divine talisman

Chapter 1614 Guiming Killing Intent

after one day.

The raging sea is raging, and the turbulent waves are empty.

This is a planet completely covered by the vast ocean, with howling hurricanes and turbulent time and space filling every inch of space.

The rushing and turbulent waves, like the roar of an angry mad god, shook the sky and rumbled.


Two figures came across time and space, one tall and the other petite, standing on top of the raging waves, looking like duckweed, which would be submerged by the waves at any time, but when the two of them just stood up, they were as solid as a rock, despite the eight winds. It blows, but stays still.

These two figures are naturally Chen Xi and Tie Yunping.


A burst of verdant spiritual light flashed, and a sacred tree with strong branches and lush green leaves floated out of Chen Xi's body, and its roots were like flexible tentacles, taking root in the void.

Cangwu seedlings!

As soon as it took root, it produced an invisible ripple, which spread in all directions, and a terrifying force of swallowing and sucking was generated in the ripple. The turbid air filled with the A-Bi was immediately absorbed as if bound by a big net, and turned into The nourishment of Cangwu seedlings.

This planet is already located in the depths of the Wuwu galaxy, and the space between the sky and the earth is covered with a solid gray turbid air, which is extremely dense, like a haze, and can be seen everywhere.

They seem harmless, but once they invade the body, the Dao foundation will be defiled, and the gods will fall into boundless sins, which is extremely terrifying.

But for Cangwu seedlings, this Abi turbidity is a great tonic, and with it in charge, Chen Xi no longer has to worry about the threat from Abi turbidity.

If it were any other disciple, it would not be so easy, at least half of his energy would have to be devoted to defending against the attack of Abi's turbid qi.

When Chen Xi saw this, he ignored it, and a powerful thought suddenly swept out, covering the sea area with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles.

Soon, he locked on to the target and floated away with Tie Yunping.




Shocking beast roars resounded in this turbulent and violent sea area after another, shaking the water column soaring into the sky, causing chaos in time and space.

Immediately, an ice spirit nine-headed lion rushed out of the sea, its nine heads roared upwards, as if it wanted to smash the stars.

Almost at the same time, a dragon turtle with a size of thousands of miles, a tortoise shell and a dragon body, and four hooves like a pillar of the sky emerged from the water, like a continent emerging.


This is not over yet, after the appearance of the Bingling Nine-Headed Lion and Dragon Turtle, a hundred-foot-tall, thick-haired, ferocious-looking giraffe ape jumped up with a bloody mouth, Swallow the wind and the earth!

This is obviously the overlord with three heads residing in the bottom of the sea, each with monstrous aura, berserk divine power, and the strength is enough to be comparable to the top-level existence of the cave of light and spirit.

And just after they appeared together, their eyes and thoughts locked in the same direction.

There stood a man and a woman, they were naturally Chen Xi and Tie Yunping.

"It's not bad luck." Chen Xi swept his eyes away and smiled.


In an instant, his figure disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of the three beasts.

At this moment, Chen Xi had thick black long hair flying in the air, his clothes were loose, and a pair of eyes that were brighter than the starry sky were filled with a cold and deep divine light.

Looking from a distance, compared to those three fierce beasts, although his figure is extremely small, his aura is like an unrivaled emperor who controls the universe, ruling the world.


With a sword chant, the divine talisman was unsheathed!

The battle broke out suddenly without any reason!


Almost at the same time, Tie Yunping in the distance opened her eyes wide, her delicate and exquisite cheeks were full of seriousness and concentration.

Ever since Chen Xi started to intervene in the hunt and kill the target, Tie Yunping had seen such battles more than once along the way. In these battles, she could only be reduced to a bystander, but even so, she just went to observe these battles , which shocked her beyond measure.

She had known before that Chen Xi's combat power was very strong, stronger than ordinary existences in the cave light spirit realm, but Chen Xi's performance along the way had overturned her predictions time and time again, until now, she did not dare Try to guess where Chen Xi's limit is.

Because on the way to the depths of the Wuwu galaxy, the strength of the beasts encountered is almost rising steadily.

But Chen Xi was always able to seriously injure him in a very short time and in an understatement way, and he never missed!

There was a dying cry in the distance, the head of the dragon turtle was cut off, and the blood of the gods was like a waterfall, dyeing the sea area red.

This scene awakened Tie Yunping who was in deep thought. She acted almost subconsciously, holding the Indigo Excalibur, and completely killed the seriously injured and dying Dragon Turtle with a single blow. Her movements seemed skillful and natural, and her cooperation with Chen Xi had reached the peak. A tacit understanding was reached.

Along the way, she hunted and killed her targets in this way, raising her ranking on the hunting list time and time again.

For this, Tie Yunping didn't feel any guilt, because she knew very early on that almost all other contestants adopted this strategy. Similarly, doing so did not violate the rules, and that was the most important thing.

Since it doesn't violate the rules, and since everyone else does it, why can't I do it myself?

It was also until now that Tie Yunping finally understood that when Chen Xi promised to help her rank in the top ten, it was not a bragging, nor was it a kind of comfort and encouragement, but it could really be done!

Even though her ranking is still far from the top ten, Tie Yunping is extremely confident that if she continues like this, she will definitely be able to.


A shrill and painful roar resounded through the sky, and the eight heads of the Bingling Nine-Headed Lion were all cut off, leaving only one head screaming, and its snow-white fur was soaked in blood.

Tie Yunping stepped forward again, raised the knife in his hand, and harvested his life. His expression was calm, his movements were sophisticated, and there was no ripple in his heart.

Although she has been acting as a bystander, she has also learned a lot, and her state of mind has been transformed again and again. She is no longer afraid of those ferocious beasts. Even though her strength is far inferior to these beasts, in terms of state of mind, she has already Unable to be shaken by its ferocity.

In the future practice, this kind of firm and calm state of mind will definitely bring great benefits to oneself.

Tie Yunping understood this, and she knew that this was what Chen Xi wanted to see the most.


In the distance, Chen Xi put away his sword talisman, dressed in clothes, not stained with blood, and returned leisurely.

And the only remaining gibbon god ape was lying on the sea at this moment, dying, with only a faint trace of life left.

Tie Yunping stepped forward again, beheaded it, and then began to clean the battlefield skillfully, stripping the beast's core, and decomposing the divine material on the beast.

Chen Xi, while paying attention to the changes in the Cangwu seedlings, began to focus on finding the next target.

Everything seemed orderly and orderly, without wasting any extra time.

This crisp and neat fighting style, and his no-nonsense manner of doing things, imprinted Chen Xi's strong personal style.

Similarly, Tie Yunping was also affected silently, causing her actions to imitate Chen Xi unconsciously.

This is to moisten things silently, the avenues are silent, everything is the way, and if you stay with the people with profound Taoism for a long time, even a pig can be enlightened and become a master.


Night falls.

On this day, Chen Xi took Tie Yunping to hunt down thirteen spirit-god-level beasts again, and his ranking was improved again, ranking No. 40 five.

"There are only eight days left until the end of the Star Hunting Conference. If you follow this speed, it may not be enough for you to be among the top ten."

Chen Xi looked at the "hunting list" on the sky, and pondered, "So, we must hurry up and move forward. I have roughly judged that the deeper we go into the Wuwu galaxy, the more fierce beasts there will be. Action pays off."

"Well, I listen to my seniors." Tie Yunping nodded.

Chen Xi was dumbfounded, this little girl seemed to worship him too much.

"Then it's decided like this. When I was on the road before, I heard people say that there is a planet in the deepest part of the Wuwu galaxy called the Zhuo Ling Star, which is full of inexhaustible Zhuo Ling. According to my judgment, I'm afraid that the top-ranked disciples have already locked their targets there."

If Chen Xi thought about it, "According to my calculations, the place where the Ah Bi Zhuo Sword is buried is probably on that planet."

"Abi Zhuojian?" Tie Yunping was taken aback.

"Don't worry, with the Litian Divine Sword in the hands of Empress Yu Che, the Abizhuo Sword is much less threatening to us."

Chen Xi smiled, but immediately raised his eyebrows, and said, "By the way, there is one more thing you need to be mentally prepared for."

"What's the matter?" Tie Yunping was puzzled.

"Could it be that you forgot about Xiao Tianlong and Lu Yan?" Chen Xi said, "It's not just them, I feel that the Dayi clan will definitely not stop there."

Tie Yunping asked in surprise: "Senior, what do you mean, they might ambush us on the road ahead?"

Chen Xi smiled and patted her on the shoulder: "This is inevitable. After you have gone through countless battles, you will find that there are some things that can be judged by intuition alone."

Early the next morning, Chen Xi took Tie Yunping to leave, speeding up and rushing towards the deepest Chaoling Star.


"Third Young Master, report ahead, the target has already appeared."

"Where are they expected to appear?"

"Gui Mingxing!"

"Okay, let's gather our strength and rush there for an ambush!"

After hearing the reports from his subordinates, Yitian made a prompt decision and gave the order.


"Gui Mingxing?"

"Yes, Senior Brother Xuantuozi, look..."

"Forget it, let's go for a walk by ourselves."

"Thank you, brother, for fulfilling it!"

Xiao Ruoruo was pleasantly surprised, Chaoxuan Tuozi bowed her hands and saluted, after she finished speaking, she turned her head and looked at Xiao Tianlong and Lu Yan at the side, her expression became calm and proud, "You guys come with me."

Knowing that Xuan Tuozi would deal with that Chen Xun with his own hands, Xiao Tianlong and Lu Yan were already extremely excited, so naturally they agreed without hesitation.

An undercurrent was going on nervously and orderly, and all murderous intentions quietly began to rush towards Gui Mingxing.

Whether it is the children of the Dayi clan who participated in the competition, or Xiao Tianlong and the others, they have already judged from many news that the Guiming star is the place that "Chen Xun" must pass through!

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