divine talisman

Chapter 1610 Entering the List

Blood rains down, watering the earth.

The corpses of the three blue devil fish fell to the ground and died suddenly on the spot.

This scene happened so fast that everyone in the Dayi clan was caught off guard, and their expressions were a little dull.


An extremely perfect hunt, but failed at the last critical moment, which made Yi Kun's face twisted into a ball in an instant, extremely ferocious.

His eyes were bright red, he stared into the distance, gritted his teeth and said, "It's that kid!"

When everyone looked over, they saw a tall and handsome figure standing in the shadow of a huge rock in the far distance.

Sure enough it was him!

The faces of the disciples of the Dayi clan also turned ashen. They had already realized that this guy was taking revenge!

Seeing this, Chen Xi simply showed up with Tie Yunping, a bright smile appeared on the corner of his lips, he waved at them, then turned and left quickly.

Yi Kun was extremely angry and unwilling, and roared sharply: "Chasing! Kill this bastard for me!"

Several leaders of the Dongguang Spiritual God Realm rushed out and chased them at full speed, but the fastest person suddenly froze. Seeing Chen Xi who was running away suddenly turn around, a twitch appeared on the corner of his lips. The arc of mockery.


A slash of sword energy came.

The man's reaction could not be described as unpleasant, and he sacrificed the divine treasure without hesitation, shattering the sword energy abruptly, but at this moment, there was a strange movement on the top of his head, and a thought suddenly flashed in his mind: "No! good!"


An incomparably mysterious invisible sword energy came out of nowhere, slashed down fiercely, blood spattered with a puff, and a severed arm flew across the air.

Immediately there was a burst of space-time fluctuations, the oracle on this person exploded spontaneously, he was forcibly taken away, and eliminated!

In an instant, a Hollow Spirit God was completely defeated.

Several other team leaders saw this scene from behind, and quickly dodged in horror, while Chen Xi had already moved away calmly with Tie Yunping.

Yi Kun was both unwilling and terrified, he never thought that a guy with unknown origin would dare to oppose their Dayi clan like this!Doing the math until now, there are already two Dongguang Spiritual Gods on their side in this guy's hands!

Who is the other party?

Why dare to fight against their Dayi clan so brazenly?Isn't he afraid of reckoning after autumn?

Not only Yi Kun, but also the other Dayi disciples looked uncertain and furious.

The most difficult thing for them to accept was that they were so offended that they still didn't know the identity and origin of the other party.

It was like being suddenly slapped by a passerby on the street, which caught them off guard and made them feel extremely ashamed and angry.

"This guy is undoubtedly very strong, and his swordsmanship is beyond my comparability. Perhaps only Mr. Yi Xun can deal with him." A team leader took a deep breath, forced himself to restrain his anger, and spoke slowly.

This point of view has gained a lot of recognition. The previous sword qi was able to force them, the team leaders, to dodge, which is not something everyone can do.

In addition, that guy eliminated two cave light spirit god powerhouses on their side twice in a row, which made them have to admit that they were no match for that guy at all.

"Don't forget it like this?" Yi Kun was inexplicably irritable, pacing back and forth in the void, this time he was supposed to hunt and kill three targets, but now they all missed, he really couldn't swallow this breath.

A team leader next to him persuaded: "Young master, it's just a hunt. After it's over, we have plenty of ways to deal with him!"

"I'm not reconciled!" Yi Kun soared into the sky, screaming to the sky.

Seeing him suddenly flying into the air, the team leader couldn't help but hastily said: "Young master, you should be more careful, that kid is very ruthless and cunning, maybe he will kill a carbine."

"Hmph! If he doesn't seize the time to escape, how dare he come back?" Yi Kun smiled coldly, before he could finish his sentence, a burst of sword energy came down out of thin air, and with a slamming sound, he slammed it down fiercely.

In an instant, Yi Kun's face changed suddenly, he howled in fright, and fell directly from mid-air like a sandbag.

not good!

Everyone was frightened, and rushed to help, but to their surprise, as soon as the sword energy appeared, it exploded with a bang, and turned into a line of words: "Come and don't go, it's indecent." disappear.

Seeing this scene, everyone's faces suddenly became extremely exciting, this damn thing, to play tricks on them like this, is simply disgusting!

Plop, Yi Kun fell to the ground, swallowed the dust from his nose, almost fainted from anger, gritted his teeth and roared: "I will definitely kill you, definitely!!"

Several team leaders hurried over and said, "My lord, be careful that kid is still nearby!"

Yi Kun's expression froze, and he shut up in fright, his face was contorted and livid, and his whole body was trembling.

"Hey, this guy obviously intends to spend the rest of his life with us. If he stays here, it will only be more and more unfavorable to us. Rather than that, why don't we set off immediately and join the Second Young Master and the others."

Looking at this scene of smog and panic, a team leader couldn't help sighing.


"What a bunch of cowards, they actually escaped..." From far away, Chen Xi couldn't help shaking his head as he looked at the members of the Dayi clan who had turned into twilight and charged away into the sky.

"Senior, I was really relieved just now." Tie Yunping chuckled at the side, her jewel-like eyes were full of joy.

"Actually, if it wasn't for me, I'm afraid they wouldn't be angry with you." Chen Xi smiled, but he was thinking about another thing.

Tie Yunping asked in a daze, "Why?"

"Because I killed many members of the Dayi Clan before, but they didn't know my identity. In my opinion, their previous actions were not so much taking advantage of the situation as looting, but testing my identity." Chen Xi Said indifferently, a cold luster surged in the deep black eyes.

There are no accidents in the world, and in all the coincidences, there must be innumerable connections. The actions of those Dayi's children made Chen Xi suddenly realize a problem. Perhaps that Yitian had already begun to doubt his identity. .

Tie Yunping was taken aback and couldn't believe it. The Dayi clan was a famous and powerful force in the Xuemo Region. The clan power spread across many universes, and it could be said to be extremely powerful.

But Chen Xi said that he had killed many of the Dayi clan's children before, which was undoubtedly tantamount to completely offending the Dayi clan to death. How could this not be surprising?

"Senior, why...why did you tell me this?" Tie Yunping couldn't help asking.

"I just want you to be prepared. You may be hated by many people because of me at the Star Hunting Conference this time." Chen Xi looked directly at Tie Yunping, "If you regret it..."

Before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Tie Yunping. She said firmly, "Senior, I never regret it. If it wasn't for you, I would definitely not be the Tie Yunping I am today."

Chen Xi said: "But you have to be clear, after this Star Hunting Conference is over, there is a very high possibility that you will never have the chance to return to the Purple Dark Sect to practice."

Tie Yunping raised her pretty face and said with a smile, "I don't want to stay there for a long time."

Chen Xi couldn't help laughing, but he was quite moved in his heart. He was very clear that the little girl said it lightly, but in fact such a decision was very important to anyone, yet she was able to make a decision without hesitation. This made Chen Xi immediately decide that no matter what this time, he must help the girl in front of him win a dazzling ranking!


For the next few days, Chen Xi led Tie Yunping across the planet, hunting during the day and meditating at night, without any disturbances.

Even in this bloody and fulfilling hunting action, Tie Yunping also lived up to expectations, and was able to fight and kill a beast that was comparable to Dongguangling's divine realm alone.

But in comparison, the strength of those ferocious beasts is not very strong, at best, they can barely meet the standard of ordinary Dongguang Spiritual God Realm powerhouses.

There's no way around this, the time is too short after all, and Tie Yunping's talent is limited, to be able to transform to such a level, to kill opponents across borders, is considered a supreme good fortune.

In the past, she didn't even dare to think that she would be able to do this one day.

Finally, one month into the hunting conference, Tie Yunping's ranking finally ranked among the top [-] on the hunting list!

Tie Yunping, a disciple of the Ziming Divine Sect, killed nine spirit god-level beasts and 290 true god-level beasts, ranking [-]th.

This is Tie Yunping's achievement, which is enough to be called dazzling in this Star Hunting Conference.

After all, in this Star Hunting Conference, there are a huge number of top-notch children from the younger generation in the three thousand universes of the Snow and Ink Region, and Tie Yunping can use her own efforts and fights during this month , step by step among the [-]th, is enough to be proud of.

Even when she saw this ranking, even she herself couldn't believe it, her expression was filled with surprise and trance, and she looked at Chen Xi with endless reverence besides gratitude.

She knew very well that although she had done all of this by herself, without Chen Xi's protection and guidance, it was absolutely impossible for her to achieve today's achievement.

But from Chen Xi's point of view, the gap between Tie Yunping's current ranking and the top ten is really too big, and it's even impossible to compare at all.

For example, the tenth ranked one is a disciple from Wang Dao Jianzong, named Shi Jian. His current record is hunting 73 spirit god level beasts and [-] true god level beasts!

Comparing the two, the number of beasts hunted and killed is more than eight times that of Tie Yunping.

And this is just the result of No.10.

If compared with the top three disciples, the gap is even bigger.

"Let's go, change places. The spirit-level beasts here are extremely rare. If you want to be among the top ten, you have to go deeper into the Wuwu galaxy."

On this day, the night faded and the dawn broke. Chen Xi suddenly opened his mouth and decided to leave this planet.

"Among the top ten?" Tie Yunping was stunned.

"Is there any problem?" Chen Xi asked back, with a look of disdain in his calmness, as if he was talking about an ordinary thing.

Tie Yunping's heart shook violently, and she quickly shook her head: "No, no..."

"Then let's go." Chen Xi smiled, waved his sleeves, and disappeared in an instant with Tie Yunping.

"I didn't expect this senior to be so domineering, but he is not annoying. Which girl would have the heart to reject him..." Tie Yunping muttered to herself.


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