divine talisman

Chapter 1615 Meeting in a narrow road

Gui Mingxing.

This star is very different from others, its volume is extremely large, more than a thousand times that of other planets, from a distance, it looks like a scorching sun floating in the starry sky, extremely dazzling.

And if you want to reach the Zhuoling star in the deepest part of the Wuwu galaxy, you will inevitably have to pass through the Guiming star.


There was a wave of fluctuation in the void, and the figures of Chen Xi and Tie Yunping appeared.

"This place is really extraordinary. The turbid air of Abi has penetrated into every inch of the planet's soil, making the mountains, rivers, vegetation here extremely solid."

Chen Xi floated to the ground, grabbed a rock, exerted a little force with his five fingers, but failed to crush it, he couldn't help being slightly surprised.

"Senior..." Tie Yunping's body suddenly swayed, her face suddenly turned pale, and she was in a daze.

Chen Xi frowned, and suddenly sacrificed the Cangwu seedlings, setting up a clear light curtain, covering Tie Yunping.

In an instant, Tie Yunping seemed to be revived, and let out a long breath of foul air, but there was still a trace of panic between her brows.

"This is the invading power of Abi's turbid qi. Remember not to get distracted, lest it can take advantage of it and shake your foundation of the divine way." Chen Xi warned.

"It's scary." Tie Yunping felt lingering fear.

"You just need to stay by my side. From my point of view, from here on, the True God Dongwei is no longer able to set foot here. Perhaps this is the reason why there must be a team leader in the competition rules." Chen Xi said casually. , but his eyes are looking at the surrounding environment.

Because of the turbidity of Abi, the Guiming planet is barren and dead. Although it is daytime, it gives people a gloomy and terrifying feeling.

What made Chen Xi especially awe-inspiring was that on the ground, white bone remains could be seen from time to time, some of which were covered with broken and decayed bronze armor, and some were even so broken that it was impossible to tell whether they were the remains of ferocious beasts or the remains of gods.

The wind and sand blew past, and even many broken treasures could be seen, most of which were rotten, contaminated by the turbid air of Abi, and devoid of spirituality.

Apparently, in the endless years, many killings and battles have taken place on this Guiming planet, and many living beings have been buried.

Now, all of these are gone with the wind, turning into remains and debris all over the ground.

"It seems that the owners of these remains also came here in the past to seize the Abi Zhuo Sword, but unfortunately they were not successful, so they died here and turned into a piece of loess."

Chen Xi had heard that in the boundless years of the Snow and Ink Territory, many gods ventured here for the sake of the Abi Zhuo Sword, but unfortunately no one has been able to succeed so far.

Regarding this, Chen Xi didn't have much emotion. Since ancient times, there have been too many things like this.


However, just when Chen Xi was about to act, his brows frowned suddenly, his face became indifferent in an instant, and there was a faint murderous look in his eyes.

"Oh, I didn't expect them to be so impatient that they came to the door on their own initiative." Chen Xi sneered in his heart, and casually ordered Tie Yunping, "Stand still."

Tie Yunping was startled, a little perplexed.

But she understood in the next moment, because in the void far away, suddenly there was a wave of fluctuations, and one after another figure appeared.

The ones in the lead are Xuan Tuozi, Xiao Ruoruo, Xiao Tianlong, Lu Yan and others, there are more than twenty people.

Obviously, many of them must come from Lingzhen Taoism, and they are Xiao Ruoruo and Xuan Tuozi's fellow disciples.

"Junior Sister Tie, we finally met."

As soon as she saw Tie Yunping, an uncontrollable anger rose in Lu Yan's heart, and she sneered sharply. She couldn't accept that a humble and stupid female disciple from the outer sect could do this.

Tie Yunping's face changed slightly, not because of Lu Yan's sarcasm, but because she saw Xuan Tuozi!

This leading figure of the younger generation, who is well-known in the entire Xuemo Region, actually came in person, which made her feel a little worried.

Regarding this, Chen Xi smiled brightly, "It seems that you have already started to worry about what will happen to you if you are overtaken?"

What happened?

Naturally, he knelt down and apologized, abolishing the foundation of the divine way!

Xiao Tianlong, Lu Yan and the others could all hear the meaning of the words, and their faces sank.

"Chen Xun, at this point, you can still laugh, and you can be considered number one. However, from today onwards, I'm afraid you'll be a useless person." Xiao Ruoruo stood up, with a smile on her beautiful face. Proud, but also a touch of coldness.

"Oh?" Chen Xi glanced at the other party, and said, "You mean, I'm doomed to fail in the bet?"

"Of course." Xiao Ruoruo replied without hesitation, looking very confident.

"Well, since you're so confident, do you dare to make a bet with me now? The request is very simple. It's also an apology on your knees and abolishing your own foundation of the divine way. Do you dare?" Chen Xi raised his eyes and looked at her, with Calm.

"You..." Xiao Ruoruo's expression froze. He never expected that at this very moment, Chen Xi would actually make such a request.

"Joke! You are going to be eliminated soon, what qualifications do you have to ask my sister to bet against you?" Xiao Tianlong scolded from the side, his brows were full of disdain.

"So you don't dare?" Chen Xi laughed. "I knew it would be like this. Leaving aside your identities, you are nothing more than a bunch of idiots. You have no guts at all. It's really disappointing."

In a word, he scolded a group of people directly, making their faces look unkind.


"court death!"

Two disciples of Lingzhen Daoist Temple couldn't hold back, they rushed out suddenly, one was holding a dao sword, the other was holding a fly whisk, and ruthlessly charged at Chen Xi.


All of a sudden, the sky and the earth changed color, and the murderous intent spread loudly.

The sword energy soars to the sky, enveloping thousands of sword shadows, magnificent and brilliant, surging and rolling the laws of the divine way, the dust whisk is like a galaxy rewinding, and it is a vast expanse of whiteness.

The two kinds of attacks, chilling and fierce, came from the hands of the two Dongguang Lingshen realms of Lingzhen Taoist Temple, and their momentum was extremely terrifying.

It has to be said that these two are top-notch masters in this realm, and if they are not strong enough, they will definitely not be able to persist in this Star Hunting Conference until now.

Regarding this, Chen Xi stood still, and the smile on his face became brighter and brighter.

"It's just a bet, but it's really shameless to force you to resort to such indecent means of bullying the few."

Just when the attack was about to approach, Chen Xi suddenly moved, and with his fingers turned into a sword, he swept lightly.


A cold light suddenly appeared, and as soon as it appeared, the world fell silent, only a ray of sword chant resounded through the nine heavens and ten earths.

The first form of the Sword Emperor's Realm - Killing the Five Elements!Severely killing, everything is indestructible!


The incoming sword light and dust whisk shattered together, turning into rain of light that filled the sky.

Then, before the two Lingzhen Daoist disciples had time to dodge, they were swept by this unabated sword energy, one was cut open in the chest, and the other was cut off from the arm. scream.

Although he was not eliminated directly, he was seriously injured!

Everyone was shocked in their hearts, their pupils dilated, and they could hardly believe their own eyes.

All this happened too fast, in just a split second, so fast that before everyone could react, the two Dongguang Spiritual Gods had already suffered serious injuries!

"How could this happen!?" Lu Yan screamed in fright, her pretty face twisted into a ball.

This is really too frightening, they are two first-class hole light spirit gods, and they are from the top forces of Lingzhen Taoist temple. Can you accept it?

Not only Lu Yan, but the expressions of the others also changed.

They had already estimated that Chen Xi's strength was extraordinary, but they never expected that he would be so tyrannical.

Even Xuan Tuozi, who had been watching coldly, couldn't help being moved, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his expression became slightly dignified.

If it were him, even though he could do this step, he couldn't accept that a young man who came out of nowhere had the strength to be on par with himself.

"With this little ability, you dare to run out and act wildly. You really don't know how to live." Chen Xi shook his head, his words were full of sarcasm.

This made Xiao Ruoruo, Xiao Tianlong and the others startled and angry, and all looked at Xuan Tuozi on the side.

"Friend, I'm here to learn your methods, I hope you won't let me down!" At this moment, Xuan Tuozi stepped out suddenly.

He was wearing a Taoist robe, but he was using a murderous halberd. His eyes were like two divine moons, and a pair of mysterious Taoist symbols were branded on his pupils, which were extremely brilliant.

Click click!

As he stepped out, every inch of the void in this world was cracking, as if he couldn't bear the oppression of such divine power.

This scene really shocked many people present. It should be noted that this is not an ordinary place. The world is soaked in the turbid air of Abi, and it is extremely solid, comparable to a divine treasure.

And just the divine power released, it shattered the world, time and space, which is naturally appalling.

Immediately, Xiao Ruoruo, Xiao Tianlong and others all cheered up again, and saw endless hope and confidence from Xuan Tuozi.

At this moment, Chen Xi's eyes were also narrowed. There is no one worthy of fame, and the strength of this Xuan Tuozi should not be underestimated. At least he is much stronger than Jiubo and Mo Lichou he has encountered.


Without any nonsense, Xuan Tuozi swung his halberd, tearing apart the sky, with an ancient clumsy Dao rhyme and an invincible murderous aura, sweeping towards him all at once.


With one palm, Chen Xi shook the halberd away, and then his figure flashed, like a Kunpeng charging forward.


He punched out, as if he was madly exhilarating and rushing forward, with majestic momentum and great strength, as if he wanted to destroy the universe.

This is a brand-new fighting method that Chen Xi has only recently explored. With the Wuji Divine Talisman as the core, it is transformed into different divine powers, in order to achieve the most perfect match with his own Taoism.

Just like this fist, it contains the five elements of the divine way, the five elements are interrelated, and the cycle is endless, just like a sign of the perfection of the Dao, full of unstoppable and inescapable sense of terror and oppression.

Xuan Tuozi shrank his eyes and pupils, his awareness was strong, and the war halberd in his hand suddenly exploded with ten thousand dao lights, filled with mysterious dao patterns, and fought against it abruptly.


In an instant, the world roared, rocks pulverized, the ground sank, the shattered divine light spread, and there was chaos and turmoil, which made everyone around them startled and dodged one after another, fearing that it would be affected.


ps: I took the train this afternoon and got home at 2 am. When I go back and take a rest, the goldfish will devote myself to the codeword battle!

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