divine talisman

Chapter 1602 Empress Yuche

Xiao Ruoruo's unceremonious words surprised everyone nearby.

There is no doubt that this is a kind of humiliation, but also a kind of demonstration. It is necessary to let everyone present know that her target is Chen Xi. If anyone wants to get involved, they have to think carefully about offending Xuan Tuozi and the Xiao clan. , and even the end of Ziming Shenzong.

Everyone looked at Chen Xi, and they couldn't help feeling a little pity in their hearts. It's not good for this guy to offend anyone, why did he offend characters like Xuan Tuozi and Xiao Ruoruo?

Xiao Ruoruo's humiliation and everyone's pity made Tie Yunping's face pale. She never expected that just offending Xiao Tianlong would cause so many disturbances.

Regarding this, Chen Xi's reaction was surprisingly calm. He calmly looked at Xiao Ruoruo who had a cold, arrogant and lonely posture, and then looked at Xuan Tuozi who was beside her, a slight smile suddenly emerged from the corner of his lips.

"Then I'll have to wait and see." Chen Xi smiled calmly, "Oh, by the way, do you want to join the bet?"

Everyone was in an uproar, is this guy crazy?Offending a Xiao Tianlong is already worrying, but now is it necessary to provoke Xiao Ruoruo and Xuan Tuozi?

Especially Xuan Tuozi, who is the leader of the younger generation of Lingzhen Daoist Temple. His reputation is so great that he can stand shoulder to shoulder with Guan Hongyu and Yi Xun. If he dares to provoke him like this, wouldn't it be no different from seeking his own death?

Xiao Ruoruo was also startled when he heard that, and then his eyes turned cold: "Ant-like things are also worthy of making a bet with us? Don't even look at who you are!"

This was not a retreat, but a domineering and haughty gesture, mocking Chen Xi for being overwhelmed and unworthy of negotiating with them on an equal footing.

Seeing this, Chen Xi just smiled, turned around and left with Tie Yunping. He didn't like arguing with others, and he didn't like arguing with others. What he was best at was always using the strength in his hands to crush Smash all unfriendly provocations!


A small storm was fleeting and did not cause many waves.

But soon, rumors spread about the bet between Chen Xi and Xiao Tianlong in the Shuihua Villa.

Tomorrow will be the opening of the Star Hunting Conference, and most of the disciples who participated in the hunting tonight have already gathered in Shuihua Villa. When these disciples heard about the bet between Chen Xi and Xiao Tianlong, they were all very interested. To show pity for Chen Xi, or to sneer with disdain, or to be thoughtful...

But no matter what, because of this matter, very few people contacted Chen Xi again, lest they would be misunderstood by Xiao Ruoruo and Xuan Tuozi, and they would regard them as Chen Xi's helpers.

The current situation is that the entire manor is full of laughter and laughter, many people are surrounded by some dazzling figures like stars, but Chen Xi and Tie Yunping are standing in the corner of the manor, no one cares about them, desolate.

This is the reality, beside the glorious characters, there will never be a lack of eyes and words of admiration.

However, regarding this, it would not cause any ripple in Chen Xi's state of mind. He quietly sat cross-legged on a rock, softly pointing out Tie Yunping's cultivation.

This girl has only stepped into the Dongwei True God Realm not long ago, and because of her limited aptitude and lack of guidance from a famous teacher, the achievements she can achieve are not outstanding.

According to Chen Xi's deduction, if she hadn't been there, if she participated in this Star Hunting Tournament with other people, she would not be able to achieve much.

However, Chen Xi never believed in talent or destiny. In his opinion, Tie Yunping's tenacity, hard work, and determination to seek the Tao were her most dazzling features.

It is true that talent can make a difference in practice, but without perseverance and hard work, it is absolutely impossible to achieve any great achievements.

At this time, the reason why Chen Xi instructed Tie Yunping to cultivate was not because he possessed supreme magic power, which would allow Tie Yunping to realize the Tao overnight, and her strength would improve by leaps and bounds, so that she would shine in tomorrow's Star Hunting Conference. He just wanted to seize more time , to point out some mazes for this girl, so that she can avoid some detours in her future practice.

As for tomorrow's Star Hunting Conference, Chen Xi will escort Tie Yunping all the way to the end, and help her obtain the "Spiritual Soul Shifting Pill" that she has always dreamed of.

Regarding Chen Xi's advice, Tie Yunping was quite cautious and apprehensive at first, but later she was gradually attracted by the morality explained by Chen Xi. .

And the answers she got from Chen Xi's mouth also made her feel suddenly enlightened and overwhelmed. Her heart was filled with joy and excitement, and she looked at Chen Xi with a lot of admiration and admiration.


When Chen Xi was pointing Tie Yunping, a group of people were discussing something in low voices in a pavilion in Shuihua Villa.

There are about a dozen of them, but they all look forward to Xiao Ruoruo, Xuan Tuozi, Xiao Tianlong and Lu Yan.

"Tianlong, you are a little reckless this time. He is a guy with no status and no status. Even if you want to deal with him, why make such a vicious bet?"

Xiao Ruoruo frowned, and softly reprimanded Xiao Tianlong who was beside him, "Have you ever seen a noble porcelain take the initiative to fight with a clay pot?"

Xiao Tianlong looked a little unhappy: "Sister, you have already said that he is not important, why should you be so cautious?"

Xiao Ruoruo's face darkened.

Seeing this, Lu Yan hurriedly said: "Senior brother Xiao, my sister is also doing it for your own good. She is not because she values ​​that guy, but to tell you how to deal with such a situation in the future so that she can remain invincible." place."

"I understand these." Xiao Tianlong waved his hand a little agitatedly, "Tell me about how to deal with that kid when you participate in the Star Hunting Conference."

Seeing this, Xiao Ruoruo didn't say any more, and said: "That kid is not worth showing off. With Senior Brother Xuan Tuozi and I around, don't take it to heart. There are only two people we need to care about——Guan Hongyu and Yi Xun , They are our biggest enemies in the Star Hunting Conference."

Speaking of this, all of them looked terrified, knowing that what Xiao Ruoruo said was true, they all came this time to get a ranking in the Star Hunting Conference, and they would not waste all their thoughts on Chen Xi.

"It's enough to keep the top three." Suddenly, Xuan Tuozi, who had always looked indifferent and silent, said, "With so many calculations, it's easy to worry about gains and losses."

Speaking of this, he inadvertently glanced at the distance, where Chen Xi looked indifferent, and was teaching Tie Yunping how to cultivate.This made him frown imperceptibly, and he chose to remain silent in the end when he wanted to say something.


"With me here this time, you can rest assured to fight... huh? Third brother, are you listening to me?"

In another corner of Shuihua Villa, a young man wearing a black scarf, tall and tall, with stern brows and a resolute face frowned and snorted displeasedly.

This person is Yi Xun, the second son of the Dayi family, a well-known figure in the snow and ink region.

And in front of him, stood a handsome young man in white robes, who was Yitian, the third son of the Dayi clan.

"Second brother, I'm listening." Yi Tian said hastily, but his brows were slightly furrowed, as if he had encountered some problem.

"What's the matter?" Yi Xun knew his younger brother very well. He was impetuous and playful. Since he came back from the Land of Doom last time, he had become depressed.

"Second brother, I feel..."

Yitian hesitated for a moment, and still whispered, "That kid over there seems to be the guy who killed Uncle Jiu and the others in the Realm of Doom last time!"

While speaking, his gaze inadvertently looked into the distance.

Suddenly a cold light flashed in Yi Xun's eyes, following Yi Tian's gaze, he saw a young man with an ordinary appearance and an extraordinary temperament talking with a girl.

"It's him?" Yi Xun said with a hint of murderous intent. The last time Yi Tian was defeated in the realm of the end of law, almost his entire army was wiped out. How could he not know about this.

"The appearance is different, and the temperament is also different, but I always feel in my heart that this kid is vaguely familiar." Yitian looked hesitant, not sure.

"It's very simple. When he makes a move in the Star Hunting Conference, you should be able to judge some clues from the Taoism performed by the other party." Yi Xun said coldly, "If it's really him, I will definitely ask him this time. Pay a hundred times the price!"


In the distance, when the gazes of Yi Xun and Yi Tian swept over, they were also keenly caught by Chen Xi, which made him narrow his eyes slightly, and thought to himself: "It seems that in this Star Hunting Conference, my opponent Quite a few."

After careful calculation, in addition to Xiao Tianlong, Lu Yan, Xiao Ruoruo, and Xuan Tuozi, Yitian and Yixun should also be added.

This is not counting their friends and divine slaves. In addition, if they want to help Tie Yunping persist until the end to get rewards, they will inevitably compete with other disciples.

In this way, one can imagine how bad their situation is.

"Senior, what's the matter with you?" Tie Yunping raised her head in doubt. She was listening to Chen Xi's advice on cultivation, but the latter suddenly shut up.

"It's okay." Chen Xi smiled, but thought in his heart, if this little girl knew about his situation, he might not have participated in this hunt at all.

However, even though the situation was dire, Chen Xi was not worried about anything. In this Star Hunting Conference, the highest cultivation level of the participants was only at the Dongguang Spiritual God Realm, and they did not pose a fatal threat to him at all.

Before I knew it, the sky was bright.

In the distant sky, there was a sudden jingle of jade pendants, which was clear and leisurely, accompanied by the sound of phoenixes and dragons, which made the heaven and earth have an invisible sense of holiness.

"Empress Yu Che has arrived!"

There was a commotion in the Water Blossom Manor, everyone stopped talking and looked into the distance.

I don't know when, delicate red petals falling from the sky and earth, spreading a quiet fragrance, and a divine rainbow comes across from a distance, like the backbone of the sky.

On his divine rainbow, two huge golden Gala birds are pulling a bronze treasure chariot and galloping slowly. From a distance, it looks like a supreme god coming from heaven, accompanied by the sky, and the divine rainbow pierces the sky, giving people The heart is shocked strongly.

It can be clearly seen that a man is wearing a phoenix cape, a phoenix crown on his head, a red cloth on his face, a phoenix robe on his outside, and a big red jade pendant on his waist, sitting quietly on the treasure chariot, only revealing a pair of bright eyes eye.

She is like a married bride, her whole body is dressed like fire like the scorching sun, she is as exquisite and gorgeous as a dancing flame, but her temperament is as cold as ice. Although she is sitting in a treasure chariot, she looks like standing on the top of a cold mountain for thousands of years. It makes people feel cold all over, and dare not look directly at it.

She is Empress Yu Che, a monstrous figure who controls the three thousand universes in the Snow Ink Region!


ps: There is a second update tonight.


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