divine talisman

Chapter 1606 A Bizhuo Sword


A swipe of sword energy shot down like a cold light, and swept down, cutting the last white dragon deer in two. Blood flew like a waterfall, dyeing the sky.

Tie Yunping was panting heavily, trembling all over, almost exhausted.

For three full hours, she has been fighting with the Bailong deer herd. She has suffered countless injuries and encountered many fatal dangers. Until now, she can kill all the hundreds of Bailong deer. Very reluctantly.

"In this battle, you were in danger 26 times and injured [-] times, which means that without external help, you would have died [-] times."

Chen Xi came to Tie Yunping's side, and handed over a piece of jade slip, "This is my pointer to some flaws that you exposed during the battle."

"Thank you senior."

Tie Yunping carefully put away the jade slips, without thinking too much, immediately sat cross-legged and began to repair the injury with all her strength.

Chen Xi started to clean up the battlefield, stripping the animal core from the Bailonglu corpse.

After the initial adjustment, under Chen Xi's absolute control, the two had formed a tacit understanding. Chen Xi was responsible for finding and determining hunting targets, and protecting them on one side, while Tie Yunping was in charge of action and fighting.

In this way, not only can Tie Yunping obtain hunting achievements, but also a rare temper for her in the process of fighting.


Before you know it, night falls.

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows and woke up Tie Yunping, "Night is coming, let's hide carefully first!"

As he said that, he cast Time Shift and disappeared in place with Tie Yunping.

"Night is coming!"

"Hide quickly."

"Under the night, the turbid air is transpiring, and everything is subverted. At this time, the demons are dancing and the beasts are mad. It is the most dangerous, and even the ancestor gods have to hide!"

"Hurry up, hurry up, you can't move anymore!"

At this moment, in all the hunting areas of the entire Wuwu galaxy, the participating children who were distributed in every corner stopped their movements and began to hide one after another. No one dared to be careless.

This is the rule of the hunt.

But the most important thing is that the hunting area under the night is the most dangerous and terrifying, even if the ancestor god is here, he has to hide.

No one knows why.

And no one knew how terrible the danger was hidden under the night.


"Night has fallen..."

In the starry sky, Empress Yu Che stood up suddenly, staring into the distance with her clear eyes, a piece of ink-like black quietly diffused from the deepest part of the Wuwu galaxy, covering the sky of every planet.

At this moment, all the big shots stood up abruptly, with serious and suspicious expressions on their faces.


When they reach their level, what they can perceive is naturally different from that of ordinary ascetics.

Just like at this moment, when this ink-like night spread, an unspeakable terrifying aura also permeated the air.

This breath is too strong, full of palpitating taste, like a demon born in the turbidity of guilt, waking up from a deep sleep.

"This is?"

"Are the rumors true?"

"A Bi Zhuo Sword?"

The hearts of the big figures trembled, and their faces were cloudy and uncertain. They vaguely knew why Empress Yu Che chose this Wuwu galaxy for this Star Hunting Conference.

Abi Zhuojian, an innate fierce soldier born in the chaos and turbidity, represents sin, killing, evil, and evil!

Rumor has it that Abi Zhuojian represents the most filthy divine treasure in the primordial chaos of Xuemoyu, while Litian Divine Sword represents the most primordial breath of fresh air.

One is turbid and the other is clear, and they are two poles of each other, just like water and fire are incompatible, and good and evil are incompatible.

If this Abizhuo sword really exists in this Wuwu galaxy, it would be shocking, and if it spreads out, it may cause a sensation in the entire Snow and Ink Region.

"We will play by ear."

Regarding all of this, Empress Yu Che didn't seem to notice it, she just stared at the dark night in the distance, and whispered instructions to the old man in gray robe beside her.

She is dressed in a phoenix-like robe, a phoenix crown on her head, and a red veil on her face. Her graceful and slender figure stands alone under the starry sky, and she has an indescribable majesty.

The gray-robed old man at the side nodded silently, his old and calm eyes reflected the starry sky and black night, and the electric light surged.


In a deep and rugged cave.

Tie Yunping was practicing meditation, her delicate face was full of tranquility.

Chen Xi, however, stood in front of the cave, with his hands behind his back, looking at the pitch-black sky from a distance, his green shirt fluttering in the night wind.

After entering the night, there was a warning sign in his heart, and he was unable to settle down for a long time, so he watched the sky at night, trying to deduce some root causes.

The night was thick, no starlight could be seen, and the sky and the earth were dark, so dark that it made people palpitate.

In the distant mountains and forests, there were bursts of crazed and bloodthirsty beast roars, which became more and more terrifying in the ink-like darkness.

"The breath under this night is extremely filthy, like being in a turbid purgatory, harassed by all kinds of sins, all kinds of evil spirits attacking the heart, and all kinds of desires and sins. If the heart of the Tao is not stable, I am afraid that the foundation of the Tao will be defiled silently. It’s impossible to go completely mad.”

Chen Xi frowned in deep thought, his black eyes as deep as a starry sky were filled with the brilliance of wisdom.


At this moment, a blazing light pierced the sky, reflected in the pitch-black night, and immediately spread slowly.

In an instant, it was as if a bright and eye-catching scroll opened wide in the night, and names were reflected on it.

Yuxiao Shenzong Su Wan'er obtained three spirit god-level beast cores and 290 true god-level beast cores, ranking first.

Xiao Ruoruo of Lingzhen Daoist Temple obtained three spirit god-level beast cores and three true god-level beast cores, ranking second.

Yitian of the Dayi family obtained two spirit god-level beast cores and 150 true god-level beast cores, ranking third.


Brilliant names appeared one by one, and there were a total of one hundred, representing the most outstanding one hundred existences among the disciples who participated in the Star Hunting Conference this time.

The ones with the lowest rank had already hunted down a ferocious beast that was comparable to the spiritual realm. One could imagine how extraordinary the talent and combat effectiveness of the disciples who participated in the hunt this time were.

However, the vast majority of disciples still failed to rank their names on it, and many of them were even eliminated directly.

Just like now, behind the 360th name, the number of eliminated people is impressively marked - [-] seven people!

In other words, in the first day of the Star Hunting Conference, more than 300 disciples have been directly eliminated, and they couldn't even get a ranking!

As soon as this list appeared, it attracted the attention of ascetics on all the planets in this universe, and there was a lot of discussion for a while, especially the top ten disciples, which attracted the attention of everyone and became the most popular. topic characters.

And above the starry sky, those big shots were also unavoidable. They either focused their attention on the top ten, or focused their attention on their own disciples.

"Although this hunting list is announced every day, it is impossible to determine the final ranking, but from the performance in this short period of time, we can see the power of some disciples. According to the old man, the final ranking of this hunting Three's disciples should be born among the top ten." A thin middle-aged man in gray clothes said with a smile, he is the old antique Yiwen of the Dayi clan, a long-established ancestor god existence, and it has been many years before that. born.

"Yiwen Daoyou's words are not bad, and even in my opinion, the competition for the top three in the end will inevitably happen between Su Wan'er, Xiao Ruoruo, and Yitian." The old man with three willow beards under his jaw pondered.

He is an Ancestral God Realm Elder from Lingzhen Daoist Temple. His Taoist name is Miaoya, and his prestige is extremely high. He is well-known in the three thousand universes of the Xuemo Region.

"This is inappropriate. From my point of view, the top ten disciples are likely to compete for the top three." Mo Zhan, the elder of the Yuxiao Divine Sect, shook his head, not agreeing with Miaoya's point of view.

Other big figures also opened their mouths one after another and joined the discussion. Although they could not reach a consensus, they all believed that the children ranked in the top ten were undoubtedly the most promising to hit the final top three rankings.

"What do you think, Fellow Daoist Yunqing?" Suddenly, Yiwen, the old antique of the Dayi clan, shifted his gaze to the gray-robed old man beside Empress Yu Che.

Hearing this, the other big figures also turned their attentions. Among those present, Empress Yu Che undoubtedly had the most right to speak, followed by the gray-robed old man Yun Qing.

Don't look at him as just a divine slave beside Empress Yu Che, but his strength is unfathomable, so that all the great figures present did not dare to neglect him.

"It's too early to say these things now, the old man can't jump to conclusions." Yun Qing shook his head.

All the big shots couldn't help being slightly disappointed, they all wanted to hear how Yun Qing evaluated his disciple's performance.

"Yunqing, get ready to do it." Suddenly, Empress Yu Che, who had been silent all this time, suddenly raised her head, her eyes as clear as water were like a flash of cold electricity, and swept into the depths of the Wuwu galaxy.

Everyone was shocked, and they all looked up.


At this moment, a violent shock suddenly occurred in the depths of the Wuwu galaxy, and the aftermath of the shock was like a substance, spreading to the entire galaxy in an instant.

Immediately, an indescribably cold and evil aura suddenly permeated the air, causing the hearts of the big shots present to tremble, and their expressions suddenly changed.

what happened?

Almost at the same time, all the disciples who were hiding in the hunting area were also aware of it. They froze and shuddered, as if they were being stared at by a great demon god.

Chi la~

In this eerie atmosphere, a cloud of sword energy filled with dirty gray light suddenly shot out from the deepest part of the Wuwu galaxy, and slashed towards the "hunting list" on the sky.

At this moment, time and space seemed to be stagnant, the latitude and longitude of the sky and the earth seemed to collapse, and the entire Wuwu galaxy fell into dead silence in an instant, only the gray sword energy shot out in the air!

Everyone was suffocated, like falling into an ice cave, this wisp of sword energy was so terrifying, it made their hearts throb, and they almost couldn't hold it back!

This is?

A flash of cold electricity burst out of Chen Xi's eyes, and his face instantly became extremely solemn. At this moment, he also felt a deadly threat.


Almost at the moment when the gray sword energy rose into the sky, a clear sword sound like a dragon's chant suddenly resounded, spreading throughout the universe, and immediately a sword energy as clear as clear glass also rose into the sky, and the gray sword energy Forcibly collided together.

At this moment, the world was in chaos.


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