divine talisman

Chapter 1609

The divine arrow pierced through the air, wrapped in a dazzling divine glow, and was more terrifying than the previous blow. Indistinctly, there were skeletons of gods and spirits floating around the arrow body, making a breathtaking whistling sound.

Chen Xi's face darkened, completely enraged.


There was no movement of him, he had disappeared in place, crushed the divine arrow with a bang, and then came to that person at an unbelievable speed.

This person's reaction was alert, and his strength was impressive. A pair of silver wings suddenly spread out from his back, like a pair of scissors crossing and chopping, thunder rolls, and divine power roars.

Chen Xi didn't even look at it, and punched out.


With a loud bang, and with just one blow, Chen Xi forcefully knocked the opponent back, coughing up blood continuously, and how many bones in his body were broken.

He opened his mouth, wanting to say something, when there was a strange humming sound, a terrifying power of time and space suddenly surged out, directly engulfing him and taking him away, disappearing without a trace.

This was when he was on the verge of death, and the oracle he carried shattered on his own, forcing him to be eliminated from the game, and he survived. Otherwise, the shock force of this blow alone would not be something he could compete with.

Everyone was terrified, they were silent, and their faces changed drastically. They never expected that their companions would be eliminated so easily.

Tie Yunping's eyes widened even more, she couldn't believe that the senior who took good care of her all the way could be so powerful.

"Do you still want to play?" Chen Xi glanced at everyone with ice-cold eyes.

No one answered, all the disciples of the Dayi clan who were caught by Chen Xi's gaze trembled all over, as if being cut by a sharp blade, feeling great terror in their hearts.

Murderous intentions surged in Chen Xi's heart, and he wanted to take this opportunity to eliminate all these bastards, but at this moment, he suddenly had a feeling in his heart, his gaze swept away inadvertently, and then he calmly withdrew his gaze.

"This time, I will forgive you for the time being, but this is not over yet." Chen Xi calmly put down these words, and then floated away with Tie Yunping.

As soon as Chen Xi left, everyone was relieved, only to realize that their clothes were already wet with cold sweat, which made their faces extremely ugly.

"This guy is so strong. Yun Zhong is the spirit god of the hole light, but he was knocked out of the game with one blow. The only ones in our Dayi clan who can do this are the eldest and second sons."

"The third young master ordered us to take this opportunity to find out the details of this son and see who he is, but now... we are afraid that we will not be able to do it at all."

"Forget it, pass the news to the second son. He will decide everything. Let's hunt with peace of mind. Now I just want to persist until the hunting is over, and I can get a soul-moving pill."

After talking for a while, everyone made a decision.


"This guy really hides his secrets. It seems that there may be a lot of changes in this hunting conference."

At the same time, in a mountain depression far away from the battlefield here, a young man in white stroked his chin thoughtfully.

He has a handsome face, broad brows, a handsome face, and a gentle demeanor. He is indeed the leader of the younger generation of the Yuxiao Divine Sect, and a well-known official in the entire Xuemo Region.

"Eldest brother, is he really that powerful?" On the side, a beautiful-faced girl in a green skirt asked, a soft and quiet girl, with a light sapphire hanging between her black eyebrows, reflecting her temperament It's getting quieter.

The one who can address Guan Hong Yu like this is obviously Su Wan'er.

In these days of hunting operations, her ranking has always occupied the first place and has never been surpassed. This shows how extraordinary her talent and combat power are.

"In short..." Guan Hongyu pondered for a long time, then shook his head and smiled, "I can't see through."

At this moment, Su Wan'er was startled, and really began to pay attention to that Chen Xi.

Who is Guan Hongyu?That is the pride of the Yuxiao Divine Sect, a top figure in the Dongguang Spiritual Realm, and some good people even call him "No. 1 in the Xuemo Realm Spiritual Realm"!

Even he said that he couldn't see through the opponent, so one can imagine how mysterious that person's strength is.

"However, I remember that Zixiao Shenzong disciple named Tie Yunping has not been among the top [-] on the hunting list." Su Wan'er murmured, a little puzzled, since that young man is so powerful, why did the team he led Can the contestants perform so poorly?

Guan Hongyu calmly said: "Because he never helped that female disciple once from the beginning to the end, and most of us..." Speaking of this, shut up.

But Su Wan'er still understood, and couldn't help laughing: "This person is really pedantic. Although according to the rules, the team leader can't help the contestants kill the target, but they can seriously injure the target, and the disciples will solve it with their own hands."

Guan Hongyu, who has always been gentle and elegant, suddenly frowned seriously: "This is not funny, Wan'er, other people's help is only temporary. If you want to become a real strong, you have to work hard yourself. The core meaning of the conference."

After a pause, he suddenly lost interest, and sighed: "It's a pity, most of the disciples nowadays spend their minds on how to get rankings and rewards, but it's a little bit of putting the cart before the horse."

Su Wan'er was startled, she restrained her smile, and said seriously: "Brother, what you taught me is right."

There was a hint of helplessness on the corner of Guan Hongyu's lips, and he said: "It's good for you to understand, but it's a pity that those big figures in the sect can't see through, and they have their eyes firmly locked on those rewards. We disciples, You just have to go with the flow.”

Su Wan'er pursed her lips and said, "Eldest brother..."

"No need to say much, as long as you understand the meaning of tempering."

Guan Hongyu patted the opponent's shoulder with a smile, and said, "Okay, it's time for us to set off. If we want to hunt more beasts in the spiritual realm, we have to go deeper into the Wuwu galaxy..."


"Senior, why did you let those nasty bastards go just now?"

"Someone is watching from the sidelines, the situation is not clear, it is not appropriate to do it."


"Guan Hongyu."

"It turned out to be him! You... don't you suspect that he is with those bastards?"

"You can't be defensive."

The void fluctuated, and Chen Xi drove Tie Yunping at a very high speed.

"Senior, where are we going next?" Tie Yunping asked.

"It's not rude to come and go, since they are willing to play the game of taking advantage of the fire, we can't back down." Chen Xi said indifferently.

Tie Yunping immediately understood that Chen Xi never planned to let those Dayi clan members go just like that!

This made her feel excited, and she was quite angry before, seeing that she was able to kill a beast in the spirit and god realm with great difficulty, but was robbed by a group of people from the other side, who could not be angry.

"Yes! They must be repaired properly!" Tie Yunping nodded fiercely.

"You are much more courageous now than before." Chen Xi joked.

Tie Yunping felt embarrassed, lowered her head and muttered, "Senior, I wouldn't dare to be so presumptuous if you weren't here."

Chen Xi smiled and said, "I don't mean to blame you, let's go, when you take action later, you only need to take the opportunity to be responsible for hunting the beasts."


It was ten o'clock in the evening, and night was coming.

Yikun led a group of people, and they were approaching a vast swamp cautiously, where the blue devil fish hibernates.

The blue devil fish, an ancient alien species, is unparalleled in strength and has a vicious temperament. It lives by devouring the flesh and bones of gods and spirits.

In the swamp that Yikun and the others locked, there are three blue devil fish dormant, each of which has the strength of the Hollow Spirit God Realm. If it weren't for the many leaders of the Hollow Spirit God on their side, they would not dare to approach at all. One step here.

Chen Xi was standing in the shadow of a rock not far from the swamp. After casting the Forbidden Path secret pattern, his aura was completely obscured, making it impossible for him to be noticed.

Soon, the battle broke out in the swamp, and after sensing the aura of Yi Kun and his group, three strange fishes with dark blue heads that looked like calves rushed out of the swamp violently, releasing a torrent of black light and divine brilliance , Disturb the thousands of miles of swamps.

The leaders of the Dayi clan dispersed calmly, forming a siege, and surrounded the three blue devil fish.

But Yikun and other participating disciples had already prepared their momentum, their eyes glowed with excitement, they just waited for the three blue devil fishes to be seriously injured and dying, and then they would make a bold move to completely end the opponent's life.


The battle was fierce, and after a while, a Youlan Godfish let out a mournful cry, its entire head was almost shattered, the severe pain drove it mad, and it continued to charge wildly, wanting to flee back to the swamp.

Chen Xi silently calculated everything on the battlefield, and did not act in a hurry.

At this time, the leaders of the Dayi Clan struck while the iron was hot, and launched an all-out attack one after another, and after a while, they severely injured the two blue devil fishes again.

"Get ready to do it!" A team leader turned his head and shouted.

No need to remind, Yi Kun and the others couldn't wait, their blood was boiling. This time, as long as they killed the three blue devil fish, Yi Kun was confident that he would be able to jump into the top [-].

"Everyone, don't fight with me this time, I will let you next time!" Yi Kun suddenly turned his head and promised again to the other companions.

Although the others were extremely coveted, they had already promised Yi Kun before, so they could only restrain their greed.

At this point, Yikun was determined, smug and gearing up.

"Do it!" The shout sounded again.

As soon as the voice sounded, Yi Kun roared loudly, started to charge with excitement on his face, the three blue devil fish had lost the power to resist, and were seriously injured and dying. They only needed to be stabbed to kill them easily.

However, Yi Kun had just started when he suddenly heard a roar, like a thunderstorm from the nine heavens, like a raging wave roaring, resounding all over the world.

In Yi Kun's field of vision, a sword energy like a vast ocean swept across at an inconceivable speed with a destructive spirit.

The sword energy was too terrifying, coming suddenly, it shocked the soul, and forcibly broke a gap in the defense line formed by the leaders' encirclement.

Almost at the same time, a swipe of indigo sword energy passed by, and with three puff puffs, the heads of the three blue devil fish were cut off with incomparable precision, and the blood of the gods was sprayed, and they died suddenly on the spot!

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