divine talisman

Chapter 1601 Tianjiao Gathering

The prosperity of Water Blossom God City was completely beyond Chen Xi's imagination, so that he could not help being slightly stunned when he saw such a scene as soon as he walked out of the interstellar teleportation formation.

It can be clearly perceived that the entire world of Shuiyue God City is shrouded in one after another tyrannical aura, and some auras are even so strong that Chen Xi feels a little afraid.

"The convening of the Star Hunting Conference probably attracted many big shots to watch." Chen Xi secretly sighed in his heart.

The one who can be called a big shot by him is naturally the ancestor god of Dongyu and the existence above the ancestor god of Dongyu.

Hearing the discussions of everyone on the street made Chen Xi realize that among the disciples who came to participate in the Star Hunting Conference this time, there were many well-known talents in the Snow and Ink Region.

What particularly concerned Chen Xi was that Yi Xun, the second son of the Dayi Clan, also came, and he was still playing the role of leader. Young Master Yitian's leader, right?

After all, as early as in the Realm of Doom, Chen Xi had heard that Yitian was coming to participate in the Star Hunting Conference held by Empress Yu Che.

At that time, Yi Tian was the only one who escaped in the Land of Doom.

"Guan Hongyu, I didn't expect him to come too."

Just as Chen Xi was thinking, Tie Yunping also spoke in a slightly shocked voice, with a hint of adoration faintly in her voice.

"Oh? Is he famous?" Chen Xi glanced at the other party in surprise.

"Not only is he famous, but in the three thousand universes of the Snow and Ink Region, if it is discussed who is the best among the Dongguang Spiritual Gods, it is generally recognized that this official Hong Yu is the leader of the inner disciples of the Yuxiao Divine Sect. In the past year, he has done many earth-shattering events in the Snow and Ink Region, and there are almost no ascetics in the Snow and Ink Region who do not know him."

Tie Yunping talked eloquently, as if she was already familiar with Guan Hongyu's affairs.

"Oh, it seems that the standard of this Star Hunting Conference is very high."

Chen Xi's reaction to this was very flat. His current combat strength had already reached a level that could rival the Ancestral God of Dongyu. The battle with Ye Yan, a disciple of the Supreme Master, was the best proof.

"Hmph, want to regret it now? It's too late!"

At this moment, an abrupt voice sounded, but it was Xiao Tianlong who was standing in the distance and sneered, beside him, still following Lu Yan.

After finishing speaking, the two turned around and left, disappearing into the sea of ​​people.

"Let's go, let's sign up." Chen Xi smiled lightly, not caring at all, and walked straight to the other side with Tie Yunping.


Shuiyun Palace.

Here are the enemies who signed up for the Star Hunting Conference.

When Chen Xi arrived with Tie Yunping, there was already a long queue here.

Chen Xi raised his eyes to sense the surroundings, and found that the contestants this time were indeed all at the Dongwei True God Realm, and the team leaders accompanying them were also all Dongguang Spiritual Gods.

What attracted Chen Xi's attention was naturally the existence of those holes in the spiritual realm, but after he looked at them carefully, he immediately knew it.

Among those team leaders, most of them are about the same strength as that of Dayi's Uncle Jiu, and some of them are slightly weaker, roughly similar to Mo Lichou of Ziming Shenzong.

Naturally, Chen Xi would not feel afraid of these strong men. As early as when Dongwei was in the True God Realm, he could kill such existences as Uncle Jiu and Mo Lichou, let alone now.

However, there were also a few caves with light spirits that made Chen Xi unable to see through the depths. This made him feel secretly that this Star Hunting Conference was indeed worthy of being an unprecedented grand event in the Snow and Ink Domain. Just look at the caves that participated in the hunting. The number and aura of the light spirit god can give a clue.

In other places, it is absolutely impossible to meet so many masters all at once.


When Chen Xi glanced over a young man in white, his eyebrows suddenly raised imperceptibly.

Because at this moment, the other party seemed to be aware of it, and turned his head to look over.

This young man in white was quite handsome, with wide eyebrows, full seal, red lips and white teeth, and his gestures and gestures gave people a gentle and elegant feeling, which made people feel like spring breeze.

When he saw Chen Xi, there was an imperceptible hint of surprise in his eyes, and he immediately smiled, and cupped his hands silently towards Chen Xi.

Out of courtesy, Chen Xi also returned a gift.

Seeing this, the other party smiled brighter and did not go forward to greet him, but turned around and started to sign up with a skinny young man beside him.

"Senior, you... actually know him?" Tie Yunping next to him looked at Chen Xi with a little excitement.

"Who?" Chen Xi was slightly taken aback.

"Guan Hongyu." Tie Yunping said casually, "Didn't he greet you just now? If you don't know him, how could someone like him greet you casually?"

Chen Xi was stunned. He never expected that the young man in white was Hong Yu, the legendary leader of the younger generation of the Yuxiao Sect who had long been famous in the Snow Demon Realm.

"It's just a coincidence." Chen Xi rubbed his nose, and could only explain it to Tie Yunping in this way, but there was a hint of awe in his heart, this official Hong Yu's perception was so sensitive, he just glanced at him casually, and he noticed it Come on, this is not something everyone can do.

Moreover, Chen Xi also discovered that although the people around did not say hello to Guan Hongyu, there was more or less fear and awe in their eyes looking at his figure.

"Interesting, when participating in the Star Hunting Conference, you have to pay attention to this official Hong Yu." Chen Xi was thoughtful.

Soon, it was Tie Yunping's turn to sign up.

Chen Xi discovered that if he wanted to participate in the Star Hunting Conference, it seemed that he only needed to reach the Dongwei True God Realm and bring a team leader and a god slave with him, but in fact, this condition had prevented many ascetics from joining.

The reason is that most ascetics are not disciples of sects and clans, and most of them can't invite strong people in the spiritual and divine realm to play the role of team leader. Even some ascetics don't even have god slaves, so naturally they can't participate .

When Tie Yunping signed up, she was told that there were only [-] contestants who had signed up so far.

This number seems huge, but it is actually extremely rare in the three thousand universes of the Snow and Ink Region.

Tie Yunping is a disciple of the Ziming Shenzong, the number one force in Biyan Zhouyu. If Chen Xi hadn't appeared, even she would not be qualified to participate. From this, one can know that the Star Hunting Conference seems to have an extremely low threshold, but in fact it has already been cut off. The hope that a large number of ascetics will be involved.

"After registering, go to Shuiyun Villa and wait for the order. At noon tomorrow, the Star Hunting Conference will begin."

After Tie Yunping registered, the person in charge of the registration point instructed.


Shuiyun Villa.

It is located on the outskirts of Shuiyunshen City, covering an area of ​​[-] mu. Its interior space is stacked with mountains, with uneven ancient trees, luxuriant flowers and plants, small bridges and flowing water everywhere, pavilions and pavilions, and a faint mist of the gods. The layout is extremely elegant and beautiful.

When the Star Hunting Conference starts tomorrow, Empress Yu Che, the master of the Snow Ink Region, will come in person to open the passage to the hunting ground. At that time, the specific rules and reward conditions of the Star Hunting Conference will also be announced.

When Chen Xi and Tie Yunping arrived, it was night, and the sky was full of stars, shining bright and clear starlight.

In the villa, there are many lights, like fire dragons, brightly lit, many young children have already been waiting there, or groups of twos and twos, or groups of four or five, chatting and drinking tea, greeting each other, the atmosphere is quite lively.

Most of these children come from different forces in the three thousand universes of the Xuemo Region. They have had contact with each other or heard about them for a long time. When communicating with each other, they don't feel much strangeness.

But to Chen Xi, everyone here was very unfamiliar, so he chose a secluded place, and after telling Tie Yunping not to wander around, he planned to adjust his breath.

But at this moment, there was a commotion in the crowd in front.

"Brother Xuantuozi!"

"It turned out to be Xuantuozi Taoist friend of Lingzhen Daoist Temple, who has admired his name for a long time~"

"He is Xuan Tuozi? I heard that his cultivation level is not weaker than that of Guan Hongyu of the Yuxiao Divine Sect, and he is known as a rare and unparalleled genius in the world of Lingzhen Taoism."

"Hey, I knew that when Xiao Ruoruo from Lingzhen Daoist Temple came to participate in the Star Hunting Conference, Xuan Tuozi would definitely follow and take the initiative to be the team leader."

"Why is this?"

"Because Xuan Tuozi's parents died when he was young, and he lived on the street. Later, he was adopted by Xiao Ruoruo's grandfather. Xuan Tuozi always regarded Xiao Ruoruo as his own sister. She came to participate in the Star Hunting Conference. How could Xuan Tuozi not come? ?”

"I see."

Amidst the discussions, Chen Xi couldn't help raising his eyebrows. He had heard the name of Xuantuozi before, and he was as famous as that official Hong Yu and the second son of the Dayi clan, Yixun. An eye-catching arrogance.

However, these did not surprise Chen Xi. What puzzled him was that the crowd in front suddenly parted, and a man and a woman walked towards him side by side.

The man is wearing a dark gray Taoist robe, his face is indifferent and expressionless, while the woman is wearing a water blue palace skirt, her hair is tied up in a bun, revealing a pretty face, with slender eyebrows like a pair of crescent moons, filled with Myopia, indifference and loneliness mean.

This man and a woman are Xuan Tuozi and Xiao Ruoruo of the Lingzhen Taoist Temple!

"What are they going to do?" Chen Xi frowned imperceptibly, faintly feeling that something was wrong.

"You and my younger brother made the bet?" Xiao Ruoruo stepped forward, unceremoniously cast his eyes coldly at Chen Xi, and there was a hint of loneliness in his voice, "It really is the ignorant who is fearless."

The surrounding atmosphere that was full of discussions suddenly became quiet following this sentence. Everyone looked at Chen Xi with great interest. This guy actually offended Xiao Ruoruo's younger brother?

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and suddenly realized that the other party's surname was Xiao, and when he talked about the bet, he was naturally Xiao Tianlong's sister.

Sure enough, the visitor was not kind!

Chen Xi secretly sighed in his heart, but he said indifferently, "Why, your younger brother feels that he has no chance of winning, so he begged you to come and cancel the bet for him?"

Xiao Ruoruo sneered coldly: "You have a good idea, I just came to tell you that you can't be my brother's opponent at all, and now with me, you don't even have a chance of winning, so you'd better not I died in the Star Hunting Conference, otherwise I won't be able to fulfill the bet, then I will be very disappointed!"


ps: Sorry, I went to see my editors for a drink today, and I got a little smoked ~~ I came back a little late, so I suppressed the alcohol and coded a chapter. In addition, I will go out with the teachers of Luyuan tomorrow for a gathering activity , No update, no class on the weekend the day after tomorrow, will make up for the update.


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