divine talisman

Chapter 1608

On a planet covered in smog, it was barren, the ground collapsed and many ancient ruins were destroyed, the wind blew, and the sand swept in, weeping like weeping, desolate and gloomy.


Two escaping lights appeared through the sky, and two figures appeared, they were Chen Xi and Tie Yunping.

"Be careful, there are many powerful auras distributed on this planet, not only fierce beasts, but also many children participating in the hunt."

With a sweep of Chen Xi's gaze, a huge willpower swept out, and he roughly judged the situation on this planet in an instant.

Tie Yunping's heart shuddered, and she nodded silently.

"Forty-five thousand miles away, there is a fierce beast that is comparable to the spirit of the cave light. Its aura is not too strong. You can try to fight it."

Chen Xi's eyes were filled with cold electricity, and he quickly locked onto a hidden beast with his powerful thoughts.


Tie Yunping sacrificed her indigo sword, and entered the fighting state in an instant, and there was a chilling taste between her delicate and fair brows.


Seeing this, Chen Xi didn't hesitate, and with a wave of his sleeve, he disappeared in place with Tie Yunping.


This is a ruin, the ancient building has collapsed, imprinted with mottled traces of time.

It is hard to imagine when these ancient and dilapidated buildings were built here, and when they were annihilated and reduced to such ruins.

Perhaps, long before the boundless ages, creatures lived on this planet and a civilization of comprehension was born, but now, everything has been reduced to devastation.


Chen Xi's clothes were loose, he pointed at the ruins in the distance, and said two words lightly from his lips.


Before the words fell, a sword aura of killing Wushuang, wrapped in blazing divine law, shot out from Tie Yunping's hand.

Tear time and space.

Slashed fiercely towards the ruins.


But before the sword energy fell, the rocks in the ruins suddenly collapsed, and a red horse rushed out, and the red light flashed, easily melting the sword energy!

This is a strange snake with a ferocious face. It has two red bucket-like bodies, densely covered with mysterious lines of mysterious Linlin, six legs like steel blades on its abdomen, and two pairs of scarlet wings on its back, releasing a ferocious and violent breath.

The ferocious beast fat left!

According to the rumors, this beast neighs like a baby crying, is born to manipulate divine fire, can burn mountains and seas, and melt everything!

But the fat body in front of him is obviously more terrifying. Just the diffuse breath from his body will burn the time and space within a radius of ten thousand miles, turning everything into fly ash, and even the air will be distorted and disordered due to the high temperature.

In a trance, it feels like being in a sea of ​​molten lava.

"Jie Jie~~" This fat man was obviously enraged, and wrapped in surging divine flames, he rushed towards Tie Yunping like a horse.

The flames soared into the sky, and the heat wave swept through the sky, as if they were going to melt the heavens and the earth.

In an instant, Tie Yunping's whole body was stiff, her pretty face turned pale, her brows showed a hint of shock, and all her divine power seemed to be imprisoned, making her struggling without the slightest thought of resistance!

What a terrible thing this is!

Just a wave of coercion during the battle forced her to be helpless and unable to move.

This time, Tie Yunping finally understood how big a gap existed between herself and Dongguang Spiritual God Realm.


A terrifying heat wave swept over. The high temperature seemed to melt the gods into juice. At this moment, Tie Yunping felt that she was bound to die...

But at this critical moment, she felt her clothes being grabbed, and a mighty force swept over her, taking her away in an instant.

In the distance, Fei Yi's angry and unwilling roar could be heard, piercing the eardrums.

After half a sound.

In front of a rugged mountain with severe wind erosion, Chen Xi's calm and calm voice wafted.

"In the battle with Dongguang Lingshen, you must go all out without fear in your heart. You had distracting thoughts before, but you fell behind. According to my guess, if you perform normally, there are at least a dozen ways to resist this blow. ..."

Tie Yunping, who still had a slight throbbing in her heart, heard Chen Xi's calm words, and her heart became calm unconsciously, and she listened carefully to Chen Xi's dissection of her experience.

After a cup of tea.

Chen Xi asked, "How do you feel?"

Tie Yunping's expression was calm, with a fierce desire to fight rekindled in her eyes, she nodded and said, "Senior, I would like to fight again!"

Chen Xi nodded. If it was someone else with an unstable mind, he might have already collapsed under this life-and-death oppression, but Tie Yunping did not.

Even Chen Xi couldn't help secretly marveling at the tenacity of this girl's heart, and he admired her more and more in his heart.



From early morning to evening, the sound of battles resounded intermittently in this area, never stopping.

The sunset glow was like fire, reflecting on Tie Yunping's delicate cheeks, there was a firm and holy luster.

Her physical strength was almost exhausted, her face was pale, her whole body was soaked in cold sweat, and the palm of her hand holding the Excalibur trembled uncontrollably.

She had long forgotten how many times she had failed, and how many times she had encountered death crises. She only knew that after each failure, she had a slight possibility of defeating the opponent, and it would be of incalculable benefit to her future practice.

So, she gritted her teeth and persevered all the way, never thinking of giving up.

Repeated defeats!

The more frustrated, the more courageous!

After going through blood and fire, sweat and perseverance, no matter how mediocre the talent is, this life is destined to be extraordinary.

During this process, Chen Xi had always played the role of a guardian. Whenever Tie Yunping was in danger, he would help her and correct her flaws in her fighting methods.

In his heart, Tie Yunping at this moment is like a silkworm chrysalis trying to break out of its cocoon and turn into a butterfly. He can't help but look forward to where this girl's future journey will go.


Tie Yunping was defeated here, but just when Chen Xi was leading her to leave for a short rest and regain his strength, the fat man let out an extremely angry roar, his figure flashed, and he fled far away. go.

It's so frustrating!

Every time he wanted to kill the opponent, he was taken away, and after a short while, he rushed over again, and the cycle went on and on, almost endless!

This made the ferocious beast Fei Yi almost explode in anger. At the same time, he felt an extreme fear of Chen Xi in his heart. It was very clear that this young man's strength was too terrifying. If he made a move, he would probably be killed early.

So, it finally ran away resolutely!

"Want to escape?"

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows. He has seen that it won't take long for Tie Yunping's skills to kill this fat one. The reason why she can't do this now is that she has consumed too much recently. .

So Chen Xi had long planned to kill this fat beast in one fell swoop when Tie Yunping fully recovered in the future, but now that the other party has actually escaped, how could Chen Xi agree.


Almost at the moment when Fei Yi fled, Chen Xi also flashed his figure and chased after him.

"My friend, I have wronged you, so you should obediently stay here!" Chen Xi extended his palm, and it turned into a celestial radiance, covering it away.


Seeing that this blow was about to completely seal off Fei Yi's retreat, but at this moment, a sharp piercing whistling sound suddenly appeared.


A divine arrow tore through time and space, and came towards the fat corpse at an inconceivably terrifying speed.

This made Chen Xi's face suddenly darken. Want to take advantage of the fire?


With a wave of his sleeve robe, he released a surge of divine brilliance, blasting the divine arrow into pieces with a bang, and the light and rain flew down, making the fat body escaped.

Chi la!Chi la!Chi la! ...

But before Chen Xi could make a move here, an extremely dense and sharp whistling sound suddenly sounded from far away.

Deceiving too much!

Chen Xi's eyes turned cold, and without turning his head, he reached out and grabbed a divine arrow, which was firmly clamped. It was a golden divine arrow with secret lines imprinted on its surface. It was divine, mysterious and sharp, and could easily pierce through time and space.

He flung his hand, and with a bang, the golden divine arrow burst into divine brilliance, more than twice as fast as before, blazing brightly, and violently killing in one direction.


There was a loud bang, and a figure was knocked back, coughing up blood. This was a young man in black. The bow in his hand shattered, and he was seriously injured.

Obviously, this is a disciple who participated in the hunt. Although he is powerful, he is far inferior to Chen Xi.

It's a pity that this person was not the only one who shot this time. Although Chen Xi grabbed a divine arrow, there were other divine arrows that rushed towards him from other directions.

Faintly seems to have already ambushed in all directions, planning to take advantage of this opportunity to loot.

What made Chen Xi furious was that some of the divine arrows were actually aimed at Tie Yunping on one side!

In the end, Chen Xi had no choice but to give up the fat hair, and in a flash, he stood in front of Tie Yunping, defusing all attacks.

Puff puff!

Almost at the same time, the fat body was pierced by divine arrows, blood spurted out, and after a shrill roar, he died suddenly on the spot.

"Hahaha, finally killed another prey in the spirit realm!"


"Thank you all for your help."

A burst of loud laughter came from afar.

Chen Xi's gaze was like lightning, and when he looked coldly, he saw more than ten men and women gathered together, among them were the children who participated in the hunt, as well as their leader and slaves.

Through their fighting techniques and conversations, Chen Xi was able to judge that the other party was actually a disciple from the Dayi clan.

This is also normal, Tie Yunping is not the only one participating in the hunting of Ziming Shenzong this time, let alone such a top power as the Dayi clan, there must be no fewer children participating.

"These bastards dare to be so unscrupulous, then don't blame me for being rude..." Chen Xi's face was cold, and he turned to Tie Yunping, who also didn't look at her face, and said, "Let's get out of here first."

"Leave?" Tie Yunping was taken aback, she couldn't swallow this breath.

"Yes, since they plan to be shameless, let's have fun with them!" Chen Xi said calmly, with a faint gleam of coldness in his eyes that was fleeting.

Tie Yunping finally understood that Chen Xi didn't intend to forbear, but had another plan.

"You two, stop for me!"

But just when Chen Xi and Tie Yunping were about to leave, a cold and harsh voice suddenly resounded, revealing a tough attitude like an order.

Chen Xi frowned, but his expression became calmer and expressionless, he ignored the other party at all, and left with Tie Yunping.

"Bastard! The person who hurt us, still wants to leave?" The voice sounded again, and along with the voice, a golden divine arrow pierced through the air and shot toward Chen Xi's vest, haunted by murderous intent and soul-stirring.


ps: Friends, bear with it for a few more days, the study is almost over, and when the goldfish returns home, all the debts will be made up in a big explosion!

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