divine talisman

Chapter 1603 Generous Rewards

The gorgeous clothes were like fire, like a splendid wedding gown, extremely rich and glamourous, like a newlywed, but when worn on Empress Yu Che's body, it made her temperament colder and colder.

This strong visual impact made everyone present feel awe-inspiring, and no one dared to meet her gaze.

In Xuemoyu, there are many rumors about Empress Yu Che. Her cultivation is unfathomable, and her origin is even more mysterious. Until now, no one has ever claimed to have seen her true face.

Because she wears a phoenix crown on her head, and a layer of red cloth covers her cheeks all year round, just like the red hijab of a married bride, covering her face and making her mysterious.

The most famous rumor is that the reason why Empress Yu Che has dressed up like this all these years is that she has been waiting for a long-admired Taoist partner, hoping that he will return one day and uncover the redness on her face. yarn.

Of course, this is just a rumor, and only Empress Yu Che knows whether it is true or not.

The Jialuo bird wailed, pulled the bronze chariot and arrived slowly, and landed in the Shuihua Villa. Immediately, under the awe-inspiring gazes of the crowd, Empress Yu Che, who was dressed in a fiery red phoenix dress, got up from the chariot and walked around. Came to the front of the main hall of the villa.

A waiter had already stepped forward, opened the door of the main hall, and welcomed Empress Yu Che in respectfully.


At this time, a burst of void fluctuations appeared from a distance, reflecting one after another a majestic figure, as soon as they appeared, they strode towards the Shuihua Villa.

"God, it's Senior Mo Zhan, the Great Elder of the Yuxiao Divine Sect!"

"Yi Wen, the old antique of the Dayi Clan, is also here. He is a powerful ancestor god who has been famous for a long time, and he hasn't shown himself for many years."

"Look, that's Taoist Master Xuan Songzi of Lingzhen Daoist Temple!"

"There are also Wang Dao Jianzong, Yunya Ancient Barbarians, Ziming Shenzong..."

All the disciples in the villa suddenly became restless and uproarious, only then did they notice that there was a group of big shots coming along.

At this moment, Chen Xi couldn't help squinting his eyes, and noticed that most of the auras of the big figures who followed were obscure and thick, full of ancestral aura, and they were all ancestor gods who possessed the ability to manipulate the heavens and the earth!

"It's amazing. It's just a grand hunting event that the disciples of the Dongwei Realm participated in, but it actually attracted an ancestor god. I'm afraid it's all because of that Empress Yu Che..." Chen Xi felt more and more thoughtful about that. Empress Yu Che became mysterious.

"Everyone, the Empress welcomes you."

At this time, an old man in gray robe walked out of the hall, glanced at everyone present, and then spoke calmly.

At that moment, everyone looked serious and followed the gray-robed old man into the hall.


The main hall here is grand and spacious, the stone pillars hold the top, and the air is filled with mist, which is graceful and transpiration, like a dream.

Empress Yu Che wore a fiery red phoenix dress, sitting alone on the main seat in the center, wearing a phoenix crown on her head, and a red veil on her face, her mystery exuded a sense of supreme majesty.

Under the two sides of her hands, a group of big figures sat one after another, each with their own aura, if it were an ordinary person here, they would have to be so frightened that they would sit paralyzed on the ground.

When Chen Xi and Tie Yunping came to the main hall together, they saw such a scene.

"Greetings, my lord empress!" A group of disciples bowed their hands.

Empress Yu Che raised her eyes like clear water, and at this moment, like a god standing in the long river of time waking up from a deep sleep, a terrifying aura of majesty instantly enveloped the entire hall.

"You don't need to be too polite." Empress Yu Che said, her voice was as cold as ice, and every word soaked into people's hearts, making people feel a sense of awe involuntarily, "Yunqing, announce the rules."

The old man in gray robe on one side handed over his hands to accept the order, and immediately looked straight, looked at the group of disciples in the hall, and said: "The location of this Star Hunting Conference is in this Wuwu galaxy, and the rules are the same as before. Three months is the deadline, the more prey you kill, the better your final score will be."

"During the hunting process, the team leader is not allowed to help the participating children hunt the prey, and those who violate the prohibition will be eliminated directly!"

After a pause, the old man in gray robe continued: "The difference from the past is that the rewards of this Star Hunting Conference are the highest in the past, and the disciples who persist until the end and rank in the top [-] can all get a reward." One of the soul-moving pills refined by the supreme master of alchemy in the imperial realm."

Hearing this, many disciples present were all refreshed. Even though they already knew that there would be such a reward, when they heard it in person, they still couldn't help feeling a little longing in their hearts.

That is the miraculous medicine refined by Master Alchemy Zhizunqing, which can be said to be priceless!

"For the top three disciples, there are other generous rewards." The gray-robed old man continued.

"The third-ranked disciple will get a broken secret map, the value of which is immeasurable. You have to find out what it is exactly."

Incomplete Secret Map!

Hearing this reward, all the disciples present were agitated for a while, and even the big shots were slightly taken aback. Before this, they had never heard that the No.3 reward would be an incomplete secret map.

What kind of secret map is that?What secrets are hidden in it?Is it a chance?Or a Shinto treasure?

Everyone's curiosity was immediately seduced, and they became more and more looking forward to it.

"The second-ranked disciple will receive an innate spiritual treasure, a blood rose born in the chaos of the Snow and Ink Realm. It is unpredictable in power and has all kinds of mysteries. found in."

The old man in gray robe threw another blockbuster, causing many people present to become short of breath.

Innate Lingbao!

Just by hearing this name, one can tell how extraordinary its value is, because such treasures cannot be refined at all, and are completely born from chaos. Only those top forces can have it.

Now, Empress Yu Che actually gave out an innate spiritual treasure as a reward for a Star Hunting Conference, such a generous gift is rare.

At this point, everyone's emotions were completely mobilized, and they were looking forward to what kind of reward the No. 1 disciple would get.

The gray-robed old man didn't hide it, and said directly: "The disciple who ranks first this time can get a guidance from the Empress once."

It was a very simple sentence and a very flat tone, but when it was passed into the ears of everyone present, it shocked their hearts, and there was an uncontrollable longing in their eyes!

There is no real reward in this reward, it is just a pointer, and other short-sighted people will definitely feel disappointed and puzzled.

But only those big figures present and the disciples from great powers knew how rare and precious this opportunity was, and its value was even far higher than an innate spiritual treasure!

Because, this is Empress Yu Che's advice, and Empress Yu Che is the master of the three thousand universes in the entire Xuemo Region!

If you can get her guidance, although you don't have the title of master and apprentice, you already have the relationship between master and apprentice. This alone can make a disciple no one dare to underestimate when he is walking in the snow and ink domain and provocative.

This is more terrifying than the power brought by an innate spirit treasure. The treasure is powerful, but it is dead after all, but this relationship is different. It means that as long as it is in the snow and ink field, no one dares to To provoke you, because provoking you is tantamount to provoking Empress Yu Che!

Under such circumstances, who would dare to provoke you?

Especially those big shots present here are all very clear that if their children can get this opportunity, it will be of great benefit to these forces.

Therefore, their mood at the moment is quite uneasy. They never expected that Empress Yu Che would throw out such an irresistible condition. If they had known this earlier, they would definitely prepare for their children who participated in the Star Hunting Conference. more fully.

In the presence, only Chen Xi seemed to be very calm. Of course, he also hoped that Tie Yunping would get No.1. In this way, he could take this opportunity to inquire about Shenyan Mountain and Nuwa Taoist Palace from Empress Yu Che. things.

As for whether he could rely on Empress Yu Che's blessing to make no one dare to provoke him in the Snow Ink Region, Chen Xi didn't bother to care about it.

In the final analysis, he does not belong to Xuemoyu after all, and will leave Xuemoyu sooner or later, so he takes it lightly.

After the rules were announced, the old man in gray robe immediately withdrew and stood beside Empress Yu Che.

"I think you all understand the rules and rewards, so follow me." After speaking, Empress Yu Che stood up, her red dress swaying, and floated outside the hall.


Under the sky, a delicate and beautiful blood rose flew up from the hands of Empress Yu Che, turned into a glistening red cloud, lifted everyone present, and suddenly came to the sky above the starry sky.

Standing here, you can see the entire Wuwu galaxy, densely packed with stars, vast like a sea of ​​smoke, and extremely magnificent.

"Yunqing, send the oracle to them."

Empress Yu Che gave an order, waved her sleeves, and with a clatter, a deep passage suddenly condensed in the starry sky, like a black hole in the starry sky, making it difficult to peek into it.

At the same time, the gray-robed old man also handed pieces of golden jade slips to the disciples participating in the hunt.

The golden jade is simply an oracle, and a divine power is sealed in it. If it encounters fatal danger when participating in the hunt, it will automatically explode and remove the disciples from it, thus achieving the purpose of saving lives.

"This thing is quite interesting." Chen Xi sized up the oracle in the book, and keenly sensed that there were many obscure and mysterious powers imprinted in it, which were far beyond his present self's ability to grasp and comprehend.

"Now, take your leader and slaves and enter this passage. The other side of the passage is the area where you are hunting this time."

Empress Yu Che glanced at the group of disciples, pointed to the deep passage in the distant starry sky, and opened her mouth slowly.


As soon as the voice fell, a beast's roar like a thick thunder resounded through the starry sky. Immediately, a fire ox like a huge mountain rose up with its feet on flames.

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