divine talisman

Chapter 1613 The Star of the Turbid Spirit

late at night.

On the sky, the hunting list spread out, blazing and shining, each and every dazzling name was dotted like bright stars.

Xiao Tianlong and Lu Yan raised their heads together, staring at the list, with a haze covering their brows.

This is already the day of the Star Hunting Conference, and there are only ten days left, and this unprecedented grand conference will come to an end.

In other words, the Star Hunting Conference has now reached its final stage.

The situation is urgent!

It was also tragic!

With the help of Xiao Tianlong, Lu Yan ranked among the top 40 as early as half a month ago, and now she is firmly occupying the second place of No.[-].

Originally, this was already an achievement that could make both Xiao Tianlong and Lu Yan extremely proud, but now, they are not happy at all.

All this, just because of one name - Tie Yunping!

Neither of them expected that this female disciple from the outer sect, whom they hadn't even thought about, not only was not eliminated in this Star Hunting Tournament, but instead ranked No. 40 and No. [-] in one fell swoop!

This makes them totally unacceptable.

"This stupid girl, how could she do this!" Lu Yan was extremely unbalanced, her pretty face became gloomy, and her voice seemed to be squeezed out between her teeth.

"It must be the kid named Chen Xun who did it!" Xiao Tianlong said with a gloomy face, "I didn't expect that kid to be such a master, no wonder he dared to be so arrogant back then."

Hearing this, Lu Yan couldn't help looking at Xiao Tianlong worriedly, and said, "Senior brother Xiao, the bet between that guy and you..."

Xiao Tianlong felt a little irritable, and interrupted with a wave of his hand: "Don't worry, junior sister, our current ranking is far above that idiot Tie Yunping!"

That being said, he was also quite worried in his heart. Tie Yunping's ranking was rising too fast. If this speed continues, they will be completely surpassed in a short time. At that time, in the bet , he will also fail miserably.

What does it mean to lose a bet?

It means that Xiao Tianlong not only has to kneel down and apologize to the other party, but also destroys the foundation of the divine way!

How could he accept this?

"Senior Brother Xiao, what should we do next?" Lu Yan was a little at a loss, her previous reservedness and arrogance were shattered at this moment.

"Keep hunting! I have already contacted my sister. She and Xuan Tuozi are currently hunting targets on a planet deep in the Wuwu galaxy. We will meet them while we are moving. When the time comes, if something unexpected happens Things, my sister will never stand by and watch."

Xiao Tianlong took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said.

"It's the best, because senior brother Xiao is thoughtful." Lu Yan nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, as if she had found the backbone.

"I just can't figure it out, who is Chen Xu, and where did he come from?" Xiao Tianlong said bitterly.

Lu Yan was startled, and immediately understood that Xiao Tianlong at this moment was also confused by the fact that he was caught off guard.


Under the same night.

After struggling for a while, the filthy light was absorbed and swallowed by a green chain, and disappeared immediately.


At this moment, Chen Xi could clearly feel that the size of the Cangwu seedlings in his body had obviously grown by three inches, the trunk was as strong as a boulder, the branches and leaves were as thick as emeralds, emitting a divine luster like stars.

That is the power of God, pure, thick, and full of the wonderful truth of Tao.

The Cangwu seedling was originally just a seedling.

But now, after being silent for a long time, this seedling finally has the possibility to grow into a towering tree!

All of this stems from the turbid qi.

It was also at this time that Chen Xi vaguely deduced why the growth of the Cangwu seedlings would be powered and nourished by the turbid air of Abi.

This kind of turbid qi is the most filthy, evil, and gloomy force in the origin of chaos, and it can be collectively called "the turbid qi of the Tao".

The Cangwu seedlings are like a medium, taking the turbid Qi of Dao as nourishment, and what they breed is the purest and original "Qing Qi of Dao".

This process is like an exchange between two extreme powers on Cangwu seedlings. The so-called extremes must be reversed, and this is the truth.

To put it more simply, crops, fruits and vegetables in the world need sunshine and rain when they grow, but more importantly, they are fertilizers, and those fertilizers are often filthy!

The metamorphosis of Cangwu seedlings is the same principle, the only difference is that the nourishment becomes the turbid air, and the grains and fruits that grow and produce are the divine power.

"It's getting closer..."

Chen Xi raised his head and looked into the distance.

In fact, he didn't know where the deepest part of the Wuwu galaxy was. He traveled all the way, relying entirely on his perception of Abi's turbid air.

Just like on the planet he was on at the moment, compared with the planets he had seen before, there was already a trace of lingering A-Bi foul air in the air, especially at night, the number of A-Bi foul air was undoubtedly much greater.

If it were an ordinary cultivator here, he might not be able to resist the invasion of this kind of turbid air at all, and then his Taoist heart would be eroded and become mad.

But all of this seemed to be difficult for Chen Xi.

Because he has a tenacious heart, but more importantly, he has a Cangwu seedling in his body!


The closer to the depths of the Wuwu galaxy, although the number of fierce beasts is increasing, but the strength is also getting stronger.

Even if they are only at the cultivation level of the Dongguang Spiritual God Realm, their combat power is steadily increasing, and the strength of some ferocious beasts has even reached the peak level of the Spiritual God Realm.

Some disciples knew that they were powerless to fight, so they resolutely stayed on the outer planets. Although there were few fierce beasts here, they could still be found if they searched hard, but it took a little more time.

And the disciples like Su Wan'er, Xiao Ruoruo, and Yi Tian, ​​who are ranked among the top [-], almost all chose to go deeper.

Because for them, it not only means that they can meet more prey, but also it is a rare training for themselves.

However, doing this also has another problem, that is, it is too dangerous!

One inadvertent move may completely eliminate them, and they will not be able to persist until the end of the Star Hunting Conference.


"Brother Guan, this place is too turbid, how about slowing down for a while?"

On a planet covered with black clouds and gray haze, Su Wan'er gasped, and there was a trace of fatigue that could not be concealed between her delicate brows.


The wind howls as sharp as a knife, and the haze billows, just like gods and demons howling in the mist, the picture is extremely spooky and terrifying.

"No, if you want to win the first place, you must arrive at Zhuo Lingxing early. When I participated in the last Star Hunting Conference, Brother Zhu Xuan took me to that Zhuo Ling Star and won the prize of that Star Hunting Conference in one fell swoop." No. 1."

Guan Hongyu, who was gentle and refined in the past, now has a stern expression on his face, his eyes flickering with divine light, which is breathtaking.

"Turbid spirit star?" Su Wan'er was stunned.

"That's right, that planet is filled with many filthy spirit bodies. Rumor has it that they are transformed by the souls of gods in their fallen sins. They are inexhaustible. As long as we get there, we can kill the most in the shortest time." Prey." Guan Hongyu explained.

"Then... is it dangerous?" Su Wan'er asked.

Guan Hongyu was silent for a moment, and then said: "Don't worry, with me here, there will be no problems."

Su Wan'er's eyes shrank, she heard the meaning of the words, knowing that place, even the official Hong Yu was very afraid.

"It's just that I didn't expect that even the Abi Zhuo sword appeared in this Star Hunting Conference. This is something I have never encountered in the previous Star Hunting Conference, and I have a feeling that the A Bi Zhuo The place where the sword is hidden is most likely on the Chaotic Spirit Star."

Guan Hongyu frowned, and said to himself, "However, with the Empress holding the Litian Divine Sword sitting in the town, we don't have to be afraid of the threat of the Abizhuo Sword."

Su Wan'er was stunned again, she suddenly felt that whenever Guan Hongyu mentioned Zhuo Lingxing today, his mood seemed to be a bit erratic, and even his words were a bit long-winded.

"Let's go, no matter what, this first place must not be handed over." Guan Hongyu seemed to realize that he was slightly out of control, and smiled casually.

"En." Su Wan'er nodded.


"Turbid Spirit Star?" Xiao Ruoruo frowned and said, "Do I have to go?"

"If you want to win the first place, you have to go." Xuan Tuozi nodded with a stern look in a Taoist robe.

"Alright, but let's wait for my younger brother and the others to come. He made a bet with that Chen Xun. I'm worried..." Xiao Ruoruo said after a moment of hesitation.

Xuan Tuozi frowned, then nodded calmly and said: "It's fine, just wait for three days, after three days, we must go."

Xiao Ruoruo agreed without hesitation.


"Second brother, don't be in a hurry to go to Zhuolingxing. According to Yikun's description, I feel that Chen Xun is the person we are looking for!"

On another planet, Yi Tian said excitedly.

"Oh? You can wait for a while."

Yi Xun took out a snow-white handkerchief slowly, and gently wiped the cold blade in his hand. The bright and narrow blade surface glowed with a blurred and illusory light.

This divine treasure is called "Golden Crow Divine Blade", and there are three strands of the soul of the Golden Crow Divine Bird imprinted in it. Kill cruelly.

In terms of lethality alone, even some innate spirit treasures cannot compare with it.

"Second brother, you... actually agreed?" Yitian was stunned, but he didn't expect Yixun to agree so readily.

"If you don't deal with him, I'm afraid you won't be able to fully devote yourself to the actions of Zhuo Lingxing." Yi Xun glanced at the other party and said calmly.

Yitian smiled awkwardly, and immediately complained angrily: "That kid is really hateful, you don't even know, second brother, when I was in the doomsday domain, if I hadn't sacrificed the life-saving things passed down by my ancestors, I would almost never come back Already!"

After a pause, he continued: "Even if this Chen Xun is not that kid, this time at the Star Hunting Conference, he dared to eliminate our two leaders of the Dayi Sect's Dongguang Spiritual God in a row. This is simply beating us. Dayi's face!"

Yi Xun narrowed his long and narrow eyes, and his cold light was like a knife's edge: "Needless to say, I already understand it in my heart."

In the voice, there was a bit of murderous intent silently.


ps: On April 4rd, the study of Lu Xun Academy will be over, and the update will be resumed when I get home on the 3th, and it will start to explode!

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