divine talisman

Chapter 1611 Decision

With the passage of time, the competition in the Star Hunting Conference has become more and more fierce, and the gap between them is also constantly expanding or shrinking, which is unpredictable.

However, the disciples whose grades were in the top [-] have changed very little since the hunting started, and few new faces appeared.

Especially for the top ten disciples, the gap between the rankings may vary, but there has not been any substantial change.

Just like the top three, they are still Su Wan'er, Xiao Ruoruo, and Yitian, but their achievements are constantly increasing, and the achievements of the disciples who are ranked behind them are constantly increasing, and they want to improve their performance in the next month. It is almost impossible to surpass any one of them.


"The hunting has been going on for a whole month, and the top three disciples are far ahead. From this point of view, the final top three must be the three of them."

In the starry sky, Mo Zhan, the great elder of the Yuxiao Divine Sect, twirled his beard and smiled. This view was almost unanimously agreed by other great figures.

The hunt has been going on so far, Yitian, who ranks third alone, has killed more than three times the number of spirit-level beasts than No. 4. This gap does not seem to have narrowed within a month, and even the possibility of transcendence.

What these big shots really care about right now is who among the top three, Su Wan'er, Xiao Ruoruo, and Yi Tian, ​​will be able to win the final No.1.

"Hmph, actually, in my opinion, this Star Hunting Conference is not so much a competition among those contestants, but a competition between their respective team leaders."

Suddenly, an elder of Wang Dao Jian Zong snorted coldly, with a trace of dissatisfaction in his voice, "Three people like Su Wan'er, anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is impossible for them to achieve such impressive results based on their respective fighting power alone. .”

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the other big shots became subtle.

But the eyes of Mo Zhan of Yuxiao Divine Sect, Elder Miaoya of Lingzhen Taoist Temple, and old antique Yiwen of the Dayi Clan turned a little cold.

They could hear the meaning of what they said, obviously it meant that Su Wan'er, Xiao Ruoruo, and Yi Tian achieved such achievements because they had the help of the younger generation such as Guan Hongyu, Xuan Tuozi, and Yi Xun.

Although this is the truth, it still makes people feel very uncomfortable to be exposed face to face.

"Hey, you can't say that. Looking at the children who participated in the hunt this time, which one didn't rely on the help of their respective leaders?"

Mo Zhan smiled and said, "This is the rule. If Wang Dao Jianzong is not satisfied with this, he can also send a capable leader to help his children before participating in the hunt."

The elder of Wang Dao Jianzong heard the words and said displeasedly: "I'm just explaining a fact, I don't believe it, all the achievements of the children in this competition are due to the team leader!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone shook their heads dumbly. This old guy was just being serious, obviously because his own children failed to rank among the top three, and he was a little out of breath.

"Elder Li Song's words are correct. There are indeed people who made it to the top [-] this time without the help of the team leader."

At this moment, Empress Yu Che, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke, which shocked all the important figures in the audience, and then they couldn't believe it.

There really was someone who broke into the top [-] in one fell swoop without relying on the combat power of the team leader?

Someone couldn't help asking: "Dare to ask my lord empress, who is this child?"

"The little girl who just entered the hundredth place." Empress Yu Che said casually, and then looked into the depths of the Wuwu galaxy with a pair of indifferent eyes like autumn water. The confrontation of Abi Zhuojian will be staged again.

It's a pity that until now, she has not seen the hope of subduing Abi Zhuojian.

"Tie Yunping?"

"It's actually an unknown little girl."

"Fellow Daoist Wang Lu, this little girl seems to be from your Ziming Shenzong, right? It's amazing, to be personally approved by the empress, it can be seen that this little girl must have extraordinary talent."

"Yes, Fellow Daoist Wang Lu, your Ziming Shenzong's performance this time is dazzling enough. Two disciples, Xiao Tianlong and Tie Yunping, are among the top [-]. Congratulations."

After all the big figures recognized Tie Yunping's origin, they all looked at one of the gray-haired old men in brocade robes.

He is an elder of Ziming Shenzong, named Wang Lu. Compared with other big figures, his status is obviously inferior, but at this time, he has become the focus of attention.

There was surprise, envy, and suspicion in those eyes. After all, Ziming Shenzong is just a first-class sect in the three thousand universes of Xuemo Region. There are at least hundreds of sects like them in Xuemo Region. Not including those top powers.

But now, in such a force, there are two disciples among the top [-] of the Star Hunting Conference, which naturally makes people feel a little surprised.

After all, among the top powers in the Xuemo Region such as Yuxiao Shenzong, Dayi Clan, Lingzhen Taoist Temple, Wangdao Jianzong, and Ancient Barbarians, only two or three disciples rank among the top [-].

Wang Lu himself was equally astonished, Tie Yunping?Why didn't I know that there was such a No. [-] disciple in the sect?

He didn't know that Tie Yunping was just a disciple of the outer sect now, and he had a high status in the Ziming Shenzong, so how could he remember the name of an outer disciple.

But even though he thought so in his heart, Wang Lu smiled modestly: "You fellow Taoists are overrated, it's just a fluke, it's just a fluke."

At the same time, I secretly decided in my heart that when I go back, I must check carefully, who is this Tie Yunping's disciple in the sect, and if she has not yet become a teacher, I must accept her as my disciple!

Regrettably, neither the big shots nor Wang Lu knew that Tie Yunping's achievement was due to another person.


There was a lot of discussion in the starry sky, and the ascetics who were always paying attention to this Star Hunting Conference on various planets were also eagerly discussing every child on the list.

There is no doubt that Su Wan'er, Xiao Ruoruo, and Yi Tian have become popular champions recognized by everyone.

Compared with this, Tie Yunping's degree of attention is much worse.


Dark as ink.

The battle between Abi Zhuojian and Litian Shenjian is staged in the night sky again. This is the No.30 occurrence this month, and people have long been familiar with it.

Because they knew very well that the final result of the battle must be that Abi Zhuojian was defeated and hibernated again.

Only Chen Xi gained a lot of benefits from these confrontations.

"Sure enough, the closer you get to the depths of the Wuwu galaxy, the more spirit-level beasts you can hunt and kill, and you can also capture more Abi turbidity for the Cangwu seedlings to transform."

Under the darkness of night, Chen Xi was thoughtful.

During this period of time, he also learned from other contestants that the one who fought against the Litian Divine Sword every night was Abi Zhuojian, the number one fierce soldier born in the chaos of the Xuemo Region.

Obviously, Empress Yu Che's other purpose for holding the Star Hunting Conference this time is to subdue Abi Zhuojian.

Chen Xi didn't have any unreasonable thoughts about Abi Zhuojian, but he was extremely interested in the Abi Zhuoqi released by Abi Zhuojian.

Because the opportunity for the transformation of Cangwu seedlings was completely induced by the turbid air of Abi.

In other words, this Abi turbid air is completely fertile nourishment that can promote the transformation of Cangwu seedlings.

For example, during this period of time, since Chen Xi knew this, he took action every day and night, seizing any opportunity to find those Abi sword qi that had been shattered by the Plow Heaven Divine Sword, for the Cangwu seedlings to absorb and transform.

Up to now, the Cangwu seedlings have undergone significant changes, the whole body is green and green, the branches and leaves are verdant, shaking and floating wisps of divine luster.

Especially on the trunk, branches and leaves, there are strands of very faint divine mystic patterns, which are holy and mysterious.

The benefit brought about by these changes is that the speed at which Cangwu seedlings provide Chen Xi with divine power has been significantly accelerated, and the number has also become much more abundant.

Although it is still not comparable to Shenjing, compared with the past, the changes are already astonishing enough.

The most important thing is that this is only the initial transformation of the Cangwu seedlings. This also makes Chen Xi secretly look forward to what amazing effect the Cangwu seedlings will be able to play when they truly transform successfully.


The hunt continued.

In the following time, Chen Xi led Tie Yunping to hunt and kill ferocious beasts, and kept approaching the depths of the Wuwu galaxy.

During this process, disciples were constantly being eliminated. Until the No.40 five-day hunting conference, there were less than 500 disciples who still insisted on hunting.

In other words, until now, thousands of disciples have been eliminated!

This number seems to be light, but behind it represents a child from the various forces of Xuemoyu Sanqianyu. Now, he was eliminated before the conference was over. It is conceivable that the competition is How tragic.

It is worth mentioning that during this period of time, Tie Yunping's ranking has remained at the top [-]. Although she has not advanced further, she has not been surpassed, and her performance can be called firm.

"There are still fifteen days left, but there is still a long way to go before the transformation of Cangwu seedlings. If this process is followed, I am afraid that Cangwu seedlings will not be able to completely transform successfully by the end of the conference."

That night, Chen Xi fell into deep thought.

"From tomorrow onwards, I will help you get rid of the beast, and you are responsible for killing it." In the end, he made a decision and told Tie Yunping.

Only in this way, not only can this little girl be ranked among the top ten, but she can also speed up and get close to the deepest part of the Wuwu galaxy, fighting for a chance for the transformation of Cangwu seedlings.

Tie Yunping was obviously taken aback, she never expected that Chen Xi would make such a decision, one must know that Chen Xi would never help her deal with fierce beasts before.

But in the end, she still agreed without hesitation, because she trusted Chen Xi, and that was enough.

Almost at the same time, in the starry sky, Empress Yu Che suddenly frowned and said, "Yunqing, there are only fifteen days left, it seems that we must hurry up..."


ps: Although the update has been sloppy these days, in the last two days of the end of this month, Jinyu still called out the monthly pass with the cheek and urgency. Everyone has a monthly pass in their hands and smashed it quickly. Going home from the academy, absolutely bursting with joy!Please~~


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