughed and said, "I want to know how you don't shrink back."

Xiao Tianlong seemed to have been waiting for this sentence for a long time, and said without hesitation: "It's very simple, I think you also want to take Junior Sister Tie to the Star Hunting Conference. , our grades are better than yours, so you apologize to me on your knees, and then abolish your cultivation, how dare you?"

At the end, the cold light in his eyes opened and closed, with a coercive power, which made everyone around him tense. This bet is really cruel!

"What if you lose?" Chen Xi seemed to be disapproving, but still calmly asked.

"Ha, how could we lose? Do you think you can achieve anything just by adding a stupid girl with dull qualifications?"

Then Lu Yan couldn't bear it any longer, and said sarcastically, "I think you should first think about how to persist in not being eliminated in the Star Hunting Conference!"

As soon as these words came out, Tie Yunping's delicate cheeks immediately flushed red, her white teeth were clenched tightly, and fire was about to burst out of her eyes.

But at this point, she was more worried about Chen Xi. After all, once she agreed to this bet, if she failed, the consequences would be absolutely disastrous.

Even Tie Yunping regretted letting Chen Xi get involved.

"Don't worry, just watch with peace of mind." Chen Xi glanced at her with a smile, and then looked at Lu Yan indifferently. Instead of fighting back, he asked calmly, "Are you also participating in this bet?"

Lu Yan was stunned immediately, and couldn't help but hesitate in her heart.

"Since you're not going to participate, just shut up obediently and play the role of a vase by the side, otherwise those with sharp teeth and sharp mouths will only look like shrews."

"You...you..." Lu Yan was furious. It was the first time she was called a vase and a shrew since she was a child. She was so angry that she trembled all over and couldn't even speak.

The people around were all smacking their tongues. This young man's words were not only rude, but also unscrupulous to the extreme.

"With this kind of mind, I don't know how to advance to the god realm."

Chen Xi muttered something in his heart, and then he didn't bother to look at the other party any more. He shifted his gaze to Xiao Tianlong, and said, "I can agree, but I want to ask, what if your grades are not as good as ours?"

Seeing Lu Yan angry, Xiao Tianlong felt sullen and murderous. Seeing Chen Xi ask this sentence, he said coldly without hesitation: "The conditions are also valid!"

Everyone was in an uproar. Doesn't this sentence mean that once the grades are not as good as the opponent, Xiao Tianlong will kneel down to apologize to the opponent and abolish his cultivation?

But having said that, daring to agree so simply and neatly shows how confident Xiao Tianlong is in his own strength. If it were any other person, he would have given up already.

Thinking about it this way, many people even began to admire Xiao Tianlong faintly from their hearts.

Seeing everyone's mixed expressions of surprise and admiration, Xiao Tianlong's anger finally eased a lot, and he said: "Then it's settled like this. I think you should know what will happen after you break your oath and bet."

As he said that, there was an undisguised murderous intent in his eyes, which was fleeting, and he waved his hand and ordered the disciples guarding the teleportation array: "Open the teleportation array!"

On the other hand, Lu Yan sneered at Chen Xi, and secretly made up her mind that after the other party's bet failed, she would torture him to death, otherwise she would absolutely not be able to swallow this breath.

Regarding all of this, Chen Xi was still as calm and indifferent as ever, and there was not even a single ripple in his mood.

This small matter was not enough to cause him to be in a mess.


The interstellar teleportation array was activated, and there was a strange humming and fluctuation. The next moment, a mass of blazing divine light burst out, enveloping everyone and disappearing in place in an instant.


Huoyue Universe.

The Wuwu galaxy.

This is an area in the vast starry sky, densely covered with thousands of planets. From a distance, the pattern formed by these planets looks like an ancient divine beast, and this galaxy is named after it.

The Wuwu galaxy is extremely vast, with an unknown number of planets, but almost ninety-nine percent of the planets are extremely dangerous and murderous. Not only are they full of many natural disasters, but there are also many unimaginable cosmic beasts dormant in it. Suitable for living creatures.

Only the environment of only a few planets is slightly better.

Water bloom star is one of them.

The place where the Star Hunting Conference is held is the Yuwu Galaxy, and the place to sign up for the hunt is conveniently on the Water Blossom Star.

Recently, as the Star Hunting Conference is about to kick off, the Water Blossom Star is also full of excitement. The young generation of powerhouses in the three thousand universes of the Snow and Ink Region are all coming here, wanting to show their prominence at this Star Hunting Conference , became famous.

In short, this is a grand event for the younger generation of Xuemoyu to compete for the top. It is held by the domain owner, Empress Yu Che. The rewards are generous, there are many opportunities, and the specifications are unprecedented. That's why so many young people are attracted to participate in it. .


Water Blossom Star, the interstellar teleportation in Lieyan God City fluctuated, and a group of ascetics gushed out of it.

Among them, there are Chen Xi and Tie Yunping.

"What? You mean that Hong Yu, the leader of the younger generation of the Yuxiao Divine Sect, has also come? My dear, who is it that can invite this legendary figure to be the team leader?"

"It's not just Guan Hongyu. I heard that Yixun, the second son of the Dayi clan, and Xuantuozi from Lingzhen Daoist Temple have also come, and they all act as team leaders."

"This is definitely a grand event that is rare in the world. Unexpectedly, among the five most famous gods in our Snow Ink Domain, three of them will come!"

"Hahaha, why don't you think that this event attracted so many big figures?"

As soon as he walked out of the teleportation array, a burst of incomparably noisy sound waves rushed towards his face, and all kinds of sounds shook people's ears.

Chen Xi raised his eyes, and saw that the incomparably spacious street was filled with black heads everywhere, it was simply a sea of ​​people, and it was extremely lively.


ps: The study at Luyuan is really exhausting~~ I thought I came to Beijing to play, who knew it would be so tiring, let’s make an update for today, everyone can rest assured, Jinyu will make up for all the debts owed during the study at Luyuan ~~


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