divine talisman

Chapter 1612

Thousands of miles into the blue sky, on the vast plain, there is a group of golden-scaled horses as big as mountains, with golden hair and four hooves like iron pillars running wildly. The sound of hoofs is like thunder, shaking the world.

The Golden Scaled Colt, also known as the Dragon Colt, is a kind of ancient alien species. It runs like flying and can travel through time and space to gallop above the starry sky. It has a violent temperament and lives by devouring souls.

There are more than a hundred of this group of golden-scaled horses, led by a king of golden-scaled horses, galloping and roaring on the plain, the momentum is huge, all the hunters encountered along the way dodge one after another, not daring to touch them edge.

This group of ferocious beasts seemed to only have the cultivation level of True God Dongwei, but the leader, the Golden Scaled Horse King, was extremely terrifying.

This beast not only has reached the level of the Hollow Spiritual God, but also is top-notch in this realm. Many hunters have been eyeing it these days, but in the end they all returned home, even miserable. was eliminated, and none succeeded.

From this, it can be seen how extraordinary the ability of the Golden Scale Horse King is, it is far beyond the comparison of ordinary beasts of the spirit god level.


With a chirping sound, a beam of brilliant sword energy descended from the sky, reaching ten thousand feet in length, surging with sword intent, like a vast sea sweeping towards it, stopping in front of the group of golden-scaled horses in one fell swoop.

Almost at the same time, a tall figure followed the sword energy.

The herd was in chaos immediately, the leader of the Golden Scaled Horse King suddenly raised his head to the sky and let out a long hiss, without any lingering, his four hooves crushed time and space, and slammed into that figure fiercely with a bang.

A few days ago, it had eliminated at least twenty leaders of the Cave Light Spiritual God Realm with such a violent and savage method. This time, it was also confident that it could eliminate the humble guy opposite.

The only thing that annoys it is that every time it succeeds, it can't devour the souls of those guys, which makes it unavoidably furious when it acts, and its attacks become more and more terrifying.

"God, there is another guy looking for death to hunt and kill this cruel evil!"

"It seems that another team leader will be eliminated today..."

Far away, some hunters keenly noticed this scene, and they couldn't help opening their eyes wide, either in surprise or gloating.


But at this moment, in their field of vision, a cold light suddenly appeared, so bright that it hurt their eyes.

But in just an instant, this cold light disappeared.

Then everyone saw that the tall figure was still standing in place, but the golden-scaled horse king had already rushed behind that figure.

It roared again and ran wildly.

Did that guy dodge the blow?

Everyone was puzzled, but at this moment, their pupils suddenly shrank, and their expressions were dull. In their field of vision, they suddenly saw the King of the Golden Scaled Horse thumping, his limbs and iron hooves snapped off, blood flew, and then his body fell to the ground, shaking the ground hard. Make a big hole.


It let out a painful and shrill roar, but it couldn't struggle anymore.


Just at this moment, a beautiful figure appeared, piercing down with a sword, piercing through the head of the Golden Scaled Horse King, gouging out a bloody hole, and killing him completely on the spot.


Blood spurted from the corpse of the Golden Scaled Horse King, dyeing the sky red. Seeing this, the group of Golden Scaled Horses burst into chaos, screaming and fleeing in all directions.

Seeing this, everyone in the distance was stunned and couldn't believe it.

With one strike, the four iron hooves of the Golden Scaled Horse King were cut off, making him completely lose his fighting power! ?

Looking at all the leaders participating in the hunting conference this time, except for Guan Hongyu, Xuan Tuozi, Yi Xun and a few others, who can do this?

Who is this guy?

Is it also a leader from a certain top power?

Everyone couldn't help looking carefully, but they only saw a tall figure, leading a young girl floating away, disappearing into the vast world.

Seeing this, everyone immediately exploded and began to discuss.

"Who is that guy? Such a terrifying swordsmanship."

"I haven't seen it or heard of it, but I seem to recognize the girl next to him. When I signed up for the competition, her profile showed Ziming Shenzong, Tie Yunping."

"Shenzong of the Purple Darkness? Tie Yunping? Who is this sacred?"

"Check! Quickly check, these people are so low-key, if they compete with them, the consequences will be unimaginable."


From this day on, things like this happen almost every day.

Chen Xi led Tie Yunping to carry out the killing, and kept approaching the depths of the Wuwu galaxy. On the planets he passed, as long as the beasts that Chen Xi targeted were all seriously injured and dying, Tie Yunping finally reaped their lives.

The two walked forward like this, one was responsible for seriously injuring the opponent, and the other was responsible for harvesting lives. The efficiency was high and the speed was fast, just like a tornado. Wherever it passed, it could be said to be invincible and devastating.

And the contestants who were lucky enough to witness this scene along the way were inevitably shocked and shocked by Chen Xi's crisp, sharp and unparalleled fighting methods.

The discussion about Chen Xi and Tie Yunping has become a beautiful landscape along the way, and it never fails, but intensifies instead.

Until later, under the inquiring of interested people, those participating children finally knew that the young man who accompanied Tie Yunping, a disciple of the Ziming Shenzong, was named Chen Xun, a strange name that was almost unknown.

But now, the owner of this name has begun to show his prowess in this Star Hunting Conference, which has attracted the attention of all ascetics from the three thousand universes in the Xuemo Region. Expanding...


Not only in the hunting area, but also in the starry sky, the attention of the big figures began to be attracted by the name Tie Yunping.

Because in just a few days, the ranking of the female disciples of the Ziming Shenzong has been improving at an incredible speed, which is extremely attractive.

Like until now, her ranking has leapt into the ranks of No.40!

And as early as five days ago, her ranking was only one hundred, and it seemed that she had only increased by about fifty, but all the big shots knew very well that in the final stage of the Star Hunting Conference, How incredible it is to be able to achieve such results, even a miracle!

"It's amazing, it's really amazing. In just five days, an average of 83 spirit-level beasts were killed every day, and ten rankings were raised. This is simply unimaginable!"

Many big shots were amazed and amazed.

"You guys still remember that five days ago, this female disciple was praised by the empress, but now it seems obvious that her team leader has also started to intervene in her hunting operations." Some big shots also expressed dissatisfaction with this.

As soon as this remark came out, it did not cause much disturbance, because anyone with a discerning eye could see that this result was very abnormal, and it was impossible for Tie Yunping to achieve it alone.

But no matter what, this is not against the rules, otherwise the top ten disciples would have been forced to retire for violating the rules as early as the hunting started.

"What I'm really curious about is who the leader next to her is, and why he didn't do anything for a long time at the beginning of the Star Hunting Conference. If he had done this earlier, among the top ten rankings, there might be someone like this There is a place for Tie Yunping."

Mo Zhan, the great elder of Yuxiao Divine Sect, looked thoughtfully at Wang Lu, the elder of Ziming Divine Sect.

This is exactly the doubt in the hearts of the other big shots. When Jian Mozhan asked, they all looked at Wang Lu in unison.

This is the second time Wang Lu has received this kind of treatment, but his heart is extremely bitter, and he is even a little speechless, not knowing how to explain it.

Because a few days ago, after learning that Tie Yunping had entered the top [-], he had asked his disciples to inquire about Tie Yunping's news, but what he got took him by surprise.

The other party was actually an outer sect disciple of Ziming Shenzong, and he was only qualified to enter the outer sect not long ago.

What made Wang Lu speechless was that no one knew where she found the leader next to Tie Yunping!

How does this make him explain to other big shots?

I'm afraid that after saying it, those big shots won't believe it at all. After all, who would have thought that a female disciple with mediocre qualifications who just joined the outer sect of Ziming Shenzong would be able to perform so well in the Star Hunting Conference? excellent?

Even when Wang Lu himself learned about these situations, he felt unreal and unbelievable.

"Fellow Daoist Wang Lu, you Ziming Shenzong hides so deeply. You have cultivated such an outstanding disciple. We have never even heard of it before. Now that it has been exposed, why bother to hide it?" What about tuck?"

Dayi's old antique Yiwen spoke slowly, a little dissatisfied with Wang Lu's slow silence.

Other bigwigs also agreed one after another, causing Wang Lu's pressure to suddenly increase, and his scalp was a little numb.

In the end, under such pressure, he could only grit his teeth and tell the whole story. As for whether they believed it or not, he was too lazy to care.

As soon as the words fell, the audience fell silent. With the state of mind and cultivation of these big shots, they couldn't help feeling dizzy at this moment, and their expressions were extremely exciting.

A female disciple of the Purple Underworld Sect who just joined the outer sect?The team leader or an unknown young man?

Who the hell would believe this!

All of a sudden, the eyes of everyone looking at Wang Lu changed, with a hint of sullenness, feeling that this guy deliberately found an excuse to fool them. Excuse?

"Everyone, I swear, what I said is true!" Wang Lu almost cried with aggrieved eyes, swearing with a stiff face and slapping his chest.

"In my opinion, the problem obviously lies with this young man named Chen Xun." Elder Miaoya of Lingzhen Taoist Temple said in a deep voice.

All the important people thought for a while, and then they reacted, and their minds turned to "Chen Xun".

"Go and find out about this young man."

"Quick, I want to know who this young man is."

All of a sudden, a group of big figures conveyed their ideas one after another, ordering their servants to investigate all this.

It was also on this day that Chen Xi's name began to enter the eyes of these big shots in Xuemoyu. Unfortunately, this Chen Xun was just a pseudonym...


ps: On the last day of the end of the month, I implore everyone to cast your precious monthly tickets. Goldfish is very grateful. In addition, to those friends who complained about the update of Goldfish, Goldfish is here to say sorry, the update is not good, it is not my intention, but After all, it was my fault, and the goldfish will make up for it. How is the goldfish doing in April?

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