divine talisman

Chapter 1605 Blood Winged Panther

Chi Chi!

A series of faint blue sharp blades, like the waning moon, swept across the sky, cutting and shattering the void. In an instant, it seemed that the whole world had been reduced to scraps of paper.

The sharp blades are issued by a group of fierce beasts that move vigorously, look like tigers and leopards, and have a pair of blood-colored wings on their backs.

They are as fast as electricity, can freely travel through time and space, and the sharp blades they release are comparable to the attacks of Dongwei True God Realm.

Now they gather in groups and kill through the air, almost no different from a group of Dongwei True Gods.


In this world, a round light curtain rose up, covering Chen Xi and Tie Yunping. Those sharp blades collided with the light curtain, making a deafening booming sound, and the light and rain splashed, shaking the surrounding rocks, Shocking cracks were cut into the ground.

It is conceivable that if these sharp blades are cut on the body, how terrible the damage will be.

"The strength of these blood-winged leopards is not worth showing. The trouble is that they come out in groups. What you have to think about is how to hunt them down one by one."

Chen Xi looked calm, and quickly pointed to Tie Yunping.

As a team leader, he can only protect the contestants, but cannot intervene in their hunting actions, otherwise even if he kills those ferocious beasts, he will not be able to achieve any results.

Tie Yunping pursed her lips and nodded to express her understanding.

Her delicate cheeks were full of seriousness and solemnity, her eyes were like lightning, she calmly observed the movement around her, and in her slender white hands, she quietly held an indigo sword tightly.


A moment later, Tie Yunping moved suddenly, her figure was as sharp as a gust of wind, and the divine sword in her hand swung through the void with a gleam of divine law, smashing away.


Before an approaching blood-winged leopard could dodge in the future, it was slashed on the blood wing in the ribs by this sword energy. Its skin was ripped apart, its bones were broken, and a bunch of blood spattered out. .


Before Tie Yunping could breathe a sigh of relief, another three blood-winged leopards took advantage of this opportunity to slaughter them from a distance.

At this moment, Tie Yunping's eyes showed a trace of panic, and she quickly raised her sword to shake it hard, only then did the danger turn into luck.

But to her surprise, after being entangled by these three blood-winged caracals, those blood-winged caracals that had been cruising around also swarmed to kill them like sharks smelling blood!

The situation suddenly became precarious!

Tie Yunping's pressure increased suddenly, and a touch of paleness could not help showing on her delicate face. It was inevitable that she would be stretched and exhausted during the battle.

Seeing that she was about to fall into the siege of ferocious beasts, Chen Xi remained indifferent, his expression calm, and he just quietly looked at Tie Yunping with his eyes.

This girl obviously lacks the training of real fighting. The fighting skills seem to be proficient, but they are complicated and superficial, lacking the strength of a real one-hit kill.

Thinking about it, she stayed in the Ziming Shenzong these years, and she did not delay the practice of Taoism, but she rarely participated in real killings. It's just a temper of blood and fire.


It didn't take long for Tie Yunping in the battle to be in danger, and she was forced to become more and more embarrassed. She only had the power to parry, and she was about to fall into the fierce beasts.

This made Chen Xi squint his eyes, but immediately, a smile appeared on the corner of his lips, "That's right, I've begun to understand some of the true meaning of fighting..."

Sure enough, the next moment, Tie Yunping's eyes flashed with cold electricity, as if she had become another person, no longer as timid as before, and the indigo sword in her hand was shaken suddenly, turning into a thousand dazzling swords The shadow swept away.


Caught off guard, the three blood-winged leopards that rushed forward had their throats cut off, their heads were thrown into the air, their bodies exploded, and blood rained down.

And although Tie Yunping was slammed into the air by a fierce beast attacking from the other side because of this blow, her injuries were extremely limited and did not affect the battle at all.

She didn't care to wipe the blood stains from the corner of her lips, and the figure jumped up here, holding the sword to kill.

At this moment, Tie Yunping's clear eyes were bright, burning with a fierce desire to fight, and his whole body was releasing a chilling murderous intent. He had completely abandoned any distracting thoughts in his mind, and fell into the battle wholeheartedly.

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help but sigh in his heart. This is the benefit brought by the tenacity of the Dao Heart. Although Tie Yunping's talent is mediocre, her Dao Heart is as solid as a rock. The more dangerous the situation is, the more it can stimulate her potential and explosive power .

After a cup of tea, the battle was over, except for a few blood-winged leopards who escaped seeing the bad situation, all others were executed.

The ground was stained with blood and scars, and the air was filled with the pungent blood. Tie Yun was standing in the battlefield, panting, her pretty face was pale, and her whole body was drenched in cold sweat, but her eyes were extremely bright, full of strong blood. Thick joy.

She even couldn't believe that she could hunt and kill so many beasts that were comparable to Dongwei's true god realm by herself.

Chen Xi came up with a smile, patted her on the shoulder, and said, "You've done well, take a good rest. After each battle, what you have to do is not to relax, but to seize all the time to restore your physical strength."

Tie Yunping nodded fiercely and said, "Thank you, senior, for protecting the Dharma."

She knew very well that without Chen Xi by her side this time, she would definitely be in chaos, and it would be absolutely impossible for her to display this level of fighting.

Chen Xi smiled, and didn't say much, but started to collect the beast cores from the blood-winged leopards.

According to the information learned before, the beasts distributed in this hunting area can be roughly divided into two types, one is as powerful as the Dongwei True God Realm, and the other is as powerful as the Dongguang Spiritual God Realm.

Like this blood-winged leopard, it is one of many fierce beasts, and its strength is equivalent to that of the ordinary Dongwei True God Realm.

What really interested Chen Xi was that these ferocious beasts were completely different from the ones he had encountered before, and he had never even heard of the names of these ferocious beasts before.

The biggest difference between these ferocious beasts is that in their bodies, there is a beast core imprinted with divine power!


Chen Xi raised his hand and grabbed it, and from the corpse of a blood-winged caracal leopard, he took out a fist-sized object that was filled with blood-colored radiance.

This is the beast core, which contains the original essence of the blood-winged caracal.

Chen Xi sized it up carefully, and couldn't help but nodded secretly. This thing can not only be used as a god crystal, but also a god treasure. It can be used in alchemy and weapon refining. The specific value is not cheap, but still Far from rare.

But in general, if a large number of beast cores can be collected, it can be regarded as an astonishing wealth, which can be exchanged for divine crystals, and even other divine treasures.

"37, not too bad." After Chen Xi collected the beast cores, he walked to the side, looked around and pondered.

After entering the starry sky tunnel, he and Tie Yunping came to this unknown planet. Before he could find out where it was, he was suddenly attacked by these blood-winged leopards.

Looking around at this moment, Chen Xi suddenly discovered that on this planet, it was impossible to recognize any direction at all, as if all the star tracks above the sky were covered by an invisible force.

This made Chen Xi raise his eyebrows. If he couldn't recognize the direction, wouldn't he just walk blindly in this hunting area?

The hunting area covers the entire Wuwu galaxy, and there are countless planets densely covered. Once you lose your way, the hunting will undoubtedly become more dangerous.

"It seems that this is a test. The unknown is the best way to sharpen a cultivator..."

Chen Xi was thoughtful.


At this moment, a strange fluctuation suddenly appeared above the sky, and a golden name pierced the sky like a dazzling meteor.

"Shenzong Yuxiao, Su Wan'er, was the first to hunt down the green-horned kinbeast, and is on the list of hunters of the conference!"

Almost at the same time, an emotionless voice resounded through the sky.

At this moment, not only Chen Xi heard it, but all the disciples who participated in the Star Hunting Conference this time, as well as the ascetics on every planet in this universe, heard all this clearly, causing countless uproars Voice.

"Fellow Daoist Mo Zhan, your Yuxiao Divine Sect really has a lot of talents." An old man in the starry sky sighed.

"The Green-horned Kirin Beast is an existence comparable to the spirit of the Hole Light. The conference has just started, and this Su Wan'er can hunt and kill such a fierce beast, which shows how extraordinary his talent and combat power are." The other big figures also expressed their emotions.

Mo Zhan twirled his beard and smiled, and said: "Everyone has won the prize, the conference has just begun, and it is still uncertain what the final achievements will be."

In the presence, only Empress Yu Che and the gray-robed old man beside her looked calm and stared into the distance, as if they were oblivious to everything around them.


"Su Wan'er is Guan Hongyu's junior sister. I have heard of her name a long time ago. It is rumored that she is born with the divine body of the Five Elements. She is extremely talented and crowns all others. Now she is able to use the cultivation of the True God Dongwei. Killing a beast that is comparable to the spirit of the cave light in a short period of time is really surprising."

At this time, Tie Yunping also woke up from meditation, and hearing all this, a hint of admiration could not help but appear on her delicate cheeks.

Chen Xi didn't feel much about it. Back when he was in the Dongwei Spiritual God Realm, he not only killed the first-class Dongguang Spiritual God, but was also hunted down by an ancestor god. With such experience, he I wouldn't be so surprised by this.

"Let's hurry up and take action. We only have two months to get a good ranking." Chen Xi instructed Tie Yunping.

"En." Tie Yunping nodded.

"Follow me." Chen Xi swept his gaze, and instantly locked on to a direction. According to his perception, on a grassland thirty thousand miles away, there was a herd of deer and not deer, horses and not horses, all silver. Cancan, there are countless fierce beasts with dense cloud patterns on its back.

These fierce beasts are named White Dragon Deer, there are hundreds of them, and their strength is roughly equivalent to Dongwei's True God Realm, which can further sharpen Tie Yunping's combat power.

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