divine talisman

Chapter 1607 The Change of Cangwu

A smear of filthy sword aura and a smear of clear sword aura clashed in this cosmic night, bursting out chaotic turbid divine light and spreading in all directions.

This scene was noticed by all the ascetics, trembling all over, like falling into an ice cave, that kind of confrontation was too frightening, and made them uncontrollably feel a touch of fear in their hearts.

"A Bi Zhuo Sword!"

And above the starry sky, all the great figures exclaimed, as they predicted, the rumored No. [-] murderous soldier in the Xuemo Region was hiding in this Wuwu galaxy!

"My lord empress, are you going to..." Everyone's heart trembled, and they all looked at Empress Yu Che at one side.

She didn't seem to notice it, with her hands behind her back, her slender snow-white gooseneck raised, a pair of clear eyes opened and closed, transpiring billions of cold lights, staring at the battle in the distance, and her robe was like a phoenix swaying in the wind Roll over to outline graceful and graceful curves.

Beside her, Yun Qing, an old man in gray robe, was like an incarnation of a sword god. His snowy hair was flying, his face was chilling, and the divine light of the Dao was surging from his whole body.

Chi la chi la~~

Streams of clear sword energy swept across the sky, across the boundless void, shuttled through countless stars, and charged away at an incredible speed, as if they wanted to kill and destroy the Wuwu galaxy!

At the same time, in the depths of the Wuwu galaxy in the distance, streaks of turbid sword energy also surged crazily, rampaging, terrifying, and possessing the power to destroy heaven and earth.

But in the end, these turbid sword qi were firmly suppressed by the clear sword qi, and were continuously crushed, turning into chaotic turbid qi and collapsing.

After the cup of tea, the turbid sword energy completely dormant, restrained its breath, and fell silent. The cold and sinful air lingering in the air also disappeared, and everything returned to calm.


With a clear sword cry, Yunqing put away the Litian Divine Sword, and a flush suddenly appeared on his old face, and then turned pale in an instant. In the blink of an eye, his whole body's aura faded, and he was a little sluggish. Sluggish, with an unconcealable look of exhaustion between his brows.

"Thank you." Empress Yu Che said softly.

Yun Qing shook his head, and then said with some regret: "It's just that the old slave's magic power is shallow, and he couldn't force it out."

"No hurry, we still have many opportunities." Empress Yu Che said indifferently, her clear eyes were full of cold and contempt.

Seeing this, all the big figures breathed a sigh of relief, but couldn't help being secretly startled, and finally understood that Empress Yu Che planned to surrender and refine that Abi Zhuo Sword in one fell swoop at the same time as this Star Hunting Conference!


In front of the cave, Chen Xi's eyes were shining brightly, as if the deep starry sky was shining.

Such a powerful treasure!

He had witnessed everything in the sky before, and it was very clear that it was two innate swords clashing, one clear and the other turbid, and the power shook the sky, beyond imagination.

Up to this moment, although the battle is over, there is still a wave of aftermath spreading between the heaven and the earth. It is the shattered sword energy flowing, one clear and one muddy. Wherever it passes, the mountains collapse, the earth cracks, and time and space are destroyed Disorder, shocking.

"How did this happen? Could it be that Empress Yu Che held this Star Hunting Conference for another purpose?"

Chen Xi frowned.

huh~~ huh~~

At this moment, a turbid gray cold light suddenly swept from a distance, and before it arrived, there was an evil, gloomy, and bloodthirsty aura.

It was the cold light that turned into the gray sword energy after it shattered!

Chen Xi's heart trembled, he grabbed the palm of his hand, and the sword talisman rose into the air with a clang, but just when he was about to make a move, suddenly the Cangwu seedling in the universe in his body trembled violently, producing a feeling almost longing Restless, as if the beast smelled blood.


Chen Xi was slightly taken aback.

call out!

Just at this moment, a wisp of verdant and faint divine brilliance swept out of his body, like a clear and glistening divine chain, suddenly restraining the whistling gray cold light.


Those gray cold lights come from the Abi Zhuo Sword, which contains horror, evil, guilt, and filth that are enough to scare the ancestor gods. But now, under this clear and shining divine light, those gray cold lights have turned into beautiful Juan's trickle was absorbed by one brain.

Chen Xi's heart was shocked, the Cangwu seedlings were actually absorbing this filthy power?Is it as nourishment?

As early as when they arrived at the Domain of Doom, the power of the Cangwu seedlings had been suppressed to the lowest point. Although the celestial power spewed out could be transformed into divine power, the amount was extremely limited, and it was completely unable to meet Chen Xi's fighting needs.

In other words, after entering the realm of the end of the Dharma, the Cangwu seedlings have been reduced to a tasteless existence, tasteless to eat, and a pity to discard.

But at this moment, this treasure that Chen Xi had almost forgotten had a strange movement at this moment, and it easily absorbed that gray cold light, which made Chen Xi suddenly realize that this seemed to be the beginning of the transformation of the Cangwu seedlings. An opportunity!

He began to examine the universe in his body, and sure enough, he saw that after the Cangwu seedling absorbed the power of this gray cold light, an extremely slight change occurred in the whole body. Although the divine luster is extremely dim, it is a change after all.

Obviously, this slight change came from that gray cold light!

"If we can absorb enough of this kind of power, I'm afraid it's really possible for the Cangwu seedlings to transform... But where does this power come from? Why would the Cangwu seedlings use this as nourishment?"

Chen Xi quickly deduced it in his mind. From his point of view, if the Cangwu seedlings could transform, he might not have to worry about the depletion of his divine power when fighting in the future, so he could completely break free from the shackles of divine power during battles!

"I didn't expect that this Star Hunting Conference would allow me to encounter such an opportunity. No matter what, I must firmly grasp it."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

In the sky, the "hunting list" that spread out did not know when it had disappeared, and soon, it dispersed like a dark night like a tide.

A ray of morning light, dawn breaks.

The sky is bright, and a new day of hunting will begin again.

When Tie Yunping woke up from meditation, the girl's resilience was amazing. The reason was not because of her talent, but because of her firm mind. When meditating, she could easily sit with no distractions, and the inside and outside were as one.

"How do you feel?" Chen Xi turned to look at Tie Yunping who was approaching, and asked.

"Reporting to Senior, I suddenly discovered that I had only grasped the mysteries of the battle until yesterday, but... it was far from enough." Tie Yunping replied seriously.

Chen Xi nodded, and said, "Then hurry up and go hunting."


In the next few days, Chen Xi led Tie Yunping to sweep away groups of ferocious beasts entrenched on this planet, and in this bloody slaughter, Tie Yunping's fighting strength was also continuously honed, and she was constantly honed. All are changing.

On the one hand, it was because of her firm heart and hard work, and on the other hand, it was also because of Chen Xi's guidance.

During this process, they also obtained a large number of beast cores, but unfortunately until now, they have not encountered a beast whose strength has reached the spiritual realm of the cave light.

"With your current fighting methods, killing these ferocious beasts is already very difficult to improve." On this day, Chen Xi looked at Tie Yunping who had woken up from meditation and said.

"Senior, do you mean you want me to hunt more powerful beasts?" Tie Yunping asked.

"That's right. From what I can see, your current strength is almost ready to fight against the ordinary Dongguang Spiritual God. Although the chance of victory is extremely slim, it is enough to further improve your fighting methods through the oppression of this powerful strength." Promote." Chen Xi nodded.

"I'll listen to my senior!" Tie Yunping wasn't worried, but a little excited. Although she often fell into a near-death situation in the past few days of hunting, after each victory, she felt that her whole image had transformed. same layer.

This feeling of growing stronger made her happy before it was too late, so how could she refuse it.

As for the danger, she has already seen through it. How could there be no danger in fighting?

"Okay then, at dawn tomorrow, we will leave this planet." Seeing this, Chen Xi immediately made a decision.

At this time, the spreading "hunting list" appeared here in the night.

The top three are still Su Wan'er, Xiao Ruoruo, and Yi Tian, ​​and even the list of the top ten children has not changed.

The ones that change the most are the rankings outside the top ten, especially the names outside the top [-] and within the top [-]. They change from old to new almost every day. This shows how fierce the Star Hunting competition is.

Similarly, this time the Star Hunting Conference was also cruel. It was only the seventh day, and more than [-] disciples had already been eliminated from the elimination list!

Although Tie Yunping's name was not on the "hunting list", compared to those who were eliminated, she was considered lucky.

It's just that if she wants to break into the top [-], she still has a long way to go.

Soon, the filthy, evil, and savage atmosphere shrouded in the night, and the gray sword energy rose into the air, beheading the "hunting list" on the sky.

Without exception, the clear sword energy reappeared, defeating the attack of the gray sword energy again.

For the past seven days, such a scene has happened almost every night.

Chen Xi didn't understand what this meant, but he didn't stop. Whenever this time came, he would take the initiative to search for those shattered gray sword qi and cold rays, and then absorb them through the Cangwu seedlings.

It is a pity that although the harvest is expensive, the amount is still too small after all, far from meeting the needs of Cangwu seedlings' transformation.

"When we leave this planet tomorrow, we will approach the place where the gray sword energy is generated. Although it is dangerous, we have to fight for the transformation of Cangwu seedlings..."

Under the darkness of night, with the cold wind blowing and blowing the sleeves of his clothes, Chen Xi looked up at the sky far away with his hands behind his back, his eyes filled with deep thought.

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